Christmas bonus.

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Here I made a Christmas bonus for all of you, it is nothing special really just the end of the story in Kishan’s perspective. (So it will probably be really, really short.) Anyway I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

The car ride to (your name)’s house was fairly quiet, with only Kelsey and Ren speaking occasionally. Growing irritated I pulled the Childs’ card.

“Are we there yet?” I huffed.

Kelsey froze and Ren tried stifling his laugh.

“We are nearly there about five minutes.” I laughed and looked out the window, time passed like a blur as the images did out the window.  When we arrived Ren and Kelsey hopped out of the car where as I stayed back for a bit. They knocked on the door and a lady opened it.

Ren and Kelsey stood there awkwardly as the mother quizzed them. Ren looked at me and smiled sheepishly. Stepping out of the car I walked towards the door.

“Kishan here is a friend of (your name)’s at college.” My eyes widened.

“I don’t remember her talking about a Kishan.” She looked as if she was reflecting on previous conversations. Suddenly an idea popped in her head.

“Unless you are here to confess your love for (your name).” She pulled a mother card.

I nearly growled at her, only to be elbowed by Ren.

“Yep that is the reason! He has had a crush on her for a long time and we decided it was time to do something about it.” Ren replied.

Crossing my arms I huffed and tried to ignore the stupid conversation.

‘All I want is to get my flower back.”

I heard two pairs of footsteps come towards us and just stand still. Snapping my head around, I looked at source of the sound. Everyone followed suite.

“Oh look there she is now!”

(Your name) was squatting in front of a little girl. She stood up and looked at her mother and us and began to run. Looking at her she was fairly fast, but I was faster. I grinned, ‘let the hunt begin.’

I ran after her hearing her mother ask if we were the F.B.I. chuckling I followed her. She turned a corner, I decided to cut her off by running around.  I stood still in the middle of the path, but she wasn’t looking at me she was looking off in the other direction. I silently stepped towards her and grabbed her shoulder’s and she started to struggle.

Tigers Curse: Kishan X Reader. Trapped in the zoo by magic. *ON HOLD.*Where stories live. Discover now