The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 3: Josh Branwen

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By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, and UzukiB. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

Seventy-Eight Years Later After Chapter 2*

Bill's POV*

I narrated, "It's said that the Earth was built on legends. Fairytales that help us make the judgment of things too great or too terrifying to understand. This is the legend of the Ghost Rider Family. The story goes that every generation has one. The spirit passes from parent to child. But the Rider is cursed to ride the Earth doing the Demon King Skaoi's work for him. Many years ago, a Rider was sent to an ancient temple to fetch a Relic worth anything. But that Relic was so powerful the Rider of the time knew he could never let the Skaoi get his hands on it. So he did what no Rider has ever done before: He outran Skaoi himself. The thing about legends is, they're true.

Young Josh Branwen's POV*

Dad and I did a jump through a ring of fire on our bikes.

We both landed safely and dad decided to chew me out as usual.

Dad said, "You're a hotshot, ain't you, Josh? Young, think you know everything there is to know. When you do things without thinking you ain't making the choice, the choice is making you.".

I said, "Yeah dad, I know.".

Dad said, "I, the great, Keanu Branwen didn't raise no fool of a son, Josh.".

I said, "And I, the great, Josh Branwen am no fool.".

Dad coughed up a little and asked, "You think Robyn's gonna stand by you when you're in a wheelchair? Huh, hotshot?".

I said, "I love you too, Dad." as we walked our bikes back to the garage.


Robyn and I met up and I carved our names into a lonely tree outside of Mistral.

I turned towards Robyn because she looked down.

I asked, "Hey. What's wrong, Robyn?". 

Robyn said, "I'm leaving, Josh.".

I asked, "What?". 

Robyn said, "My dad's sending me to live with my mom in Mantle.". 

I asked, "When?". 

Robyn said, "Soon.". 

I asked, "What about us, Robyn?". 

Robyn said, "He said you're a bad influence and not good enough for me. And you're just a phase. So, what are we gonna do, Josh?". 

I said, "We'll leave. We'll jump on the bike and just keep going.". 

Robyn asked, "But what about your dad?". 

I said, "He doesn't need me. He doesn't need anybody. Tomorrow, noon. We'll meet here.".

She nodded and we shared a romantic kiss before going our separate ways.

I went home and looked at our family album.

I saw me, dad, Aunt Raven, Uncle Qrow, my cousin Yang, and my baby cousin Ruby.

I smiled as I set the book aside and got some rest.

The Next Day*

I awoke to birds chirping.

Dad who looked a lot chippier then usual said, "Good morning, sleeping beauty. Now, come on, hotshot. I got a show to do. Now, get my bike ready. Don't wanna keep those people waiting.".

1 Life-Changing Accident Later*

Dad got hurt doing his stunt and I ran to his side.

I said, "Dad? Dad, it's all right, I'm here. I'm here, it's gonna be okay.". 

When his body went limp and his eyes blank, I sadly said, "Dad? Dad? Dad?!" and I sobbed over his body.

I heard an eery crackling nearby but not where it came from.

I sadly headed out and hopped on my bike and rode out of Mistral.

I got a little way and crashed and I blacked out.

Skaoi's POV*

I appeared before the dead Josh and said, "You're no good to me dead, boy.".

I tapped my cane on the ground and brought him back to life.

He got up and looked at me.

I said, "One day when I need you, I will come. Until then, I'll be watching." and I placed a hand on his shoulder activating the latent Xarthos within the boy.

Young Josh Branwen's POV*

The mysterious stranger disappeared and a voice in my head said, "Forget about friends, Forget about family. Forget about love. You're mine now, and we're gonna be together for a long time, Josh Branwen." and I fell to my knees.

A little later I rode to me and Robyn's meeting spot and found her standing there in the rain.

I looked at her but I didn't take her with me as I rode off.

10 Years Later*

Drap's POV*

I walked across this boring landscape until I found an establishment where I could meet the others.

It was a biker establishment of all things which means I'd have plenty of people to kill.

I walked up but one guy stopped me and said, "I think you might be lost, boy. Peacekeepers only in there.". 

I looked at him and asked, "Peacekeepers. Really?". 

He said, "Yeah, really. Do you got a problem with that?". 

I said, "As a matter of fact, I do." and I put a hand on his shoulder and drained his very life energy from him to power myself further.

I then entered the building.

15 Minutes Later*

Everyone in this establishment had their life energy drained by me.

Fjall manifested through stone and I said, "Hello Fjall.".

He asked, "Why are you here?".

Futhark manifested through the water and I said, "Futhark.".

Futhark asked, "And what do you want from us?".

I said, "I've come for one of the ancient Relics. Legend has it that one of the Relics was stolen and hidden in a necropolis not far from here. And now you're gonna help me find it.". 

Kari blew on in and I said, "Kari.".

He asked, "And when we find it, then what?". 

I said, "Then we'll take this dimension, one country at a time.".

I heard my father say, "Drap.".

I walked outside and saw my father Skaoi just standing there waiting for me.

When we stood face-to-face I chuckled a little.

Father asked, "What the hell are you doing here?".

I said, "It's my time now, old man.".

Father said, "Your time will come, but not yet. Not while Earth's Sorcerer Supreme still guards it. It's only by her graces you haven't already been killed, now we're leaving. Come with me Drap or I'll make you.".

I said, "We both know you can't harm me here.".

Father said, "I may not have power over you in this dimension, but my Rider does.".

I asked, "Your Ghost Rider Bloodline? Your favorite creation? The power of underworld flames wasted on pathetic mortals. If you had trusted me. If you had given me what was rightfully mine.".

Father said, "It's all gonna be mine, until the end of days.".

I said, "Go ahead. Send your pathetic Rider. I'll bury both of you. Father." and he evaporated into dust disappearing.

The Next Day*

Elsewhere In Mantle*

Josh Branwen's POV*

I was getting ready for one of my biggest jumps ever.

I headed through the crowd of reporters and my manager said, "All right, we're up here on the right.". 

A reporter got close and asked, "Mr. Branwen. Amy Page, Atlas publicity. Do you have time for a quick interview?". 

My manager said, "I don't know how long you been doing your job, but Josh Branwen doesn't do interviews.". 

I heard a familiar voice ask, "Not even for an old friend?". 

I turned and saw, Robyn Hill, Council Woman on the Atlas Council, and my childhood sweetheart.

She said, "Hi.".

I smirked and said, "I'll do it.".

A few minutes later, her cameraman said, "Okay, and ready in five, four, three, two...". 

Robyn said, "This is Robyn Hill here with Josh Branwen, Josh thank you for talking to us before your big jump. No one has ever attempted such a distance before five hundred feet one side of the new mall to the other side. What's going through your mind right now?".

I said, "Um, just how I'm gonna make it without striking a pose.".

Roby asked, "Johnny, what drives somebody to risk their life for entertainment?". 

I said, "Because it's fun.".

Robyn asked, "Most of the time the people focus on the crashes, the broken anything, the costs of what you do. Are there any other costs?".

I took a minute to think about it and said, "Uh, yeah.".

Robyn said, "Thank you for this revealing peek into the life of Josh Branwen for the people.".

I said, "Happy to help out a Council Woman.".

Her cameraman said, "And we're out." and I watched as she walked away.

My manager walked over and asked, "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you two had some kind of history.".

I nodded and got ready for the jump. 

I revved my bike up and made the jump.

Everything felt like it was in slow-mo and my only thought was talking to Robyn again.

After I made it I rode outside and sped up and caught up with Robyn's car and on her side of the car.

I said, "I made it! Pull over!". 

She didn't listen and instead made me talk to the hand in a playful sort of way.

I said, "Come on, Robyn, I need to talk to you." and she continued telling me to talk to the hand. 

I pulled up to the other side and asked, "What's your name?". 

He said, "Flynt.".

I asked, "Well, Flynt, can you help me out here?". 

Flynt said, "Sorry, dude. She's the boss.".

I nodded and an idea came to mind.

I said, "All right, I guess I see how it's gonna be. Hang on!".

I pulled ahead a little and stopped right in front of their car.

They stopped about 6 inches away from me.

I got off my bike and said, "Howdy. Howdy, howdy, howdy." as Robyn got out of the car.

Robyn asked, "Are you trying to kill yourself?". 

I said, "I wanna talk to you. I haven't seen you in 69,000 years.".

Robyn said, "This is crazy, and you're crazy. I don't have time for this, I have to get this story to my journalist friends to edit.".

I said, "You could have said no. When they asked you to interview me, you could have said no.".

Robyn asked, "What are you trying to say?".

I said, "Well, I'm not trying to say anything. I'm saying that means something.". 

Robyn said, "We are on the side of the freeway.". 

I said, "Let's get some dinner. You still like steaks?". 

Robyn asked, "What's this about, Josh? Do you want some closure? Look, you were 15 and you witnessed a life-altering tragedy and you ran from everything. I understand and I have no hard feelings, none." and I pulled her in for a kiss.

Robyn pushed me away and we shared a look.

I asked, "Too much?".

Robyn said, "There's a restaurant near where I live. Eight o'clock. Don't be late.".

I threw my hands up and chanted, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" as she drove off.

Later At Night*

Drap's POV*

I walked through the streets of this city they call, Mantle.

All the dim lights were lit up and I looked over and saw the Sorcerer Supreme herself.

I said, "Ash... I knew you'd come.".

Ash said, "Long time no see, boys. Where you been hiding?" as the others stood behind me.

Ash walked closer and said, "I know why you're here. I know what you're after. It's one of humanity's sacred Relics. It doesn't belong in the hands of beings like you or your father.".

I said, "We both know you won't harm me here.".

Ash said, "It's not that I won't, it's that your father wishes to handle this with his Rider, and I happen to agree with him. And I'm sure you'll suffer for this insult within the week.".

She looked off as the breeze was coming in.

Ash looked back at me and said, "But today the winds of fate have kicked up a strange vortex of coincidence, now, you should be off to deal with the Rider." and she stepped forward disappearing.


Josh Branwen's POV*

I said, "You deserve a second chance. She's a sign.".

I heard a sizzling sound before I heard a man eerily say, "Josh." and I turned and saw my father and I's pet project bike gone.

I headed downstairs and found my bike revving itself on its own.

I heard an eerily chuckling before I looked over and saw the man from 10 years ago standing before me.

He said, "Hello, Josh.".

I said, "Stay the hell away from me.".

He said, "A little late for that. Nice bike. Yeah.".

I asked, "Why are you here?". 

He said, "Oh, I've always been here, Josh. All along.". 

I said, "It was you. Keeping me alive after my accidents.". 

He said, "No. No, Josh. It's all you. You're the best after all. And I'm your greatest number one fan. The posters, the video games the crowds screaming. It makes me so proud. It's like watching an investment that keeps growing and growing until the day you decide to cash it in. That day is today, Josh. Find the one known as Drap and destroy him.". 

I said, "Find him yourself." as I took a seat on my bike but my hands were stuck. 

He said, "It doesn't work like that. You're under orders, remember? If you succeed I'll return your happiness to you.". 

I groaned and said, "Yeah, I'm not doing it.". 

He said, "You don't have any choice." and I took off at high speeds on my bike leaving behind a trail of yellow flames behind me.


Drap's POV*

The cemetery was gone and this conductor or whatever said, "Saint Lionheart's Church. They're in charge of the whole thing. Look, you really shouldn't be here.". 

I said, "That's what they keep telling me." before I absorbed all his life force away from him.

Josh Branwen's POV*

I was flung off my bike and I got up feeling a burning feeling on my insides.

A voice said, "Relax Josh. I'll take it from here. The first times always the worst.".

My eyes started steeming and it was extremely painful as I got up and I was leaving behind fiery footprints.

I screamed in pain as my skin started to burn off.

My eyes were set on fire and as my fingers burned down to the bone I started laughing in agony until I was fully gone.

Xarthos's POV*

After Josh fully transformed into me, I roared out as I noticed Drap approaching, chuckling, and clapping.

He stopped and asked, "Looking for someone?".

I said, "Back to the underworld, junior.".

He asked, "We're not gonna have a significant talk now, are we?".

I said, "We can as I beat you to death.".

He said, "I don't think so." as the air demon Kari tried tackling me but I grabbed a nearby chain and ignited it on fire.

I tried to hit him with it but it did nothing.

I approached Drap but the water demon Futhark stopped me and I was hit by a Bullhead.

This asshole who hit me got out of the airship and said, "He ain't so tough after all.".

I easily swept the damage off and walked over and swung my chain around him burning him to ash within a matter of seconds but the others including Drap ran away.

I whistled and my ride came over changing itself and morphing into true underworld brilliance.

I hopped on it and rode off.

A Few Hours Later*

I arrived at old Bill's cemetery where I knew the kid could be looked after as I began to turn back because of the sun.

Josh Branwen's POV*

I screamed in agony as my sky grew back and I hit the ground exhausted.

I crawled over weakly until I was in front of my father's gravestone.

A shovel nearly hit me and I looked up to see an old man.

He said, "Good morning there, bonehead junior." and I passed out.


I woke up and the old man told me last night did happen and that it was no dream and that it will happen again.

I asked, "Who are you, old man?".

He said, "Names Bill. Now, the question is, who are you, junior? Seems you're the newest Rider of your bloodline.".

I groaned and he said, "Get used to it kid. It'll be a lot easier that way.".

I grabbed my bike and began rolling it out of this cemetery.

Bill said, "They already saw you. They've seen you now. They'll be waiting for you. You'll need my help, you expect to last the night tonight. This ain't something you can run from, kid. This day has been coming since you were born." and before I left I stopped and turned to him.

Bill said, "Congratulations. Your chances just went from none to slim.".

Bill invited me inside to treat my injuries.

Bill said, "The spirit inside you is named, Xarthos. He's Skaoi's bounty hunter. Sent to hunt down anyone that escapes from the underworld. The arrangement that exists between you and Xarthos is, during the day you'll be normal. But at night in the proximity of evil, Xarthos takes over. And remember this important detail, The Penance Stare. It's the Ghost Rider's greatest weapon. It sears the souls of evil and wicked people. All the Riders have it.". 

I asked, "Have there been others with my Xarthos problem?". 

Bill said, "Your entire bloodline is born Riders. It passes from parent to their oldest child and then on. Last true rider was seen 70 years ago.".

I asked, "What's this got to do with, Drap.".

Bill asked, "Drap? He sent you after Drap?". 

I said, "And others.". 

Bill said, "The Unseen. Lost elemental beings. They hide within the elements waiting for the end of days. You better hang around here, kid. They can't come onto sacred ground.". 

I got up and said, "Thanks. And thanks for the info. I feel much better now that I know I'm basically the greatest evil known on earth's bounty hunter." and I left to go see Robyn.

Bill's POV*

I watched the kid leave on his bike and I heard Ash say, "He's just like his grandfather was at that age.".

I said, "That man was foolish.".

Ash said, "Foolish but brave and courageous enough to run away from Skaoi himself.".

I asked, "Is there a purpose for why you're here?".

Ash said, "I need to make sure the Relics safe. I know they can't come on this sacred ground due to my warding spells but are you sure the kid won't try something daring?".

I said, "If he does, I'll help him out.".

Ash nodded and said, "Adios then, Bill." and she disappeared.


Josh Branwen's POV*

I walked around the partially destroyed Mantle and saw Robyn helping people.

I tried to talk to her and she said, "Don't. Last night was inexcusable. No apologies. See, you did me a favor last night because you made me think of when you left, and yeah, it hurt. But you know what? I got over it and I went to learn all I can, I got a great job, and I became Council Woman here in Mantle. But you, Josh you're just the same. Oh, better paid, more fans but you know what, my dad was right. You were just a phase." and she left.

I said, "That went well.".


I tried scaring myself in the mirror but it didn't work.

After I was done I went to my library and did some reading.

I found out these Unseen punks are actually Nephilims descending into their elements of Earth, Wind, and Water.

I said, "End of days, huh?".

I flipped through a few pages and found this interesting bit.

I read, "The host of Xarthos can gain control through concentration on and manipulation of the fire that exists within man.".

I set the book down and stood up.

I calmly said, "Give me control over Xarthos.".

Xarthos said, "Your wish is my command, boy." and a yellow fire was summoned to my hand.

I threw it at some candles when I saw Robyn enter my apartment through the lift.

She said, "Hi. Hey, I hope you don't mind. Your lift was open. I came to apologize. I heard you were leaving town tonight for a while and I didn't want what I said today to be the last words between us.". 

I said, "That's okay.". 

She said, "No, it's not. It was cruel and totally wrong. And I feel really lousy about it.".

I said, "No, it's okay.".

We shared some reminiscent memories of a past long forgotten.

After we exchanged some words I said, "When I get back. Do you think we can try again?".

Robyn smiled and said, "I would like that.".

I pulled her in for a kiss and when we separated I said, "I better walk you to your car." and I escorted her downstairs and to her car and I said, "I'll see you later Robyn.".

She said, "I'll see you later too, Josh." and she drove off.

The minute she turned the corner, the Atlas military boys surrounded me.

They got out of their military trucks and said, "Hands where we can see them! Right over your head.".

I turned to the guy who said, "Josh Branwen.".

I said, "Yeah.".

He said, "Clover Ebi. This is Harriet. You're coming with us.".

I said, "Okay.".

A Little Bit Later*

I was brought to the Mantle/Atlas Military headquarters and put in an interrogation room for questioning.

Clover said, "Let's run through this all again.".

Harriet pointed at a decomposed body and angrily said, "You know him? Do you remember him? This guy was two days away from retirement never harmed anybody. In fact, neither did most of the corpses turning up since you came home, you sick twisted son of a bitch.".

I said, "I didn't kill anyone.".

Harriet angrily said, "Bullshit.".

Clover said, "Okay Harriet, let's take a breather." and I was dragged downstairs and thrown into one of the cells with a bunch of criminals.

I started to feel unwell and I said, "Please, get me out of here!" as I was pulled over and was getting beaten up but there was this kid nearby trying to help me.

I finally lost control and transformed.

Xarthos's POV*

I roared pushing all of these criminals away from me with ease.

I cracked my fingers as I turned towards the head honcho.

I walked over to him and he whimpered in fear as I grabbed him and picked him up.

I looked over and saw Josh's jacket torn.

I looked at his jacket and said, "Nice jacket.".

He squealed as I took his jacket.

I put the jacket on and said, "Very nice." and the spikes around it extended a little to be spikier.

I looked at the kid who tried to help Josh and said, "Your innocent kid." and he passed out.

I turned to the cell bars and waved my hand in front of them burning it all away before walking out.

I walked out of the building and my bike rode up.

I got on and started cackling as I rode off.

Elsewhere In Saint Lionhearts Church*

Drap's POV*

I lit a few dozen candles waiting for the priest and when he entered I said, "Forgive me, Father Priest, for I have sinned. I've sinned a lot, actually.".

I got up and started walking over to him.

I asked, "Where's the Relic?". 

He said, "I don't know what you are talking about.". 

I said, "Don't lie to me! You've been protecting it all these years, sworn to secrecy.". 

He said, "Sworn to keep it from the likes of you!".

I darkened the back of the church behind me and said, "There's an old saying: Raise no more demons than you can slay. My father created and raised one too many I'm afraid." and I darkened the entire church before charging at him.

Elsewhere In Mantle*

Xarthos's POV*

The government was chasing me.

I parked on top of a bridge.

After concluding the most badass way out, I took it.

I jumped the bike into the water.

I raised up in the water and flipped off the government laughing as I rode off through the water.

Outside Of Saint Lionheart's Church*

Drap's POV*

I walked out of the church and was joined by the others.

I heard the motorcycle revving of the Rider nearby.

Futhark said, "He's coming for us.".

I said, "Not for long. Kari. You know exactly what to do." and he took off like the wind.

Xarthos's POV*

I stopped my bike when I heard Kari the air demon say, "Rider.".

He hit me off of my bike and into a car then flew away laughing.

I got up and roared before he fled.

I hopped on my bike and started chasing after him.

I rode to the top of a building and heard Kari laughing.

An airship arrived before me and I got off of my bike and threw my chain at it wrapping around it.

I began to pull it closer and closer and I said, "Come here!".

The pilot said, "No!".

I said, "You're pissing me off.".

He nodded and I lightly flung the ship away.

I turned and Kari appeared before me.

He said, "You should've joined us. Soon we will have the Relic and then you'll be nothing more than a footnote to us and to the new history of the new underworld.".

I used my chain to catch him in a fiery vortex of flames and he became nothing more than dust in the wind.

I rode down the building and landed just in front of the government.

They pulled their guns on me but soon something came over me as a woman with white hair was nearby.

My flames became blue temporarily before I was shot at by the government and in retaliation, I used a small Fire Tsunami to push them out of my way and I rode off.

Drap's POV*

I looked down at the white-haired woman and said, "Now we know his weakness.".

The Next Day*

Josh Branwen's POV*

I rode to Bill's Cemetery and I said, "They know who I am.".

Bill asked, "Who's that?".

I said, "Everyone.". 

I then asked, "What's really going on?".

Bill brought me to a gravestone with the first name marked out but the last name was Branwen.

Bill said, "Branwen. Legend has it he was a hero during The Great War. Man of honor. But he got greedy. He found himself locked up, waiting on his punishment. Ended up a Rider when a stranger came to him.". 

I asked, "What's he gotta do with this?". 

Bill said, "Branwen was sent to an ancient temple to fetch one of the four Relics worth anything and everything. But that Relic was so powerful Branwen knew he could never let the Skaoi get his hands on it. Some people say he was buried with it.". 

I asked, "Was he?". 

I said, "I don't know. What I do know is that Drap is coming, and he'll do anything to get it. That's why it's important for you to stay away from anybody he can use against you because he will.".

I said, "Robyn." and I headed all the way back and to my apartment.

I said, "Robyn?".

I found her on the ground panting.

She pointed and I was tackled up against a wall by Drap.

I activated Xarthos on command.

Xarthos's POV*

I pinned Drap against the wall and he grabbed me by the throat before I could use the Penance Stare on him.

Drap said, "He sent you to bring me back. I'm not going back. I like it here. They think you're better than me? I don't know who's more pathetic, you or them." and he choke slammed me back into Josh.

Josh Branwen's POV*

Drap said, "Now, listen to me. And try to get it through that thick head of yours. You don't work for my father anymore. You work for me. Get the Relic from the groundskeeper. Bring it to me in the ancient temple and maybe I'll spare your girl's life. And don't you dare keep me waiting." and I passed out.

A Little Later*

I rode up to Bill's Cemetery and got off my bike and walked over to him.

Bill said, "Figured you'd be back.". 

I asked, "Where's the contract? I can't end this without it.". 

He didn't answer me and I said, "Fine, I'm just gonna have to dig this whole place up.". 

Bill stood up and said, "It's not there, kid.". 

I looked at him and he pulled a lamp out of his coat.

Bill said, "The Lamp of Knowledge.". 

I said, "Now, you're gonna have to trust me on this one.". 

Bill asked, "And why should I do that?". 

I said, "Xarthos and I may be under Skaoi's control, but he doesn't have our spirit.". 

Bill nodded and said, "You may actually have the power to change the world. That old temple's about 1000 miles from here. We better get moving.". 

He walked off and I asked, "We?". 

Bill whistled and this hotrod car rolled on over.

Bill said, "I got one last ride left in me.".

As he took a seat in the hotrod and put his cowboy hat on.

He tilted the hat and he became a Rider.

I smiled and said, "Grandpa Bill Branwen." and he nodded.

I asked, "Can you keep up, old man?" and the hotrod transformed into a badass hotrod for the history books. 

I got on my bike and said, "Let's ride." as I transformed into Xarthos.

We rode one thousand miles side by side until we reach our destination.

Grandpa said, "Stick to the shadows." and he reversed in his car.

I looked at him turning back to normal.

Grandpa said, "This is the end for me. I got nothing left. I could only change one more time, and I was saving it for this. God knows I've made my share of mistakes. Been trying to make things right ever since. Thanks, Josh." as he rode off disappearing.

I rode down and along my way killed the water demon Futhark before riding my bike into the temple.

I pulled up right in front of Drap and Robyn.

I pulled the Lamp off of my hip and said, "Let her go first.".

And he tossed her aside.

I walked up to him and handed him the Lamp but I didn't let it go.

I transformed into Xarthos and beat him senseless until he beat me senseless and took the Lamp.

Drap's POV*

I held the Lamp up and said, "As all knowledge is part of humanity. I call forth all of the evil souls of humanity, to me. Now all of you, come to me!" and the Lamp's infinite knowledge activated as all evil souls of the past started coming to me and entering my body.

Josh Branwen's POV*

Robyn ran to my side helping me up.

I looked over at Drap who was emanating darkness.

Drap's echoey voice said, "My name is The Horde. For we are, many.".

I said, "Robyn, go. I gotta get him to the shadows and end this.". 

Robyn asked, "Why? Why you?". 

I said, "It's been me since the day I was born. I'm the only one who can walk in both worlds. I am Ghost Rider.".

I said, "Run!" as I shot The Horde only for it not to work.

I mentally said, "Xarthos. In the sense of control. I'm taking all of your power for mine.".

Xarthos said, "The hell you are." and I bound him in chains locking him deep within my mind.

Xarthos angrily said, "You can't keep me like this forever Josh. Even if we are connected, I'll be back one day.".

I mentally said, "I know. But that'll be after I'm dead and can't stop you.".

The Horde pushed me into the nearby abandoned part of the temple with equal amounts of shadow and sunlight.

The Horde walked over and picked me up by my throat.

The Horde said, "All of your dimension, all of your people, will belong to me now.".

Robyn came in and shot him off and away from me with her weapons.

After she ran out I charged up a blue fireball and chucked it at him destroying his body.

The Horde reformed after a few moments and I asked, "How does it feel to have all that evil inside of you?".

I walked into the shadows becoming the blue flamed Ghost Rider and I said, "All that power. All their evil souls." and I pinned him up against the wall.

I said, "Billions of souls to burn. Look into my eyes. Your evil souls are stained by blood. Feel their pain.".

The Horde softly said, "No." before screaming, "NOOOOOO! NOOOOO!" and I activated the Penance Stare on him and all the evil acts he's done as well as all the evil acts his evil souls did take effect on him.

After it was done, I tossed his lifeless body aside.

I turned back to normal and Robyn walked over.

There was a silence between us before we shared a passionate kiss.

After that was done, I picked up The Lamp and placed it on a pedestal nearby thinking it would be safer here than anywhere else.

Before we walked out, Skaoi appeared and said, "Congratulations, Josh. You did as I asked. It's time I take The Lamp. You get your life back. The love you've always wanted. You can start a family of your own. There are more Relics to be taken. More people willing to my bidding. Let someone else get the other Relics. You're free now after all. Now, just hand me the Lamp.".

I looked at Robyn before looking back at him and saying, "No. I'm gonna own this power and use it to continue the wishes of my grandfather and keep it and all other Relics away from you. And as for Xarthos's power, I'm gonna use it against you. And whenever innocent blood is spilled, it'll be my father and grandfather's blood and you'll find me there. The Branwen Spirit of Vengeance.". 

Skaoi said, "I will make you pay for this.". 

I said, "You can't live in fear.". 

He angrily shouted, "No!" before disappearing in a cloud of smoke along with Drap's body.

Robyn and I left to go on our own way.

Skaoi's POV*

I walked through the temple until I found the pedestal where Josh put the Lamp of Knowledge.

I was about to grab it when a familiar voice say, "Hello, Skaoi.".

I slowly turned and saw Ash, The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.

I said, "Long time, Ash.".

Ash said, "Yeah. long time. So whatcha doing here?".

I said, "Collecting what's mine.".

Ash asked, "You know you can't take it unless someone freely hands it over to you, right?".

I sighed in frustration and said, "I'm aware.".

Ash said, "Besides, you appearing in astral form now is a definite no go.".

I asked, "Why?".

Ash said, "I let you appear on Earth only when you have a job for your Rider, and since the powers under new management, you have no business being here. Another reason I've let you appeared over the past few days is that I was letting you and the Rider handle your son and since that business is concluded, you can leave Earth now and never come back since you have nothing to come here for since your Rider freed himself and became a true Rider.".

I said, "I will be back someday. At the end of days to finish you.".

Ash said, "Can't wait." and I disappeared back to my dimension.

Ash Fall's POV*

I walked over to the Lamp of Knowledge and put a few Sigils around it in order to prevent anyone who's unworthy from taking it.

After that was done I began walking out of the temple.

I smiled and said, "And the age of heroes was born again." as I left.

A Few Days Later*

In Atlas*

Josh Branwen's POV*

I was cleared of all of my crimes because of someone's testimony on my behalf.

Robyn and I moved into the city of Atlas and began dating again.

I smiled looking up to the future.

I remember a time when Dad told me about how Atlas used to be a floating city and how it's not anymore.

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