Kirby x Meta Knight - human...

By wiccawiccawoo69

16.2K 251 574

Have you been looking for a story that follows the love story of human Meta Knight and girl Kirby? Well your... More

A New Warrior
Monster at the Castle
Lavender scented candles
End of the Line Bitch
Its About Time
Virtually Nonexistent
Protect Her
"iT's buRnIN' eVerYthInG!"
Around the 15th
'Heaven help the fool who falls in love'
Saturdays are for the boys
Delaney has entered the chat
Kracko part 1
Kracko part 2
Halloween Special
Authors note


768 11 24
By wiccawiccawoo69

Hey this is me re reading all my chapters and I would like to point out this is the worst one so yea it's a dumb filler kinda. Overall NOT proud of this chapter but read it still bc it's kinda important for the next one
Ay yo don't read this I'm re doing it!  12/11
Sure you've seen my long explanation about how I re did the beginning ones and these r TRASH and I'm fixing them during Christmas break! Which is now ok

Kirby and Meta woke up at around 9am. Meta was glad he told Kirby about his struggles, he really felt like her could trust her. Kirby was happy Meta told her, especially since it was a serious topic for him to share and she felt they were becoming closer.
Kirbys thoughts: wait I technically just slept with him, hmm

Kirby: "so like where am I going to live?"

Meta: "I mean you can stay with me.....if you want"

Kirby: "Really? I can?"

Meta: "I'm good with it, are you?"

Kirby: "yeah, yay :)"


Meta: "a LOT has happened in two days"

Kirby: "it's been an interesting two days"

Meta: "I liked those two days"

Kirby: "me too :)"

Meta and Kirby get out of bed. Kirby is realizing she's been in the same cloths for over two days, if she's going to stay in dream land she needs to get situated. Meta gets ready and since Kirby has nothing to get ready for she goes to Tiffs house.
Kirby knocks on the door, Tuff answers

Kirby: "Hi Tuff, can I talk to Tiff"

Tuff: "Sure Kirby come in"

Kirby walks in. She sees Lady Like making breakfast and Sir Ebrum reading a newspaper.

Lady Like: "Hello dear, would you like some breakfast?"

Kirby: "no thanks I already ate"
Kirby thoughts: I'm secretly starving I just don't want them to go through any trouble (me at my friends house)

Tiff walks out of her room.

Tiff: "Kirby! I need to talk to you, come here"

Kirby follows Tiff into her room.

Tiff: "so, how are things"

Kirby: "haha good, I have found a place to live"

Tiff: "what, where?"

Kirby: "welll, Meta said I could stay with him if I wanted too and obviously I did so I guess I live with him now"

Tiff: "wow that was quick, I'm very surprised Meta always keeps to himself and is known for being quite, he took a liking to you very fast"

Kirby: "that's good to know, so I came here to ask if we could go to cappy town, I need to get stuff from the store"

Tiff: "yeah we can go"

Kirby: "um I don't have money..."

Tiff: "oh Kirby they love you, they won't make you pay...but I have money"

Kirby: "I hope your right"

Kirby and Tiff walk into cappy town. Everyone they pass thanks Kirby for getting rid of the monsters. They are very grateful. Kirby and Tiff go into the only store in cappy town.

Tiff: "so what do you need?"

Kirby: "basic necessities, toothbrush, tampons, cond- I mean hair brush.....and stuff like that"

Tiff: "where you about to say-"

Kirby interrupting Tiff: "no"

Tiff: "mmhm"

Kirbys thoughts: heh....

After gathering all the basic necessities Kirby must work her charm. (Tuggle owns the store like in the anime)

Tiff: "hey Tuggle"

Tuggle: "hi there Tiff, and oh wow Kirby thank you for saving us from those monsters"

Kirby: "anytime :), your in luck, I've decided to stay here in cappy town, incase there's anymore monsters. And since I'm staying, as you can see, I needed some things-"

Tuggle: "don't worry about it, it's on the house. Anything for our town hero"

Kirbys thoughts: that was easier than I thought

Kirby: "oh no I can't accept that":)

Tuggle: "no no I insist"

Kirby: "well if you insists :)"

Tiff: "bye Tuggle"

Tiff and Kirby left the store.

Kirby: "that went well"

Tiff: "told you, the town's obsessed with you"

Tiff and Kirby walk back to the castle but oh no they run into King D and Eacargoon.

King D: "why lookie here, if it ain't everyone's precious star warrior"

Escargoon: "I think you'll be happy to find out the king threw your knight boyfriend in the dungeon for treason"

Kirby: "you did WHAT!"

**40 minutes earlier**

Meta left his room to go "guard" the castle, though all he ever does is goof around with Sword and Blade or read. But this day as he was walking to his post king D yelled for him.
Metas thoughts: oh shit this can't be good

King D: "we here are locking you up for treason!"

Escargoon: "why do you look so surprised, we watched you lock lips with the enemy"

Meta: "so your going to throw me in the dungeon?"

King D: "We gave you orders to kill Kirby and you did the opposite, by going against my orders and affiliating with Kirby we here by lock you up for treason!"

Meta: "....ok"
Metas thoughts: there's no point in fighting this. I know I won't be in there for long so...

King D: "guards! Take Meta to the dungeon"

The waddle dees accompany Meta down to the dungeon of the castle. Meta now waits in the dungeon.

**back to Kirby**

Kirby: "you did WHAT!"

Escargoon: "you outta be ashamed of yourself. Meta knights loyalty has been tainted by you. You've got him distracted of his one job"

Kirby: "distracted?"

King D: "ever since you've got here you've been nothing but trouble"

Tiff: "Your the one causing trouble by ordering those monsters!"

King D: "I didn't order nothing!"

Escargoon: "I say we lock these two in the dungeon too"

King D: "why that's a great idea, GUARDS!"

The waddle dees go to take Kirby and Tiff to the dungeon.

Tiff: "NO stop put me down!" She says as the guards try to force her to the dungeon

Kirby: "this is stupid"

The waddle dees eventually get Tiff and Kirby to the dungeon. Meta is still there waiting.

Meta: "Tiff, Kirby, Nice of you to join me"

Tiff: "I didn't think the waddle dees where so strong"

Kirby: "they ripped my grocery bag >:("

Tiff: "so how are we going to get out?"

Meta: "don't worry we have an easy way out" Meta then takes out his sword. He hits the cell bars. The bar breaks they are free.  it's  that easy. (Wow that was anticlimactic and a waste of time, writing and your patience for my boring story I apologize)

Tiff: "why didn't you do that earlier?"

Meta: "just incase you'd be out in here too and you needed a way out"

Kirby: "good thing, let's go"

As they head for the stairs leading out the dungeon two waddle dees block them.

Meta: "I don't want to deal with this" he pulls out his sword and points to the waddle dees

They instantly  run out the way

Kirby: "wow those are some good guards" she says sarcastically

Meta: "those are waddle dees, basically the kings minions, they don't do much but hold spears, cook and clean. I've never heard them talk"

Kirby: "strange"

Tiff, Meta and Kirby walk up the stairs out of the dungeon. Woot woot they are free. But as they are walking down the castle halls they hear D talking to nightmare enterprises (NmE) salesmen. They decide to listen to the conversation.

Salesman: "Triple D we got the perfect monster to help you get rid of Kirby"

King D: "great I want it now"

Escargoon: "Sire shouldn't we make sure this monsters strong enough this time, you'd hate to waste more money"

King D: "I don't care I want this monster now! I'll take it!"

Salesman: "you won't regret this triple D, this monsters going to burn Kirby to a crisp"

King D: *laughs in evil*

Kirby: "oh great another monster"

Meta: "they said it would burn you so I'm guessing it has something to do with fire"

Kirby: "yay can't wait to turn crispy"

They hear the zip zap of the monster teleportation machine in the throne room. The monster has arrived.

King D: "now go attack Kirby!"

The monster makes a horribly loud screech noise and blows a fire ball out the door. It runs over to where Kirbys at. And there Meta is face time face with one of his monster nemesis, wolf wrath.  (Yep this next chapters gonna be all about ep 26 hour of wolfwarth watch it, it's definitely one of the better episodes)

Thanks for reading this chapter was overall very dumb and boring sorry, the next one will be interesting. There was zero point in going to a store or being locked in a dungeon lol I didn't know what to put and I needed a way for things to plan out

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