the missing queen

Por pinkeynpie

110 6 2

kk themed with a few alterations to the story but theres this girl that both yata and fushimi fall for name... Más

Untitled Part 1
A place to rest your head
who are u really?


3 0 0
Por pinkeynpie

I wake up the next morning still feeling giddy at holding yatas hand it just felt so right i pull my hand out from under my pillow and look at the stars that are still on my palm "the violet constellation uh" i smile and then jump out of bed. After a shower i decided i to head out i think ive punished ko long enough. After heading across town i stand on the roof of a building i take out my old cell and turn it on and call him he answers on the first ring "violet!?" I smile to myself "hey ko""where are you?" I sigh "in the city but iam not going to tell where iam still mad at you for trying! To lock me up in the house" i take a seat on the ledge of the building and swing my legs "i did it to protect you if.." I cut him off "i dont care and it dosent fucking matter anymore" he's quite for a few min and then i hear him sigh "fine ur right it dosent matter just tell me are u safe and are u taking care of urself ive been worried" i roll my eyes "yea iam doing fine and yes iam taking care of myself u have nothing to worry about ok" "but u know i will" "haha yea i know worry wort" i hear him laugh and i cant help but miss him. We talk alittle long and after i promise ill call him later in the week i turn off my phone i sigh and stand up a cold gust of wind blows past me and i shiver "well violet its nice to finally meet u in person" i stiffin up at the voice and then quickly turn around and see the blue king standing before me i scan the rest of the roof but dont see any others (fuck stupid move idiot saruhiko probley was montering my phone i todally forgot that he had this number) after mentally beat myself up i put a smile on my face "id say the feelings mutual but then id be lying" he grins and takes a step forward i go move back but when my foot touches nothing i remember iam at the edge (dammit) "i would like to talk to you that is all" he holds up his hands "fine then talk" i cross my arms "i would like to extend a invitation to come and join specter 4" i cant help but roll my eyes "no thanks i dont feel like being locked up again" he takes another step "i promise you thats not my intention" "psshhh horse shit u think i dont know! I know exactly why my father kept me so close and why i was never aloud to leave!! Iam not fucking stupid" my hands drop to my sides and curl into fist "very well then" he then turns and walks away i stand still a wait i dont trust him.

After he disappears and 10min pass i start to relax "bullshit" i spit on the ground and take off runing across the roof i jump and land on the next one and keep on moving i come to a halting stop when i sence it i try and dodge but only barely make it the blade rips threw my jacket i skid to a stop and see my attacker my eyes widen as i see whos standing before me "yukari" he flips his hair smiles smugly at me "well well little one its nice to see u again" i step backwards "fuck off u traitor!" He opens his arms up "is that how u greet an old friend i know ur father taught u bett.." I cut him off "shut up!" I yell and then charge foward i throw punches and kicks but he dodges them in my rage i dont think i just act "now now little violet i know ur father taught u to not fight with rage" he smiles and this pisses me off more "shut up shut up!!" He lands a kick in my stomach i gasp as pain shoots threw my body i drop to the ground and then jump back "haha u know u cant win" i hold my stomach as i watch him move forward "what the hell do u want" i growl at him "hmm oh its simple to repay u for what u did to me" he suddenly in front of me and punches me in the face i stand my ground but when the second one comes iam thrown and land hard on the ground i try and get up but hes already on me agsin and kicks me in the side "you bas...stard" this time i get up and face him "honestly violet i thought u would be stronger after all this time but ur still the same wittle girl thats only good at bring destruction" i hesitate but only briefly before i take off runing i cant beat him not unless i use it and i promised i wouldent "dammit dammit" i look behind me but dont see anyone as i face forward again i come to a halt on the last building it looks over the ocean i pant and try to catch my breath i raise a hand to my face and wince "fucking shit face" i say under my breath "manners violet" my eyes widen at the sudden voice and as i turn around yukari there and his sword is rushing towards me i try and turn but not quick enough the blade slices threw my side i jump back and apply pressure to my side "aww you moved i was hoping to stab u straight threw" i stagger a bit my hole body hurts and i dont have any weapons i look around trying to find something anything "haha..hahaha fuck" i look up at the sky and see the clouds runing past the sun it maybe out but its still cold "hey shit face" i say as i lower my head and look over at yukari he smirks at me as he approaches "i hope u get wrinkles fuck face" i smile at his appalled face and then i leap off the building and plunge into the freezing cold ocean.

After a hr of swimming across to a save location and another 30 min to get back home i finally reach the door i cant feel anything my hole body feels numb i lost my keys and my phone was completely ruined and my injury on my side is deep ill defiantly need stitches but at least the cold water got it to stop bleeding i go to grab the door nob but my hands won't curl around it "dammit" my legs suddenly give out and i fall forward hitting my head on the door i lay on the floor shivering and loosing conscious (so this is how it ends uh hahah man i really wish ....i really wish i could hold ur hand agsin) just before my eyes close i see the door open and then everything goes black.

From the living room i hear a bang on the door i set my bowl of cereal down and walk over and open it and see violet laying on the ground "holy shit vi are u ok!" I reach down and grab her "what the hell your soaking wet violet!" I yell as i turn her over her face is all beat up and theres blood on her shirt i quickly pick her up and bring her inside i kick the door open to my room and lay her on the bed i unwrap the sweater from around her waist and pull her shirt up "shit what the hell happend to you!" I quickly call kusanagi "hey ya.." I cut him off as i yell into the phone "violets hurt! She has a really deep cut on her side shes going to need stitches i need u to help me take her to the hosp.." I stop when i feel a cold hand on my arm i look down and see her eyes barly open " nnnoo hoos..pi.tal pppl..eease" i hear kusanagi talking but i cant look away from violet i grab her hand and nod my head "kusanagi i need u to call that doctor friend of yours and get him over here and fast" theres a pause on the other end "yata what happened" he asks "i dont know but shes soaking wet and shes all beat up wha...what do i do!" "Listen to me you need to get those wet clothes off her and then apply pressure to her wound keep her warm well be there within the hr" theres a shuffling noise "yata listen to me u need to warm her up with ur body heat if she warms up to fast her heart will stop" says tatara "whaat!" "Just do it and quickly!" he hangs up and i turn and look at her she looks so small laying there and all the color is gone from her she looks way to pale "whoever did this to you is going to pay!!" I swallow the lump in my throat and then go to take her clothes off i try not to look as i do and cover her with a blanket and run to get some bandages after wrapping it i stare at her and take a deep breath "i can do this" i say as i climb into the bed i roll over on my side and then very carefully pull her into my arms shes so cold if i wasnt so close and can see her breathing soflty i would think shes was dead 20 min later i hear the door open "yata!" I sit up "in here!" I yell and then climb out of the bed tatara is is the first one threw the door but he stops when she see her "what the hell happend" he asks as he comes closer kusanagi comes in next followed by the doctor and makoto "i dunno she just showed up like this" the doctor leans down and takes her pulse "i need everyone out" he starts taking stuff out if his bag "i..iam not going anywhere!" I yell a hand on my shoulder stops me from moving its makoto "yata he needs to work come on" we all file out of the room and go to the living room a hr passes and he finally comes out of the room "shes stitched up and is resting to be honest shes kinda lucky she got so cold it stopped her from loosing to much blood but shes going to be extremely weak so keep her from moving around ok" kusanagi stands up "thanks doc ill drive u back yata you good?" I nod my head "i can stay if u want" says tatara "naw ill be good" he nods his head and they all leave and iam left alone in the living room after a few min i get up and go to my room her eyes are closed and abit of color has come back into her face i sigh with relief i sit on the floor and rest my back against my bed my head falls back and i stare up at the ceiling.

2hrs pass and i havent left violets side as she sleeps my phone goes off suddenly and i get up and leave the room "hey" i answer knowing its kusanagi "hows she doing?" I sigh "shes still sleeping" theres a pause "ok do u need anything? Or want us to come over" "naw iam good thanks tho and um kusanagi thanks for.." He cuts me off "its ok yata just keep ur eye on her" i go back to the room and see her sitting up shes wearing one of my shirts it looks so big on her '"violet!" I run towards her but stop when she looks up at me tears are runing down her face she turns and hides her face for a min i just stand there not quite sure what to do but in the end i walk over to her and sit next to her and pull her into my arms as she sobs "its ok" her hand grasps my shirt tightly as he contuines to sob "i ..i wasnt strong enough" she chokes out i rub my hand in circles on her back "shhhh you need to rest ok" she crys for awhile more and then eventually falls asleep again i sit there with her for the rest of the day.

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