The Hitman

By tenebris04

217K 3.5K 329

He was fulfilling a contract, what happens when he decides she belongs to him after he lays eyes on her? His... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Not an update!
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 21

4.8K 83 1
By tenebris04

Ryder's Pov.

After our fight, I was furious with her, after moving her clothes and boxes I left a note and stormed out of the place, I needed to release all the stress and frustration, settling in my car I sped off, out of the driveway.

I admit, I pushed too hard with her, but my self-control was evaporating with each moment that passes that I'm with her, I didn't regret a thing, the way she crumbled to pieces under my touch her sweet moans begging me to do more, have more...

Even after she protested and wanted me to stop, I didn't have it in me to do that, I made her moan so much she could not form words, her slick folds wanting more of my penetrations even if I didn't enter her, she still came all over my hand coating it with her juices, I could not resist any longer I had to taste her.

Licking off each slick finger off, savoring her sweet honey juices, making me crave more and more, I was ravenous for her, she had gotten under my skin so much in so little time I couldn't help the words that fell out of my mouth.

Once I spat out that her mother was dead I knew it was true and that I hurt her, she fought for control over her feelings, but her dirty mouth just gave me the same outcome she was hurting, if she just gave in to me, became utterly mine everything would change for the both of us more so for her.

Making my way into the city, I had to get to Mike's gym, it wasn't any gym though on top he had MMA fighters, legal ones but on the underground of the building is where the real fight was, he hosted cage fights where MMA became dirty, it was a different match, it was a fight for survival in there.

 I needed to get my hands soaked with someone else's blood, it was relishing just as much as killing the man it belonged to, the was the tap out of course, but if it wasn't mentioned as they fought, it only ended with one man dead and so far I had killed seven of them, but the rest tapped out after some fractured bones.

Parking in front of the gym, I got out of my black charger and entered the place that I would find some relief. watching men train with gear and instructors and rules it was really amusing, they had no clue that six feet under the ground were a cage were men were like animals in there, fighting for life, it was what I wanted and needed.

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in!" Mike booming voice filled my ears, grinning I approached the frail old man, that must be over seventy-something and he still kept up with all his business.

"You decided to praise us with your presence have you?"  He mocked jokingly, he was overseeing some new guy who was practicing his footwork in the ring.

"Well, I'm here now arent I?" My hands itched to do some damage, the more I saw all these guys work out, train their bodies to the limit they thick were enough but it really wasn't.

"The usual I presume boy?" His black eyes peaking with interest as he sized me up, he always did that for some odd reason.

"Yes what do you have for me Mike?" we made our way to the locker rooms, getting to mine in the corner Mike leaning on the one next to mine crossing his arms in his own relaxed state.

"We got new blood this time and he doesn't go down easy, killer." He picked out my name not that I minded it was basically the truth even if it was a stage name, changing into just my shorts I moved over to the treadmill.

"We will see about that." I murmured more to myself but Mike heard me.

"You don't understand he has killed all the guys here the was only one tap out but the guy died munites later." He growled under his breath, as a trainer passed us both hopping on, I went at the top of my speed for ten minutes sweat dripping down my body.

Musing over my new opponent, he would go down if I wanted him down, nobody has bested me and it won't happen now even if Mike warns me off.

"Mike thanks for the consideration but he will go down before I do, book it," I said and went straight for the punching bag, not giving it my all, Mike observed from the side a grim look on his face.

"You're a dead man, rage is about to enter the ring." Grinning, Mike doubted me which was in my benefit, he to his knowledge knew me as a street fighter nothing more, he didn't realize to who he actually is talking to, and that is his boss from way high...

Smirking I cracked my neck from side to side before moving to the elevator, where it was coded so nobody would accidentally go down there. Entering it I could hear my rapid heartbeat pound in my ears from the adrenaline rush, my body was on fire, Mikes face was not pleased he was rethinking and overthinking stuff.

"You know you can get out of this like right now!" He stared blankly at me, a deep laugh rumbled from deep in my throat, I had to wipe away a tear it was so funny they way this old man was acting.

"Do you find this fucking amusing boy!" He spat angrily, after a couple of seconds when I composed myself, I stared down on the old man.


"You don't get it to do you? He is the best rumor has it he run he with the mafia for a while." This new information was interesting the smile of mine faded,  the Luciano family had lots of fighters in their mists I had studied all of them fought with most of them, it was the case of him recognizing me.

"What is his name Mike." The old man shook his head at me aggravated shacking his hands together.

"You are insane to even think of fighting him, he goes by diablo." He informed me the bell tinged as the doors slid open a smirk making its way across my face.

"Well, its time diablo met the satan himself." My eyes fell on the cage and our eyes met oh he was a dead man already.

Well he went in for a fighting session it seems after all, but what will happen after the fight who will win? who is going to realize what extreme measures you have to go to, to get what you want? Stay tuned my readers because things are going to spiral in the next few chapters, please vote and comment...

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