Azur High

By PokemonLover10102001

8.1K 98 276

Rowan and his three Yorktown Class Carries girlfriends are run out there house. Enrolled into Azur High they... More

New Place New Name
OC Template
Who should Rowan get.
Welcome to Azur High.
Secrets, Bullies and a new ship?
Plans and Team Building.
Royal Siblings and New Memebers
Sisters and Pure Evil
The Death of....
Funeral Blues. 
The Army Begins to Form.

Explosive Times 

325 7 4
By PokemonLover10102001

Jericho sneaks the last gas can into the last place. Soon all the gas will be in the places and they can begin to the plan. Little did they now that a cigarette was left in a area. It slowly began to heat the gas up.

Meanwhile Rowan, Bentin, Leo and Tristan all had there teams gathered together. Leo had a team of a girl named Sophia, Leah, and Tanner. Tristan had a team with Kevin, Linda, and finally Tara. Rowan has Yuu, Misty, and Cara. Finally Bentin had Lilith, Serefina, and Rosalyn.

"Hello everyone. Thank you all for being a part of this tournament team. This year with the ships we got and team we have put together we will win this. I'm sure." Said Rowan.

Chancellor Shepard steps up. Rowan glares at him but doesn't do anything. He has no proof so he just backs off.

"I would like the thank you all for being here for this. This school is coming out of a dark time. I am so glad that you 16 have decided to do the tournament. I wish you all luck. I am sure it will be a blast." As he said that. That was the single to begin to turn the fans on and begin to spread the gas fums.

"Thank you now let's go over how the tournament works. Each team picks a flagship. Then the other three memebers who do not own the flagship picks two shipgirls. One Front line and one back line. The goal is the take the enemy flagship out or knock all six other shipgirls out." Explained Bentin.

"I believe it's important that we all agree that we are all here for the school to help bring it out of the dark times. Now I will give the floor to Yuu who will help us with info on Sakura Academy." Rowan said.

"Thank you Rowan. Now Sakura Academy is a school that uses a combined Battleship and Destroyer attack. They are very Aircraft Carrier weak so air attacks will be most effective. And heavy hitters will be most effective in combat. Now they will try to use the destroyers's age to throw you off. Don't let it fool you. These destroyers are battle hardened." Yuu said as the rest listened.

"Next up is Lilith she will give us info on Royal Academy." Said Bentin.

"Ok so Royal Academy uses Aircraft and Heavy Hitters combo attacks. They will overwhelm you if your not careful. What I would do is try to split the ships up. Try to pick ships that can take and deal out hits engage them one on one." Said Lilith.

They all nod.

"We have five months to get ready for this tournament. In these next months we will be training to build up our teams. Now new ships are welcomed and recommend. Try to have a wide variety of ships but remember to keep to your specialty area as well." Said Bentin.

Meanwhile the cigarette as burned a hole in the gas can and gas begins to spill all over the floor.

After the meeting. The team members are dismissed.

"Cara wait for me." Said Rowan.

"What." She said with a eye roll.

"I wanna give Ruby a carrier. With Johns old Monarch deciding to become her Protecter I figured I would give her one. There's some personal setting I wanna set her with." Rowan said.

"Fine come on. She's with Belfast in the gym." She said as they walked off.

Meanwhile Bentin and Yuu had gone to the Destroyers care center to help out with the kids.

"So Bentin would you ever like having kids?"  Yuu asked her boyfriend with a pregnancy test behind her back.

"Of course. A little man or lady to raise. I would love it. I would love that child so much. Why do you ask?" Asked Bentin.

She shows him the test. He smiled and spins her around. "I'm gonna be a dad. Yes" he kisses her fully on the lips.

The kids heard the news and all cheer for Bentin and Yuu. They all congratulates them.

As this was happening. Lilith and Anthony began to smell something.

"Do you smell that. It's smells like Gasoline" said Anthony who was visiting his girlfriend.

"I do as well but I can figure it out." Said Lilith.

"Anyways how are you doing baby." Anthony said.

"I'm doing great now that I'm with you." Said Lilith.

"Well well the loser actually gets a girl. I can't believe." Said Jericho.

"What do you want Jericho. Don't you now you can only be here if you have a student bring you in." Said Anthony.

"Well who's to say I don't have a student. I'm leaving anyways. Good luck getting back buddy." He said as he walked off.

"Man I hate that guy." Said Anthony.

"You and me both" said a voice.

Anthony and Lilith turn around to see Jack.

"Jack what's up my brother." Anthony smiled and gave Jack a bro hug.

"What are you doing here." He asked his friend.

"Well I heard that my boy got a hot girlfriend and wanted to see if it was true. And it looks like it is. Congratulations my brother. However there is one more thing I'm here to talk to you about. We need to head somewhere where we can sit and talk." Said Jack.

"The student hangout area is about a 10 minutes walk that way." Said Lilith.

"That's perfect." Smiled Jack as the three walked.

Meanwhile Yuu, Misty, Serefina, and Rosalyn are all having a girls night out.

"So wait you think Rowan likes legs?" Asked Yuu.

"Yes I do. I see him hold Hornets legs all the time. I don't think it's bad but it different." Said Rosalyn as she had her nails done.

"I mean if that's what he likes then that's what he likes." Said Serefina.

"Anyways.  So girls I wanna say something. Me and Bentin are having a baby." Said Yuu.

"Really congratulations." Said Misty.

"He gonna be a great father I know it." She said as she rubbed her belly.

Back at the daycare the only kid in there was a Little Illustrious.

There's a big red mark on her face as she looks like she has been crying.

"Hey little one what's up?" Asked Bentin as he sits down with her.

"My dad said to go away and never come back. He hit me." She said as fresh tears began to run down her face.

Bentin just hugged the little aircraft carrier. She hugged back and just cried in his arms. She just cried and cried and Bentin sat there and just patted her head and told it will be ok.

Soon the little one fell asleep and Bentin just got comfortable. He will stay here until she walks up. 

Meanwhile Cara, and Rowan walked to the gym. Ruby saw Cara and ran up to her and hugged her.

"Whose this Aunite Cara." Asked Ruby.

"This man right here has something to give to you." She said.

"Hello Ruby I'm Rowan. And this is a carrier. It's what I'm gonna give you so you can have your new ship permanently. Now let me see your left arms." Said Rowan.

Ruby gave Rowan her arm and he began to put the carrier device on.

"Now Ruby this is gonna hurt for a second." He said.

She nodded and she felt something dig into her arms.

"Ouch what was that." She said.

"It's a DNA scanner that is making the carrier only work with you." Said Rowan and the carrier beeped and was ready.

"There you go. She is all good." Said Rowan. He gave a kind smile which for some strange and unexplainable reason made Cara heart beat a bit faster.

Cara released Monarch and Ruby scanned her.

"Yay I got my first shipgirl." Said Ruby as she hugged Monarch.

"Would you ladies like to join me at the wisdom cube machine. My girls say I need to use some of the wisdom cubes and bring in a new team." Asked Rowan.

Cara really didn't want to be something was telling her to just go with him.

"Yeah sure." Cara said as Ruby cheered.

The three walked to the machine and Rowan brought out 12 of his cubes. He put them in the machine and it came to life. The first girl that came out was the USS Bunker Hill

Next up is the USS Essex.

Next up is a powerful and massive ship the INJ Azuma

Rowan looks at his three new girls.

"Welcome to my family I'm glad your here to join me." Said Rowan.

"It's an honor to join you. Although can we ask you to to get the other Essex class carriers. We work better in groups." Asked Bunk Hill.

"I don't think that's fair to Azuma." Said Rowan.

"Master it's fine please do what they asked." Azuma said.

Rowan turned around and pushe  a few buttons. Next that come out was the ISS Interprid

Next up came up was the USS Shangri-La

Finally out came the USS Casablanca

"We should call you Rowan the master of the Aircraft carrier" said Interprid.

"Welcome all of you. I'm glad your here to join my family. I am working on becoming a Aircraft Carrier master." Said Rowan as all the girls smiled and where happily put in the carrier.

Everyone was happy. They were all doing stuff they love to do.

Jericho calls Shepard.

"I'm ready. The fans are all in spots. We are ready to take them out." Said Jericho.

"Good. Let's do this. Finish this. Soon I will take all the shipgirls they own and I will be able to do whatever I want to them. Start the fans." Said Shepard.

"Got it boss." Jericho said.

He flipped a button and all the fans in the school turned on. A spark fell out of a outlit. Soon a small fire began to burn.

Rowan, Ruby and Cara walk into the gym as the flame gets closer to the gas

Bentin holds Little Illustrious as the flame gets closer.

Misty, Yuu, Rosalyn and Serefina walked into the school cafeteria as the fire got closer the gasoline.

Lilith, Jack and Anthony head into a locker room that is for men and woman as the fire gets closer.

The fire reaches the gasoline and it catches. It shoots straight to the gas can and then.....BOOM.

Everyone in the school heard the explosion. Then again BOOM.

Another explosion rocked the school. Bentin shots up and Little Illustrious runs behind Bentin.

Suddenly the roof begins to crack as another gas can explodes. The roof begins to collapse in on them. Bentin grabs Little Illustrious and uses his body the shield her. The roof falls in and Bentin uses his body to lift the roof and keep it from falling on them.

"Bentin don't do that your hurt yourself. Please stop." She pleaded.

"I'll be fine. If I move then it will collapse and you could be hurt." Said Bentin.

BOOM another gas can goes off. It rocks the school.

A/n and there you go. Jericho's plan is going off. Will everyone survive? 

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