Hush **on hold**

By danielleb333

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Hush ~Into~
Chapter 2 ~ Fury~
Chapter 3 ~Trusting the untruthful~
Chapter 4 ~punished~
Chapter 5 ~Doomed~
Chapter 6 ~ the choices we make~
Chapter 7 ~ Why Me? ~
Chapter 8 * Do I Know you? *

Chapter 1 ~guilt~

509 13 14
By danielleb333

<^><^> New story, New year. <^><^>

~Hope you guys like this one as much as INNOCENT EYES, and hope it is as much of a success. :)  Criticism is gladly welcomed and encouragment is too <3

Well Enjoy, and remember! Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and possibly FAN if you haven't already <3


¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)

(¸.•' (¸.•' ¤ Danielle = )


Loved her? ~ yes.

Love me? ~ Never

**That part was quite clear the night my mother died.

I'd like to think my parents were happy at one point, though I know deep down I'm sure they never where.  As soon as I hit the picture their perfect lives disintegrated, that's what my father tells me anyways.  When I was younger, I remember always being at my mothers' side. It was like we were joined at the hip, the way we were always together. 

This comfort I got from my mother was something I very much held to heart. The only thing my father ever gave me though, where stares of disgust and occasional handshakes.  Unlike me, my friends at school got the love and attention they deserved every second of the day by both of their parents.  I often wanted what they had but sooner or later I just gave up trying.  The only one who cared truly was my mother, the one who gave birth to me at Mercy hospital in May of 93. I would give anything to see her face again. Though she may have been an exact replica of me, no one can take back what's already been done.  It haunts me to this day, the night my mother died.  


It was a Saturday night in late July. The summer heat caressed my skin as the dark clouds of dusk flew in overhead. I watched the sky grow dark while my parents got ready for the 'big night'.  My mothers' work was having a huge celebration for their epic win in Finances and stock.

My mother was your average banker, even though she often worked in off branches to earn the extra cash in the super model clothing line of retail. Though we never really needed it, I knew she just did that job for the free clothes. Who wouldn't you know? 

 My father had wanted just the two of them to go, but my mother insisted that she wanted me there.  My father loved my mother, he would do anything for her. But when the subject was set upon my standards, he did everything he could to keep me from her. It was clear he didn't want me to go along, but my mothers' wishes were dearer to him than anything. 

~~~ Party~~~

When we arrived at the party, the whole upper level of the bank was filled with Silver and white balloons, along with hundreds of people I didn't know.  I stayed at my mothers' side while my father on the other.  Almost immediately we were greeted with her co-workers and bosses.

 Reluctantly I had to shake hands with almost all of them.  I hated meeting strangers. It had to be the worst feeling ever, the awkwardness was unbearable as they asked random questions of how I was doing. 

As if they truly cared. They only ask to be polite, but why bother when it's obvious that nobody cares?  I noticed that my father had wandered off, but at the time thought nothing of it.

 The music was blasting and many people were dancing, I just wasn't into it. I sat on a large black sofa, a medium sized coffee table filled with party food and empty cups filled its surface in front of me. 

 I was bored, that part was clear.  I mean it wasn't like I was jumping for joy to come to this thing. 

  I mean who would want to step out of their comfort zone and greet a billion people they don't know for a one night extravaganza? Not me. I shut my eyes and sunk deep into the cushion. 

 It was peaceful for a moment, then with the sound of a squeak of a cushion next to me I saw my mothers' gaze on me. Her eyes were as green as emeralds, which bored into mine. She seemed to understand my composed features as she drew in my tired eyes, though after a moment her eyes brightened with joy.

"Come with me!" she squealed.

I looked at her bewildered, waiting for her to explain her sudden excitement but she didn't say anything else, she just hopped up from the couch and dragged me by the hand down the hall. 

 Once we reached the elevator, we got in and pressed one to head to the main floor.  Her eyes scanned my face for a moment.

"How about I give you an exclusive tour of the vault?!" she asked excitedly.

Almost immediately my eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"Really!?" I asked with disbelief.

  I could only imagine what my face looked like. Probably a lot like a child on Christmas morning.  I had been with my mom at work many times before, but to get a private tour? 

That was just unreal to me, but then again I was only 13 then.  Her smile brightened as we exited the lift, her hand in mine, dragging me towards the back of the room. From the corner of my eye I could have swore I saw something, so I had stopped dead in my tracks. My hand, no longer in hers felt like a crime as I scanned the room.

"What's wrong?" she asked confused.

I could feel her presence near my back. I knew I had seen something, but nothing was there. The room was darker now than I remembered it was when we had first came in.

"N-nothing." I stuttered as I turned around to face her. I looked back behind me again.

 "I just thought I saw....?"  When I turned to face her again her face was horrified.  Wrinkles creased her forehead, fear running though her veins and she quickly whispered something I didn't catch the first time.

"Ashley. Run." She mouthed again.

This time I caught what she had tried to tell me.

"Go back the way we came and find your father." She whispered.

Her words were so quite I barley heard her at all. Panic ran in my veins as I whirled around awaiting to see what she had. 

Four men in black stealthy uniforms glided across the room. Each holding a gun in the air, pointing straight for us. I gasped in fear as my moms' sweaty hands tugged me away from their dark stares.

"Ashley, go!" She urged, shaking my arm.

Her attempt to break my stare succeeded but only for a moment.  I would not leave her. I would stay strong and be there for her like she had always done for me.

"No." I mumbled, fighting the urge to break down.

Her eyes stared into mine for a moment and then glanced back at the intruders.

"I'm not leaving you!"

Her eyes where pained, and from that point I'm sure she knew what I certainly didn't for what was to come.

Loud claps of thunder brought me into u paranoid mood. The ground rumbled in waves as the dim lights began to flicker.  They were closer than I thought as my mom suddenly shoved me behind her.

"I'm sorry, but we aren't open right now." She said in an attempted voice of staying strong.

The dark man in his upper forties inched closer with a devilish smile spread across his lips.

"Oh, we're not here for business."  He winked and my mother took an involuntary step back; pushing me behind the counter.

I gulped seeing his shadow right in front of my moms.  His hand reached out and ripped the delicate pearls off of her neck.   Her gasp sent chills down my spine as he walked closer to her, the gun pointed directly at her head.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way."  His gaze slipped away from the pearls in his hand and onto me.

I was petrified. The second he laid eyes on me I felt like running away.

"Oh what do we have here?" I could tell there was a smile in his voice just from the way he sounded.  His voice was rough but dark. Secretive. A life of lies this man may have been living but it was nothing to what he would become next.

 My mother suddenly cleared her throat and the man looked back at her.

"Give us the money! ....All of it!" He demanded.

"No." she said boldly.

Their positions switched so fast it was all a blur to me.  A man from behind him shuffled towards me while the others backed up the oldest, who I assumed was the ring leader.  I felt an odd pinch in the back of my head, as something hard was pressed up against it. I tried to turn around but couldn't.

"Give us the money or she dies!"

My mothers' eyes immediately went to my face.  A couple seconds past before the guy behind me pressed harder into my skull.  I winced in discomfort, knowing any minute if he pulled the trigger I would be gone. 

With a sharp intake of breathe she rushed somewhere out of my view.  Fear had been running through my veins for a while now, but panic of what I couldn't see was making me irritable. Knots where building up in the pit of my stomach as seconds ticked by like hours.  Finally after what seemed like a lifetime she ran back to me. 

 The man behind me let me go and I ran to her arms. She was crouched down, hugging me in a tight hold.  Reluctantly she released me and reached under the desk pressing a large red button.   From the corner of my eye I saw my father storm out of the elevator, in rage.  The loud buzzer rang, signaling a security breach.  My mother had stood up looking in the direction after the man and almost immediately he turned around in anger.  A single shot was all I heard before my mother fell to the floor, her blood already spilling over the floor.

"NO!" I shrieked as she hit the stone.

I ran to her side, clinging to her, trying to find her heart.  But I knew all too soon she was gone.

I opened my eyes seeing my dull ceiling. A single tear sliding down my cheek as it is all too clear in my mind of every action the killer had.  If only, if only I wasn't so bored we never would have gone down there. 

 I reached up to wipe the few escaped tears on my cheeks.  It's been 4 years since her death, and every day feels like it happened just yesterday. The pain in my chest is unbearable with what I witnessed, and what I could have done. 

 A loud knock erupted my silence as my father angrily yelled through the door.

"Get your ass out here!" 

I quickly got up off the bed and walked over to the door, the floor boards lightly squeaking beneath my feet.


"Where are my keys? You took my car didn't you!?" he yelled.

He caught me off guard with his sudden rant of questions, I showed him my weakness and stuttered.

"W-what? ..No."  My voice cracked as I said the last word.

His eyes grew dark as he reached up and grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me out of my room. I shrieked in pain as he yanked me down the hall. 

"Where are they!?" he urged.

Tears were blurring my vision as he pulled harder.  Why is he always doing this to me?  Ever since mom died he has been pushing me around.  The night she died he said it was my fault. She died because of me.  I'll never forget that.

"I don't know" I cried, trying to loosen his hold.

He sighed heavily and threw me to the floor.

"You're worthless."

I looked up at him, cowering my face from his feet as he kicked me in the stomach. My stomach was in knots already and this wasn't really helping.  I gripped my chest in pain, my heart pounding in my ears.

I thought he was about kick again when he suddenly walked away. Hot tears stained my face as he grabbed something off of the coffee table and walked to the front door.

"You were a mistake!" he growled before slamming the door shut behind him.


 Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and possibly FAN if you haven't already <3


¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)

(¸.•' (¸.•' ¤ Danielle = )

~So what do you think? I honestly want to know :)

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