The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart

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By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, and UzukiB. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

Four Years Later After Chapter 4*

Peter Adrian's POV*

One of my dimensional rift facilities had a breakthrough and a breakout.

We began mop-up and I said, "I don't want to have to wait for a full clean up just to get a status report.". 

Dr. Addler said, "We're collecting this data as quickly as possible.".

I got frustrated and said, "That's not good enough.". 

I turned to one of the tech boys and said, "Okay, maybe you can tell me what happened.". 

They said, "There was some kind of breach.".

I said, "Find it then.".

Six Months Later*

Down In Mantle*

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

I was at a bar watching the news when I asked, "Hey, Jim. Do you ever feel like your life is like one monumental screwup?".

Jim said, "Nope.".

I left a tip and said, "All right, Jim, this is for you. I do not want you to spend it all at once. I'm going to go home and chase myself around the room, playing hard to get." and I left the bar.

I walked down the street and saw Fiona's little shop on the corner.

I said, "Hey, Fiona." 

She looked at me and said, "Volt.". 

I asked, "How's it going?". 

Fiona said, "Righteous, Volt.". 

I looked at the paper and Fiona said, "Cost you five dollars.". 

I said, "That's pretty steep.". 

Fiona said, "Tell you what, you give me a dollar for a song, I'll throw in the paper.". 

I said, "I'll tell you what, I will give you twenty bucks, but not to sing, all right?". 

Fiona said, "Deal.". 

I paid for the paper and I said, "Thank you.". 

She said, "You're welcome.". 

I said, "No. You're welcome." as I grabbed a paper and headed out.

I entered a store and I said, "Hey, Mrs. Cobalt.". 

She said, "How you doing, Volt?". 

I said, "Ah, aches and pains, you know, aches and pains.". 

She said, "You look like shit.". 

I turned to her wide-eyed and asked, "Excuse me?". 

She said, "You look like shit.". 

I said, "And you look as beautiful as ever.". 

She said, "Mind is body, Volt. Have you been meditating as I showed you?". 

I said, "No, I have not. And it does not work.". 

She said, "It doesn't work, because you don't give it a chance.". 

I said, "No, it doesn't work, because I bought a DVD off your cousin, and it was in jibberish.".

I walked down one of the isles and I heard someone say, "Bottle of whiskey, and don't forget my change.". 

Mrs. Cobalt said, "Please." and I looked to see a guy pull a gun out on her. 

The dude said, "Let's go. Before the price goes up for my protection. The full payment is due. Now. Make sure you have my money ready, Cobalt. I don't like to wait." and Mrs. Cobalt handed her money over and the guy left.

I bought my stuff in silence and left in silence and head to my apartment building.

I chilled on the couch with a beer in my hand.

The Next Day*

I headed home cause I was feeling rather sick and stuff when I got to my apartment.

I drank two bottles of beer and I chugged an entire bottle of water before heading to my fridge and grabbing my leftover steaks and ate them raw while I still felt like shit.

I hurried to the bathroom and puked up my guts in the toilet.

This went on for some time before it stopped and I groaned.

I asked, "What is wrong with me?" as I walked over and started brushing my teeth.

I spit the toothpaste in the sink and looked at my reflection.

I heard a deep voice say, "Volt.".

I screamed all girl-like and was launched back into my shower.

I went out for a walk thinking it might do me some good.

It didn't and I headed back home and started eating everything I could.

It was soon nighttime and the voice in my head said, "Do not open that door.".

I asked, "Huh?" and I heard a knock at my door.

I walked over to my front door and I opened it only to get pushed back and surrounded by some goons and they said, "Stay put.".

The main goon came in and said, "Hey, Volt.".

The voice in my head asked, "Who the fuck is this guy?". 

The guy said, "I'm gonna need Mr. Adrian's property now." and all of the goons aimed their guns at me.

I put my hands up and the voice in my head said, "What are you doing?". 

I said, "I'm, uh... I'm putting my hands up.".

My hands were forced down and the voice in my head said, "Well stop. You're making me look bad.".

I forced my hands up and said, "I... No, I am not.".

The voice in my head said, "Yes, you are." and my hands were forced down.

I forced my hands up and said, "No, I'm not.". 

My hands were forced down and the voice in my head said, "Yes, you are!". 

I forced my hands up and said, "No, I'm not.". 

The voice in my head asked, "Why would you do that and make me look weak?". 

I said, "Cause it is a very sensible thing to do.".

The head honcho said, "Volt.".

The voice in my head said, "I will take care of this myself." and I asked, "What?". 

The head honcho asked, "Eddie, where's the bug?". 

When I didn't answer him, he said, "Take him down." and three of them tazed me.

Something dark formed around my arm and hit one of the goons out the window before returning to looking like my hand.

My other hand had darkness form around it and I grabbed another one and made them hit the ceiling before it turned back into my normal hand.

Both hands had darkness form around them and they grabbed the head honcho and his last goon.

I kicked the goon away and I pulled the head honcho close.

I said, "Sorry not sorry about your friends." and I slammed him through my dining table.

The darkness grabbed one of my weights and chucked it at one of the goons crushing his face.

I asked, "What is that?".

The voice in my head and said, "Not what. Who." before the darkness pulled me out of the way of some new goons.

The darkness formed around my legs and kicked my dining room table at them hitting them before pulling me up.

The voice in my head said, "Outstanding. Now let's burn all their bodies and pile them up for everyone to see on the roof.". 

I looked around confusedly and asked, "Why would you or I do that?".

The voice in my head said, "Pile of burning bodies is my calling card, boy.".

I nodded and ran out of my apartment.

I was forced out a window and the darkness formed around me and somehow flew into another apartment with some kids playing a first-person shooter.

The kids asked, "Dude! How did you do that?". 

I got up and said, "Apparently, I have a spirit something or other inside me.".

We were all about to be shot but the darkness formed a shield around all of us.

We all then got the hell out of there and down to street level where I saw a bike.

While walking over to it the voice in my head said, "Volt.".

I stepped over to a window and saw what appeared to be an evil looking dragon.

The dragons had red flames around his eyes.

I backed away and said, "You're not even here, are you? I'm just seeing things. It's not real. You're in my head. Cause you're just a figment of my imagination.".

The evil dragon voice in my head angrily said, "Figment of your imagination?" and I was forced over and up against a wall.

I groaned in pain and I tried to free myself from the wall but I couldn't.

I said, "I am so sorry I called you a figment of my imagination. I'm sure we can discuss this like two men.".

I was freed from the wall and I hurried over to the bike.

I hopped on the bike and took off.

The darkness formed around my hands and took control of the bike as we sped through Mantle.

We made our way through Mantle and dodged drones coming at me.

The darkness helped me make some sweet badass turns until I made a jump over a few cars and crashed a few cars chasing me.

I said, "Not gonna lie, that was pretty cool." and I was hit by another car.

I hit the ground and broke a few bones.

The head honcho from earlier got out of his car and said, "I got him... Copy that...".

He kneeled down beside me and said, "You have been a serious pain in the ass for me, Volt.". 

I sarcastically said, "Well, you know, I aim to please." and my body healed up and the darkness formed around most of my body and grabbed him by the throat.

As I stood up folly covered in the darkness my vision was fine still though.

Othim's POV*

I said, "Internal organs, appendages, arms, and legs. So many burnable pieces, so little time." before I tossed him aside and set one of his minions on fire.

I then ran off until I had reached the edge overlooking the city.

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

The darkness evaporated and I could see again.

I looked at the city as I did so.

Darkness formed all around me and the evil-looking dragons face appeared before me.

I asked, "What the hell are you?". 

He said, "I am Othim. The once desolation of these lands thousands of years ago. And you are mine for the moment.". 

I said, "You set somebody on fire.". 

Othim said, "It's what is right. Now, listen carefully, boy. After I was defeated I was cursed to live from person to person in the event a being similar to myself enters this world. Think of yourself as my ride as I kill this other monster.". 

I asked, "Where are you going?".

Othim said, "I need Peter Adrian to die and I need this other monster to die with him before shit gets worse.".

I asked, "How do you even know that?". 

Othim said, "I know everything, Volt. I am inside your head. Cooperate, and you might just survive and I'll fade into your subconscious again. But you'll still be able to use my powers when I go. That is the deal.".

I said, "Sweet.".

A Few Hours Later*

I was going to a building when I ignored a call from my ex.

Othim asked, "Who's Chloe? Your pulse has quickened.". 

I said, "That is none of your goddamn business.". 

Othim asked, "Everything of yours is my business, Volt. We have no secrets.". 

I said, "Yeah? Well, then you know exactly why I'm going here before we get to your victims, huh?". 

Othim said, "Sure. I'm not unreasonable, much.".

I went up to the top floor of the building and gave my friends boss some intel for no other reason but to hand over info.

I took the elevator down and when I got there I had a whole squad of guys with guns in front of me.

I raised my hands and said, "Guys, you really, really don't wanna do this.".

They said, "Masks... Copy...".

I said, "Fine, have it your way. Mask.".

Othim said, "Copy." as he assumed command of my body.

Othim's POV*

They fired at me but it did nothing.

I set some of them on fire and within minutes the room was in a fog.

I ran around the room snapping necks and chucking people into things until they tried brining me down.

I grabbed a guy and beat the others to death with him until I chucked him aside.

I roared in victory until I heard this girly scream.

I stopped and turned to its source.

I faded away and let Volt take control.

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

I waved and said, "Hey Chloe.".

We explained niceties until she was hit aside and I was punched back.

I got up and saw this real ugly dude who looked a little like Othim.

I asked, "Friend of yours?" as Othim assumed control again forming around me.

Othim's POV*

This faker said, "Othim. Bringer of destruction. Join me and together we can destroy this world.".

I said, "No. I won't let you or any other being destroy this world. It's mine to destroy.".

Volt said, "Yeah. Let's not do that.".

The faker said, "Then you will die.".

Volt said, "I don't care for that guy. Let's work together and kick his ass.".

The fakers arm turned into a ball and chain.

Volt used his Gravity abilities to force the dead bodies at the faker until he was overwhelmed.

I charged forward and beat him senseless before setting him on fire with my fire breath.

I thought I had him but he punched me aside and got up smashing me into the ground with his ball and chain.

I forced myself up and encompassed the faker in darkness I beat him senseless until I set him on fire with my black flames which caused him and his host Peter Adrian to be incinerated into nothingness.

After that was done Volt said, "Good work team.".

A Few Days Later*

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

Othim went back into my subconscious and I was working my hardest to try and get Chloe back.

A woman in a white cloak with white hair bumped into me and whispered, "Don't give up on her. Either of you." but when I turned to look at her she was gone.

I wondered who she could've been but I turned and started walking again.

Ash Fall's POV*

I stood on a roof and watched as Volt Blazeheart, the newest host for Othim walked along.

Elizabeth asked, "Are you really gonna let him go? Just like that?".

I turned to her and said, "Yes I am sweety. He's a capable fighter. Given time, I bet he can do better.".

Elizabeth nodded and I put my arms around her waist while she put hers around my neck.

Elizabeth asked, "What should we do now?".

I said, "Dinner. Maybe a movie.".

Elizabeth said, "Sounds like a plan." and we shared a kiss.

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

I entered Mrs. Cobalt's shop and was gonna do some shopping when I saw the same guy from the other day trying to hustle her again.

I formed my Dragon Cloak around me and walked over disarming him with my Dragon Amplified Gravity Semblance.

I said, "You come in here again, in fact, you go anywhere in Mantle, preying on innocent people, and I will find you and rip both your arms and then both of your legs. And then I will rip your face right off your head. Do you understand?".

He said, "Please...".

I nodded and said, "Yes. So, you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you, rolling down the street, like a leaf in the wind?". 

He asked, "What the hell are you?".

I showed him my face and said, "My name is Volt Blazeheart. You have my permission to die now." as I used my Dragon powers to set him on fire until nothing was left.

After that was done, I turned to Mrs. Cobalt and said, "Oof, yeah, I got a dragon living inside of me.".

She gasped and I said, "Yeah. Night Mrs. Cobalt." as I walked out.

A Few Days Later*

I was called to the Atlas Prison where a prisoner wanted to speak with me.

I entered the containment facility they kept him in and he said, "Hi, Volt.".

I looked and saw the face of mass murderer Tyrian Callows.

I said, "Hey.".

Tyrian said, "Do you mind if we forego the whole creepy serial killer thing here?".

I said, "Sure, it's good with me.".

Tyrian said, "I mean, I can turn it on if you want. I can talk about the Dadaist patterns of arterial spray.".

I nodded and said, "I bet you can.".

Tryian said, "Tough to see you in this light, Volt. Come on over.".

I said, "Alright." and I walked a little closer but not passed the yellow line.

I said, "I'm here.".

Tyrian said, "When I get out of here, and I will, there's going to be chaos." and he smiled brightly.

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