Down Memory Lane (narry)✔

By WritingZmyPassion

36.2K 1.4K 1.2K

Memories are important for every human being. People keep memories in pictures, others keep them in diaries a... More

Chapter. 11
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 21
Chapter. 22
Chapter. 23
Chapter. 24
Chapter. 25
Chapter. 26
Chapter. 27
Chapter. 28


1.2K 51 92
By WritingZmyPassion

Can somebody please explain to me what's happening in the pic😀


Harry was anxious.
He was anxious to see Niall
He was also anxious to see their baby.

It was still quite hard for him to really grasp the thought of Niall letting him into their baby's life.

He thought it was all a dream and he would wake up from it. So with that thought, he pinched himself and hissed when he didn't wake up.

"Fuck." He said, catching the attention of his friends.

It was Monday and they were all at work on their lunch break. Although, they just ordered food and ate from Liam's studio.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You haven't been able to wipe that smile off your face." Zayn asked and before Harry could say anything, Louis too spoke up.

"Yeah, I mean it's almost like you won the lottery or something."

Harry sighed and now that he thought about it, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face, literally. Nothing would get him a bad mood after knowing such great news.

"This, my friend is much more than a mere lottery." He said.

Liam scoffed. "More than a lottery? What, Niall gave you parenting rights?" And at that, all his friends snickered because they had all been convinced that Niall wouldn't give Harry a chance to be in the baby's life. Not in this life, atleast.

Harry sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest and a smirk replaced his smile.

"Hahaha funny. Well, Liam, joke's on you because that's exactly what happened." Harry said and continued smirking as his friends looked at him wide eyes.


"Shut up!"


Liam, Louis and Zayn said at the same time.

"Are you being serious right now?" Louis asked and stood up to stand infront of Harry.

Harry looked at his three free friends who had expectant looks on their faces.

"I've never been more serious in my life." He said. And just like that, he was bombarded with questions.

So with their lunch long forgotten, Harry started telling his friends what had happened between Niall and himself the previous night.

He told them everything, except the Desmond part.


When the day was over, Harry was among the last people to leave the building and once he dragged his tired body to the lift, his face instantly lit up because he saw Niall walking towards the lift and asking him to hold it.

"Oh god, I'm getting tired so easily these days." Niall panted once he was inside and next to Harry.

"You okay?" Harry asked softly. It seemed that Niall didn't even know who he was riding with.

"Harry? What are you still doing here?" Niall asked and stood up, leaning his back against the lift wall.

"I could ask you the same thing." Harry chuckled when Niall blushed. "I was finishing up a song."

Niall nodded.

"So why are you here so late?" Harry asked Niall.

"Well, I was waiting for Nick to come and get me because he never lets me drive. But I fell asleep in the process." Niall said and looked down shyly, in an attempt to hide his pink dusted cheeks.

"Nick?" Harry's jaw hardened. He still had no idea the kind of relationship Niall had with the radio host but he wasn't in a position to question Niall about him.

"Yeah, Nick Grimshaw, my best friend." Niall smiled and looked up. "You know him, don't ya?"

Harry's smile was back.

"Just best friend." He muttered under his break happily.

"Harry?" Niall asked when Harry went quiet.

"Oh yeah, I uh I think I know him. I've seen him around here." Harry answered and Niall nodded.

The doors to the lift opened and both lads realized that they were on the ground floor.

They got out and started walking towards the large glass doors, leading to the outside world.

"So Nick always picks you up?" Harry asked again to try and chase away the silence that had engulfed them.

"Yeah, pretty much. Unless he's out of town, then he'd still instruct someone from his workplace." Niall explained. "He never lets me drive, especially now that the baby is growing."

Harry smiled, thankful that Niall had someone like Nick in his life. But then something Niall had said caught his attention.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked nervously, not really sure how Niall would react to him asking about the baby.

Niall chuckled. "You just did, but go ahead."

"Uhm what are you- we having?" He scratched the back of his head at how that sounded. But it was already out so...

"You mean the gender?" Niall asked amused. All Harry could do was just nod. "No no no. I'm not telling you the gender, you will find out the same way I did. Through the doctor during the appointment."

Harry was relieved. At first he thought that Niall wasn't just gonna tell him the gender, at all.

But when he heard that, he smiled.

"You are mean." Harry said jokingly and Niall stuck his tongue out at him.

"I mean it's only fair." Niall said.

"Fine fine." Harry huffed.

By now, they were outside and stood by the doors waiting for Nick to pull up.

"So are you okay? Like are you Desmond okay?" Niall asked carefully, not really wanting to hit a nerve.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, thanks. He hasn't tried to get to me again so that's a plus, although I hate the fact that he knows my address now." Harry said.

Unfortunately, before Niall could say anything else, a car pulled up and Nick got out.

He had a stern look on his face and was heading straight for Harry.

"Nick! Hey, you okay?" Niall asked, making the lad look at him briefly and the expression on his face softened.

"I'm fine, Ni, you?" Nick asked, eyes fixed back on Harry.

"I'm fine." Niall said and stood between the two men who seemed to have a staring down contest. "And play nice, remember what we talked about this morning."

Nick looked at Niall and back at Harry then he nodded.

"Look Harry, I don't know what you are up to but hurt Niall again and you will have me to worry about." Nick said and Harry's face fell.

Yes, it was understandable. Nick was Niall's best friend and was supposed to look out for him but it still hurt him to know he would think that Harry was after something.

And 'hurt Niall again', that cut through his heart like a knife. The thing was, it was true. Harry had disgraced Niall in worst way possible and he hate himself ecery waking day know that he had put such a beautiful soul though that much pain.

But, he wasn't gonna make that mistake again. Hurting Niall 'again' was not on his agenda. And he would make sure that Niall and their unborn child would be safe from as much hurt as he could protect them from.

"Don't worry about it. I won't hurt them, I promise." Harry said confidently.

"Good." Nick said and turned to Niall. "I'll be in the car." Niall just nodded.

As Nick walked away, Niall looked at Harry with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry about him, he's just really protective."

Harry smiled, not wanting Niall to feel guilty for Nick's sake.

"It's okay, really. I mean it's kind of expected, he's your best friend after all." Harry said.

"It's gonna take some time but I really want you two to get along." Niall said, jutting his bottom lip out and Harry had to hold in his coo.

"We'll eventually get there. I know he needs time. And I mean what I said, Ni. I promise I will never hurt you two, again." Harry said and his face fell at the 'again' part.

"I believe you, just keep that promise, yeah?" Niall smiled and Harry returned one weak one back.

Before Harry could reply, there was a honk coming from Nick's car.

"I better go, good night." Niall said and quickly hugged Harry, who hugged back.

"See you tomorrow. Be safe both of you." Harry said and rubbed Niall's bump when they pulled away.

Niall then walked to Nick's car and they drove off.

With a smile on his face, Harry walked to his car and got in, driving off right after.


Tuesday was a blur for Harry and when Wednesday rolled around, he was oozing with happiness.

He couldn't contain his happiness, especially because he and Niall had stayed up late texting and talking about the baby.

"Haz!? You ready?" Harry heard Brendan's voice call from the entry way.

"In the kitchen, Bren." Harry yelled back and seconds later, Brendan stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"You are in your robe. Please tell me you have already showered because I'm not gonna wait for you and it sucks because you are my ride." Brendan said and leaned against the frame.

Harry smiled really big and Brendan raised an eyebrow at him.

"Today's Niall's appointment, remember? I'm not going to work." Harry replied through a mouthful of Lucky Charms.

"But," he added when Brendan was about to protest. "I have called Louis, he should he arriving any time soon and he will drive you to work. You are welcome."

Hearing that Louis would be dropping him off, Brendan blushed and it didn't go unnoticed by Harry.

"Don't even say anything." Brendan shot Harry a faux stern look and the latter raised his hands up in mock surrender.

"Okay, I'm gonna go wait-" Brendan started to say but he was cut off by the ding of his phone. "He's here, see ya later. Say hi to Niall for me."

Harry remained with a big smile on his face while Brendan rushed out of his flat.

He quickly finished up breakfast and got up to go and prepare himself.


An hour and half later, Harry found himself parked in the car park of Niall's building.

He looked down at the last text that Niall had sent him half an hour ago.

From Ni❤: In case you get here while I'm in the shower, the door is open. See yourself in.

He was a whole hour early but he was far too excited to wait any longer so he had set off and decided that he would kill some time at Niall's before it was time to go.

Harry got out of the car and smiled at the little gift bag that was in his hand.

He the pressed the lock button on his keys and walked inside the building.

He rode the lift up to Niall's floor and when he got out, he walked to the door and true enough, Niall's door was not locked.

Harry walked inside the flat and locked the door behind him.

He scanned the place and smiled at how clean and organized everything was.

He set the little gift bag on the coffee table and was about to take a seat on the sofa.

But before he could do so, he heard a faint scream that sounded pained, from upstairs.

Harry's heart skipped a beat and without thinking he made a bee line for the stairs.

As he climbed up the stairs, his mind was racing, he knew that it was Niall's voice and he was sick to his stomach with worry.

What if something was wrong with Niall, or the baby?

He didn't know which one was Niall's room among the three, when he got upstairs.

However, he didn't have to worry about that, because he heard whimpers coming from the door on the far end.

So he rushed there.

His mind had already made up the scenario that was on the other side of the door; Niall in pain and laying on his bedroom floor, helpless.

He was convinced that Niall was hurt by the whimpers that he was making.

So he opened the door without knocking.

However, what he did not expect was to see Niall on his bed, stark naked, with legs up and a vibrator up his arse as he made them whimpers of pleasure which Harry had mistaken for pain.

Harry was frozen, he couldn't move.

He stood there watching as Niall screamed and released all over his naked chest, eyes screwed shut.

He watched everything, still frozen in his spot.

He was only brought out of his trance when Niall gasped.



Hey sweet creatures!

Hope you are fine. Although I know most of you aren't emotionally fine, what with everything going on ; Corona virus, racism, just to name a few.

I hope this will one day be history. We'll be able to look back and say those were dark times. But for now please spread awareness however you can. We can fight racism if we just get involved.

The first step to fighting racism is; as an individual, Don't Be Racist. You have no idea how big of an impact it will take if you choose to do the right thing

And while we are at it, wash your hands, protect yourself and please be safe.

Uhm sorry for the cliffhanger😀 not really sorry😉

Don't kill me Maz. I love you baby😍😘


I love you my sweet creatures.

Spread the love❤



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