The Mysterious Coffee Saboteu...

By achum2019

224 4 0

The 3 caballeros, their girlfriends and Donald's family are all invited to be part of the National Coffee Fes... More

Off to Rio!
Meeting the family
A House Tour
Saboteur Afoot!
A press conference from hell
In the streets of Rio
Hotel Investigation
The meeting
Vaz Enterprise
More testimonies
The truth
The Chase
The Big Fight
The Coffee Festival

Welcome to Brazil

22 1 0
By achum2019

By the time Donald and the co. arrived at the Rio de Janeiro airport, Launchpad parked the plane to one of the deluxe airplane spots. As soon as everyone stepped out of the plane, Daisy was surprised by how hot the Rio sun was.

' Oh my goodness!' Daisy gasped, as she began to fan herself ' Who knew that Rio was so hot!'

' This is nothing, ' Rosinha laughed ' You will get used to it, Senhora Daisy. '

' Why is there a big crowd waiting for us?' Della asked, pointing at the big crowd at the exit gates.

' One, Scrooge McDee. Two, the cocoa bean heiress has come to Rio. And three, it seems that Jose is also pretty popular here, too. ' Launchpad deduced.

' A surprisingly accurate analysis coming from you, Launchpad' Mrs Beakley observed, both shocked and impressed.

Its true. As soon as the co. stepped to the exit gates with their luggages, the crowd of Brazilians started pushing and jostling to get a glimpse of Scrooge, Jose and Rosinha. It wasnt everyday that the richest family on Earth, the cocoa bean heiress and one of the 3 caballeros arrived at Rio de Janeiro. And by the looks of it, Jose seems to be very popular amongst Brazilians.


The co. said a few hellos to the crowd and made their way to the exit as fast as they could. By the time, they reached, there is a long limousine in the shade of white, and a tall, handsome lavender male parrot of around 22, with dark purple highlights. He is wearing a black shirt, matching trousers and a belt, as soon as he saw Rosinha, he jumped for joy.

' MY OLDER SISTER!' the lavender parrot screamed as he raced forward to hug Rosinha. ' Oh, e Tao bom ve- lo novamente! Senti sua falta!'

' Eu tandem senti sua falta, may irmaozinho!' Rosinha squealed and hugged her younger brother back.

The rest seemed shocked, except Jose who was smiling.

' Everyone, ' Rosinha said as soon as she and her younger brother broke off their hug. ' This is Raimundo Vaz, my younger brother and current MBA student at University of Sao Paulo. Rai, this is everyone. '

As introductions were exchanged, Raimundo shook hands enthusiastically with everyone. When Jose introduced himself, Raimundo shrieked. ' JOSE CARIOCA! UM DOS TRES CABALLEROS ! E UM PRAZER CONHECE-LO! YOU MUST BE THE BOYFRIEND RO WONT SHUT UP ABOUT!'

Everyone guffawed, and Rosinha went beet red.

' Come on, ' Jose laughed ' Let's go to your father's place. '

' Why are the Brazilians so eager to see Jose?' Daisy asked.

' Ay, Jose is quite the hero in Brazil!' Raimundo laughed as everyone went into the limousine, which was driving on the busy roads of Rio, ' It wasnt everyday you see someone who went to University of Calistola, then became a SHUSH agent, like me and mother, and then managed to steal my sister's heart!'

' Wait, you're a SHUSH agent too?' Della, Panchito, Esmeralda and Donald gasped.

Raimundo sighed. ' I basically shift between my studies, helping papa in his business, and helping mama in her missions. '

' Our mama, ' Rosinha added ' Carmelita Posada, from Portugal, is a living legend in Brazil!'

' I heard about her!' Esmeralda exclaimed ' She is one of the first leading women in Brazilian politics, and the first woman to be the President of SHUSH Brazil, no?'

' Sim!' Jose added.

' How do you know, mi amor?' Panchito asked.

' Its elementary, mi querido,' Esmeralda bragged and kissed Panchito's cheek.

' Is there a hotel near the mansion?' Launchpad asked.

' What?' Raimundo gasped, ' You will all stay as guests at papa's mansion!'

' Eh, thank you, young lad, ' Scrooge smiled kindly ' But we honestly dont want to take advantage of your father's hospitality. We are just thinking off staying at a beach resort nearby -'

But the pleading looks of the triplets and Webby made Scrooge stopped.

' FAMILY SECRETS!' Webby yelled.

' MANSIONS!' Louie cackled.

' Can we please, please have a tour?' Dewey pleaded.

' Pleeeaaase??' Huey added.

Scroogw grumbled. ' Oh, alright! We will be still be at a beach resort near the mansion. But you kids, all of you, can take a tour at the mansion. '

Everyone cheered. By the time, the limousine pulled up at the entrance of the Vaz Manor.

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