Remember My Name

By yejinhandlands

254K 7.7K 2.6K

When Dr. Son Ye Jin resurfaced in Dr. Hyun Bin's hospital in Korea, he didn't know what else to do. Can the t... More

1 - Straight from New York
2 - Drunken Musings
3 - The Happy Hormones
4 - The Stockroom on the 6th Floor
5 - Save Me, Doctor
6 - Back to School
7 - Thirteen Hours Ahead
8 - Dominant Allele
9 - Twenty Questions
10 - First Date
11 - Green Eyed
12 - House No. 1125
13 - Transient Fatigue
14 - Cravings in Life
15 - Raging Hormones
17 - Sweet Deviations
Special Chapter - Don't Leave
Epilogue - Remind You Everyday
Special Chapter: A Week with the Hyuns (I)

16 - Everything in Between

14K 364 126
By yejinhandlands

⚠️ Content Warning: This chapter has some mature content that some people may not be comfortable reading. Please proceed with caution and at your own risk.

Yejin strutted through the small boutique wearing her cream colored dress adorned with specially-made shining sequins formed into beautiful patterns that reminded her of spring. It flowed to the floor as it showed her beautiful naked shoulders. The dress perfectly complemented her ivory skin and perfectly hugged her body, highlighting her small baby bump.

The dress made her look like a goddess, as if she wasn't one already.

She looked at Bin expectantly, asking for his opinion.

"You're beautiful."

She sighed. "god, you're such a male, Dr. Hyun!"

"What?" He laughed as he changed position on the sofa he was sitting on for the past 40 minutes. "I'm serious, you're beautiful!"

"That's what you said for the past 7 dresses, Dr. Hyun. I want to strangle you."

She only calls him Dr. Hyun outside of the hospital whenever she's already pissed, and now he knows better than to push her pregnant buttons more. He looked at her from head to toe, admiring the perfection in front of him.

"I like this one the most, Love."

"Right? This is my favorite too." Yejin said. Eyes gleaming with excitement. "Okay, then. We're buying this."

Bin just smiled and nodded as Yejin happily went back to the fitting room. He stood up and followed her there, ready to reason out that he'll just help his pregnant woman get out of that bewitchingly beautiful dress.


"I'm not even going to be in camera, why do I have to dress up, Love?"

"Think of it as moral support, Love." Yejin said as she applied a blush on her cheeks, "Since you and Ae-Rin practically forced me to buy a new dress for this awards night. They couldn't even see the bottom half of my body!"

Several weeks ago, Chief Han confirmed her nomination in the Hauklands Award. Days after that and she received an official notification. Yejin and Bin couldn't be more excited, since they knew that this is really a big deal in their world. However, with Yejin's pregnancy, they couldn't just risk going to the US.

Hence the video conference scheduled at 8:00 in the morning in their very own living room.

She stood in their bedroom with her curled hair and light make-up, waiting for the sulking Bin to finish dressing up.

If she has to wear this beautiful itchy dress, he has to wear his tux too. For support.

Yejin had sat on their bed when she saw him, with widened eyes and mouth left agape.

Bin was clad in all black. Black pants. Black dress-shirt. Black tux. He didn't wear a tie, thankfully. Or it's gonna be the death of her.

'...and to think he didn't even want to dress up?', She thought.

"It's illegal to look that good, you know." He smirked, and proceeded to button his coat in front of her.

She lost it. That was her weakness.

"Come on, Love. It's already 7:00 PM on the other side of the world."

"I don't want to. Let's just stay here," Yejin shook her head. She motioned Bin to get closer to her and when he did, she wrapped her arms in his neck and pulled him in for a soft passionate kiss.

She let out a squeal into the kiss when she felt that she was being carried by his strong arms, bridal style.

"Yejin-ah, you need to attend this first before you can have your way on me." He winked.

Her pregnant ass can't wait for the awards night to be over.


To be honest, she didn't even expect winning this. Being nominated is already a huge thing for her, considering she's up against such big names in the industry.

So when they called her name as the recipient of the Haukland Award for Outstanding Service because of her work in Spina Bifida, she didn't know what to do in front of the screen. She knew that her face was being shown in the gigantic screens in the event center but she remained there, motionless and still shocked.

Bin just gave her a very proud look and raised his first in the air as if saying 'you can do it!', he mouthed "speech, love!" and Yejin was shaken because she didn't prepare one.

She looked at the screen as the emcee stared back at her, waiting for what she was about to say.

In English, she started on her impromptu speech, "I am very grateful for this award you have given me. Above all else, I am grateful for having the opportunity to save little humans from the threat of Spina Bifida,"

Yejin remembered spending a year of her life being a Pediatric Attending while studying Neonatal, where she took interest in specifically studying this disease. She offered her services pro-bono to further her research, and now her work led the academe one step towards a prevention for this disease.

She continued, ".. and that was one year ago. Today, the little humans I operated on are living their best lives, just as I am living mine."

Yejin looked at the screen, and then at her family. She caressed her tummy, and stared at Bin who's now cradling a still sleepy Ae-Rin who had just gotten down from her room. Both of them smiled at her, looking so proud.

"Again, thank you so much for this award."

She's indeed living her best life.

Their best life.

As doctors, as lovers, and as parents to two wonderful little children.


Second trimester; Week 18

"Omo! Ae-Rin, come on, come on!" Ae-Rin was playing in their living room with Yejin when she felt her baby kicking. Ae-Rin softly put her hand in her mother's tummy.

Moments have passed but her little brother hasn't kicked again, so she softly put her head in her tummy. When Ae-Rin felt his kick, her eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle.

"Appa! My brother's kicking!" She yelled, and in an instant they saw a running Bin in their living room. Two heads were pressed against Yejin's tummy as they waited for another kick of the baby.

The baby kicked again, and it made Bin the happiest man in the world.

Minutes later, Bin's face was still in her tummy, waiting for another movement.

"Baby, are you still there? Kick twice if yes, kick once if no."

Bin felt Yejin's tummy vibrate because of her reaction to what he just said. She hit him softly in the arm, as she could not contain her chuckles anymore, "What are you doing, Love?"

"I'm talking to our baby. He can already hear at 18 weeks, you know?"

"I know that, I'm a peds AND neonat surgeon, remember?"

"..and I got the highest grade in Obstetrics."

"Oh god stop bragging about that!" Yejin said, now lying on the sofa laughing because she just couldn't take Bin's humor.

In this middle of their laughter, Ae-Rin asked, her nose scrunching up, "What's that smell?"

"Oh God I forgot I'm cooking!" Bin said, running towards the kitchen in his attempt to salvage what's left of their dinner.

Second Trimester; Week 23

"I'm here. I love you." Yejin said, trying to stifle a yawn. She was still dozy and half-awake when she felt him move.

"I love you. Sleep more, Yejin-ah. I just need to do something." He replied. She immediately went back to her slumber as she felt his lips kiss her in the forehead.

Bin went down to their patio, grabbing the tub of paint he bought the night before and he had hidden under the wooden bench. He took his tools and went back again upstairs, where he opened the door to the empty room on the end of the hall. He looked around the plain white wall that surrounded the wall, and he immediately started his task for the day.

Unbeknownst to Bin, a little girl stood by the door. Ae-Rin just observed him as he brushed over the paint roller into the flat surface, painting the white walls blue.

"Whoah," She uttered. "Can I try it, Appa?"

Bin turned, surprised to see his daughter awake so early in the morning. Her curious eyes waited for his response. Bin hesitated at first, knowing Yejin wouldn't like it if Ae-Rin's Baby Dior pajamas were to be tainted with blue paint.

"Sure, but change your clothes first, okay?" Bin carefully entered her bedroom when Yejin still lay fast asleep. He took out one of his old shirts and went back to her room to change Ae-Rin's clothes.

Bin and Ae-Rin painted the room. For a six year old who just wanted to play with paint, Ae-Rin is definitely doing a very good job at it.

An hour has passed and they heard a knock on the door. It was Yejin, calling them for the breakfast she prepared. They all went down together and saw the breakfast she prepared. Pancakes, which she has perfected over the past few months she has decided to learn the art of cooking. The family of three poured chocolate syrup over their pancakes. Bin and Ae-Rin already munched on the delicious breakfast, while Yejin added some parmesan cheese all over her chocolate-drizzled pancake.

Bin and Ae-Rin were left horrified.

"Eomma, that tastes yucky." Ae-Rin looked at the yellow and dark-brown pancake with a disgusted face.

"Actually Love, it's really good." Yejin used her knife to slice a piece and took a bite. She just uttered a 'mmmmm', to express how delicious it was. For her, at least.

Ae-Rin and Bin just looked at her intently, their taste buds surrendering just by imagining the contrasting taste of chocolate and parmesan cheese. In a pancake more so. Yejin sliced another piece, eager to let them taste her 'discovered flavor'. Yejin took her fork to feed Ae-Rin,just like she usually does before she learned how to eat on her own. However, Ae-Rin ran away from her to avoid a bite.

"It's good, Ae-Rin-ah!"

"I really don't want to, Eomma." The little girl said, covering her little mouth using her two hands. Surrendering to her pleas, the pregnant Yejin now turned to Bin and offered him the food with her puppy dog eyes, leaving him no other option but just to taste it.

Bin didn't even chew it, he just swallowed it straight. Still, the taste of the parmesan with the chocolate syrup forever left his taste buds traumatized, "Is it good, Love?"

Bin could only nod in agreement, of course. If Yejin has to carry their little bundle of joy for 9 months inside her, the least he could do is to support her in her out-of-this-world food cravings

"I'm glad you like it, Bin." Yejin said, looking ever so delightful. "I think I want Pineapple with greek yogurt and tabasco next."

"A what?!"

Third Trimester; Week 28

As a precaution, Dr. Hyun and Dr. Son both decided that it will be best for Dr. Son to slow down. At week 31, the physical stress of being a surgeon is no longer healthy for herself and the baby. Her swollen feet can no longer bear the long hours of standing in surgery and the frequent kicking of their little one can be a little uncomfortable inside the OR.

So instead of being on-call for several days a week, they have decided to talk to the Chief (who hasn't even found a replacement—but that's another story) to lessen her hours to 2-3 surgeries per week. She also requested to have an interim chief of peds while she slows down in her work.

Dr. Son was walking in the halls of the hospital waiting for her surgery at 1:00 in the afternoon when she got a text from Dr. Hyun, asking her whereabouts. She immediately replied, and not five minutes after that, he arrived in front of her with a tumbler in his hand

"What's this?" Dr. Son asked as she sipped through the straw. Before he could reply, she had already tasted the drink, "Ahck! What's this?"

"That's Eomoni's special shake. I asked for the ingredients." she sipped some more, enduring the leafy taste that it left in her mouth. She just glared at Dr. Hyun as she gave back the half full tumbler. Dr. Hyun looked at the tumbler but didn't take it back. "Finish it, Dr. Son. Remember our deal."

She just pouted.


He held her hand, supporting her while they walked back to his office.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

Dr. Hyun locked the door behind them and said, "Come on Love, lift up your skirt."

She groaned in reply, "Ugh, again?"

"Yes. Again, Dr. Son. You know we have to do this, right?" He replied, fiddling on the pocket of his white coat, looking for something. Yejin just leaned on his desk, knowing what was about to happen. Bin went behind her to support her as she pulled up her skirt, revealing her thigh.

"Don't worry, Love. I'll be quick." Bin said as he caressed a portion of her thigh, "we both have surgeries afterwards, anyway"

She tightened her hold on the table to prepare herself, and Dr. Hyun sanitized the area. He carefully angled the syringe towards her Vastus Lateralis, injecting her the weekly Vitamin B12 that she and their baby needed.

"Does it hurt?" Dr. Hyun asked.

"No." She immediately answered back as she fixed her skirt and faced him, "I'm a strong woman, you know?"

"I know." Dr. Hyun said and smiled, planting a soft chaste kiss on her lips. He asked as he offered his hand to her, "Let's go to the OR?"

She took his hand in hers, "Let's."

Third Trimester; Week 32

"25..26..27..28..29..30.." Dr. Son counted, as she pulled the last suture on the child's liver, indicating the crucial and critical stage is already over.

"Dr. Ahn, can you close?" She asked. The 5 hour surgery was a success, and Dr. Son moved away from the patient and stood behind them. She started counted again, "..1,2,3,4,5"

"Are you okay, Dr. Son?" A scrub nurse asked, as Dr. Son's heavy breathing was heard all over the OR.

'I'm good, thank you." Dr. Son said, her eyes shut off as she raised her hand, indicating she's fine. However, the look on her face told the staff otherwise. She kept changing positions to alleviate the uncomfortable pain she's feeling.

"..48..49..50.." Dr. Son mumbled under her breath. Doctor Ahn successfully closed the patient, and everyone's eyes were on her, completely worried. "Actually, I'm not." she started off.

"Could you please page Dr. Hyun, and call my OB, Dr. Kim, and please tell them that I'm having contractions lasting 50 seconds, no regular pattern." Dr. Son leaned on the wall, "Tell her I think it's Braxton Hicks. Either that.... or I'm in Preterm Labor."


Dr. Hyun barged in the patient's room, breathless. There lies his very pregnant partner, caressing her tummy while Dr. Kim explains her situation.

She looked at him and offered a weak but genuine smile, "Sorry for making you worry."

He went to sit on the bed beside as she leaned her head on his shoulders and wrapped her arms in his waist. Bin rested his chin on her head, kissing the crown of hair every now and then.

Recognizing Dr. Hyun, Dr. Kim repeated her explanation, "Thankfully it's just Braxton Hicks. As you know, doctors, it's perfectly normal for a pregnant woman in her third trimester." Both doctors nodded, "The pain of the contractions was just too much this time because of the exhaustion from your 5-hour surgery."

"Oh." She said, as if her doctor's words really surprised her. Dr. Hyun and Dr. Son just looked at each other, with Yejin giving off an apologetic look while Bin held his 'I-Told-You-So' look.

It was actually Yejin who wanted to continue her 2-to-3-surgeries-per-week work arrangement, saying she'll lose her sanity alone in the house, with their precious Ae-Rin at school and Bin at work. Of course he agreed, provided that she'll take work easy and let him take care of her whenever they are in the hospital.

"We actually need to talk about that, Dr. Son."

They both nodded. Being doctors, they weren't privy of the risks for her pregnancy at her age.

"At week 32, the braxton hicks contractions that you might experience will be more intense and more often. It will be harder for you and your baby if you continue operating. As your doctor, I recommend rest in the comfort of your home, away from the stressful environment of the hospital."

Bin held her hand, assuring her that she will never have to go through anything, and life itself, alone. That he'll forever be by her side- smiling with her, laughing with her, supporting her..

.. and loving her.


Third Trimester; Week 35

"Eomma, do it like this."

Yejin and Bin looked at Ae-Rin, who was in an indian sitting position in their bed, coaching her mother in a breathing exercise.

"Eomma, inhale... and then exhale."

"Okay, Doctor Ae-Rin, is this how you do it?" Yejin asked as she proceeded to imitate what she just did and Ae-Rin casted an approving look.

"Very good, Eomma!" Ae-Rin gave her a thumbs up, "But I'm not yet a doctor, Eomma. I'm your.... what do you call it again, Appa?"

"A Doula, love."

"Yes. That. I'm your Doula." Yejin just looked at Bin, and the couple stifled their giggles. Yejin softly whispered, "what did you tell her?"

He answered back, "I told her that she can be your Doula whenever I'm not around. I taught her your breathing exercises."

Both of them softly laughed, taking in the adorable image of their little daughter doing breathing exercises.

"Oh! I learned another one yesterday," Bin caught the girls' attention. He straightened his seat and started, "slowly inhale and exhale."

The three of them did just that. He continued, "while inhaling, feel your ribcage expand and allow your lungs to fill completely." He carefully observed Yejin and nodded when she did the first step perfectly.

"Feel your navel sink and empty your lungs," he now turned to Ae-Rin, who has diligently exercising her breathing with her eyes closed. So adorable.


Bin, Yejin, and Ae-Rin just sat there for another 30 minutes, exercising their breathing in preparation of the coming of the newest addition to their growing family.

Third Trimester; Week 39

Yejin and Bin were sitting in the living room watching the evening news while Ae-Rin was busy dressing up her doll with their new clothes. Yejin, having all the time for herself now that she's homebound, has taken to learn another skill: dressmaking for Ae-Rin's Barbies.

Yejin grabbed one dress and showed it to Bin, with the latter looking so impressed with her masterpiece. He laughed when he noticed that Yejin used a Running Subcuticular suture for the dress.

However, their laughs were interrupted by the daily weather news.

"....monsoon will bring cloudy skies with heavy rain showers and thunderstorms. We are advising everyone to bring umbrellas as it is expected to rain throughout the week."

She looked at him helplessly. At 39 weeks, she could give birth any minute now. They looked at their window. Fortunately, it wasn't raining yet.

"I think we should go to the hospital, Love."

"Ae Rin-ah, stay here with ahjumma for the night, okay? Halmeoni will be coming over tomorrow." The little girl just nodded.

Bin hurriedly took their hospital bag as Yejin changed clothes. In five minutes, they were ready to go.

But the skies definitely had other plans.

The rain poured as they were about to go out of their house. Clasping their hospital bag on one hand, Bin grabbed the enormous umbrella in their front porch. He took Yejin closer to him to ensure that she won't get wet once they go out, but the pregnant woman won't budge.

"Bin, no. No. No. No." She said, staring at how the torrential rain lashed out, clouding their view of the surroundings, "No No. No. No. No."

"Love, we really have to go to the hospital." Bin pleaded.

"Yejin-ah, we're literally 8 km away from the hospital." Bin said as she followed Yejin inside the house. She removed her coat and sat back to their sofa. Bin continued with his plea, "I'll drive at the speed of 20 if you want me to. Just.. Please.. We need to get you to a hospital."

"No. No. No. No." She said as she held her tummy. "No. I will not leave this house until that rain stops! Do you know how many fatal car accidents are attributed to heavy rain? I'd rather give birth in this house! You can deliver our baby!"

"What?" A dumbfounded Dr. Hyun asked. "If this rain doesn't stop, you want me to deliver our baby? Me?"

"You kept bragging about your high grade in Obstetrics!"

"I did! But it's another thing when the love of your life is the one on your table." He said, panic evident in his voice. "How could you expect me to pull my child out of my woman's vagina?!"

She thought for a moment and said, "You're right, you're right. I don't want to scar you for life. Okay then. Shall we wait for the rain to stop?" she asked. Yejin lift her hands up to get his attention as she felt their baby push her bladder, "Please help me up Love, I need to pee."

After Yejin finished, she saw Bin just outside the bathroom door waiting for her. He was very attentive in helping her, as he immediately put his arms in the small of her back, and offered the other to her for support.

As they walked towards the living room, Yejin felt something gushing in between her legs, creating a small puddle on their floor. He asked, "Is that.. Is that.."

"...I think that's my Amniotic Sac breaking."


Bin hurriedly secured their hospital bag in his body as he carried the heavily pregnant Yejin in his arms. Her water just broke and not too long after that, she felt her first contraction. The real one, this time.

Yejin held the umbrella to shield themselves in the merciless downpour of the rain. All of her thoughts of home delivery was thrown out of the window when she felt her first contraction. It wasn't supposed to hurt this bad, but there she laid on their living room, curled up in pain for her first contraction.

...and so there were no other words that left her mouth when he carried her, beside the yelp of surprise she let out.

She opened the door and he put her down on the passenger's seat, planting a quick peck on her lips as he strapped the seat belt to her, "I'm sorry, Love. But we really need to go to the hospital."


As they make their way to the hospital at 20 km/h, both of them are enveloped with panic, but they remind themselves to stay calm.

"Inhale...Exhale... "

"Okay, Okay." Bin said, as he did their breathing exercises while he's strapped in the driver's seat. Despite the uncomfort, Yejin laughed at the hilarious sight: The pregnant woman comforting the unhinged father of her child.

"And to think you were supposed to be my Doula, Dr. Hyun..?"

"I'm sorry, love! I'm really scared that something might happen to you and our son!" Bin replied, grasping the steering wheel tight. "..and this speed isn't helpi-"


"WHAT?!" Bin said hysterically as he stepped on the gas pedal and they jolted forwards on the speed that wasn't certainly legal in South Korea.

"Hey, I'm just kidding!"

"Not the best joke in this situation, Love!"


Dr. Son was immediately admitted to the hospital. She laid on her bed with Dr. Hyun on his side, head laid on his palms, "I'm sorry I panicked, Love."

"Did they shoot you with Diazepam just as I asked them to?"

"They didn't. But your OB yelled at me to calm down, so it was all good." Bin and Yejin laughed. "How are you feeling, Yejin-ah?"

Bin cradled her in his arms.

"Contractions at 45 to 50 seconds, 4 minutes and 30 secons interval, Doctor." She said as she pouted her lips for a kiss.

He gladly obliged, "Ever so efficient, Dr. Son."

A few moments later and Yejin let out a whimper, indicating another contraction. Bin held her hand all throughout, and by now she has gotten used to the pain. It still hurts, but it's not something she couldn't handle.

If anything, it made her uncomfortable. It wasn't her first time anyway.

"Omo. Love, that was longer." she said, noticing how her contractions seemed longer than before. She looked at her wristwatch, "75 seconds."

"How many centimeters are you dilated?" He asked.

"5 cm, but that was 3 hours ago. Can you check now?" She asked Bin. His eyes widened once more at her request.

"Oh right, right. Don't look at it. It will scar you." Yejin said, remembering her mission not to traumatize him, "I'll do it."

Before she could reach to check (which he is 100% certain that she wouldn't be able to), Bin prevented her, "You're the patient here, Yejin-ah. I'll page your OB. I believe it now when they say that doctors are the most difficult patients."

Yejin's doctor came into the room while Bin was feeding her Banana jello.

"Hi Dr. Son, I'm here to examine you." The doctor began checking her, and scribbled for a while in Yejin's chart. "You're still 7 cm dilated. hang in there, okay? Moving around helps dilate your cervix, so you can try walking around the room if you can."

"Thank you, doctor."

Following her doctor's advice, Yejin has been walking around her suite hospital room for an hour now. With him by her side, color has left Bin's arm as she grasps on his forearm for support, Sometimes unintentionally digging her nails in his arms due to the discomfort brought by her contractions.

Yejin saw Bin's arms all scratched up, and she immediately felt guilty, "Omo, Love. I'm sorry."

"I'm okay, Love. You're doing an incredible thing for me and for our family." Bin is leading Yejin towards her bed to let her rest, "This is nothing compared to what you're doing right now. Thank you, my love."

The couple shared a sweet kiss. Out of nowhere, Yejin said, "Bin, I want you to name our baby."

"But I already named Ae-Rin, didn't I?" he said with a teasing smile, but she was quick to retort, "Technically, I did. I won our little game before, remember?"

Yejin was hours from giving birth,yet the couple were just talking about this now. They were both suggesting baby names from different points of her pregnancy, but no name really clicked. Bin started off, "Hmm.. how about—"

His line of thought was interrupted when Yejin grasped his hand and she groaned.

Another contraction.

Bin guided her to their breathing exercises and helped her to another position that will alleviate her pain and discomfort.


Yejin was becoming more and more irate as another hour passed by and her cervix isn't dilated enough.

Yejin yelled when the doctor left the room after examining her, voice filling their big hospital room, "All that walking for what? 2 centimeters?!"

She's still at 9 centimeters, but she was already extremely exhausted.

On a normal day, Bin would laugh at a flaming Yejin. He always finds her adorable when she's angry— her beautiful eyes that would turn into a crescent shape whenever she smiles, was nowhere to be found. Her eyes are blazing and her perfect nose flares up a little when she's angry.

However, today is not a normal day. Yejin was feeling a lot of pain, and he wished he could do something to ease that, even a little.

"Okay. I think it's time." Yejin was doing one of her labor positions when she looked at him. "Come here, Love."

Bin was peeling apples in the corner, but he closed the distance between the both of them immediately. "What do you need me to do, Love?"

"I need oxytocin now."

Of course. Oxytocin can stimulate contractions, hence dilating the cervix.

Bin sat beside her, held her face and gave her a kiss. He softly brushed his lips against hers, as he gently caressed her hair. Not even stopping to catch their breaths, the two were lost once again in their own world. His tongue was tasting her, and that's when she realized that she'll never get enough of these kisses.

She is his everything, and as she pushed her tongue to his, the intense love he feels for her overwhelmed him.

She was his past, she is his present, and she will be his future.

Bin treaded lightly in his kisses. He made sure that the kiss left her wanting for more, knowing that this anticipation will make her brain release more oxytocin that she needed. At the same time, his kisses were passionate, such that she'll feel just how much he loves her, and how he missed making love to her in ways she couldn't even imagine.

Bin's hand travelled towards her shoulder blades, pushing the garment off of her as he traced her skin with little kisses. He took one last look from her before he dove into kissing her neck. Bin traced an obvious hardened nipple against her hospital gown's thin garment. She held his face as he guided him towards her lips once again, wanting more of him.

They kissed each other with so much passion that she can feel the warmth in their hearts. She didn't want it to end, but some external factors forced her to.

"Love, contraction!" Yejin yelled, digging her fingernails in his arms to ease some of the pain she's feeling. No matter how painful it felt, she didn't fail to see the humor in it. "You're really good at making my body produce more oxytocin, Dr. Hyun." She said weakly.

"Of course. You know who to call." he said, winking at her. Bin laughed a little as he pushed the intercom beside the bed, "Can someone help us here? Room 310!"

"10 centimeters Dr. Son! We are going to deliver your baby now!" The doctor said, asking for assistance through the intercom to roll Yejin out of her room, "Dr. Hyun, we're gonna need you in the delivery room."

From their hospital suite to the delivery room, Bin didn't let go of Yejin's hand.

Yejin's doctor came into the delivery room, looking unrecognizable in her surgical mask and her scrubs. The doctor made some final examinations on Yejin and asked, "Dr. Son, are you ready to push?"

Yejin nodded, as she tightened her grip from Bin's arm, "Yes, doctor."

"Hana, Deul, Set, Push! Push, Dr. Son! Push!"


Dr. Hyun reminisced his first step inside the OR as a surgeon 10 years ago. He remembered that he was terribly shaking, as he knew he was one step closer in achieving his dream just by being inside one. Looking back, he couldn't help but laugh at his younger self. Now, as an established Cardiothoracic surgeon, he was used to being inside the OR, let alone a delivery room. It actually felt like he had spent half of his life inside one.

Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine himself shaking inside an OR once again.

This hospital held memories of him achieving his life dreams. 10 years ago when he became a surgeon, and now, when he saw his newborn son for the very first time.

His arms wouldn't stop shaking as the doctor cleaned their baby up, and he waited to carry him. Slowly, the doctor handed the newborn to Bin.

The shaking stopped the instant he held their baby in his arms. One look and he immediately knew what to name their child.

Meanwhile, Yejin was so tired.

She didn't want to take a rest yet. All she wanted now was to meet their little boy before sleep claim her. In the middle of the chaos of the delivery room, in the middle of her battle for her consciousness, she heard a faint cry.

It was a cry that sounded like a lullaby in her ears, and it was one of the most beautiful sounds she has ever heard. Extreme happiness and warmth enveloped her heart as their baby's first sounds rang into her ears. When Bin turned to her with their baby wrapped in cloth, she could feel her heart pounding out of her chest because of euphoria.

"Hi.." Bin faintly said, moving towards her.

She was slowly losing the battle for her lucidness as she can feel the exhaustion creeping in. "He does look like a Yoo Jin, right Eomma? What do you think, Love? Hyun Yoo Jin."

She nodded and faintly smiled, and the last words from her lips was, "Hi Hyun Yoo Jin, Eomma loves you."


The next 2 months went by like a blur. Caring for an infant was a piece of cake for Yejin. She has a natural maternal instinct, even before she became a mother. You could only imagine how nurturing and caring she became after being a mother of two.

She can take care of an infant in her sleep. Literally speaking.

However, the same could not be said about her partner, who had just gotten out of bed at 3:00 in the morning because he heard his son cry. He was still dozy and half asleep, so Yejin volunteered to look after Yoo Jin. Bin declined, thinking how she must have been so tired after a day of taking care of their little one.

He went to the baby's crib and cradled the little Bin in his arms. He jolted as he felt a set of arms hug him from the side.

"He looks exactly like you. You do know that, Love, right?" Yejin said as she rested her head on his muscular arms as they both stared at the now-sleeping Yoo Jin.

He nodded and smiled, "Only fair, Yejin-ah. Have you seen our Ae-Rin? She is a mini Yejin." he said. She tiptoed to reach him and planted a soft chaste kiss on his lips. She remarked, "We'll have a little Bin and a little Yejin running around our house in no time, Love."

The couple engulfed themselves at the tranquil and serenity of the moment.

"Are you excited for tomorrow, Yejin-ah?" Bin asked. Yejin was scheduled to report to the hospital tomorrow, preparing herself to slowly ease back to work.

"I am, actually. It's been a while. I'm starting to think I won't even recognize the liver from the kidney." She joked, earning a laugh from him. Yejin will have lesser work hours, with 2 surgeries per week. Being the only neonatal attending in Seoul Med, the hospital definitely needs her. They hired another babysitter for Yoo Jin, and both halmonies have offered their help.

Yoo Jin is now deep in his sleep, so Bin put him back to the crib once again.

Yejin and Bin laid together in the bed, with her lying comfortably in his arms- the place where she belonged.

He stared at her, thinking to himself that he couldn't wait for what was about to happen tomorrow night. He rechecked everything in his mind, ensuring that nothing has been forgotten. He had asked help from Ji-Sub and his wife, and he made a mental note to send them a thank you gift for their huge help.


"Chief, this isn't easing back. This is throwing me back in the ocean after swimming in a pool for years!" She said, but perfectly hid her livid reaction with the fact that the Chief of Surgery assigned a Truncus Arteriosus Repair on her first day back.

"That's an unfair analogy, Dr. Son." The chief said as he sipped from his cup of coffee, "But let me humor you: you are already a mermaid who knows that ocean like the back of her hand."

"And besides, Poseidon will be on the surgery with you."

At that moment, Yejin completely regretted her usage of that analogy. She sighed. At least Dr. Hyun will be there on her first surgery after months of hiatus.


Chief Han was right. She is indeed a mermaid, and this OR is her ocean. She knew every wave, every gush of water, every seafoam that awashed to the shore. She flourished in the OR-- her second home.

Dr. Son and Dr. Hyun stood across from each other, a surgical table between them. Even if he can only see her eyes behind that surgical mask of hers, he remembered every detail of her face.

He stared at her as she effortlessly led the surgery. Dr. Son held the beating heart in her hand, just like how she held his for the past 15 years of their lives. She held it delicately and carefully, yet knowing when to put pressure when it was necessary.

After this surgery, he's going to ask for her hand—to have and to hold, to love and to cherish.

But he couldn't wait for seven more hours.

As she perfectly cross-clamped the aorta, he stared at her and said, "Dr. Son."

"Hmmm?" She looked back, still grasping the clamp on her hand.

"Marry me."

She stared at him, eyes wide. "What did you say, Dr. Hyun?"

"I said marry me, Dr. Son." he replied, still not leaving her stare.

"DOCTOR HYUN BIN! Don't kid around or I'll stab you with the scalpel."

"Okay, then." Dr. Hyun said, now focusing on the patient that physically separated them. "Safety first."

Little did she know, he was smiling under that surgical mask. Hours later and they finished the surgery, and Dr. Son still can't take off her mind what he just said.

Was she dreaming? Did he really ask her that- in the middle of the surgery?

Everyone has finished scrubbing, and they were the only ones left in the scrub room.

"Love" / "Love." They both said at the same time. She nodded, signalling him to continue what he was about to say. He breathed heavily before he said the words that were begging to leave his lips.

"Marry me, Dr. Son."

She stood there, mouth agape.

He continued, "When we go home, you'll find tons of rose petals through our living room and a candlelit dinner on our back porch. There's also a band playing our favorite songs. We'll have a romantic meal together, and when banana cake is served, you'll find a ring there. It is the most romantic thing ever, really."

"But seeing you with blood on your surgical gloves, hair tied up and kept by your floral orange scrub cap, and even when your eyes are the only thing I can see from your very beautiful face because of your surgical mask..."

"I couldn't wait anymore, Yejin-ah. I wanted to ask you here. In our happy place. In our natural habitat."

Yejin crashed her lips onto his.

He was wrong. The most romantic thing wasn't the candlelit dinner at home. This is it. This is the most romantic thing ever, even if the room that they're in is just full of soap, sanitizers, and surgical supplies.

This, right here, is the most romantic thing ever.

"Of course I'll marry you. You are my sun, my earth's core, and everything in between, Bin. "

It was a no-brainer. She wanted to marry him the second she realized she loves him, 15 years ago. Bin took out a surgical thread in his scrubs' pocket and tied it in Yejin's finger. She looked at the thread in her finger and hugged him, ever so tightly.

"I'm sorry, Yejin-ah. But I promise I have a ring for you later."

She chuckled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Don't be crazy. This is perfect."

"Oh man, If I knew about how a surgical thread made you happy, i wouldn't have bought an expensive diamond."

She just hit him in the back and buried her face deeper in his chest. The usually silent scrub room filled with their blissful laughter and the sound of their blissful hearts screaming each other's names.

"Dr. Hyun, I think you're tachycardic. I can feel the beat of your heart from here."

"No, Dr. Son. I just really I just really love you."

"I do too, Dr Hyun. I can't wait to marry you"


I'm here. I love you.

HI EVERYONE!!!! I'm sorry for the very late update! Hope you're all doing fine despite life's events. 

Anyway, let's all say hi to the new Binjin baby! Baby Daehan of the Song Triplets. Thank you for the visuals @songtyranno_ ❤️

Let us all camp on tiktok and vote for our BinJin! As of writing, HB and SYJ are leading, yay!

...but still, let's widen the gap!

A short bonus scene for this chapter, please forgive me. My head hurts, this chapter took me 4 days to finish. Hoping everything is accurate or at least close. Fingers crossed!



December 2012

The Son family is in Jeju island, celebrating their Christmas. Bin went with them, as he was part of the family anyways.

The family owns a house there. It originally belonged to Yejin's grandparents who hailed in Jeju Province. At christmas eve, they shared a feast. They exchanged gifts and spent family time together.

Yejin and Bin slept in different rooms, as expected. He slept in a guest room while Yejin is with her sister in their own room.

Both of them are frustrated. They wanted to feel each other's warmth in this very cold weather.

So when they woke up at Christmas Day that the rest of the family were all gone, and just casually left a text message that they all went to the mall, she hurriedly went to the guest room where her beau slept.

He shared the same feelings as hers, and so when she locked the door behind him, no less than 3 seconds and they were already kissing passionately.

Engulfed with each other's warmth and the thrill of the situation, it didn't take too long for them to undress.

"Wait." He said. "We ran out of condoms."


"I'll head out and buy some." He said, ready to dress himself again and run to the nearest convenience store. However, she was already feeling the heat of the moment. They both are.

Yejin just grabbed his hand and pulled him to bed as she seductively whispered, "I can't wait anymore, Love. Just.. Just pull out."

Oh he pulled out, alright.
Just not on time.

Ae-Rin is one special kid, indeed.
Made in Jeju, on Christmas Day.

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