The Solitary Alpha

By julyndav

425K 26.2K 3.7K

Toru Sanada is a confident and highly successful businessman and entrepreneur. He's worked hard to make a na... More

Prologue ~ Narita Airport, Japan*
1 - Lunch with Friends*
2 - The Elevator*
3 - Surprise!!*
4 - Damage Control*
5 - Dinner with Dad*
6 - Weekend*
7 - Monday*
8 - Monday #2*
9 - Lunch with the Boss #1*
10 - Lunch with the Boss #2*
11 - Ride Home*
12 - Let's Ride*
13 - Dinner with the Family
14 - Hump Day*
15 - Confrontation
16 - Travel*
17 - Travel #2 - Arrival in Seoul*
18 - Scented as Mates*
19- Safe*
20 - Meeting an Old Friend*
21 - Super Clingy Omega*
22 - Too far*
23 - An Intimate Link*
24 - Cute Couple*
25 - Cute Couple? Not to Everyone*
26 - Scared Beauty*
27 - What an Omega Needs {m}*
28 - How to Mate a Prime Omega - 101*
29 - Resting & Bonding ~Saturday {m}*
30 - Watch it Omega... {m}*
31 - Resting & Bonding ~Sunday {m}*
32 - Sassy Omega*
33 - The Kid Magnet*
34 - Over it!*
35 - The Arrogant American
36 - Little Ha-neul
37 - How to Mate a Prime - Correctly
38 - Down time
39 - The Trip Home
40 - The Apartment
41 - Dinner with the Family ~ #2
42 - Finally Home
43 - Working With Your Mate*
44 - Rei Learns the Truth
45 - T.G.I.F... NOT
46 - Can't Fight Back
47 - Questions
48 - I Want Answers
49 - Sleeping Beauty
50 - The Primal Alpha {m}
51 - Recovery #1
52 - Recovery #2
53 - Almost 100%
54 - I Wish...
55 - The Alpha's Home
56 - Cherry Blossoms & Jasmine
57 - The Alpha's Love
58 - The Return to Work
59 - New Life
60 - Little Ha-neul #2
62 - Welcome to the Pack #1
63 - Welcome to The Pack #2
Authors Note #2
64 - Making Plans to Relax
65 - She's Back...
66 - Agghhhh!!!
67 - Wolf Mommas Don't play...
68 - The Resting Omega
69 - The Resting Omega #2
70 - Quiet Time
71 - Preparations
72 - She's Here...
73 - Epilogue ~Till the End of Time
Author's Note #472
Ha-neul's Wish
Special Note!! - Sequel?

61 - The Miracle

3K 209 40
By julyndav

As they laid in bed together, Toru pulled his Omega over to him, embracing her from behind. His hand caressing her stomach.  Gone was the muscle definition,  it was replaced by a smooth fullness. He nuzzled her as she purred for him, enjoying their closeness.


"Mm hmmm."

"What did you wish for that day at the wishing well?"

"You really want to know?"

"Well yeah!"

She took his other hand and placed it on her stomach. "This little miracle right here.  My wish was to give you a pup, and here she is."

He kissed the side of her head. Pup or no Pup, She meant everything to him. "How is this even possible babe?"

"The day after we first returned from the cabin, I contacted the Elder about my eyes changing. She told me that it was from you actively healing me.  It only happens with bonded pairs like ours. The Alpha, the True Alpha that is, can either consciously or unconsciously release a healing pheromone that triggers their Prime to go into a deep state of healing. It's why my eyes kept turning to gold, you were healing me dearheart."

"I still can't believe it. I've been gifted two Pups in one day!"

"You know Toru, once the baby gets here, this apartment is going to be too small."

"So you're saying you want to move?"


"And where would you like to move to, kitten?"

"I want to move to the house in your village."

Sanda couldn't believe that she had suggested that. He always thought of raising his pups in the house he grew up in. That way they could be close to his mom even though she was gone.

"It's done Gi. We'll get moved before the little one arrives."

Gideon woke to a warm, yet tiny bundle snuggled between them. The furry stuffed bear resting near Toru's head. She couldn't help but curl up around the little Pup, her purring starting out of joy.  At some point during the night, Ha-neul crawled into bed with them, which was absolutely fine with her.

Gideon lightly tapped Toru to wake him up.  Before he could move, she stopped him as she didn't want him to wake their little one. Opening his eyes, Gideon pointed between them. Toru looked and smiled and wrapped the little on in a hug. Soon a giggle was heard as Ha-Neul woke up.

"too tight daddy!"

"Sorry little Pup."  Sanada nuzzled into his soft hair as he wiggled around to sit up between them. He started to pout and it was the cutest thing they had ever seen. "What is it pup?" Toru sat up next to him, his hand rubbing his little back.

"I'm hungry mommy..."

"Oh! Well lets go cook some breakfast, huh?"

Hani clapped as he climbed over Toru and slid out the bed. Once his little feet touched the floor, he took off running through the house, holding the large shirt so he wouldn't trip. Toru laughed and went after him. Soon giggles and squeals were coming from the living room and it was the most wonderful sound she could possibly hear. Walking in, someone was getting tickled, little arms and legs going everywhere. Once Toru sensed his Mate, he carried their Pup over to her. Gideon leaned against the stove as she received her first kiss of the day from her Alpha; his hand resting on her stomach.

"Morning beautiful momma."

"Morning handsome papa." Another quick kiss and Gideon turned her attention to the little one. "So what do you want to eat Pupper doo?"


"Panycakes it is."

While Gideon started on breakfast, Toru took Hani around and showed him his new house. Hani liked his room but the bed was way too big for him. Toru let him know that today they would go shopping for him and get him a bed that he liked. Tour of the house down, The two made it back to the front, Hani running in front of his papa. Toru scooped him up and carried him and his suitcase to his room. As they unpacked his belonging, Gideon linked him.

{Hey I want to tell dad about our surprise. Do you mind visiting his office later today?}

{Sounds good, Hani wants a new bed also and I think we need to do some shopping for him.}

{Okay! I'll call my dad and let him know.}

While Toru was busy with their Pup, she called her dad.

"Gigi!! Oh my dear congratulations again on the little one. How has he been doing?"

"He's doing all right dad. Are you free today, we want to bring him by."

"Sounds good! We aren't busy today. While I have you on the phone. Sabe wants to have dinner tonight, he hoped you would bring the little one by as he hasn't met him."

"Hold on..." Gideon linked her Mate again asking if he wanted to do dinner with the family, he loved the idea. "Okay, what time?"

"Will 6 work?"

"Should be fine, we need to go and do some shopping for him today."

"Okay, stop by anytime."

Gidoen was just about done with breakfast when the two came back to the kitchen. Both were dressed and ready to eat. As Toru and Hani dug into their pancakes, Gideon went to change quickly. Looking at herself in the mirror she was already starting to show. She was so grateful for both of her precious gifts. Walking back to the kitchen they were almost finished, Gideon didn't really feel like eating and would get something later. Tidying up, Toru came up behind her, his hands, caressing her stomach which was now noticeable.

"Why aren't you eating babe?"

"I'm not really hungry, maybe we can take dad and Ms. F out to lunch."

"There's two of you now, I don't want you skipping meals."

Gideon turned to hug him. "I won't Alpha." Soon her legs were captured by little arms. As she looked down, a cute little face was looking up at her.

"Mommy has to eat so sissy is healfy!"

"Mommy will eat.  Are you ready to go see grandpa?"

"I have grandpa!?"

"Yes. You have grandpa and uncles and aunties."

"I do!   Do I really daddy!?" Ha-neul was jumping about excitedly.

"Oh yes! We will see them later today for dinner."

"Yay!" He ran little circles, happy to have so many family members now.

The new family was all set for a day out and about, both checking that Ha-neul was okay with going out. Before they started shopping, they needed to get a car seat, then Gideon wanted to take Hani to meet Anno-san.

"You know people are going to have a fit when they see our Pup don't you?"

"Yes, but they will be respectful, besides you won't let anyone get close to me or him."

"True, but first a car seat!"

Going to a nearby kids store, they soon had a car seat for him, both feeling much better and safer now.  While they were there, they had Ha-neul pick out a bed that he liked. He just wanted a simple low profile twin sized bed.  Sanada would have it delivered to the apartment tomorrow. Gideon also picked out two sets of bedding for him. He was pretty good on clothes and they could get him more later. He also didn't really want any more toys. Gideon did spy a lovely picture frame and got it for one of the pictures of his parents. Bed ordered, car seat purchased and correctly installed, thanks to one of the employees, they were ready to visit Anno-san.

Ha-neul sat in the back gazing out the window and playing with his bear. He accidentally dropped him on the floor.

"Ohhhh noooooo bear bear! Momma save bear bear!"

"Oh dear!" Gideon turned to pick the bear off the floor when she winced. Toru noticed but didn't want Hani to worry.

{Gi? You okay?}

{Yeah, just moved wrong. I think I need to get ahold of the Elder, this baby is growing faster than what the doctor said she would.}

{Do you need to go to her now?}

{No dear, I'm fine. Just not used to having a baby growing inside me}

Gideon handed Ha-neul his bear and reached for her Mates hand, resting it on her stomach. She closed her eyes to concentrate, allowing the Alpha to feel the baby's heartbeat. Sanada laughed at feeling the tiny heart beating away.

"I love you Gi?"

"I love you too Toru."

"love you too mommy daddy!"

They both laughed and in sync "I love you too Hani!!"

Pulling into the parking garage, Sanda parked in one of the visitors spots.

"We see grandpa!?"

"No, not yet dear. We're going to see a good friend."  Gideon got out to take him out of his car seat. Once he was out, Gideon placed him on the ground and took his hand. Toru made it over and took his other hand. As they walked to the elevator, he didn't want to walk any more. Gideon could sense he was getting a little nervous as he looked up at them.

{mommy hold me}

Without saying anything, she picked him up and Ha-neul buried his face into her ponytail.

"You okay Pup?" Toru was a little worried. He shook his head but didn't talk. As they made it onto the floor, it all seemed a little weird being back there. It didn't take long for the staff to notice them and the little one Gideon was holding. Soon the office erupted with chatter.

"It's Gideon!"
"Sanada-san is back!"
'Ohh!  She's carrying a baby!"


That was the magical word that did it, nearly everyone came from their cubicle to see the little one Gideon was carrying.

"Ah! Sanada-san!"


Sanada was quick to calm everyone down as Gideon did also with her scent. "Hello everyone. It's good to see you all again!" Sanada shook hands and bowed to the employees as Gideon kept a protective hand on Ha-neul's back, preventing others from trying to touch him.  But her calming scent was too strong for the little one and had unintentionally put him to sleep. Ms. Akaiba approached Gideon, the Omega signaled to her to be quiet as he was asleep. Akaiba cooed as Gideon turned to show her her Pup.

"Awwwwww. He's so cute!" She went to touch him but Gideon moved him out of her reach. Smiling letting her know that she could look, but wasn't going to allow her to touch him. Ms. Akaiba understood and continued to coo from a distance as did the other ladies next to her. Sanada gently guided his Mate down the hall towards Anno's office. Once they turned the corner, they both heard all the squeals and chatter.

"Nothings changed." Sanada was shaking his head. Reaching Anno's office, the door was opened, something that was different. Sanada knocked anyway.

"Toru! Gideon! Come come!"

They entered the office with Sanada closing his door, he didn't want another audience. Gideon gave the older Apha a side hug, followed by Sanada who gave him a full on hug.

"Who is the little one!?"

"This little sleepy head is Ha-neul." Gideon turned slightly so Anno-san could see him.

"Ohh, what a cute little Omega." Gideon smiled at Anno knowing that he was an Omega.

"He's our Pup Anno."

"Really? Congratulations!"

"Thank you.  You had left before he and his parents arrived during the soft opening we had, we wanted him to meet you but since he's asleep..."

"His parents?"

"Ahh, they were killed some days ago, they left him in our care."

"I see, and he has some of the best parents ever!"

"Thank you Anno-san." Gideon really did have a spot in her heart for the older Alpha, they both did. They sat and talked for almost an hour, Ha-neul finally woke up. Smelling a strange Alpha, he whimpered slightly. "It's okay sweetie, he won't hurt you, he's part of our family."

That sentence touched Anno-san's heart that they considered him a part of their family. Hani raised up and gave Anno-san a little wave, but didn't talk.

"Hi Pup, It's so nice to meet you."

Gideon translated for the little one, they totally didn't think anything of him only speaking Korean since they could also. Hani gave a little giggle causing everyone to chuckle. He started to get fidgety, so Gideon put him down. He walked over and sat in Anno's chair, his cute adorable smile present and bright. The adults talked for another 30 minutes. Seeing how it was almost noon, Gideon wanted to head to her dad's office for lunch. They all exchanged hugs. Gideon held her hand out and Ha-neul was up and holding it, ready to go. As they left, Hani waved good-bye. He was now full of energy as he hopped and jumped around. Walking into the cubicle area, he stopped and took Toru's hand this time.  Ms Akaiba just happened to be coming around the corner and was finally able to see Ha-neul awake and upright.

"Awwww, he's so adorable!"

The little one hid behind his dad as Gideon moved to block her Pup once again. As long as Ha-neul was uncomfortable with others, she would block them from getting near him.

"Is he yours?"

"Yes." Both Gideon and Toru answered her at the same time.  Gideon looked over to Ha-neul and linked him.

{Do you want up?}

{No, she just weird}

Gideon cleared her throat to stop from laughing. {She's really sweet.}

Hani smiled back at Gideon and peeked from behind Toru, making a silly face at Ms. Aikaba causing her to squeal.


Both of them took his cue and made it to the elevator. Knowing that people in the office wouldn't bother him, Ha-neul relaxed and started jumping about again. They let him go as he never went far from them and constantly checked to make sure they were right behind him. Hani almost bumped into Sato-san. The little one giggled at him and ran to hide behind Toru again, but continued to peek at him. Sato waved and Hani waved back, continuing to giggle.

Ha-Neul grabbed his new parent's hands and pulled them towards the elevator. He was definitely ready to go.

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