Emergency Hotline (Book 1)

By Solaris_Pannel

4.8K 286 320

America is in university student, interning for the 'First responders' Job. Although United Nations Disagrees... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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Fake art-collab for '11 Minutes'?
L谈虃蛥挞o谈處蜌虡v痰虙虦态e谈蛢蜁r谈虛虣 檀虃虄摊蛪o谈蛦蛵滩f痰蛫虓滩 谭蜎蛪虡m痰虄蛯號蜌i檀虥贪n谈虒虓碳蛥e谭虉虪虧
'Fake' Art collab
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

164 8 27
By Solaris_Pannel


Today was Monday. Back on schedule, Jesse was ok. He did seem a bit out of place but America wanted to find Russia and apologize to him. 

First-class was Math. Whatever they learned. The teacher was ASEAN, he went by Professor Malakai. Due to the fact humans still attended the school. But America noticed something was off about him. And all the Hispanic countries. What happened? The event only happened between him and Mexico on Friday or Saturday. America couldn't remember. He didn't want to anyway.

But his friends acted weird as well. He was sitting at the lunch table, after that, they had athletics for the rest of the day.

"Why are you guys weird? Something happened?" Philippines ignored him and kept eating. Puerto Rico looked as if he was on the verge of tears. Canada sighed. 

"Ames. When will you learn that not everybody is happy around you." Canada said. America's jaw dropped. He put down his sandwich. 

"What are you saying?" 

"UN will explain soon enough."

"NO!" He yelled. The cafeteria became quiet. Then the volume became louder again. Canada frowned at America

"Liam- shut up." He gritted under his teeth. America sighed, Puerto Rico and Philippines were talking about god knows what. America didn't care. He lost his appetite. Wanted Jesse to drag him out of here.  For once why didn't that happen?

Everything seemed out of place today. Scratch that every day is pretty weird since the prank call. Was Russia some wizard and this was a dumb curse? No, it wasn't. This was all in his head. He wanted it to leave but-

"Liam!" Jesse said walking over to their table. America faced Jesse

"What's up?"

"Professor Aspen has called you guys to his office!" Jesse said, Canada looked at America and nodded at him.

Professor Aspen is NATO. He is more of like the peace between all the Organizations and creates most of the peace rules. Something must've happened that most countries were there.

In the big auditorium. All countries were there. Except two. Mexico and Spain. America held Canada's hand as they were scared every ceremony one of the organizations had scared everyone always. 

"Let's hope somebody didn't pass.." Canada whispered. They were sitting together with their siblings Australia and New Zealand. the younger countries had to skip so to attend the meeting. 

This must be really important. America thought. 

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" United nations yelled on stage. What was the point of that? Everyone was scared. They all knew every well every rule ends in a punishment of death.

"As you all know the rule two-" ASEAN started, everyone finished off.

"Act of two and two." They all said in unison.

"Right. Very well. You know the consequences of Suicide." NATO said. Everyone gasped, looking around the room thinking if it was Spain or Mexico

America knew. This was his fault if he wasn't such a jerk to-

"Mexico has reached 54 deaths. She has committed suicide. On May 27th, 2020." NATO went on for a tribute. But America knew that day was the day after the fight. So it was his fault. It all was. 

"Canada. This is all my fault. Mexico has wings and Spain is gone." America whispered as cried on Canada's shoulder

"It could never be your fault-" Canada whispered

"You are all excused from school for a month. Your jobs as well. We will now read the note she left us. This is the consequence. LEARN FROM THEM." United Nations said.

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