IND/ENG - Unacceptable Love...

By Cyrena0819

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Pairing : Phana/Singto Genre : Romance/Drama/Mpreg Singto is working at the property company, he fall in love... More

IND - Chapter One - First Sight Love
ENG - Chapter One - First Sight Love
IND - Chapter Two - Little Secret
ENG - Chapter Two - Little Secret
IND - Chapter Three - Sweet & Bitter
ENG - Chapter Three - Sweet & Bitter
IND - Chapter Four - Embarrassing Moment
ENG - Chapter Four - Embarrassing Moment
IND - Chapter Five - Coffee's Story
ENG - Chapter Five - Coffee's Story
IND - Chapter Six - Love is Hard
ENG - Chapter Six - Love is Hard
IND - Chapter Seven - Secret Unfold
ENG - Chapter Seven - Secret Unfold
IND - Chapter Eight - Card Revealed
ENG - Chapter Eight - Card Revealed
IND - Chapter Nine - The Stalker
ENG - Chapter Nine - The Stalker
IND - Chapter Ten - First Time
ENG - Chapter Ten - First Time
IND - Chapter Eleven - Taking a Break
ENG - Chapter Eleven - Taking a Break
IND - Chapter Twelve - Blossom Night
ENG - Chapter Twelve - Blossom Night
IND - Chapter Thirteen - Love Quadrangle
ENG - Chapter Thirteen - Love Quadrangle
IND - Chapter Fourteen - Unfaithful Facts
ENG - Chapter Fourteen - Unfaithful Facts
IND - Chapter Fifteen - Caught in Time
ENG - Chapter Fifteen - Caught in Time
IND - Chapter Sixteen - Rivalry War
ENG - Chapter Sixteen - Rivalry War
IND - Chapter Seventeen - Lose to Win
ENG - Chapter Seventeen - Lose to Win
IND - Chapter Eighteen - The Conclusion
ENG - Chapter Eighteen - The Conclusion
IND - Chapter Nineteen - Finding Love
ENG - Chapter Nineteen - Finding Love
IND - Chapter Twenty - Reunion
ENG - Chapter Twenty - Reunion
IND - Chapter Twenty One - Wedding Plan
ENG - Chapter Twenty One - Wedding Plan
IND - Chapter Twenty Two - Tree of Love
ENG - Chapter Twenty Two - Tree of Love
IND - Chapter Twenty Three - Unexpected Thing in Life
ENG - Chapter Twenty Three - Unexpected Thing in Life
IND - Extra Chapter One
IND - Extra Chapter Two
ENG - Extra Chapter Two

ENG - Extra Chapter One

664 32 7
By Cyrena0819

3 months later....

Singto's pregnancy has entered the 6th months, he looked difficult to walk, had back pain, leg cramps, and feels difficulty breathing. Every day he just lay on the bed, walked to the bathroom, into the kitchen, then sat back on the couch and watched TV or playing his phone.

His days started to get boring and he felt like he was going crazy, and for that reason sometimes Pha was forced to work from home to accompany him.

Sometimes Vee comes to visit them and bring his baby girl to play with Singto, so he is not feel bored. Vee was doing a freelance job, selling beauty products online, so she has plenty of free time.

Besides that, she also often gives the tips to Singto about what to consider during pregnancy, and the relationship between the two is very good.

That morning Pha took the initiative to take Singto to the office for the first time since they were married. At first Singto looked hesitant, but Pha insisted on announcing about their relationship to all employees.

All employees gathered in the lobby when the white Mercedes arrived in front of the door. Pha got out of the car and handed the car key to the security officer, then opened the door for Singto and leading him out carefully.

Singto walked while hugging his big belly, though nervous, but he tried to be calm and look straight, looking into the eyes of everyone who was looking at him in various expressions with a smile.

"I don't think I need to introduce the man beside me to you all again, because I'm sure all of you already familiar with him, but I want to announce that at this time he is my legal partner and one of the owners of the company, so I hope you will treat him the same like you treat me..."

Next Pha brought his hand to touch Singto's belly and added. "Next, I want to introduce a new member of our family, it has been 6 months..."

The faces of all the employees looked surprised, some employees whispered with each other and smiled, a moment later some people started clapping and congratulates them, followed by others.

When finished, Pha introduced a woman who was his new secretary to Singto, handed his belongings to her, then invited Singto to visit the office.

Singto stepped in and felt nostalgic about the place, he stood in front of his desk for a moment and smiled. "I miss my desk...and my job..."

The new secretary learned the story behind Pha and Singto's relationship and unconsciously commented.

"I guess, you must be more happy to have your current position..."

Singto shortly glance at her in suspicious, but then he ignored it and sat in front of his desk, touching the keyboard, searching the draw, looking for his personal belongings that left behind.

"Sorry, but I had removed some of unused stuffs from the table, I hope you don't mind..."

"Of course not, the table is yours..." Singto replied. "You're the new CEO secretary now, I hope you will enjoy your job..."

"Thank you and I'm very happy to get this opportunity, I hope I can do it better than you..."

Singto shortly staring at her sharply and could immediately read the meaning of her words, then replied subtly.

"If your performance is good, maybe I can promote you to other departments..."

The secretary's expression changed instantly and wondered if Singto was serious or was being sarcastic.

"Should I vacate the secretary position, and ask you to help me in the office like before?" Pha interrupted, then invited Singto to sit on the sofa, get him a glass of water.

"Good idea, I'm tired of staying at home every day..."

Pha brought his finger to touch Singto's nose and replied. "We'll talk about that after the baby is born..." he then took Singto's hand, squeezed it softly and added.

"Right now, you just need to stay home and take good care of yourself, there's no need to worry about work..."

"I just want to help you...and make sure everything is fine..." said Singto, glancing at Pha's new secretary who looked awkward looking at their intimacy, she immediately excused herself and left the room.

After living alone, Pha brought his face closer to kiss his sweetheart, but suddenly Singto jumped in surprise and touched his stomach.


"Are you alright?" Pha canceled his intention and asked in worried.

"I-it's good, I'm just surprised because... the baby is moving all of a sudden..."

"Really?" exclaimed Pha as he pressed his ears and hands to Singto's stomach trying to detect the baby's movements, then smiled broadly. "Yes, I can feel it...I think he was awakened by our chat..."

"It was very strange, sometimes he kicked me...and it tickled, made me laugh unconsciously..." Singto described his feelings.

"Maybe he knows that you feel bored and want to invite you to play..." Pha said and kissed Singto's stomach softly. "I can't wait to carry him in my arms..."

"I can see you're so happy to become a father, aren't you?"

"Of course, this is my first child..."

"Have you thought of a name for him?"

"Yes, Shu, which means tree ..."


"Because he was born from the seeds of our love..." said Pha.

Singto nodded in understanding and smiled broadly, then stretched his arms around Pha and rested his head on the man's chest. Pha brought one hand to stroke Singto's shoulder and the other hand curled around the man's belly, both of them resting for a while in that position.


From office, Pha invited Singto to dinner at a Chinese restaurant and ordered a private room because he did not want Singto's appetite to ruin because of the people's stares at him.

After helping Singto sit down and order food, they have a chat while waiting.

"Did you fight with Vee?" Pha opened the conversation.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because I saw her leave in furious last night ..."

Singto sighed for a while before starting the story.


Since the the pregnancy entered the sixth month, Singto's appetite increased and he always feel hungry. He was no longer a vegetarian because the doctor advised him to consume meat to balance nutrition for the growth of his fetal.

Singto was sitting in front of the counter and waiting for the maid to make spaghetti, when Vee arrived.

The woman glanced at the watch for a moment and asked him. "You haven't had lunch yet?"

"I had, two hours ago..." Singto answered, he can't wait to eat the spaghetti carbonara in front of him, but suddenly Vee darted to the counter and removed the spaghetti from him.

"You should eat less and avoid the fatty foods..." Vee added. "Besides that you have to move a lot and doing exercise..."

"Aw, but I'm starving..." Singto protested with a pleading expression.

Vee ignored him, she dragged Singto away from the counter and told him to stand on the scale. Singto hesitated for a moment before step on it. He was shocked and froze when realized that he gained 3 kilos from the standard recommended by the doctor.

"If you don't diet, you will turn into a Barney bear..." Vee said.

Singto remembered Pha's words a few days ago, which said that he had gained weight while carrying him to his room because he had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Next Vee checked the parameters on the treadmill and complained. "I told Pha to buy this so you can exercise regularly, but the kilometers haven't increased since last week, what have you been doing at home?"

"My whole body hurts, makes me lazy to move, even for the bathroom I have to drag my feet, you told me to do a treadmill?" he paused for a moment. "Just kill me!"

Vee touched her forehead and sighed.

"Plus I feel hungry every two hours and urinate frequently, this condition drives me almost crazy." added Singto.

"I know, I've been through it..." Vee tried to persuade him. "But this is for your health and your baby, in addition to reducing stress and back pain as well as to prevent gestational diabetes that develops during pregnancy..."

Singto was surprised to hear Vee's explanation.

"Now you understand how the woman's sufferings..."

Singto nodded. "I know, my mother also told me that she had to go to work to help my father and do housework at home while pregnant with me..."

"Well, I also do housework when I'm pregnant so I'm not bored..." Vee added. "It's just that I'm not working ..."

Singto did not know whether he could be said to be lucky because Pha hired a housemaid to take care of the house and he also did not dare to go to work with his condition.

Singto stepped onto the treadmill carefully while hugging his baby bump, then stretched out one hand to hold the hand grip, before Vee started the engine at low speed, raising it little by little.

After finishing, Singto throw himself on the couch to rest and complain hungry. But Vee did not allow him to eat, and only gave him water to drink, as a result, Singto went back and forth to the toilet every half hour and finally fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Unnoticeably, the day turns night.

Vee immediately woke Singto up when Pha's car entered the yard and stopped in front of the house, telling him that Pha had returned home.

"You want to go home?" Pha asked Vee who is ready to leave, as he opened the door and walked in. He immediately greeted her with a hug, then greeted the little girl who was asleep in the stroller.

"Hello, beautiful girl... are you having a sweet dream?" Pha landed a kiss on her cheek softly.

After that he turned and asked Singto, who had just woken up and was yawning.

"How was your day, honey?"

"Tiring...and starving..." said Singto who was still sleepy. "Your ex-wife tortured me ..."

Pha, glancing at Vee in confused.

The woman glared at Singto for a moment and back to Pha. "You shouldn't spoil him, he has to move a lot and eat less, otherwise you won't be able to carry him when he's pregnant for nine months." she snorted irritably and left.

[End of Flashback]

Pha laughed at Singto's story and commented. "I never worried about Vee while she was pregnant, she can take care of herself very well..."

"I admit that she is a great woman..." Singto said.

"And she is...very different from the Vee I used to know..." added Pha.

"Are you regret?"

"Why do you think so?" Pha looked at him suspiciously. "Are you jealous?"


"You're afraid I'll come back to her?"

Singto did not answer, he looked into Pha's eyes and tried to find answers in it, yet in his heart, honestly he was worried.

"Listen, I don't have any feelings for her anymore, because...I have given all my feelings to you...and love you with all my heart..." Pha kissed his lips softly, and brought Singto's hand to touch his own belly.

"Besides, the seeds of our love are growing inside you, it is a chain that will bind us for life..."

Singto smiled and was touched by Pha's words, suddenly his stomach growls.

"Are you starving?" Pha laughed and added. "Tonight, you can eat as much as you want ..."

"After that I have to do a treadmill?"

"No need..." Pha replied with a suspicious smile, thinking of something in his head. "I'll take you riding all night ..."

Singto immediately understood Pha's intentions and his face turned red immediately.

Suddenly Pha's cellphone rang, he excused himself for a moment to receive a call, because the signal in the room was not good. Singto felt like to empty his bladder, so he also went out and go to the toilet.

But when he was about to go to toilet, he saw a woman slapping a man, and a suspicious young man who ran outside. He shortly widened his eyes when recognized the couple that was having a fight, which was none other than Luke and his wife.

"You son of bitch!" scolded Ploy. "Why do you admit it just now that you are actually a gay?!"

Singto was surprised and suspecting the young man who ran out was Luke's affair.

Singto felt DeJa vu as well felt sympathy for Ploy.

"Because I'm trying to change..." Luke defended himself. "But then I realize I can't..."

"So that's why you always look for reasons to avoid me and sleep with him behind me?!"

"Sorry, I don't mean to do that, but... I can't lie to my own feelings, and I don't want to lie to you..."

"Enough!!!" Ploy snapped. "Men like you always have a reason to defend yourself, you and your gay partner really disgust me..." she said with emotion. "I want to divorce with you!"

Finished saying so she immediately left the place. Singto quickly looked away when Ploy walked past him, but unfortunately Luke noticed him.

"Sing?!" he called in a surprised tone, then checked Singto's appearance from top to bottom and stared in surprise. "W-what happened to you?"

Singto did not answer, he tried to hide his face and wanted to run away, but the man shortly darted in front of him and blocked his way.

"It's been a long time..." Luke said with a gentle gaze. "I didn't expect that we could run into each other here..."

Singto glanced at him from the corner of his eye and murmured in annoyance. "This world is really small..."

Luke stared at Singto's stomach for a moment with a curious expression, then reached out to touch it, but suddenly a hand twisted him strong and pushed him backward.

"What do you want?" asked Pha, who was standing in front of Singto.

Luke was surprised to see Pha and grinned. "I thought fate brought me to Singto again, but you're here too?"

"Of course, I am his husband, where he is, there must be me..."

"Oh, so the rumor that you are married is true?"

"Yes..." Pha said curtly. "And I want you to remember that!"

Luke turned to Singto who was hiding behind Pha and was hugging his belly tightly, then furrowing his brows and asking curiously. "Is he pregnant?"

Pha glanced behind him and weighed for a moment, then brought Singto forward and put his hand on the man's belly. "Yes, it's been six months..."

Luke seemed hypnotized and froze to hear that with an expression of disbelief. "Wow, I'm really jealous of you..." he laughed and added. "I guess I should congratulate you guys..." he reached out to Pha.

"Thank you..." Pha welcomed his hand.

"How did you do it, buddy?" he pointed to Singto's baby bump.

"That's a secret...I can't tell you..." Pha grinned. "And I'm one of the lucky men who can get him..." he glanced at Singto.

"Well, I'm really regret for threw away a precious gem and let you take it..." Luke replied, looking at Singto and sighing.

"Well, that because you're too greedy and you don't know how to treasure everything..."

Suddenly a waiter came and interrupted their conversation, telling Pha that their food had ready.

"All right, we have to go, excuse us..." Pha immediately took Singto's hand and led him back to their room.

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