One More Year

By sanelovee

44.5K 1.4K 279

In her final year of high school, Olivia Romano is a master at evading attention, preferring to blend into th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

1.9K 53 15
By sanelovee

Getting out of fourth period, I see Thomas walking up to us. I want to turn around, but he already saw that I saw him. I just want to have lunch and get a pizza. I don't have the energy to discuss how I ditched him after he kissed me.

"Hey, Olivia. Penelope." He smiles not looking at Penelope for more than a second.

"Hey." I grip the books in my hands.

He seems a little nervous, "Wanna sit with us during lunch?"

Thomas is really starting to make me uncomfortable with his persistence. I don't want to be mean and say no directly. I don't want to seem stuck up. That's not how I want to change. I'm a nice person. But, the kiss was a little too much for me.

"We were going to the library," I tell him and Penelope nods. Always backing me up in my lies.

"Hey, Penny," Austin calls out before reaching us and gives a little side hug to Penelope.

"Penny?" I ask, smiling. She's smiling and looks up at him, meeting his green eyes which now that I see them in better lighting they look like aqua green.

"Hey." She whispers in awe of him.

Oh. My. God. This crush is worse than I thought, but I love it.

"It's cute." He says and smiles as he shrugs looking down at her, "I need to show you something cool. I have proof."

"They're going to the library," Thomas says irritatedly.

Penelope frowns and her face softens when she meets mine. She knows I don't want to be left alone with Thomas again. But she seemed so excited to go with Austin. I can't do this to her. I'm about to invite myself to go with them and then I see him.

Cam is walking up to us now.  Most likely because of Austin's here.

Okay, I won't invite myself anymore.

I look at Penelope, "Go with Austin, I'll be at the library."

She frowns slightly, but nods, "Okay. I'll come looking for you after."


I wish Thomas would leave me alone, I bump him to the side and rush to the library. I just want to get away from him. And Cam coming here would just make it worst for me. I want to be mad at Thomas for kissing me but he can't know he was my first kiss. And Cam is a jerk. A cute jerk. I'll get my feelings hurt if I'm around him too much.

I pick an empty table at the far end. There aren't too many people in here, but it's my safe spot. None of the popular kids ever come to the library.

I open up my book and a hand suddenly takes it from my hands.

"Why is it that every time I'm so close to you... You seem to disappear." His deep voice says in my ear and I turn to meet his eyes.

It's Cam. Did he follow me here? Has he noticed me trying to not go noticed by him? How can't I? He makes me nervous.

I lift my chin, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He chuckles and takes the seat across from me, "You're always looking at me, but then when I notice you staring at me like some creep. You leave somewhere."

Creep? I frown. "I don't leave anywhere."

He nods amused, "I get it, you're into me, but it's not gonna happen?" He shrugs and leans back on the seat he's sitting on.

I look around the room hoping no one heard him before I meet his stupid cute blue eyes. "Excuse me?"

He shrugs, "Yeah, you're not my type. You're a little awkward and shy."

Wow. Ouch! I didn't know being shy was that much of a bad thing.

I laugh now, "I've never even had a conversation with you."

He tilts his head slightly and narrows his eyes, "You're pretty obvious about it when you stare at me."

He's unbelievable. And annoying now.

I shake my head and frown, "Who followed who to the library?"

He grins happily now, "Yeah because I wanted to tell you it's not going to happen."


I scoff, "Don't flatter yourself. I didn't come to the library to hide from you."

He leans forward and smiles smugly, folding his hands in front of him. It's very easy to get lost in his blue eyes from here. "Then why did you?"

He really thinks he has me all figured out. I can't give him the satisfaction that it was also him who caused me to come here so I only say half the truth, "Thomas."

He chuckles now, "Your little boyfriend?"

I frown, "He's not my boyfriend."

He rolls his eyes, "Might as well be. He's all over you and you seem to love his attention."

I lean forward now too, I level my stare with his because he's pissing me off, "If I loved it then why did I come in here to get away from him?"

He leans back against the chair and smirks, "Okay. Point taken."

Finally! "Okay. Can you leave me be, now?"

He stands and I think he's going to leave, but he walks around to sit next to me, "I've got an idea."

I turn to meet his eyes and he smiles, "I can't tell if that's a good thing or bad thing." I tell him unsure of where this is going.

He chuckles and shrugs as he runs his finger along the edges of my book, "Take it as you wish. But..." He meets my eyes again and my stomach does the little thing with the butterflies again. "What if we fake being boyfriend and girlfriend."

I frown, "What! For what!"

This guy is a professional at cruelty! Does he not know what that can do to me!

"Shhh..." Mrs. Benson, the librarian glares at us, which is saying a lot since she's not strict on the library being quiet.

He smiles widely now, "I wouldn't consider Thomas a friend, but I know I'll be breaking some kind of code here. But I can see why you're annoyed with him."

"Then let's not do this. Wouldn't want you breaking any code." I tug at the book he still has under his hand and he presses his palm harder on the book on the table. Keeping me from taking it back.

"Listen, this isn't only about Thomas. Zoey wants to be my girlfriend and I don't mind making it official since she's a good fuck, but she's already really clingy. I want her to know anyone can be my girlfriend if choose. Then, when I make it official and I tell her she's being clingy, she'll think twice."

"Ew." I make a disgusted face. He's a pig.

"Ew?" He frowns, annoyed with me.

"This is a bad idea," I tell him and I catch a glimpse of Thomas through the windows as he's walking along the library.

Oh, no. He's come here to look for me.

"It's a win-win situation. It's a great idea." Cam says breaking my gaze from watching Thomas walking in.

I shake my head, but keep my mouth shut as he stares at me for a moment longer and Thomas is already standing at the end of the table smiling.

"Hey, guys." His eyes shift to Cam, "Didn't think you knew what a library was. What are you doing here?" He chuckles

Cam's eyes flash with annoyance before he slides all my books over to his side, "Helping my girl study for her test."

I don't even have a test coming up yet.

"Your girl?" Thomas frowns and his eyes glance at me quickly. Well, this saves me from having the conversation with Thomas about me ditching him.

Cam stands now, "Yeah, my girlfriend." He turns to me, "You didn't tell him?" I want to roll my eyes, but I shake my head and Cam smirks as he turns back around to Thomas.

Oh, god. Okay, we're really doing this now. He really gave me no choice. What better way to make this year memorable. It'll be fun this year! I said. It'll be a new me this year! I said.

This. This is exaggerating on making this year memorable. Getting out of my comfort zone couldn't have gotten worst than this.

Thomas meets my eyes and frowns, "Since when?"

I clear my throat, I feel my cheeks get hotter, "Not long." I know he's thinking about when he kissed me.

He smirks now like if he's relieved which only causes Cam to glare at him.

Cam gets closer to him now. "It's none of your business."

Thomas frowns, "You knew I had a thing for her... You're right. None of my business. It won't last long enough for me to care."

"What do you mean?" I find myself asking and I stand too, now.

"This guy can't commit. That's why he won't commit to Zoey even though she practically begs him to. He likes having his pick of girls lined up for him." Thomas seems pretty smug saying it.

Cam pushes Thomas hard and I see in Thomas's eyes. He's about to push Cam so I rush to stand in front of him. I would hate for them to fight over this fake relationship.

"Stop." I turn to Thomas who I think I see a little hurt in his eyes.

"Do I need to call security?" Mrs. Benson asks in a monotone voice.

"No. We were just leaving. Sorry." I then turn to Thomas, "Just because he can't commit to Zoey doesn't give you the right to say he can't commit to me. He's already committed to me. So I agree with Cam. It's none of your business." I didn't want to be so mean to Thomas. Sure he's flirty and obnoxious around his friends, but we weren't anything for him to feel like he can decide who's good for me.

I grab my bag to leave and Cam seems to take the hint and grabs my books and walks out with me, leaving Thomas behind.

Outside of the library, I frown. "I can carry my own stuff."

He shakes his head, "Now that you have a boyfriend you won't. I'm committed, remember?" He smiles.

"You're being ridiculous," I tell him, but I don't push any further conversation. Seems like he just likes to argue the more he talks.

He doesn't say anything as we walk outside. Some people look but quickly look away. Apparently, it's obvious, he won't date someone like me. Which is a little upsetting. Is it really what Cam said? I'm too awkward and shy? Is that what hasn't gotten any boy interested in me all these years in high school? 

He sets my books on the grass when he finds a spot under a tree. He sits down and pats the spot next to him. I sit next to him and wrap my arms around my legs so they don't hit the grass. I get itchy every time the grass hits my bare legs. I should've worn pants instead of shorts today.

"Just please don't be too clingy. Just be a cool girlfriend." He finally says as he crosses his black jean cladded legs and leans back against the tree.

"Uh... Well... I've never been a girlfriend before." I stare at him now. I'm trying not to show him how nervous this makes me. I don't want to be an awkward, shy girl. Not this year.

"What?" He glares and sits up.

"I-I've never been a girlfriend." I look down at the grass. I don't want to meet his eyes any longer.

"Why?" He really seems irritated now.

He came up with this stupid plan and he's mad at me?

"No one's ever asked." I glare at him too now.

"Thomas." He clenches his jaw.

I frown, "He didn't ask."

"Why did you agree to this then?" Strangely he seems more relaxed asking this.

He literally didn't give me much of a choice.

"It benefited both of us." I'm not going to admit to him that I actually look forward to the very least pretending to be his girlfriend. I can already feel the heartbreak he's going to leave me with, but I've never had a boyfriend before. This is something I'd never do. I'd always pictured my first and hopefully the only relationship to be really special. This is far from special.

But, I'd be lying if I said the thought of Cam hugging me and at least pretending to be my boyfriend isn't exciting.

"Fuck, I hope this works." He mutters softly and looks over at the crowd of people.

I frown, "How exactly do you want things to play out?"

He shrugs like it isn't a big deal. "Just like a normal relationship."

I chuckle, "This isn't a normal relationship."

"Just pretend to be normal. At least around Zoey." He says while still looking at the crowd of people. For someone who wants to get a girl jealous he almost seems like he doesn't care. He says it so nonchalant or maybe that's just his bad-boy vibe.

"Who's Zoey?" I ask, I start to look around the crowd to see if it's someone he's looking at.

"She doesn't come to this school." He finally turns to me.

I frown, "Then how is this going to work?"

He shrugs, "At school, it'll work for you. Thomas will get off your back. At parties, it'll work for me." He smiles now.

I shake my head, "I don't want to go to any more parties." Not after Thomas stole my first kiss.

He glares at me, "Why the fuck not? That's mainly where I see Zoey."

Do I really want to come out of my comfort zone this year?

I sigh heavily, "Fine. I'll go to the stupid parties."

He chuckles now, it sounds nice. "You went to the last two. Why don't you like them?"

"It's out of my comfort zone," I whisper and look out to the crowd like he did.

"What is your comfort zone?" He surprises me with this question. This isn't something fake boyfriend-related. This sounds like a genuine question.

"Being home. Watching movies and eating junk food with Penelope. I only wanted to get out of my comfort zone with school activities. Parties are not my thing, obviously. They're uncomfortable." I scrunch my nose and he smiles as his eyes sparkle. I must've sounded lame.

Here he is, wanting to go to all these parties because he's cool and I'm telling him they make me uncomfortable. Because I'm awkward and shy.

He scoots closer to me and I can smell him, my chest flutters a little, "How about I do all the high school stuff with you and you'll do all the other outside-of-high-school stuff with me?"

I smile now, "Okay. Fair enough."

I see Penelope and Austin at the corner of the building and she's frowning until she sees me and her face brightens. She points towards me and Austin smiles too now.

They walk faster and Cam turns to them too now. They sit across from us and Austin has a cheesy smile on his face just like Penelope's. I think he has it just as bad as Penelope.

Austin nods at Cam, "Thomas knows you hanging out with his conquest?"

Cam glares at him, "She's not his fucking conquest. She's my girlfriend and he knows to stay the fuck back."

Penelope's eyes widen and she gasps, but she covers it up when Austin turns to her, "That's rude to say about my best friend."

Austin seems surprised and stutters a little, "I'm sorry. I didn't think it'd be rude since I had told her on Friday, that's what he was trying to do. And I thought Cam knew when he said it."

Penelope meets my eyes and frowns, but Cam glares at Austin. "I was with Zoey. I didn't know."

Austin seems pensive, "I could've sworn you were there."

Penelope's frown deepens and I don't want her crush to end so quickly. He's right. He did warn me.

"It's okay, Austin. Thank you for warning me." I tell him and quickly glance at Cam who's still frowning at Austin.

"Yeah, well I don't think it's okay. You don't say shit like that to my girl." He takes my hand and rubs his thumb on my knuckles. My chest rises. Holy crap. This was a mistake. I like the way he's pretending to be into me. "Don't let anyone be rude to you. You come to me if anyone is and I'll take care of them."

I can only nod, my tongue doesn't want to work when he looks at me with those intense blue eyes.

"Liv?" Penelope's concerned voice makes me meet her worried eyes. "This is real?"

I take a deep breath, "Yeah."

I'll tell her the truth as soon as we have a moment alone, but not in front of Austin. Cam obviously doesn't want him to know.

"Liv?" Cam seems confused. "Is that what you go by? You're more comfortable with that?"

I smile now. He's surprised me again. He seems genuinely interested, "Yeah, my family and Penelope call me, Liv."

The bell rings and we all get up, Cam grabs my books and my bag. I try to take my bag and he leans back. I roll my eyes. Does he expect to carry all my things everywhere?

Penelope looks at me curiously and I smile at her, "I'll see you after school." Her class is on the opposite side of the building from my class so there's no time to tell her about it now.

Austin pretends to clean her shoes that I have no clue what they are, but I'm guessing some classic shoes because that's all she and Austin seem to be into. They walk in the opposite direction and I smile for Penelope. At least she doesn't have to fake anything.

I turn to Cam and he smiles widely now making my heart skip a beat, "I like Olivia, but I have to say. Liv seems like it's personal and it's cute."

My cheeks flush and it must've been obvious because he laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder and presses me against him as he walks me to class. This is so weird, but I can't seem to stop it. I like it. Even if it's just pretending.

I'm going to have to slow it down and tell him not to touch me as much. I'll have a broken heart before he tears it up himself.

But right now. I let myself enjoy being under his arm.

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