Kirby x Meta Knight - human...

By wiccawiccawoo69

15.9K 248 574

Have you been looking for a story that follows the love story of human Meta Knight and girl Kirby? Well your... More

A New Warrior
Monster at the Castle
Lavender scented candles
Its About Time
Virtually Nonexistent
Protect Her
"iT's buRnIN' eVerYthInG!"
Around the 15th
'Heaven help the fool who falls in love'
Saturdays are for the boys
Delaney has entered the chat
Kracko part 1
Kracko part 2
Halloween Special
Authors note

End of the Line Bitch

1K 20 65
By wiccawiccawoo69

Makes me sad none of y'all comment :'(


After a while of them talking in Meta's room, they leave to  go see other rooms in the castle. They are walking in one of the hallways until....

King D: "META KNIGHT!!!!" King D yells from his throne room

Meta: "*sighs* I think king douche bag wants me"

Kirby: "haha you think? Go, do your job, if you need me I'll be wherever Tiff is" where is Tiff anyways...

Meta leaves to attend to whatever the king wants. He hates working for DDD. Hates. Kirby goes and looks for Tiff, she can't wait to tell her what happened. Meta arrives at the throne room where D sits on his throne with Escargoon standing beside him.

King D: "listen here Meta Knight I got a job for you, I need you to battle Kirby"

Escargoon: "that pesky little star warrior won't stand a chance against a world class swordsman"

Meta: "I don't fight fellow star warriors"

Escargoon: "listen to his majesty! We outta throw you in the dungeon for treason!"

Meta: "But-" gets cut off by King DDD

King D: "no buts about it, you work for me, I already sent out the flyers"

Meta: "flyers?"

King D: "Why this battle will be a public event of course"

Escargoon: "it's about time the cappies see some violence"

Metas thoughts: yikes

King D: "everyone will be watching when they see their precious star warrior savior impaled by your blade"

Metas thoughts: What the fuck

Escargoon: "now go get ready, the fights this evening"

Meta: "Sire, you are asking me to kill Kirby?"

King D: "I thought you understood english!"

Escargoon: "Maybe try speaking to him in spanish" Escargoon whispered to the king who nodded

King D: "Killo Kirbyo witho swordo taco" Escargoon face palms

Meta: "I understood you the first time-" what the fuck. Meta is now extremely pissed at that.

Escargoon: "Then leave!"

Meta left and as he was leaving he rolled his eyes. Such disrespect to his culture! (hes spanish not mexican btw, 🇪🇸 )

Kirby goes into Cappy town to look for Tiff. Walking through the town she notices papers with her name on it. She reads it. It says stuff like come watch a legendary duel between master swordsman Meta Knight and stupid star warrior Kirby. It says the fights this evening and it's location.
Kirby's thoughts: oh shit I need to go find Meta
But before she leaves she sees Tiff and Tuff walking to her.

Tiff: "Kirby did you see? They want you to fight Meta Knight!"

Kirby: "yep I saw"

Tuff: "so what are you going to do?"

Kirby: "um fight him I guess"

Tiff: "Kirby you can't fight him you'll lose"

Kirby: "I accept that challenge"

Tuff: "huh? You want to fight Meta Knight?"

Kirby: "why not? What's he gonna do kill me?"

Tiff: "if the king says so, he loyal to the king"

Kirby: "ha I'm not worried" Kirby winked at Tiff

Tiff: *gasp*

Tuff: "what?"

Kirby: "oh nothing, here you can have the rest" Kirby gives Tuff the icing container. "I've gotta go talk to Meta Knight"

Tiff: "we'll come with"

Kirby: ", I'm good, see you later" Kirby turns around and speed walks out of the conversation and heads back to the castle, she needs to hurry it's only an hour till the battle.

Tuff: "want some icing?"

Tiff: "I'm worried for Meta knight, what will they do to him if he doesn't try to fight Kirby"

Tuff: "I dunno"

Tiff *sighs*

(Btw I made Tuff 11 in this)

Meta knight goes into cappy town to look for Kirby or Tiff. He sees the flyers for the battle
Metas thoughts: Dios mío
Meta sees Tiff and Tuff

Meta: "have you seen Kirby?"

Tiff: "She was just here and left looking for you"

Meta: "where'd she go?"

Tuff: "to the castle"

Meta: "ok thanks bye" He said rushing off

Tiff: "Meta wait!!"

Meta can hear Tiff but he needs to find Kirby now so he ignores her and runs to the castle.

Tiff: "uggg!"

Kirby and Meta see each other in a hallway.

Meta: "I'm assuming you heard?"

Kirby: "you've assumed correctly"

Meta: "So what are we going to do?"

Kirby: "OK SO, Tiff said that if we actually were to fight you would win, I disagree-"

Meta: "I would win"

Kirby: "shut up I'm not done, so we fight for real and see who wins but but but, we won't like be purposely trying to kill each other. Get what I'm saying"

Meta: "fighting but without the violence?"

Kirby: "yes, lucky for you I'm an excellent dodger, so anyways we put on this very elaborate fake fight that seems real...but unfortunately, for you, you're gonna have to let me win"

Meta: "well if it's a fake fight then I don't care, I know I could beat you in a real fight"

Kirby: "suuure, I'll let you think we fake fight you let me win, yay done, that way King douche bag  won't get mad that you didn't kill me because your skills just couldn't compare!"

Meta: "what if we accidentally stab each other?"

Kirby: ".....haha that wouldn't be good"

Meta: "we should practice so that won't happen in the real thing"

Kirby: "good idea"

Kirby and Meta walk out to a big field of grass in the castle garden. Meta brought an extra sword to give to Kirby.

Meta: "ok you ready?"

Kirby: "wait!" Kirby takes off her shoes, and puts her hair up

Meta: "how about now?"

Kirby: "I don't like fighting in this dress" (((so you know those drawings *that are not mine* that are the cover of my stories? yeah she wears that)))

Meta: "well I don't like fighting in a mask it gets hot..."

Kirby: "Well at least you can take yours off!"

Meta opened his mouth to say something then stopped. I could too- nope stop, stop, omg stop

Kirby: "*sighs* ok i'm ready" Kirby holds the sword and absorbs? It's power? she's sword Kirby. (There are no visible changes when she does this btw)

They proceed to battle. Meta is shocked, he didn't think Kirby was this good... Kirby is shocked she thought she'd be able to beat him easier... even though the fight is "fake" they are still trying to win. They fake fight for like 5 minutes.

Kirby: "ok stop"

Meta stops

Kirby: "I'm getting tired, also we need to plan our fights ending moves"

Meta: "how about with a sword beam, have you ever done one?"

Kirby: "you mean this" Kirby focus her energy through her sword and produces a sword beam that puts a big hole in the ground. (to my irl friends, ik i sound like a complete nerd :p)

Meta: "I'm impressed but can it compare to this?" Meta does a sword beam that makes a significantly larger hole with more damage. When it comes to swords, Meta beats Kirby (lol that sounded wrong)

Kirby: "oh wow....good work...*realizes Meta is better than her*  So here's how it's gonna end, I'll sword beam everywhere then you act like your caught off guard, then I'll de-arm you if your sword and put my sword to you and be like 'end of the line bitch and yeah we're done"

Meta: "'end of the like bitch?'"

Kirby: "end of the line bitch;)"

Kirby and Meta prepare a little while longer. Then they make their way to where the battles held at. (Remember the episode in the anime when the princess arrives and Kirby and her fight that fish? Yeah well just imagine that arena, and for those who don't just think of the colosseum)

*Tiff and Tuffs house*

Lady Like: "Tiff Tuff, the duel is supposed to begin soon we better leave now to get good seats"

Tiff: "We can't possibly be going to watch the battle, what is something happens to Meta Knight or Kirby"

Tuff: "I wanna see it, it says the battles gonna be legendary"

Sir Ebrum: "I agree Tuff, it should be quite an interesting battle"

Tiff: "uugh whats wrong with you guys!"

In the end Tiff agrees to go watch the battle, but mostly because she's curious what Meta and Kirbys plan is, if they had one.

The arena where the battle will be held at is packed. King D and Escargoon are ready to spectate but they have another stupid plan up their sleeve....*smiles in evil*  every Cappy in town came to see this so-called legendary battle. On the way to the stadium Kirby and Meta run into Sword and Blade.

Blade: "there are guys are, the king sent us to go find you and make sure you show up"

Sword: "duels set to start soon"

Meta: "yeah we know, we were getting ready to make sure our plan works"

Blade: "plan?"

Kirby: "this whole fights gonna be fake and I'm the planned winner" why do all the knights have accents

Meta: "So no one gets hurt"

Blade: "ooo good plan"

Sword: "Wait- so you two practiced this?"

Kirby: "uh, yeah"

Sword: "alone?"

Kirby: "is that a problem?"

Blade: "ABSOLUTELY NOT" he said smiling

Kirby looked at Meta concerned.

Sword and Blade then gave Meta smirk

Kirbys thoughts: DO THEY SHIP IT TOO?! :0

Meta: "....we should go" He said walking away from his embarrassing friends

Kirby shrugged then followed Meta to the arena.

They all make their way to the stadium. Blade and Sword leave into the crowd to watch. Kirby walked in fist, the crowd cheers, she's very excited for the fake fight. Meta enters next, he doesn't like crowds this is giving him anxiety.

King D: "Y'all ready for the fight of the century!!"

Cappies: yeeee

Escargoon: "Let the duel commence!"

Kirby looks at Meta and mouths "end of the line bitch" Meta smiles, "end of the line bitch" he mouthed back to her. And the battle began.

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