Journey into the Wizarding Wo...

By TFALokiwriter

83 0 2

Imagine awakening in a world where you are slightly familiar to it but haven't watched the source material in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

14 0 0
By TFALokiwriter

I came to sitting on the edge of my bed and a set of clothing waiting for me beside me with a little white block that read 'BREAKFAST IS SOON'. I picked up my clump of clothing then went into the bathroom but before tripping over my misplaced prayer blanket with a yelp and a toy fire truck. I crashed loudly then grumbled, "Allah is testing me, surely!" and made my march to the bathroom then closed the door behind me. The bathroom was exactly how I remembered it in my childhood from top to bottom from side to side. Even the titles--except the titles had moving figures that resembles birds flying about instead of painted birds soaring over a beach and resting about.

It was purely innocent and cool in many ways, magical, the way that the Wizarding World was supposed to be. I smiled staring at the wall and felt some tears come to then wiped them off. I slid out of my pajamas and tossed them to the ground alongside me. I hopped into the shower, did my usual routine with speed, singing loudly to the tune of In Quarantine. My usually deep voice that echoed with some brass failed to have the same impact as it came out as a high pitch screech. I had forgotten how much of a singer that I was at the age of eleven. I hopped out of the shower, dried off, changed into my morning clothing, brushed my teeth with some difficulty.

I wasn't quite used to using a familiar non-electric tooth brush as the brush almost stung at first but I preserved against it and aggressively brushed my teeth. Nobody said that a Muslim Wizard out of time had to be diligent in becoming refamiliar to old habits in a time that had long passed and lived in for ten years of his life. Not the life that a tech savy forty-one year old belonged in.

I felt old in a young body and that felt quite strange. Strange to have short arms, long legs, a large head with small ears, and a belly that was growling more than it had in a very long time. I picked up my clump of clothing then whistled as I trotted out of the bathroom, skipped down the steps with a whistle, as my parents looked at me quite strangely.

"Robbie. . ."


"What is this virus that you were singing about?"

"Oh, Covid-19?"


"It is just something I dreamed about."

"Dreamed about?"

"Yeah, it was horrible. I died in it. It was so vividly real."

My dad and daddy lost their tension as they started to smile.

"Your letter should be coming in little more than a hour."

I sat down at the table joining them in the beginning of the meal. Dad slid in a casette tape into the television set that was set on the kitchen counter and there began the advertisements. I stared at the bulky large box shaped device. It had been been a mere decade since I had last seen the set at a hospital waiting room or any waiting room for that matter that was replaced recently by the rectangle television set where everything was generic and bright compared to what was a box that just showed a view of a story within a square box with color that wasn't highly remastered.

Even though it was in living color, it wasn't in living color just quite yet. I mulled this all over as I ate my meal with my parents then heard a gentle hoot hoot and a flutter of wings. A owl came to the adjacent window with a letter tucked inside one of its talons. Daddy was the first of them to prop up to his feet then go to the door as dad and I held our breaths.

"False alarm, this is just a letter from a friend of mine."

"Hogwarts letters come in the mail by owl."

"Course they do! Not by owl through window! They owl them to whatever the wizards get their mail in. Like say, a mailbox."

Rule one, don't mention the internet.

"Course, darling."

Rule 2; don't mention about email replacing physical letters.

"Mail will be in quite soon."

Rule 3; don't remotely mention how the method of Hogwarts letters may change in the foreseeable future because Wizards and Witches will ask me questions when the 2010's come.

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