31 short stories of angst [CO...

mysteryjessica tarafından

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Just wanted to do some angst story book for fun It's a 31 day challenge but I definitely won't be doing it st... Daha Fazla

Welcome to the book of angst!
Final Notes...


214 20 113
mysteryjessica tarafından

AN: I'm sorry if this chapter is
a) confusing
b) shitty
I haven't had a great day, let's just say that.

Thank you to Gratsu791 for deciding on something for the story (to be revealed later) and Freboredom for the inspiration :)

1. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites, although only using their avatars
2. Gay shipping, polygamy relationship (Pairing: USSS)
3. Hey, look no deaths!

4. Not proofread or edited
5. A few surprises here and there 

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it. (hearts too)

Mai has to go out to the outside world tomorrow and no way out this time so I might miss tomorrow's update, will try to write it though since I'm on a great streak roght now uwu

Enjoy reading~

"You have been invited to a Mad Tea Party that will be held on 13th June, Friday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Come to the address written at the back of the letter. Don't be late."

Sakata frowned at the letter in hand.

No sender's address, no name and no way to deny this invitation.

Should he even go?

He chewed his lip as he flipped the letter to check on the address.

"Isn't this..." Sakata blinked at the familiar address. This was his old house was it not? From the time he lived with those three...

Maybe he should give them a call...

Did they even use the same numbers from a few years ago?

He allowed the letter to fall from his hands with a frown.

It's been three years, would they even remember him? Did they still live together there?

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. His finger hovered nervously over a certain boy's contact.

Should he even call them? What should he even say?

Taking a deep breath, he pressed call and fell onto his sofa.

Each ring only increased his anxiety as he sat there, waiting for the other end to pick up.

After what felt like forever, the call connected.


The voice brought a small smile to the redhead's face.

"Hey Senra, remember me?"

"Sakata? It's been so long!" The redhead chuckled as he heard the excitement in the blonde's voice.

"It has," Sakata said with a hum, his anxiety washing away. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, the three of us had a little trouble with rent after you left but it smoothed over."

"I'm sorry," Sakata said sheepishly. "I didn't mean to move out so sudden."

"Oh no," Senra said cheerfully. "Don't worry about it! You had your reasons!"

"Thanks for understanding." Sakata smiled. Senra had always been the understanding one of the four of them in the house, easily settling the disputes between them.

"Now, tell me the true reason you called." Senra said sternly.


Did he mention how Senra was the sharpest one out of the rest of them too?

"Well..." Sakata started nervously, not really knowing how to ask without sounding awkward.

"I'm listening," Senra said and Sakata could hear a little shuffling and rustling from the other end.

"Do you still live at the house with the others?"

"No," Senra replied bluntly. "Maashi and I moved out to our own houses a while back but I think Urata still stays there, why?"

Sakata frowned as he eyed the letter. Did Urata send this? It wasn't possible right? He never told them his new address after he moved.

"Sakata?" Senra's worried voice snapped him out of his train of thought.

"Yeah, I'm here, sorry for spacing out."

"Did you receive a letter from the address or something?"

"Not really," Sakata admitted. "I got a letter telling me to go to the house again this Friday."

"Oh! I got the same letter from Urata. A 'Mad Tea Party' right?" Senra asked nonchalantly as the rustling continued.

"Yeah, but it's weird since I never told you guys my address." Sakata frowned. "So how would Urata know my address and send this to me?"

"Did you forget? Urata has connections everywhere so tracking you down was probably a piece of cake." Senra hummed as a thump was heard.

"Right..." Sakata mumbled. Even if Urata did have connections, why did he waste his time trying to get him to a party? Has he not heard of calling?

Sakata nearly facepalmed himself. Of course Urata couldn't call, he doesn't even have his new number... but then why didn't he track down his number instead?

"Earth to Sakata? Anyone home?" Senra asked in a singsong voice.

"Yeah, I'm here..." Sakata mumbled, his mind swimming with thoughts.

"So are you going to go?"


"To the 'Mad Tea Party'." Senra said with a laugh. "Are you even in the call anymore?"

"I'll think about it." Sakata looked at the letter with unease. "Do you know why Urata calls it the 'Mad Tea Party'?"

"You're asking the wrong person for that. Maashi might know though," Senra said nonchalantly. "I can ask him if you want?"

"Maybe I'll just ask Urata about this later if I even go."

"Try to come if you can Sakata, I'm sure the rest want to see you too! It's been a while since you last talked to them too, no?"

"We'll see..." Sakata mumbled. "But don't worry, I'll try my best to come, but I'm not sure if I can make it."

"Well, just do your best to try and come! I have to continue my work now, I'll talk to you soon?" Senra said as Sakata heard more rustling.

"Ah, did I disturb you? I'm sorry!" He should have asked if Senra was free before talking with him.

"No need to apologise Sakata," Senra said with a chuckle. "It was nice to talk to you again after so long!"

"Well, I won't disturb you any longer, so talk to you soon?"

"Yeah, bye~"

The call ended before Sakata even had a chance to bid farewell.

Senra must have been working while talking to him, now that he thought of it. All the shuffling and rustling he heard during their call was a sign he was working.

Sakata gently hit his own head, chuckling weakly at his idiocy.

He eyed the letter on the table again. He had lied about maybe not being able to make it. Truth be told, he was nervous to see them again.

He had left them so abruptly three years ago without an explanation. He only told them he was moving out before leaving.

His brother had told him to leave immediately after he found out the redhead was living with the three, saying weird things like 'They're going to kill you', 'It's not safe'. In order to calm his brother down, he did as he was told.

It still confused him to no end why his own brother would have said that, but he didn't question it. His brother knows what's good for him, no?

That leads to the next question, should he tell his brother about this? Surely, his brother would tell him to not go, but he wanted to. It's been ages since he last saw the three and he missed them.

Sakata chewed his lip again. He doesn't need to tell his brother everything he does, does he? It's just a party after all.

With that in mind, Sakata decided to go to the party.


Sakata nervously stood in front of the two-storey building. He didn't know how to dress for the party so he had settled with a simple red hoodie with black skinny jeans.

He quietly slipped his hand into the pocket, ensuring that the letter was still there before going towards the door and knocking on it.

The door swung open after a few knocks, revealing a certain short brunette.

"Sakata? Why are you here?" Urata asked, looking at the redhead with confusion.

Sakata blinked. Didn't Urata sent out the letters?

"Did you not sent out the invitation?"

It was Urata's turn to blink.

"It's already Friday?" Urata tilted his head slightly. "Time sure passes by quickly..."

"Come on in, Senra and Maashi should be here soon."

Urata awkwardly stepped to the side, allowing Sakata into the house.

As Sakata stepped into the house, a wave of nostalgia immediately smacked him in the face.

The house has not changed at all, it was as if everything had been frozen in time.

Sakata glanced at his watch.


He was early.

"You've always like to arrive early, glad to see that hasn't change." Urata said with a soft chuckle.

Sakata smiled awkwardly at the brunette as the latter gestured for the redhead to sit down on the sofa. Sakata complied and Urata disappeared to the kitchen.

The redhead scanned around the living room, everything really did look the same. He noticed the clock hanging on the wall, but its hands were frozen. Did Urata forget to change the batteries?

"So, how have you been?" Urata reappeared with a small tray of tea, startling the redhead.

"I've been fine," Sakata said with a hum as he accepted a cup of green tea from the brunette. "What about you?"

"The same, quite literally." Urata said as he sipped from his own cup.

"Can I ask you something?" Urata hummed, signalling his approval. "What do you mean by 'Mad Tea Party'?"

"Oh that. Well..." He was cut off when a knock interrupted them.

Urata got up and walked towards the door, leaving Sakata alone in the living room with his thoughts. Sakata continued to quietly sip his green tea.

'I wonder what Urata was going to say...'

"Sakata~" The redhead felt arms wrapped around him and he turned around to face the newcomer. Shima was leaning over the sofa with a bright smile with Senra and Urata behind him.

"Maashi~" Sakata returned the smile, unable to return the hug as he was balancing the cup in his hands.

"Shima, why don't you let him put down the cup?" Senra chuckled as Shima made stuck his tongue out playfully.

The purple-haired male released the redhead who immediately placed down the cup on the coffee table.

"Now that the gang is all here, why don't we start the 'Mad Tea Party'?" Urata said with a grin.

"You still haven't explained why you called it that." Sakata tilted his head with a frown.

"Oh Sakata, how naïve can you be~" Shima chuckled darkly, scaring the redhead.

What was with the sudden shift of atmosphere...? It was so welcoming and friendly when he first entered. So, why was it freezing...?

"G-Guys...?" Sakata asked nervously. His heart was pounding in his chest. His guts were telling him to run, but where could he run to? They were blocking the main exit, but there was another door.

"Don't be afraid~" Senra smirked. "Let's have a fun time together~"

Sakata gulped nervously. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing. He had to get out now. He quickly dashed towards the other door leading to the terrace.

"Don't be in such a hurry Sakata~" Shima's voice rang behind him as he reached for the door knob. "The fun just started!"

Sakata paled at the words and he quickly swung open the door, trying to escape the three. He stumbled into the room and slammed the door behind him. Instead of being at the terrace, he ended up in his old room.

"H-How...?" Sakata's eyes widened. He was supposed to be at the terrace... How did he end up here?

This must be a mistake. He swung open the door again and went through quickly, closing it behind him. He will end up in the hallway, right...?

He blinked as he entered the room. It was Urata's room.

What was going on? This had never happened before while he was here.

His mouth felt dry.

Magic. It must be.

But how was there magic...?


His face paled as he heard Senra nearing the door. He had to get out, now. There was no other exit, so he had to make a mad dash out.

He flung open the door and stepped into the next room.

It was Senra's old room this time.

This must be a dream right? There was no way magic existed in the world... right?

He chewed on his lip as he took a glance at his watch.


How had the time not passed...?

He was pretty sure it was probably already twenty minutes since he stepped into this house.

He hugged himself in fear.

Something was wrong with this house. Something was very, very wrong.

"Found you~" The door he had shut moments ago swung open, revealing the said blonde.

Sakata backed away in fear. There was nowhere to run. The only exit was the door that Senra was blocking now. Even if he did get past Senra, would he even end up where he wants to be?

"How do you enjoy Maashi's and Urata's magic?" Senra teased. "It must be fun running around yet not ending up where you want to be."

"Magic doesn't exist..." Sakata muttered out, his eyes wide.

"Oh but it does Sakata," Senra said before chuckling darkly. "If not, how can I do this?"

Sakata then found himself kneeling to the floor, unable to move from his position.

"Bloodbending is fun, is it not?" Senra crouched down next to the kneeling boy. "Just play with the fluids in your body, and I can make you do anything I want, basically controlling you like a marionette."

Sakata felt tears forming in his eyes. He didn't know whether it was out of fear or whether Senra was controlling him again.

"You should have listened to your brother Sakata."

The other two appeared by the doorway as Sakata felt the pressure forcing him to kneel lift.

"H-How did you know...?" Sakata asked nervously, not daring to move from his position.

"I have connections everywhere, Sakatan~" Urata smirked. "The magic I use helps me stop time and take in everything I want to know~ Even your new address and your reason of leaving."

"Stay with us Sakata." Shima said darkly. "Even if you refuse, you can't escape us."

Senra gently held Sakata's chin and tilted his head to face them. Sakata's tears continued to fall of his face as he sat frozen on the floor, terrified.

"Don't worry Sakata, we'll take good care of you."

The three of them laughed wickedly as Sakata sat there, unable to move from fear.

Never had his entire life, had Sakata ever felt so helpless in his situation.

There was no escape from here.

He was trapped and helpless.

(2311 words)

AN: Um. Explanation time:

Urata has time magic so basically he froze time in the house, and only in the house so basically the house was frozen in time as soon as Sakata left and his 'connections' are basically him freezing time and looking through other people's things like Sakata's phone etc that's why he didn't know Sakata's new number, since Sakata only got the number after he left

Shima has space magic and basically he connected the doors randomly so if you shut the door and open it again you'll end up somewhere different (idk how to explain bear with me)

Senra has elemental magic although it isn't really shown. He only uses water manipulation here, blood bending is under water magic. And blood bending is basically controlling fluids in your body forcing your body to be kinda like a puppet (I don't know the whole concept but yeah something like that.)

Anyway yea that's all

Question: If you get to learn one type of magic, what magic would you learn?

Stay safe~

Okumaya devam et

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