The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 1: A New World

425 6 4
By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, and UzukiB. Enjoy.

Continuation After Unremniscent Fate*

On Remnant 42*

Ash's POV*

I finally arrived back on my Remnant.

I said, "Well Cinder. We're home.".

She groaned angrily as I started walking.

I said, "I'm gonna miss these chats of ours Cinder. But I don't feel apart of humanity. I'm just a lonely drifter in the multiverse so imma leave it and if I ever hear word of you causing a ruckus, I'll break your legs and arms and put you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life.".

Cinder gasped.

I pulled my Scroll out and made a phone call.

She picked up and I said, "Hey Ember... Yeah, yeah we're back... Listen if you and that girl of yours are looking for a place to live, I've got a place for you... Head to the coordinates I'm sending you.".

I hung up and sent Ember the location.

I flew up into the air and took off for my old monastery.

It only took a few seconds but I arrived.

I entered the place and with a snap of my fingers, all of the dust was gone.

I entered Cinder's old room and dropped her on her bed.

I said, "Never forget that I'll break your arms and legs if I ever hear about any evil activity. Understand?".

Cinder nodded as I left her tied up with tape over her mouth.

I walked over to the courtyard and took a seat on a bench.

I looked at the door and I saw a memory of The Wanderer and the others walking through the doors.

I kept looking at it remembering and the first time I brought Winter here.

I held my head in my hands and started crying.

I said, "This world isn't for me anymore. None of them are.".

I looked up at the sky and said, "Maybe there's something outside of the multiverse for me.".

A Few Hours Later*

Ember and her girlfriend arrived.

Ember asked, "Ash? What happened to you?".

I said, "I took my power back from your mother and she's essentially powerless now. She's in her room over there.".

I stood up and Ember said, "Your power feels tremendous now.".

I said, "It's just my original power.".

I walked over to her and hugged her.

I said, "I'm leaving kiddo. I won't be back for a while.".

I pulled away and Ember asked, "Where are you going?".

I looked up and said, "I don't know. Somewhere new and beyond.".

Ember asked, "Why aren't you staying?".

I turned away and said, "I'm bored with our world and all the others. I want something new and something grander.".

Ember asked, "Will you come back?".

I turned to her and said, "I'll be back in one way or another.".

Ember nodded and I said, "Your mother's powerless now. I've warned her that if she does anything bad ever again that I'll put her in a wheelchair.".

Ember nodded as I walked a little over.

I said, "Adios kid." and I took off flying into the skies.

I formed a veil of magic around me as I overwrote the pocket watch's programming and opened a portal outside of the multiverse.

I entered the portal and when I exited it I saw a grassy landscape.

I landed on the grassy landscape.

I looked around and wondered what this place was.

I looked up at the sky and saw a White Dragon.

I said, "That's pretty cool." as it flew off.

I turned back and I looked up at the sky and saw multiple orbs in the black sky.

There were a hundred of these orbs in total.

I asked, "Those are our universes?".

I heard a female voice say, "Those are all of the Remnants.".

I turned and saw a beautiful woman.

I asked, "Who are you?".

She smiled and stood confidently and said, "Elizabeth, The Eternal Fire Of Creation. They must sing songs of praise for me in your worlds.".

I said, "Never heard of you.".

She made a sad pouty face and asked, "Really?".

I looked at her confusedly and asked, "Do you live here?".

She smiled confidently again and said, "I sure do. This here is my domain. The Domain Of The Gods.".

I looked around and said, "It doesn't look like much.".

She huffed out a cute little pout and said, "You meanie.".

I turned towards her and said, "I'm sorry. It seems peaceful and I meant no offense Elizabeth. My names Ash Fall by the way.".

She calmed down and I asked, "So what is your purpose here?".

She said, "I'm the person who gives life to the multiverse through my existence.".

I asked, "So by your mere existence you breathe life to the multiverse. Don't you have any power of your own?".

She nodded and said, "As long as I live, the multiverse will as well. And I do have power of my own.".

I walked over to her and asked, "You can't leave this place, can you?".

She said, "I can't as long as there's a possible chance I may die. I have eternal youth but that's about it.".

I looked down and said, "So you're alone, huh? I am too. I may have family, friends, and loved ones but I feel just as alone.".

Elizabeth said, "Well you're the first human to ever make it to this place.".

I asked, "Mind showing me around?".

She nodded and we began walking around.

Elizabeth hugged my arm and dragged me around as she showed me around.

I asked, "What was that white dragon I saw earlier?".

Elizabeth said, "Oh that. That was me. I have the power to turn into a White Dragon. But my true power is my magic.".

I nodded as she brought me to this temple looking place and I began roaming around looking at everything.

I stopped looking around when I saw this necklace.

I walked over towards it but Elizabeth stopped me and told me that it was a relic that can control time itself and that I shouldn't touch it unless I wanna get stuck in a time loop.

I made a mental note to use the necklace later.

I asked, "How long have you lived in this plane of existence?".

Elizabeth looked blankly and said, "A few million years by now.".

I asked, "Why?".

Elizabeth said, "I was told that if I ever died, the multiverse would die too.".

I asked, "What about the Anti-Preceptor destroying the multiverse some years back?".

Elizabeth said, "He didn't. He merely destroyed the physical manifestations of those Remnants. If he had destroyed them all entirely, I wouldn't be here right now.".

I nodded in understanding.

I asked, "What role do the Gods of Light and Dark serve?".

Elizabeth said, "They are the manifestations of Good and Evil and serve as the basis for which each Remnant was created. Their existences are flawed and they could be replaced by better beings but seeing as the multiverse is at its peak right now, there's nothing that can be done. I'm alone until the end of time.".

I said, "Why not create a new Remnant by using all of the other Remnants?".

Elizabeth asked, "What do you mean?".

I said, "If there's no multiverse for you to be tethered to then there's no purpose in you being alone.".

Elizabeth asked, "What did you have in mind?".

I said, "All Remnants are the same, therefore most of them have the same events that play out on them. Which means if we combined all the Remnants into 1 Super Remnant, then you'll be free.".

Elizabeth smiled brightly and said, "That could work.".

I smiled then frowned and said, "They'll have to forget and some of their stories will be changed.".

Elizabeth said, "That'll be okay. At least the ones who stand out will have some of their memories intact.".

I said, "Problem with that is, I don't have enough power to merge worlds together.".

Elizabeth grasped my hands and said, "Don't worry Ash. You can have my White Dragon power.".

And this white light encompassed us.

I said, "In return, I will show you a new world not called Remnant but instead called Earth. No-fault to humans but the true succession of humankind.".

The white light faded and Elizabeth was smiling.

She hugged me and said, "Thank you, Ash. You're the best.".

I said, "Now I have the power to rewrite history and create a brand new world.".

Elizabeth said, "A word of warning. Those one Remnants won't cease to exist. They'll become homes for dark entities that will want to destroy this Earth of yours.".

I said, "Then we build a magical shield around Earth to keep it safe.".

We walked outside brainstorming ideas for this new world.

I said, "Magic can exist but it has to be taught, not given. Grimm won't exist in this new world. They can exist on the Remnants but not Earth. I have a few ideas for Ozma and Salem and how to use the gods of Light and Darkness. And for everything else will have to be rewritten." and I now stood before all the Remnants.

I said, "I don't have a clue on how to use magic on this scale Elizabeth. Can you beam me some information.".

Elizabeth beamed all the information on how to use magic like a pro into my head.

I snapped my fingers and a magical symbol appeared above me.

I moved my hands around slowly until I had them in the right stance then I brought them together creating a new singular universe and a new history for the world.

After it was made I looked and saw the Remnants consumed by all different types of colors and things and even more form.

Elizabeth said, "Behold the Multiverse of Madness, Ash. Now that those other worlds don't exist and have been taken over, they're now all different and quite perplexing probably.".

I said, "Since we're both immortal and the world's pretty new. Let's go create the schools for magic.".

Elizabeth nodded and we teleported down to the new world Earth and since we're both immortal, we weren't going anywhere.

I mentally said, "I'm gonna have to wait a few thousand years to see you again Ember. But at least you'll remember who you are just like all of our other friends.".

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