Hail The Emperor, A Clementin...

By herbalmite97

9.1K 285 108

Y/N grew up a prince in the land his father rules. Y/N's father, Emperor John, is a horrid ruler. He seeks wa... More

Chapter 1: The Prince
Not a chapter
Chapter 2: Relationships
Chapter 3: Abilities
Chapter 4: Breakout
Chapter 6: Hail The Emperor
Chapter 7: Crowned
Chapter 8: The New Empire
Chapter 9: Progress
Chapter 10: England
Chapter 11: The New War
Chapter 12: Steadfast
Chapter 13: Royal Blood
Chapter 14: The Queen Sisters

Chapter 5: Duel of Randers

646 19 17
By herbalmite97

You walk down the halls of the palace with your armor in backpacks. Two guards run down the hall to try and stop you.

Guards: Stop, in the name of the emperor!

You make it to them and they try to swing their swords, but you catch them and send a shock of lighting down their swords, causing them to get electrocuted and have a spasm on the floor.

Louis: That was incredible!

You make it to the stables and you all get on horses. You all ride out of the palace.

You make it to a dock with large wooden ships.

Louis: How long will this trip take?

You: A week, at most.

Louis sighs.

You get off of the horses and make your way to a large ship.

Louis: Any idea on how to make this thing work?

You: Not at all.

You then remember a spell that your mother taught you.

You: Give me a moment.

You sit down with your legs crossed.

Louis: What are you-

Clem: Shh.

You hold out your hands with your palms faced up and concentrate. You close your eyes for about ten seconds and you clench your fists.

Louis: What did that-

You then hear footsteps behind Louis and Clem. They turn around to reveal themselves to be an entire ghost crew.

You stand up and see all of the ghosts kneel in front of you. You walk to the ghost in front and take out your sword. You place the sword on his left shoulder, then his right.

You: I dub thee, captain.

He looks up and stands. He shakes your hand. The captain turns around and talks to his crew.

Captain: Let's get this ship moving!

All the men stand and start to untie the ship from the dock.

You walk over to Clem and Louis to watch what they're all doing.

Louis: ...Well that was something.

Clem: How did you do that?

You chuckle.

You: Don't know.

You pat Louis on the arm and walk away.

Clem's POV
You watch the prince walk away. Louis looks at you and then at him, then back to you. He smirks.

Louis: You like him, do you not?

You looks at him in shock.

Clem: W-what?! N-no, of course not!

Louis: I see it in the way you look at him.

Clem: I do not know what you're talking about.

Louis: Mhm.

Clem: Ugh.

You walk away from Louis and towards Y/N, who's resting his foot on the railing of the ship.

Your POV
You feel a breeze blow on your face. Clem walks up to you.

Clem: Sire.

You sigh.

You: I already told you; you don't have to address me as royalty.

Clem: I'm only teasing. She says with a smile.

You look back out at the water.

Clem: What do you think of?

You: ...The battle that comes.

Clem: Do not worry, I believe that the empire will be victorious.

You: That's not what I want.

Clem looks at you confused.

Clem: So... you want to lose?

You look at Clementine.

You: I don't want there to be war at all.

Clem is surprised by what she's hearing.

You: I hate the fact that we're at war with a whole other continent. They haven't done anything against us. My father seeks one thing; power. I do not. I seek freedom for the people in the empire.

You take your foot off of the railing and you turn your whole body to Clementine.

You: These men are not our enemies. My father has made them thus. This war is one that will be remembered. It will be the war that served no purpose.

Clem: That can't be true. This war must be for something.

You: It is for something. It's for my father's mere entertainment. My father wishes to take all of Europe and more for his thirst of power. That is not something that should be given to the likes of him.

You turn your head to the ocean.

You: That is something I will make sure of...

You sit at your desk in your quarters writing when there's a knock at the door.

You: Who is it?

Clem: It's Clementine. May I come in?

You: You may.

The door opens and Clem walks in. You stand.

You and Clem have gotten to know each other a little bit more. You've grown to be quite good friends.

You: How are you, Clementine?

Clem: I'm very well. How are you?

You stand and walk over to your bed and sit down.

You: I'm a little nervous, if I speak truthful.

Clem walks over to your bed and sits next to you.

Clem: It's okay to be nervous. I am too.

You: It's different.

Clem raises her eyebrow.

Clem: How so?

You: I've been gone for five days, now. My father must be sending his men after me.

Clem: Do you think that the men at Randers will know of your arrest?

You: I hope not.

She places her hand on your shoulder.

Clem: Well, either way; we'll make it out of this. So you're father will just have to deal it.

You look at her with a smile, she smiles back. You look deep into her eyes, while she looks deep into yours. Father will just have to deal with it. You lean in and kiss her on the lips. After five seconds, you pull back and you realize what you've done.

You: I-I'm so sorry. That was f-foolish of-

She shuts you up by kissing you on the lips. You place your hand on the back of her neck. You make out for about twenty seconds. It was so magical and peaceful.

There's a knock at the door.

You and Clem pull back.

You: Who is it?

Louis: It's Louis.

You stand up and walk away from the bed; making it seem like you and Clem weren't doing anything.

You: Come in.

Louis walks in.

You: What is it, Louis?

Louis: We're here.

You look at Clem and back at Louis.

You: Pack your armor on your horses and we'll be off.

He nods and walks out. You look at Clem and walk over to her. You smile at her and hold her hand.

You: Let's be off.

Jack's POV
You're in your tent with armor on when the general enters.

Avulan: Your majesty?

You turn around.

Jack: General Avulan. Are the men ready for the day?

Avulan: They are, your highness.

Jack: Good. Make sure that they all-

You're cut off by a soldier hollering.

Soldier: The prince has arrived!

You raise your eyebrow and walk out of the tent. You look around and see your brother with two other people on horseback.

Your POV
You make it to the battlefield with Clem and Louis. The crew from the ship served their purpose, so they aren't needed until you head back. You slow down.

Jack walks up to you.

Jack: What are you doing here?

You get off the horse.

You: I've come to stop this madness. I will not allow this to transpire. And not only that; I wish to save your life.

The general walks up to you.

Avulan: Your father does not want you here.

You: My father will have to get over it.

You walk over to a messenger.

You: Tell the Danish prince that I wish to fight face to face, and that a battle is not required. Tell him that if he faces me, then there will be no need for battle.

Messenger: Yes, your majesty.

You walk back to Louis and Clem who just got off their horses.

You: Follow me. There should be a place where they can put on our armor.

Small timeskip
You speak with the general while a soldier puts on your steel platings.

Avulan: You have no place here. This battlefield is meant for your brother.

You: I will not allow my brother to be exposed by the dangers of this field.

Soldier: All done, my lord.

You: Thank you.

Avulan: What do you even plan to do when the prince arrives?

You: I will talk to him; convince him that this war is pointless, and that we can just walk away.

A messenger arrives.

Messenger: My lord.

You: What news do you bring? Have they accepted my offer?

Messenger: They have, sire.

You: Good. How long until their arrival?

Messenger: A few minutes, I reckon.

You: Excellent.

The soldier hands you your sheathed sword.

Avulan: Your father will be most upset.

You: I don't care.

You walk away towards Clem and Louis to see them with their armor. Louis has a mace and Clem has a bow and arrow.

You: You both look well fitted.

Louis: I always do. He says with a cocky smile.

You: How does your armor feel?

Louis: It's quite comfortable. I always imagined that these would be so clunky.

Clem: I feel like I'm in my bed.

You: Yes, the blacksmith at the palace is quite known for his ability to make armor more comfortable than most.

You then hear a horn being played. You all walk over to a line of soldiers and see three men on horses, one of them are the Danish prince, Elias. Your brother walks out of the line to speak with the prince.

Jack: Bist du hier um zu kämpfen?

Elias gets off his horse and walks towards Jack.

Elias: Ich komme um zu kämpfen, aber nicht du. Wo ist dein Bruder? Mir wurde gesagt, dass er hier sein würde.

No one says anything.

Elias: Wo ist er?!

You step out.

Elias: Ah, da bist Du. Da ist der Prinz von Megaris.

You: Ich weiß, dass du hier bist, um zu kämpfen. Aber ich habe einen alternativen Vorschlag.

Elias: Bitte sag mir. Ich bin gespannt zu wissen.

You: Wir verlassen dieses Schlachtfeld, bevor mehr christliches Blut vergossen wird als nötig.

He laughs at this and so do the two other men on horses.

Elias: Nach allem, was dein Vater den Frauen und Kindern Dänemarks angetan hat?

He leans in closer.

Elias: Nein.

He stands up straight.

Elias: Du wirst durch meine Hand sterben. Und dann werde ich deinen Vater hinrichten!

You sigh and look down.

Elias: Aber keine Sorge. Ich verspreche es schnell zu machen.

You walk over to your horse and unstrap your helmet.

You walk over to the battlefield and put on your chain mail coif and helmet. You unsheathe your sword and you throw the sheathe to the side. You close the face part of your helmet and get into defensive position.

Elias: Hab bei dir!

You wait for his first move, but he doesn't charge. You have no choice but to charge at him. You charge and strike over hand. He blocks and tries to punch you. You dodge and move back.

You try slashing at him, but he blocks and kicks you in the stomach. He takes that to his advantage and tries to stab you, but you block his sword out of the way.

You then use the bottom of your sword and bash his helmet with it. He falls to the ground, but he grabs you and tries to impale you, but you knock his sword out of the way, disarming both you and him, but your swords go in different directions.

You then start to punch him, he blocks a few and rolls you over and gets on top of you. He starts punching, but you block them and you push him off.

You both run to your swords and pick them up and get back into defensive position. You're both panting, but neither of you give up.

He then tries to charge, but you dodge, he tries slashing, but you dodge, he try's to slash once more, and you block. You swing your sword at him and he ducks and tries swinging his sword over his head and down to you, but you block. You push him back into Clementine by accident, but luckily she moves out of the way before he can get knocked into her.

You take this advantage while he's on the ground and you get on top of him and you lift up the chain mail and his helmet and start to choke him.

You feel electricity run through your veins, down to your finger tips, and around your eyes. You send lighting through your hands and electrocute his whole body. His face begins to burn and his eyeballs start to become runny. His eyeballs then explode and blood gets all over your armor.

The army gasps. You lay on top of the corpse, out of breath. After a few seconds, you stand up and look at Elias. You take off your helmet and chain mail coif.

You look at the army. They're all looking at you in disbelief of what you are. You haven't felt like this since the empire first knew of your abilities.

You hear a loud horn. The army's line splits in half and turns around so that you and them can see what's going on. It's your father with a small army behind him.

Guard: Make way, for the emperor!

Father yells at you.

Father: Prince Y/N! You are ordered to return back to Megaris and await your punishment!

Your father gets off of his horse and marches towards you.

Father: I told you that you were to stay at the palace! And yet, you disobey! I will not tolerate this kind of behavior! Now come along...! The princess has agreed to marry you.

You stand there in silence as your father turns around and begins to walk away. You drive your sword into the ground.

You: No...

Father stops dead in his tracks and slowly turns his head.

Father: What did you say...?

You: I said... NO!

Father turns around.

Father: I give you one opportunity... one opportunity to take those words back and get on your horse.

You scoff.

You: No... I am done with this. For twelve years, I've watched you rein havoc on all of these lands. Well, it ends today.

You pick up your sword and you send electricity down it. Your sword glows in lighting. You point your sword at your father.

You: Today marks the day that you get slain on your own battlefield.

Your father paces back and forth with his hands behind his back.

Father: You were such a powerful prince. You could've had an entire planet kneel before you. But now...

Your father stops pacing and takes off his white fur-cloak and his robe, revealing his black and gold armor.

Father: You will die...

He puts on his golden chain mail coif and his black and gold helmet. He unsheathes his black and gold sword and gets into defensive position.

You put on your chain mail coif and helmet back on and get into defensive position.

Father: ...Have at thee...

A/N: I apologize for writing German, but I really felt like it was necessary.

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