depth of darkness || nakahara...

By chxrryfxck

103K 4.1K 2.9K

• COMPLETED • may start off slow at first, but bear with it it'll pick up • "sheomri is a demon goddess, and... More



3.8K 182 65
By chxrryfxck

morning came quickly after you fell asleep, and you laid under the covers of your bed, shielded from the outside world as you groaned irritably, and rolled over towards the other side of your mattress, farther from the door.

you heard your alarm go off twice, but ignored it, opting to go back to sleep instead of getting ready for the day. you had nothing planned for the morning anyways.

but when you heard the sound of your phone ringing from the bedside table farther away from you, your irritation grew to an impossible size. but you shoved away the growing aggravation, and rolled over again to reach the device which was creating the sound.

you didn't glance at the name on the screen before tapping the answer button, and putting the phone to your ear.

"eh?" you grumbled into the phone tiredly, taking a deep breath to calm your morning grumpiness.

"did i wake you up by calling? i apologize." chuuya's voice comes calmly through the speaker, the annoyance you were feeling ultimately dissipating at the sound of his calm apology.

you sit up a little in bed, sighing before responding. "no, i was already awake. just trying to go back to sleep." you prop yourself up on your elbows, listening for the executives response as you leaned your head down to pull the hair tie out of your ponytail, which you had sloppily and sleepily pulled your hair into in your exhausted haze the night before.

"well, i was hoping i could swing by your room." he tells you, turning your blood to ice at the unexpected words. flowers bloomed in the pit of your stomach, and sun seemed to flood the top layers of your heart, and you questioned the feelings you were experiencing as you tried to force your breathing to steady.

"sure. i should be dressed properly by the time you arrive." you agree, pulling the covers off of you as you get out of bed. you knew what this was about, but still, your mind wandered the unexplored terrain of feelings and circumstances yet to be experienced.

"i'll be down in a few." chuuya states, both of you hanging up when he finishes his sentence. he sounded as though he were trying to remain deliberately calm, but that observation was quickly drowned out by the need to be dressed properly by the time your partner arrived at your room.

you rushed to your wardrobe, a dark purple blouse catching your eye, and you remove it from its hanger. you pull a pair of black jeans on, wrapping a leather belt around your waist.

you had begun to brush out your hair when a knock sounds at your bedroom door, signifying chuuya's arrival.

you place your brush back down on your bedside table, and stand to make your way over to the door.

you open it, revealing, as you expected, the short ginger man, who greets you with a friendly smile.

"morning, y/n." he says, standing in your doorway, his hat sitting atop his head as usual, and you step aside to invite him in, shutting the door behind him.

"morning." you mumble, making no effort to meet his eyes as he looks into your e/c ones.

you understood that he would be asking about what happened yesterday, and you weren't sure you wanted to give him an answer, or tel him to. fuck himself, and ask akutagawa instead.

after all, akutagawa was the one who decided that he didn't want anything to with you right off the bat.

hopefully you weren't made to deal with the aggravating raven haired male. his obvious inferiority complex got on the nerves as soon as you met him. it's obvious he strives to be the best but doesn't put effort into learning new combat skills to become the best.

but he can't attain victory as he is. just his demeanor alone spoke overconfidence, and especially in abilities he had, but could not hope to excel in yet.

you figured it wasn't your problem. you didn't need his issues on your mind. oh had your own to deal with. all you needed of akutagawa, was for him to stay out of your way.

hopefully he was at least smart enough to do that. after all, he's watched you kill a man with a simple tantrum, how would he hope to defeat if he provoked you, and got you serious?

chuuya leaned back against the door, hands in the front pockets of his tight black jeans.

his demeanor remained level and calm, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"i already know that you're here to ask about yesterday." you interrupted, saving him the effort of explaining. the executive nods, pushing his hands into his pockets further, something in his demeanor changing, although you weren't quite sure what.

"i wanted to ask you, because i thought that since we're partners now, and you called me to come get you when you couldn't find your way back..." the mafioso trailed off, staring down at his shoes briefly, before lifting his head to meet your eyes with the azure ones that shone with such genuineness that it made you freeze. the sincerity of his emotion rooting you to the spot, capturing every bit of your attention as you watched him carefully, waiting for his next words intently. "that you'd be comfortable enough to tell me about it before someone else asks. i was worried about you."

you felt your heart rate increase further, and your breath caught in your throat.


about me?

you nodded your head slowly. "i-trust you." you admitted, walking back a few steps to sit on the edge of your mattress.

chuuya pushes himself off the wall to follow, coming to stand in front of you as you looked up at him, nodding your head to the empty space beside you, inviting him to take a seat.

"i'm glad. we should trust each other, as partners, and colleagues." chuuya flashes a smile, one you returned, yours a little more reserved, shy almost.

you nod again, unsure of what words would leave your mouth if you were to speak. you settled on a small smile, relishing in this simple moment of happiness as you think of how to explain yesterday's events.

"akutagawa decided he didn't like me as soon as he saw me, and i'm not sure what that's about." you begin, a cautious undertone in your voice as memories of yesterday flash in your mind, and you cringe at the thought of your own outburst.

now it was chuuya's turn to nod, and he did so considerately. "i cant say i'm surprised." he mumbles, earning a small chuckle from you. you had guessed he wasn't a very friendly guy. he cares only about success and victory in battle. otherwise he feels his own life is invaluable.

"he got in my head. i couldn't think clearly." you scrunch up your nose, your shame towards your actions the day before was growing, but you told yourself it couldn't be helped. you were provoked to act on such ways. yet you should have done more to control your emotions. it was with great embarrassment that you spoke your next words. "i lost it. sheomri's power went out of control, akutagawa managed to get up higher to avoid the electricity i shot from every direction, but the targets ability wasn't capable of getting him to safer ground quick enough." you were glad you took out the target so quickly, but it was shameful that you allowed both him and akutagawa see you lose control so shamefully. "i killed him quickly, but not even on purpose."

chuuya took your words in, careful consideration on his face as he listened to you speak.

you fidgeted, but pushed your emotions away, swallowing hard before continuing your recount yesterday's events. "i told akutagawa that i would head back on my own. i wasn't thinking about whether or not i knew how to get here. just that i couldn't be near him. if i hadn't gone off on my own, i don't know what i would have done to him if he tried to provoke me again."

chuuya continued to appear lost in thought for a moment after you finished, before turning to meet your eyes abruptly. "sounds like you did the right thing to me." he smiles kindly, white canines peaking out as he does. "you did what you needed to stay in control, and went to blow off some steam before calling me. i think you did great."

chuuya's praise stirred more and more emotions in you. you weren't sure you could even feel so much anymore, but here this ginger haired man was, awakening a side of you that you didn't know existed.

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