One and Only

Oleh believe96

7.2M 74.7K 7.1K

"I-I think I'm in love with you." My eyes widened and my breath caught as those words left his lips. It was... Lebih Banyak

Scared | [Pic. of Jade]
Picture of Noah
Picture of Rose
Picture of Alex
First Day of School (Part 1) | [Pic. of Emily]
First Day of School (Part 2)
Sweet Love
Dinner With The Evers
Day One of Practice
The New Girlfriend
Food Fight!
Suspension [Pic. of Maria (Jade's mom)]
Accidental Run-In
Wonderful Rain
Staying Over
Celebrating [Pic. of Charlie]
Kicked Out
Swimming Lessons [Pic. of Liam]
Nature [Pic. of Mike]
Lovebites and Empty Classrooms [Pic. of Jane]
Overconfidence is Never a Good Thing [Pic. of Steve]
Sweet Reunion
Water War
Beaches & Fun
Robbers Should Be Quiet
Santa Monica Pier
Fat and Muscle
A Mistaken Kiss
Like It Didn't Even Happen...
Steamy Movies
Hear Me Out
The Christmas Party
Nerves Suck
There's Always A First Time
Taking A Risk
Second Chances
One and Only
Epilogue (Part One)
Epilogue (Part Two)

The Beach

219K 2.6K 238
Oleh believe96

I'm sorry that this was kind of a late update but I didn't have the time with the new year and all. But I hope you had a great new year!! Please vote and comment!


One and Only

Chapter 2 - The Beach

I finally got home around ten or so. Unfortunately, the whole way back had not been a walk in the park. Stepping through the wooden door, I instantly realized that I needed to call my mom before she got worried. Being a construction worker had taken her out of town for a week. Sometimes, she would be gone for weeks. Though always out more than in, I still love her, and I don't blame her for constantly being out of sight. My dad had left us when I was six for another woman. Ever since, I'd resented him for ruining our small family. In a way, I was glad that I don't have to hear them fight practically everyday anymore.

I shook my head, pushing myself out of the past. Heaving a sigh, I was relieved she wasn't home right now. She wouldn't ever know what happened this treacherous night.

I picked the phone up to call her and dialed her number, which was ingrained in my memory from the countless times I had asked her how to make a specific food.

When the phone stopped ringing, her unnaturally small, scared voice answered, "Hello? Jade? Sweetie, I'm so glad you finally called back! I was getting worried. I thought something happened to you! Do you know how many times I tried calling you? Why didn't you pick up?"

"I'm really sorry mom. I was...I was just...reading and got carried away. And my phone was on silent, so I didn't notice." I knew I was a terrible liar, so I clenched my teeth together to stop myself from babbling anything else. She didn't need to know what happened to me. She already had a lot to concern herself over.

"But I also called the home phone. Didn't you hear the phone ring?" She sounded suspicious, the onslaught of questions was enough evidence.

I rubbed my sweaty palms against my dirty, tattered jeans and gulped, "I was at the grocery store. I wanted to make spaghetti, but we didn't have the sauce for it. I also got some other things we might need." This part was actually true; it was how I even ended up in the dark alley. Of course, I didn't have any of it anymore, but I could just get it again before she came back.

"Oh. Okay."

"How's work?" I tried to change the subject.

"Oh, the usual. We have most of the building done, but since most workers don't live here, we divided it into parts. The part we're supposed to be doing this week is halfway done. Everyone's been putting in extra hours so it gets done faster. Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be home before school starts."

"I hope it gets done quickly. It's really...different being here." I detected a minuscule amount of fear that leaked into my voice.

My heart thudded and I hoped she was too busy to notice. Her next words made me relax instantly. She probably just thought I thought the place was a bit creepy. "It's okay. Explore the place while I'm not there. Have some fun. Don't lock yourself up in your room and just read. Go to the beach! We're just ten minutes away from it! depends on the traffic."

"I guess I'll go tomorrow..." I wasn't so sure if I wanted to.

"Good. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow, maybe."

"Wait! Mom?"


"How do you get rid of cuts and bruises quickly?" I hesitated, not wanting to give too much away.

"Why? What happened? Are you okay?" she bombarded me.

"I just...tripped down the stairs and got a few minor injuries."

"Be more careful next time. We both know how clumsy you are."

She gave me an herbal remedy to cure my cuts and bruises. I wrote the instructions down, knowing I'd probably forget them at some point.

"Thanks, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Be home soon," My voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'll try, honey, I'll try." she sounded strained, as if it hurt her to be away from me.

I hung up before another session of tears hit, to which I would have told her everything, causing her to race back and leave too much unfinished work. I absolutely hate lying to my mom, not that I was good at it because if she were here, she would've caught my lies in a heartbeat.

Walking upstairs to my room and grabbing my blue towel, I stepped into the shower. My dirt-trodden arms, along with streaks of mud and sludge, coloured my skin in sickly shades. My once silky hair hung limp around my shoulders in thick, tangled locks. I swiped the scrubber angrily and dumped an excessive amount of body wash onto it before scrubbing my arms as hard fiercely. My body felt numb and it didn't register the stings it should've. All I could focus on was getting all this filth off me.

I slumped against the wall as a few disturbing images from a few hours ago flashed through my mind. Squeezing my eyes shut, I banged my head against the dark wall, trying to permanently erase those memories from my mind. Yet, knowing that I would never be able to, that I'd have to live the rest of my life knowing how close I had been to getting raped, used solely for my body. This horrifying thought made me sink to the bottom of the tub, as if it was a physical weight that was ostensibly crushing me.

For how long I cried for, I have no recollection of. I just know that when I forced my burning eyes to open, all the soap had been washed off, leaving my body clean and somehow lifting my sullen spirit.

Turning the shower off, I reached for my towel and wrapped it securely around me. I stepped out of the tub confidently and walked to the mirror. Wiping the fog off, I stared at my pallid expression. Two, dull green orbs stared back, encircled in a ring of red, with cheeks drained of colour, the light brown skin glowed slightly, and the dark hair was wet.

I had to get a grip. No more crying over what had happened. Everything happened for the best, no matter how frightening. This whole ordeal had made me stronger and given me a glimpse of the 'real world'. This 'incident' would no longer make me shed tears. I would continue life as if it never happened, like it was just a figment of the past too long ago to remember.


My grandma was Mexican; that was how my mom knew so many herbal remedies for different injuries. When I concocted my own herbal remedy, it was orangish-yellow in colour. I was to keep the paste on for thirty minutes once a day. I had lots of it on my face, including my shoulder, arms, and legs.

I sat down on the living room tiles, not wanting to get the carpet or sofa dirty, got my laptop out, and checked my emails. There was two from both of my best friends, Kelly and Jake. Apparently, they liked each other, but were too shy to admit it. They would both tell me of "moments" between them, and I'd be dying to tell Kelly that Jake likes her and vice versa, but I wouldn't because they should do it themselves and not have someone else tell them. I told them both in my reply to step up and just tell each other. Not ever, not ever in a million years.

After replying, I went to Google maps to find directions to get to Venice Beach. It might sound stupid but you couldn't expect you'll get there, just because it was in your line of vision. You might take a route that seemed promising at first but then it curved off to one side. Then you would have no clue where you were!

Luckily, the directions were simple, and I copied it down. I also checked for stores around the beach area.

After thirty minutes, I rinsed the paste off of me and sat down on the sofa to watch T.V. Randomly flipping through the channels, I stopped when I saw that Cake Boss was on. I love this show! They make the most amazing cakes. Right now, they were making a cake with a Sesame Street theme. My eyelids started getting heavier and I fell asleep shortly after that.


I woke up the next morning feeling a little sore. When I took a shower, I noticed my cuts and bruises were healed nicely. My body was a fast healer, probably because of the myriad times I had gotten scrapes, scratches, cuts, bruises, and sprained ankles. I sighed. Clumsy that I am, but I do love that about myself! It wasn't as if I could do anything about it so I might as well enjoy it!

The clock read 9:30 but I didn't want to go to the beach so early in the morning, so I ate breakfast, watched T.V., and read a book for a while. It wasn't until 12:00 I went upstairs and changed into dark blue skinny jeans and a gray sweatshirt. Not your typical beach clothes but I neither want to show any cuts and bruises nor go into the water. I'd just hang around and do something.

I went downstairs and got my keys to my car. We weren't poor as my mom got a really good salary. We had bought my car - small, black Nissan - just a week ago.

I drove according to the directions, and pulled into a parking space next to the beach in just fifteen minutes (there hadn't been too much traffic).

I started getting really nervous as I walked towards the beach. I don't particularly like big crowds filled with unknown faces, but I remained calm and headed towards a drink stand. I could really use a drink. While I was walking towards the stand, I noticed several guys looking at me. I knew I was really pretty, beautiful even, as I'd been told one too many times, and although I appreciate it, it did little to ease my self-consciousness.

While I was waiting in line, I tried to make a decision on what I want. Vanilla shake? No, not in the mood for it right now. Chocolate shake? Don't really like chocolate. Hmm...I guess I'll have a...strawberry milkshake! That sounded good and refreshing.

"What would you like ma'am?" the cashier asked.

"A strawberry milkshake, please." I answered politely.

"A strawberry milkshake. Okay. It'll be done in a few minutes. Oh! That'll be $3.29." she smiled.

I took out $3.29, not wanting any change. "Okay, here you go."

I stood off to the side so other people could order. As I was waiting, I took in my surroundings. The sparkling ocean looked really peaceful and lovely. Where the water was deeper the water was a darker blue, and lighter blue meant it wasn't as deep. Oceans amazed me and now finally I got to live by one! Not that Colorado was bad, but I already liked it here more. Maybe I cou-

"Excuse me, ma'am, here's your milkshake." the lady gave it to me.

"Oh. Thank you." I took it and walk away.

I took a sip. It was good! Definitely the best milkshake I have ever had so far!

Sauntering down the sidewalk, a rental bike shop caught my attention.

"Would you like to rent a bike and ride it around the beach?" A kind man asked me.

"Sure! I'd love too!" I said excitedly.

"Choose your bike and go to that table over there." he pointed and I nodded.

I scrutinized all the bikes and I saw one about my size. It was entirely navy blue with white swirly designs on it. I got that bike and went to the table. The guy sitting there was called Steve.

"Uh...I'd like to take this bike, please." I was kind of nervous since I didn't know what to say.

"Okay. How long are you taking it for?"

"Two to three hours."

"Alright, that'll be $30."

I paid him. "Thank you." I would bike to Malibu and back since that was where the bike trail ends.

The feeling of the air against my face was refreshing. This was a nice way to forget about yesterday. I frowned at the thought. I was supposed to forget it ever happened.

After a couple of moments, I went back to my jubilant mood again. I rode the bike slowly, trying to live it and not rush it. I looked to the side because something caught my attention when suddenly I crashed into someone else's bike.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking! I'm so sorry!" I glanced up to see Noah and a blondie. Probably his girlfriend.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." he said.

"Hey!" I beamed at him when I recognized him as my saviour.

"Hey." he replied, not returning the smile. What was up with him? He seemed a lot more nice yesterday. Maybe he had wild mood swings or something.

"You know each other?" the blondie asked.

I was about to open my mouth to say "yes" but Noah beat me to it, "No. I don't know her." But the edge to his voice told me otherwise. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry. For a second there, I thought you were someone I knew." I mutter sourly. I didn't think he was a mean guy. Whatever. It was nothing. I was probably never gonna see him again anyways, but what he did was still very embarrassing.

I started to bike away when the blondie interrupted,"Oh sure. You probably crashed into him on purpose, just so you could talk to him. Most girls do, but they never realize that such a hot guy is obviously taken." she kissed him on the lips, obviously trying to make me jealous. Of course, I wasn't.

"Oh please! I don't run after a guy." I looked him over, "He might be good looking but have you ever tried looking underneath that surface? Obviously not." And I rode away, but not before I peeked at him for this reaction. He looked pretty shocked. I guess he expected every girl to fall head over heels in love with him at first sight. Well, this girl wasn't going to.

I couldn't believe him! Why would he lie? I took a deep breath to control my anger. Neither him nor his annoying girlfriend was going to dampen my perfect day.

I biked to Malibu and back again in an excellent mood. After returning the bike, I got to my car and drove back home.

When I arrived home at 4:28, I was hungry so I made myself a ham sandwich, and starting reading Breaking Dawn.

About three hours later, I got my laptop out to check my emails. I had two again and I replied to both of them. Kelly's said she wasn't going to go off until I got on. I looked over to the side to see who was available to chat, and there she was. I called for a video chat.

"Hi! I miss you so much!" Kelly cried enthusiastically.

"Me too, Kelly!"

"Guess what?!"


"I took your advice and told Jake that I like him and he told me he likes me too. He also said that he was coming over to tell me the same thing! Then I told him that if it weren't for you, I would've never gotten the nerve to tell him. And guess what he said? He said you said the exact same thing. So J, did you know that he liked me?" She was speed-talking, like she always did when she was excited.

"Yeah." I mumble, feeling a little guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted you guys to tell each other. It would be a lot better having it come from your mouths than me being the messenger. Do you get it? It would feel more special. You would cherish the moment more."

"You're right, J. I would rather hear it from him than you. Thank you for being so thoughtful." I could hear her sincerity and smiled hugely. "You don't have to thank me, Kel."

"If you were here, I would attack you with a giant bear hug." we started laughing.

She told me everything that happened while I was gone and I told her everything that I'd done. Well, almost everything. She didn't need to know about yesterday or Noah, because I'd like to forget the whole thing as soon as possible. My day was perfect and I didn't need his bitter reminder hanging around. We said bye and I read some more of my book until I got hungry. It was around 9 now. I usually don't eat dinner this slow, especially not when my mom was home.

I made a quesidilla and sat down on the couch to watch The Notebook. I washed when I was done, and cleaned the kitchen up and got out a blanket. I laid down in front of the T.V. and switched it to a random channel. I honestly didn't care which, as long as the T.V. was on, I felt safer. I watched T.V. for about another one or two hours before falling into a dreamless sleep.


So just to remind you guys, please vote and comment. :)

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