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©ʏᴀᴘᴘᴇʀʏ- A bullet from an M16 shoots faster than the rate of sound. So if it hits you in the heart, you woul... More

Part One
Part 2
Part Three
Part 4
Part Five
Part 6
Part Seven
Part 8
Part Nine
Part 10

Part Eleven

38 2 3


Rosé had a knee to her chest and looked over to the opening door knowingly.

She smiled when Yoongi just stared with a dumfounded look, "what?" he asked.

"Sometimes on Tv, people like you show up."

Yoongi lazily held his machine gun in his arms, "people like me?"

Rosé had a smug expression on her face, "thieves."

She shifted against the wall, "but this doesn't suit you much, maybe it's not your thing."

"Why not?"

"How you hold the gun."

Yoongi moved the gun in his hands while staring at her dubiously. He shrugged.

"I thought you were the daughter of the ambassador, not Rambo."
He crouched next the her with gun in his lap.

"Well, my father always wanted a son and ever since I was 5, he brought me to shooting ranges."

"To shoot? At what, cotton candy?"

She let out a laugh, "at wild pigs, red deer, antelopes..."

Yoongi had an amused grin on his face trying to imagine her doing such things.

"...but what my dad liked to catch was ecologists" She let out a chuckle, to which Yoongi frowned slightly.

"But I don't like weapons." She stared at the heavy metal against Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi discharged his gun and said, "Don't worry, you have nothing to fear here."

Juan's temple burned dangerously hot as the doctor carefully checked his wound. "The bullet is in sight."

Namjoon found himself holding his breath as he watched the doctors, knowing full well he looked suspicious doing nothing on the side.

"It hasn't affected any vital organs..." The doctor patted Juan gently on the hand, "No one's going to die from this."

Juan's eyes rolled back in relief. The doctor felt the rim of a gun press into his back. He turned around, slightly startled.

"Stop stalling."

Denver didn't have time for the diagnostics.


Denver moved to pass over the anaesthetic.

Jennie was losing blood, and if he didn't rob the scalpel quick enough, saving her life would've been for nothing.

"What anaesthetic are you going to give?" Kai was eager to learn, and to Denver, that was far too eager.

"Uh setbacks to total sedation"


The doctor stilled.

"...better to give him local anaesthetic. That way my friend Juan and I can have a little chat during the procedure right, Juan?"

As Yoongi left the room, Rosé eyed the discharged gun in a strange manner. Yoongi had only left for a moment to look over the balcony of the hall and follow the shouts of Juan's voice. As he turned back to go inside the room, his breath hitched.

Her face was void of emotion as she aimed the gun at Yoongi's face.

"What's the timer for?"

Namjoon had placed a timer on a small table. Jackson didn't care to hide the irritance in his voice as he spoke to him.

"It's to control the duration of the local anaesthesia, 25 minutes. If there was some sort of inconvenience during the procedure, we would administer another dose."

That operation was programmed, and it needed to be a duration of exactly the 25 minutes. That would leave two policemen with Dalí masks in the interior or the factory. Or it it went wrong, that would leave two corpses in the conducts of the ventilation.

"Let go of the rifle."

Rosé paid no heed two his words, only narrowing her eyes and securing the target to his chest.

"It's discharged so let go of it before I get pissed off."

With a fierce drag, Rosé pulls back the safety lock. Hearing the weight in her movements, Yoongi knew then the rifle was far from discharged.

"The bullet of the bedroom," her words were eerily calm, face void of anything that could be used to Yoongi's advantage.

"Hoseok, do you copy?"

A breathy voice left the small phone, "Tube clear. moving forwards to the objective."

Taehyung was fastening the focus of the sound.

"Turn around and put your hands to your nape" upon Yoongi doing nothing, she shouted, "come on!"

A lethal second passed between the two with Rosé stongly urging the man backwards. Then, in an instant, Yoongi whipped a gun out behind his back a brought it to Rosé's head, mocking, "come on!"

Yoongi licked his lips, trying to unstress himself in some sort of way, his gun was noticeably smaller in size, but that wasn't what mattered, it was about who between the two had stronger guts. And in that moment with Rosé caught off guard and seemingly shrinking, did it show that Yoongi had the upper hand. "Come on" he repeated, brows high and fingers clenched tight around the trigger.

Rosé gulped, the nerves she had perfectly hidden away now begin to float to the surface.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi pushed, the barrel denting into her skin sharply. It was cool and prickly, a simple pull would've exploded her brains out and she'd simply, cease to exist. Funny how quickly someone can disappear of the grounds of Earth. "Not so strong now huh?"

Her eyes flickered from his face then back down to the gun.

"Come on" he continued.

"Come on! shoot." His words were calm just like hers had once been. Then he gripped the rifle out of her hands and she let out a gasp, not being able to do anything with a gun to her head.

"Fucking bitch. On your knees!"

He pushed her arm, forcing her knees to make contact with the hard ground. She let out a soft sob.

"Scalpel" The doctor had his hand out, waiting for someone to pass him the equipment needed.

"Stop stop, here the weapons are given out by me." Jackson spoke through the mask, voice slightly muffled, he was referring to the medical equipment as weapons solely because he wanted to get his hands on them.

Namjoon looked skeptical whilst Jackson picked up the scalpel and passed it to the doctor in a childish manner.

"Have you been crowned before, huh Juan? Changing the name of your wife." Kai let out a dark chuckle watching Juan's fatigued face, "of course it's normal, sleeping with Jennie in the mornings, spending the afternoon's with's normal to get confused."

Juan tried looking up with great difficulty, "It's because I want both of them. It's true. When you're in my position it's really easy to be judged by the whole world. They think you're a swine, a son of a bitch."

"God allows me to make moral judgements." Kai brought a hand to his head, stroking a way a few strands of hair sticking to his forehead.

Junhong and Hoseok were cautiously making their way through the tube. Every crawl felt like a massive lunge up a hill, only being able to use their hands and elbows seeing as their legs were too cramped to move.

Jungkook was watching the the red dots of Hoseok and Junhong on the screen, both moving a steady pace. He looked to the time, 18: 47

"I can understand it all. With me you can speak calmly about anything" Kai patted his chest to complete the meaning to his words. Juan's eyes were half lidded as he said, "well in truth, I'm a disgrace."

A drop of sweat moved down his brow. "A poor man who is in love with two women and who doesn't have another balls to choose only one."

And in the middle of that ode to infidelity, Denver got his scalpel. And the love note which Jennie had thrown into the ocean, fell into the void.

As Jackson took the scalpel without dragging any attention to himself and shoved it into his pocket with ease, the scrunched up note of paper he had, fell out.

Or almost.

Because Nairobi always paid attention to the details, and saw it.

Yoongi pulled on Rosé's scalp, "why the fuck did you do that?"

She was crying and could only whisper, "I don't know, I'm sorry." She was too scared to raise her voice and continued to looked down to the floor as Yoongi paced around the room looking for a rope. He finally found one beside the telephone and told her to get to the floor. With her stomach against the floor she let out a chocked sob.

Seokjin moved next to Jackson and crunched the paper under the sole of his foot. Jackson took no notice of this as he left the room, scalpel heavy in his pocket.

"You're 11 metres from the entrance."

"Received. We'll continue."

"Fucking bitch." He continued to curse has he wrapped the rope around her hands, "I'm sorry" she continued to cry. "Shut your damn mouth." He roughly grabbed her hair so she would face him, "don't tell me about your life, okay? I'm not your fucking drop out friend, is that clear?"

She slowly looked from his necklace in pendulance and back to his sharp eyes. "If you're begging for friendship from your kidnapper then you're really fucked up." He slammed her head back to the ground.

Eric took away the thermometer and brought it up to the light. "You know that..." Jennie started with a small smile, "I'm pregnant of only 6 weeks and, I'm more worried about the babies life rather than mine."

Eric put the thermometer back to the floor, "It's takes more than just an infection so that the kids can't come out to destroy the world you know."

"Hey what's your name?" Jennie asked, only then realised she absolutely nothing about the people trying to keep her alive.

He took a second before replying with "Moscú, they call me Moscú."

"Hey Moscú, what's it like, looking after someone, I know you don't know much but you have a younger brother, what's that like?"

He wiped his nose looking off distantly, "Looking after someone..." he shifted to sit next to her, "looking after a child is like getting a sudden bomb full of problems thrown your way for the rest of your life."

She chuckled despite looking slightly weary about the whole situation.

"What you should be worried about is the rest of the days you have of freedom. First the colds of a baby, that's every weekend in a hospital because a baby has a goddamn cold, the emergency room, the place you go to have alcohol."

She sighs, head resting back on the wall, "I don't mind, I don't drink."

"Worse for you then, because you don't know how good it feels a glass of wine while you watch a kid sleep. And then there's school, that's scary, the fear of your kid being the idiot and the bag of no fucks to give of the class. Well I mean what 'bullying' is now, the real problem is if it's you're kid who's channelling the bullying. Every 2 or three months Jackson would get expelled, i don't know how many schools he's went through..."

He let out a sigh, "our mum left us, I had to look after him, left there like a man at the foot of a cannon. In the end all you want is for them to be normal." Eric scrunched his nose as he said normal. " That he isn't left in an alley way smoking rather than going to college. But to be the one who raised him...." He smiled fondly at the memory of a younger Jackson, "It's good, in fact, it's really good."

Jennie had slowly fell into a deep sleep, her head lolling off her shoulder.

"hey hey hey, Jennie, don't fall asleep. Look at me." He pushed her face back to the side and her eyes were lazily closed. At that moment, the vault door had opened and Jackson had finally returned.

"Eric, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, she's fine."
Jackson still looked dubious, lifting the mask off his face. "She is?"

The Eric whispered, "she has too much of a fever." She slowly opened her eyes again. "I have everything." Jackson whispered.

18: 54

"5 minutes untill the doctors leave." Jungkooks voice felt as though it was breathing down Hoseok's neck while he tried to quicken his pace through the cramped ventilator. "Understood"

"I have it." The doctor took out the small bullet, it was ironic how something so small caused something so big to happen. They dropped the bullet into a little metal tray, Juan managed to say, "thank you."

Kai looked to Namjoon who was standing to the side of the table doing practically nothing. "Now you sow it up."

Namjoon rose his brows slightly, "who, me?"

The doctor to side hesitated as he looked at Namjoon, they all knew Namjoon was an infiltrator, the only thing was that Namjoon didn't know that the kidnappers knew that he was an infiltrator.

"Yes, you. You're a medic aren't you?"

Namjoon nodded slowly, having to keep up with his facade. "yes, I am."

"well then," he mused, "go do it."

"It's local anaesthesia, it'll numb the pain." he took in a deep breath, hands shaking as he tried to pierce the injection into her skin.

"Let me do it," Eric could sense his brothers nerves and so decided to do it himself. "Stay dependant of her pulse."

Jackson glanced at Jennie and nodded. He held her hand whilst Eric tried his best and injecting the anaesthesia. With a sharp prick Jennie let out a gasp, clearly it had had been done too rough for her liking.

"You know what I'm going to do, when I leave here, I'm going to study." Jackson let out a sort of guffaw and gripped Jennie's wrist to stop her from moving.

"You haven't studied your whole life."

"I'm not saying I'm going to study medicine but I wanna pick up where I left off, no?"

Jennie continued to wince and struggle as Eric pulled it out again, "this is going to hurt a bit okay?" He pierced her skin again, using up all the anaesthesia. "That's it, all done. 5 minutes from now it'll take effect."

"You're two metres from the entrance."

Hoseok's elbows and knee's ached as he moved, dragged himself towards the entrance, "objective in visual."

Namjoon brought the scissors down shakily, no doubt looking inexperienced, the doctors watched him nervously. His stomach flipped watching the mass of blood and yellow stains around the hole where the bullet was. He looked away from the wound. "I feel sick." He quickly excused, "I feel like I'm going to vomit."

"Are a you a doctor, a ballerina or what? What the hells wrong with you?"

Namjoon tried to seem bigger in front of Kai, more confident, "I'm a doctor, but I'm not used to working around guns being pointed my way."

The doctor pushed Namjoon back, "enough of this, I'll sow, but I want everyone to be silent, please." Kai said nothing, allowing the actual doctor to the work.

Lisa ran towards Kai, seemingly in a rush, "The Professor wants to speak with you."

"Okay, accompany the doctor to go to the bathroom so that he can vomit." Lisa looked over to Namjoon who's face turned pale. "if he doesn't do it then shove his head down the toilet until he does. You hear me? Until he does it."

Lisa grabbed Namjoon by the shoulders and pushed him in direction of the toilets. Whilst no one was looking, Jin leaned down and picked up the scrunched up paper.

"Broadcasting in short waves and encrypted, that means they're entering, but I don't know from where."

Kai tried not to irrtantly purse out his bottom lip, "I understand, I'll activate plan B."

"Activate it and take out the medical team already."

Jin opened the note with great curiosity, barely managing to read the illegible writing.

My love be strong, I'm okay, I love you. -Jennie

His lips moved to say the inaudible words. He checked around the room, anxiety growing at his chest just to make sure no one saw him. He quickly shoved it into his pocket.

It didn't take too long for Namjoon too arrive back, he wasn't sure if he ended up vomiting because of nerves or because he was actually sick. Upon arriving back to an unconscious Juan, one of the kidnappers was wearing a strange mask. It wasn't a Dalí one, but had small red lips and a sickly white painted as the skin.

The deputy inspector knew exactly at that moment that he had lost another battle.

Namjoon's face turned even paler than it already was as he saw even more of the Dalí's now replaced with those strange masks, in fact, he couldn't seem to find a single person who still had the Dalí mask.

Thos sinister masks signified that they were going to throw two men at lions. Also since the type which was devised from that theft was more intelligent and had more imagination than the police, the CNI and intervention unit. And when they go forward like that, it's time to run.

The doctors had finished and politely asked Jimin who was watching from the side if they could leave. The short seconds of no reply they repeated themselves, almost desperately. "Can we go now, please?"

Jin replied for him, "Of course, with tranquility. Follow me." They all let out small sighs of relief as he began to lead them out. Just before they could, Kai had started running down the steps shouting, "Doctor! Doctor!"

Namjoon and one of the doctors silently cursed themselves, they were on a time schedule, and they knew Jungkook was obsessively tracking the minutes by the seconds to make sure everything was going to plan.

"One moment please!"

"1 minutes and 30 seconds." Jungkook winced when a piercing sound went through the microphone my his ear. "What's going on?" His features scrunched up as he said this.

"There are inhibitors in the frequency."

Jungkook tried pushing on the microphone as if it would make a difference, "Hoseok, do you hear me? They put inhibitors in the frequency, I think we're going to lose communication."

Hoseok kept receiving incoherent words from the younger, he tried fixing his microphone but it was all the same.

"How did the operation go?"

-"Good, but we'd have to return in 24 hours."

Kai rose a brow at this, he looked at Juan's facial expression imagining it gave he more than an answer. "I appreciate the interest but for post operation we have people sufficiently prepared. My medical friend..." No doubt referring to Namjoon, "Do you feel better?"

From his words, Namjoon could feel nausea almost secreting into a sweat all over him, "Yes- yes thank you."

"I'm glad. Excuse me for not being able to escort you but you leave him in good hands." He pointed towards the entrance of the building, "good bye."

Leaving the room, guns were all pointed at the doctors again and Namjoon tried not the shift his expression upon seeing no Dalí's.

"Did you tell Juan?"

Scalpel was still successfully in his hands. His brain seemed to spin for a bit and let out a sound of confusion. "huh?"

Eric was cautiously reaching for the bullet, not taking notice of the conversation before him.

"Did you tell Juan I'm alive?"

"Yes...I don't know, I told him."

"Did you tell him or not?"

Jennie wrapped her had tighter around Jacksons. "I gave him the note."

She smiled in relief, "Oh okay."

Jackson was trying to avert the topic by glancing at Eric who was carefully removing the bullet. "What did he say?"

She dragged Jackson's gaze back towards her. "Fuck, he went crazy, he went crazy what would he say."

Jennie smiled at this, "yeah? What did he say."

Jackson scratched o his neck nervously, "that he loves you a lot..."

"what else?"

Jackson searched for whatever words he might've heard Juan say. "He said that...when you leave this place he's going to take you to Australia." He forced a laugh and Jennie's smile dropped.


"Yes. He also said he doesn't know what you saw in him." He tried keeping his eyes on hers, wanting to seem as authentic as possible.

"To Australia?"

"Yes, Australia."

She shook her head, "that's the dream destination of his wife. Also, Juan knows that I'm scared of planes. What happened, she entered? She entered with the medical team? Was Jisoo here?"

"No. he told her by phone."

Right outside of the vault door, Jin had his ear to the rear of the opening and then decided he had eavesdropped enough, now was time to go inside. He pulled on the latch of the door.

Jackson jumped to his feet, quickly trying to get a rifle in his hands.He pointed it to the door nerviousuly.

Jin stepped though, gun dropped lazily by his side until he pushed it up to target at Jackson. He scanned the room, a hostage that was presumably dead, getting surgery of Eric, and Jackson, pointing a gun at his face.

"Hoseok! Do you copy?" Hoseok on the other side repeating the exact same words. "Do you copy?"

He kept repeated himself but all that came through was constant static. Junhong looked up to to ceiling of the pipe, it was getting hot, stuffy. Hoseok continued to curse whilst making his to the entrance.

"Detective, the surgeons are coming out."

Namjoon was whispering, "not yet, not yet." and then as soon as all three of them were out of sight, he shouted to "run." They jumped into a sprint towards the base.

"Something happened," Jungkook whispered to himself.

"Abort! They changed the masks!" Namjoon practically shouted across the whole room.He went up to Jungkook. "They're not Dalí's anymore, but are going straight to the slaughter house."

"What?" Jungkook pushed some free strands back behind his ear before moving to sit back down, this can't be happened. Just when they thought they had an advantage, it turned out to be a disadvantage.

"Attention, abort mission." The two red dots on the screen were still moving. "Hoseok! Do you copy?"

Hoseok finally reached a window of some sort, a metal railing at the sides. "Objective now reached. We're proceeding to take off the cover and go inside."

"A bullet, a bullet wound." Upon seeing all their panicked face, Jin lowered the gun, he moved to where Eric was operating.

"hey hey Moscú you're making a bigger problem!" He looked at the scalpel, "give it to me!"

Then what happened was something unexpected. Nairobi put all of his strength and meticulousness in helping the health of the people. In place of holding them hostage he helped Moscú in saving the life of Jennie, or at least her leg.

"I'm going to take some fresh air." Eric walked out of the vault room as Jin got to work on removing the bullet.

He didn't come here to kill anyone. And like he said before, he wasn't willing to do anything that would put The Professors plan in danger.

"Hoseok, do you copy?" Jungkook repeated for the umpteenth time. "They changed the masks!"

Hoseok continued to hear the static, "I can't hear anything."

"They not wearing Dalí masks! It's a fucking suicide. Abort the damn plan!"

Some words managed to escape through Hoseok's microphone, he paused.

Taehyung was hearing Jungkook talk with a small smile on his face. He chuckled at the panic in Jungkook's voice. "Attention! Do you copy?"

Taehyung mockingly nodded along to his words, very much amused to the fact Hoseok couldn't hear Jungkook yet Taehyung could.

Once Hoseok properly heard him, he ripped off the mask in frustration. "We're aborting." He repeated himself, just to make sure. The two started retreating.

Taehyung brought the phone up to his ear. "Berlin, everyone can be calm now, plan b has succeeded, return to your places." He put it back down with a small smirk.

Hidden behind a metal voice with his cameras and strategy negotiating a theft, the Professor felt like a fish in water.

Taehyung looked up to the board of all the people involved in the theft. Jeon Jungkook had a pretty big role in it, of course that was because he was Taehyung's biggest potential downfall.

With the rest of things in life, he was an authentic alien. As different as both Clark Kent and Superman. Perhaps it was because he spent his whole childhood and youth bedridden in San Juan de Dios de San Sebastián Hospital.

Solidary as he spoke with veteran nurses and reading books.

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