Hidden ( Eric Divergent fanfi...

By HipstaPlease094

56.4K 1.3K 302

"An Angel's smile is what you sell. You promise me heaven. Then put me through hell." Marlene is the real Eru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

5K 96 18
By HipstaPlease094

Catch up?

Catch up with what?

Could he be anymore confusing?

I don't know what am I supposed to catch up with. I have to ask him tonight.

I exit the training room and head to cafeteria. Liam, Mel, Ella, and Ian should be there.

'You know, I'm getting tired of waiting for you to catch up!' His words echoed in my mind.

What am I supposed to catch up with? 'Think logical' my subconscious reminded me. I have to think logical, what is it that he is waiting for me to catch up with?

My mind was whirling with possibilities.

Dauntless hallways are really dark and there's no lights that could tell you what is where. I sped up trying to get to cafeteria but just as I turned a corner, I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see who is it, because he was much taller than me and I could feel his big muscles as I bumped into his chest. It was very dark but I could see his eyebrow piercing and his sky-blue eyes staring down at me. Eric.

I backed away immediately and shivered. He looks scary either way,

but in this dark hallway with those cold and stern blue eyes of his, he looks like pure evil.

"I'm sorry.." I muttered.

He just smirked and continued staring at me. That stare of his and his eyes flickering with amusement sent chills down my spine.

"I'm sorry." I repeated this time more confidently and turned around to walk past him.

He just moved and blocked my way, getting even closer to me. I could sense his fresh minty breath and his cologne.

"Watch yourself initiate." He said with stern, deep and creepy tone.

"I have a name, it's Marlene." I spoke confidently trying to hide my shaking hands, but failing miserably.

He just took my hands into his large ones and I looked down immediately. I wasn't expecting that.

"Like I just said, watch yourself." His whisper startled me, his breath hot over my ear.

He pulled away letting go of my hands, smirking. He just loves to play games, doesn't he?

With one last scary glance at my direction, I'm left alone in the dark hallway.

I shuddered and pulled myself from my thoughts, then headed towards cafeteria.

I hate the way he has an effect on me. The way I'm unable to do, or say anything when he's close to me. And on top of that, I don't even like him. I'm scared of him. I've never been frightened of anyone this much. It's creepy as hell.

When I entered the cafeteria every table was full and I just stood there at the entrance  trying to find Liam or anyone that I know for that matter. Everyone were chatting and arguing. It was so loud. That's why I love this faction. It never sleeps, it's just so alive. It makes me feel alive.

I was looking around for another few minutes, before I spotted Liam sitting with Mel, Ella and some others, Dauntless borns I presume, because I've never seen them before, and they're not at our dorms. I approached them and took a seat next to Liam.

"Hey, where were you? I looked around for you, but couldn't find you anywhere.." Liam asked me, looking concerned.

That's what I love about him. He's always concerned about me, the real me. He would never ditch me and go somewhere else not caring about anything. I looked around to see if anyone is here who shouldn't hear this, but then I noticed Four sitting next to me, one seat free between us. He looked at me blankly, and continued eating.

"And? Where were you Mar?" Liam asked again, this time more loudly.

"Shh!" I turned around to look at him with my finger on my mouth, showing him to lower his voice.

"I was talking to Four. He was making sure I was okay after that knife hit my ear lobe." I answered him quietly, pointing at my ear.

"Okay, but he was here before I even got here." Liam stated furrowing his eyebrows.

"I ran into Eric on my way here. Don't even ask me what happened, he's creepy and scary as hell." I said putting salad into my mouth.

"I won't argue with that. Be careful Mar. There's more into him, and God knows what could that be." He said still looking at me, his voice serious.

"Thank you Liam." I said and turned at him to hug him.

He chuckled a little and hooked his arms around my waist to hug me tighter.

"For what? You know I'll always be there for you." He spoke quietly into my ear, still not pulling out of our hug.

"Exactly. I hate you. You're so kind and sweet and good. You're not fair." I giggled.

"You hate me? Hey, you're not fair. I say that I'm always here for you and you say you hate me." He chuckled into my neck hugging me even tighter.

"No, I love you, and you know that." I answered him laughing along with him.

"Oooooooh!" A loud voice and clapping hands are heard from the boys and girls that are sitting at our table.

I quickly opened my eyes and pulled out of Liam's embrace, feeling the familiar heat in my cheeks.

"Hey, stop it. She's my best friend. It's not like that!" Liam shouted to them, chuckling.

"This is Marlene." Ella said to them smiling.

There were two tanned boys that looked pretty similar. They're probably brothers. One girl with white hair that was shaved at one side and one girl that looked pretty much like me. She had dark brown almost black long hair, but brown warm eyes.

They all looked at me smiling.

"Uriah and Zeke are brothers, Zeke is older than us two years. He was in the same initiation class with Four." Ella informed me, and when I looked around to Four, he was glaring at Zeke, who was just smirking at him. He was glaring as to warn him not to say something. He's weird.

"And that's Alex and Shauna." Mel stated looking everywhere but at me. What now?

"Shauna was with Zeke and Four too." Ella interrupted.

"Glad to meet you all." I said to them smiling and they nodded to me, Zeke and Shauna still smirking and looking at Four.

"Where's Ian?" I asked Ella as we continued eating.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him all day. He's probably somewhere screwing a new girl." She stated blankly, like it's supposed to be obvious.

I chocked on my hamburger and almost lost my breath when they all started to laugh.

"I'm sorry, but that's Ian." Ella looked

at me sympathetically.

"Yeah.." I trailed off chewing on my hamburger.

He's seventeen, isn't it too early for that? Why does everyone want to be so grown up? It's not like they won't get a chance to be that...

We chatted through the dinner and they all were so cool and sweet to me, even though we just met. We were all laughing when Uriah shoved Zeke's head in his chocolate cake that he loves so much. Even Four chuckled when that happened. Zeke was fuming from anger, but when he saw Shauna laughing so hard he immediately softened. You can see how much he loves her at the first glance. Mel was quiet through the dinner and hasn't spoken to me at all. She's acting so weird.

After dinner we headed to our dorms. I was so tired, but I had to go and meet Four later, I couldn't sleep.

I set my clock at 11:20. Just enough time to run to the cafeteria and meet up with Four.

We all went to sleep, after a long day. We were all so tired and Ella was asleep seconds after her head touched the pillow. It was dark in the room. Everyone was sleeping, but all I could do is wait for my alarm to set off.

What could be so important that Four had to tell me about Eric? Who's Addison? Why and how do I have to do anything with the two of them?

All of my questions will have their answer soon, but I'm not so sure anymore that I want to know them..

My alarm went off, breaking me from my thoughts, and I jumped out of my bed, cursing silently, praying that everybody's still asleep.

I put on my trainers , and sweats, then headed quietly out of the room. As soon as I was out I started running to the cafeteria, so I wouldn't run into anyone on my way there.

As I quietly and slowly approached the cafeteria entrance, Four was already waiting for me, taping his foot impatiently.

"My place. Follow me." He said not looking at me and started walking away.

I just followed him. Still deep in my thoughts of what is he going to tell me in a few minutes.

We took a few turns and climbed up a few stairs and finally got to the hallway with the apartments. He just unlocked his door, and led me into his apartment.

It looks pretty empty, though it's full of furniture, bookshelves, and other things.

"Sit." He instructs, and takes a seat on his chair.

I quietly take a seat, and look at him who's still awkwardly being silent.

"So, you wanted to tell me something?" I started, breaking the silence.

"Yes. I did." He noded sitting next to me and turning so he is facing me. He sighed looking at his hands on his lap, and then to me.

"You don't want to mess around with Eric, believe me. He's tough and everything, but you don't know shit what he has done in the past. You know I said something about Addison?" He asks me in deep serious voice, leaning forward, putting his elbows on his legs.

"Yes, you said that I don't wanna end up like her." I stated, feeling my hands beginning to sweat.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you don't. She was second in our initiation, I was first and Eric was third. That was at the end of stage three. At the end of our initiation. He would do anything, just so he can be at the better place, then and now, he hasn't changed a bit." Four says in a low voice, like someone could heat us, his eyes piercing mine.

"But how do I fit in all of that?" I asked feeling goosebumps raising on the back of my neck.

It's definitely not cold, they are from whatever it is that Four is going to tell me, and I have a feeling that it's not something that I want to hear.

"He befriended Addison and she really fell for him, you could see that even from the far. They were inseparable, I mean literally. They would go everywhere together." He sighed like his remembering something that he doesn't want to remember.

"But one day, we were celebrating her birthday and she wasn't feeling very well, so she just went home. She wasn't drunk, and neither was he when he went out to find her." Four sighed and continued.

"Anyway, when we came to the Chasm, Zeke and I saw him standing

there looking at the rushing water and the bottom of the Chasm. Her body was barely visible because the Chasm is much deeper that we can see. But, he was just standing there, I'm not sure he even noticed us standing on that ledge. Since Zeke and I work in that Control room, we had to watch all the security footages and on the one at the entrance of the Chasm, it's clear as day that they were arguing over something and he just pushed her over the railing.." Four sighed deeply and looked up at me, probably trying to find out how do I feel about all of this.

How do I feel about all of this? I'm not even sure how I feel.. He killed a girl he was in love with? No way, he wouldn't do that..would he? That's not something that people usually do when they're in love with someone..

"Say something.." Four pulled me out of my jumbled thoughts.

"I-I.. I don't know what to say.." I trailed off.

Well what am I supposed to say?

"Why did you think that I'll end up like that girl?" I asked quietly afraid of the answer. Why would he think that I'm going to end up like her?

"Because he is just the way he is. I've seen the way he's looking at you, like you're some piece of meat or something.He will do something like that again, it's just the matter of time when something in his head snaps and he decides on it. You definitely don't want to be on his radar." He said in serious tone, his words sending chills down my spine.

"How could he do that again? Was he even punished for killing that girl?" He had to be. Killing is not something that goes by unpunished, even here in this weird place.

"No, he wasn't. He never admitted the guilt, and he was a leader at the time, so he wasn't punished." He said, frown covering his beautiful features.

"You don't want to end up like that. Believe me. Just stay away from him and don't drow too much attention. Be the best you can be, but don't try something you'll regret." Four said , looking at me dead serious , gripping on my wrist as he pulled over being closer to me.

"Okay.. Thank you for this." I said silently getting up.

He let go of my wrist and got up, shifting in his place uncomfortably. I said a silent 'goodbye' and headed towards the door. Just as I was about to open the door, he grabbed my wrist, and turned me around so I was facing him.

He was dangerously close to me, and I could feel his fresh orange and minty breath over my lips. They were just inches away. I gulped down and stared at his now black eyes that were flickering with something that I couldn't recognize.

"Think about what I just told you. Don't do something stupid." He said in deep and serious tone that sent shiver through my whole body for the tenth time tonight.

And then i remembered I should ask him what he meant this morning when he said that he's getting tired of waiting for me to catch up.

"Oh, Four...may I ask you something?" I whispered not really knowing why.

"Yeah,go ahead."He said with casual voice shoving his hands into his pockets pulling away slightly.

"What did you mean this morning? I mean, what am I supposed to catch up?" I asked confused still looking at him for any sign of emotion or anything.

He shifted in his place uncomfortably before looking away from me to his feet. What's wrong with this guy?

"Ermm.. I- I... It was nothing. I didn't really mean anything. I just said it." He looked at me again, his eyes flashing with some kind of emotion, but I don't think I know what it is. Fear? Shame? Why would he be afraid or ashamed from me?

I quickly nodded, turned around from him, and got out from his apartment. I closed the door and just leaned on it taking deep breaths and trying to slow my heartbeat.

Okay, I'm going crazy right now. I should be thinking about that girl he told me about and Eric, not about unbelievable closeness that I was in with Four, just a second ago.

Is Eric really capable of doing such a brutal thing to an innocent girl? Of course he is. He's the reason I'm going to have a scar on my ear. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and let everything sink in, while I was walking slowly towards dorms. This is gonna be one sleepless night, I see that already.

"Hey Liam." I shake his shoulder to wake him up.

He opened his eyes immediately and looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I sleep with you? I can't fall asleep." I said knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in my own bed with my mind whirling with ideas.

"Yeah, sure. Did something happened?" Liam asked softly as he moved in his bed to make some place for me.

"No... Well yes." I said still confused about everything.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked rubbing my arm gently as I got into his bed.

"No, but thank you." I whispered and kissed him in cheek before laying down on the pillow.

"Don't thank me. I'm always here." He whispered slowly and kissed my head before putting his arm around my waist and his head on the pillow.

My back was pressed to his chest and I felt that he immediatelyfell asleep.He's such a good friend. What did I do to deserve him?

I closed my eyes and just tryed to fall asleep, but my thoughts were buzzing with evey possible scenery that could have happened.

Eric may or may not be guilty. But Four and Zeke saw everything on cameras. I would belive Four more than Eric . He's one ruthless and cruel man that doesn't care for anyone nor haves compassion about anything. And I've felt that on my own skin. If Jeannine found out about what happened today, she would have killed him herself. I know that she would and there's no way I'm letting her know about this. I want to work my own way through, I don't need her help.

I haven't seen her, or Lukas, or dad in over a week. I can hear silent sobs at night from someone but I don't really know who it is. I think someone misses their family, badly.I don't miss mine though. I know it may seem weird, but I was raised that way.To put my emotions aside and not to let them control me.

I drifted off off thinking about Lukas and the feeling of his arms around me as he hugged me when we were little.


"Wake up initiates! I want everyone in the Pit! Ten minutes!" A deep male voice shouted waking me up, and I quickly jumped out of bed turning around to face him and stood in defence position.

Eric just smirked looking at me with amusement and a big smirk plastered on his face.

"You'll have enough time to do that later initiate." He shouted to me before turning around and leaving the dorm, shaking his head and still smirking.

I just stood there before looking at Liam who was watching and smirking at me.

"What?" I snapped at him while standing up to sit on my bed.

"Nothing. No need to get all worked up." He threw his hands up in defence and stood up from his bed.

I pulled on my jeans and loose shirt while he was stretching and getting dressed and got on my boots.

"Wait here. I'm just going to go to the bathroom and then we can go." He said and quickly kissed me on the chick before running off to the bathroom.
'What the hell was that?' My annoying subconscious asked confused.

Well I was confused too, but whatever. He's my best friend. That's what friends do,right?

Liam got out quickly and we were at the Pit in no time.

Everyone was standing in one large crew and we just joined them.

"Okay,so you've learned how to shoot and throw knives so far, and today, you learn how to fight." Eric said sternly, his face and voice void of emotions.

"I'm going to show you some basics of combat and you'll have about a week to practise it before the fights." Four joined.

"Fights?" The Candor girl ,who's name I've learned to be Bonnie, asked.

"Yes,fights. Next week, you'll have to fight each other. All of you will have three fights minimal. You'll get points for them, so I suggest you better train and not hesitate to punch the person you're fighting against if the person is your friend." Four explained and we all gathered around him so we can watch him demonstrate the moves.

He's really quick and strong. It looks really good on him.

When he finishes we all head to big black punching bags. I take one between Liam and Natalie.

She's a really good person. I know she's from Abnegation and Erudite are supposed to hate them and everything, but we're both Dauntless now, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be friends.

She looks at me and smiles, and then continues punching her bag. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and start punching myself.

Eric and Four are walking between the punching bags watching us carefully and I feel a little uncomfortable. I know that I'll screw something up because that's what usually happens when someone is watching my every move, waiting for me to make a mistake.

I throw a few more punches and stop to look at my knuckles. They are numb and red with smeared blood. It hurt a little bit at first, but now I don't even feel it.

I shake my arms to relax them and start punching again. The bag is swinging back and forth and I think I'm relatively good at this. I'm not as strong as I want to be, but I will be. I have to, if I want to survive here. Liam is doing really well. His bag is swinging much more than mine, but he's a guy after all, and he's much more muscular than me. Tris is having some trouble, and I would help her, but with Eric watching our every move, I can't risk.

'Don't do something you'll regret. You don't want to be on his radar.' Four's voice echoed in my head.

"You're weak. You have no muscle." Four's voice startled me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You'll never win, not like that." He continued walking around angry Natalie who was still punching her bag.

"Well that's good to know." She answered angrily and continued punching.

"Keep tension here." He said putting his large hand over her stomach.

She stopped immediately and looked at him with wide eyes.

I smiled to myself and continued punching my bag, so Eric wouldn't come after me.

Four stayed there for awhile whispering something to Natalie, and I was smirking like and idiot. Someone has a crush on instructor. She's so funny.

I laughed at myself and continued throwing punches at my bag.

"What's so funny you little Erudite 'know it all'?" Someone shouted behind me and I quickly turned around only to see Wayne smirking at me.

"Mind your own business." I turned around punching my bag again.

"Well, I guess I know why anyway. I mean, you two are pretty close.." He continued still smirking.

"What are you even talking about?" I turned around to face him shouting and everyone went silent, looking at us.

"Oh come on. You know what I'm talking about. I'm sure you let him fuck you already. Or did you suck his dick first? Hm? What was it?" He smirked at me.

"Y-You, I'm going to kill you!" I yelled at him before running towards him and punching him hard in the gut.

He recovered quickly and threw a punch at my jaw sending me backwards a little. I stumbled and he smirked at me. I could feel the hot blood at my lips and then threw a full-force punch at his nose sending

him backwards flying.

A loud yell is heard from him and he's holding his hand over his bloody nose.

"You bitch! You're gonna regret this!" He shouted still groaning from the pain.

"The hell I will!" I smirked and threw another punch at his gut, pinning him down beneath me before throwing another good few punches at his face, and then he fells unconscious.

"Hey! Hey! Enough!" Four's hands warped around my arms as he pulled me off of Wayne.

"What the hell was that initiate?" He asked through his greeted teeth.

"He started first, ask him!" A shouted back.

"I would but you broke his fucking nose and blacked him out!" He shouted, his voice full of anger.

"Four, take Wayne to infirmary, now! I'll take care of her. Everyone else, we're done for today." Eric interrupted, taking my arm in his hand roughly, and dragging me towards the exit.

I just followed him unable to do anything. Once we were out he just stopped and let go of my arm. I stood beside him while he put his hand on his forehead,closing his eyes and sighing heavily.

"What now?" I whispered not really sure why.

"What now? You're kidding with me?" He sighed and looked at me angrily.

"No. Why did you bring me here?" I asked confused.

He said he'll take care of me. What does that even mean?

I'm not injured or anything..

"We're going to see Max. He'll decide what your punishment is and then you're going to do it." He explained turning his back to me and grabbing my arm again so he wouldn't have to wait me to catch up with him.

I know I'll be punished and I don't care. Wayne deserved it. I still don't know who was he talking about anyway. He was way out of line and he had it coming. I hate those Candor smart mouths.

I was looking at Eric every now and then to see if I can find out why did he act like that. He just pushed me out of the training room and he looked concerned or tired. I don't know.

"Didn't your mother teach you that it's not nice to stare at people?" He snapped at me and I quickly looked away, feeling the familiar heat rising to my cheeks.

He just huffed and we continued walking. After a few minutes we were standing in front of the big door, which I assume are the door of Max's apartment.

Eric knocked a few times and Max appeared in front of us in no time. He was fully dressed as he was about to go somewhere, but his eyes were giving away that he was sleeping. Great, now he'll probably be all grumpy and everything because we woke him up. God knows what could I get as my punishment.

"Max, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you at something but I've got one rebel here." Eric said casualy.

"A rebel? What does that have to do with me?" Max asked rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Well there was a fight and you need to decide their punishments." Eric explained while gripping on my arm.

"Oh.. Come on in. We can decide that inside." He said slowly and we walked in his apartment that was really dark, then took a seat on the couch.

"What caused the fight Eric? What exactly happened?" Max asked sitting across from me and looking

at me with some weird look that I think was supposed to scare me.

I just sighed and before Eric can start explaining I started.

"Wayne, one of the transfers basically called me a whore for no reason and I just couldn't resist punching him and getting him back. He had it coming, I don't regret it at all." I quickly said not looking away from Max, feeling Eric's intense look on me.

"She broke his nose and he's unconscious in the infirmary now." Eric said still looking at me before turning his gaze to Max.

His eyes widened and he looked at Eric and me an few times before he started to laugh lightly.

"Well that kid had it coming. He's the one from Candor, right?" Max said still laughing and I was confused.

I expected God knows what from him but this.. I definitely didn't expect this.

"Yeah, he is. He is guilty for starting the fight, that's for sure, but he's the one laying in the infirmary unconscious with broken nose." Eric said sternly and I caught a glimpse of

confusion on his features.

He didn't expect this either.

Max stopped laughing after a few minutes and looked at me blankly.

Here we go.

"Okay, so both of you will be punished. You're guilty as much as he is." He was serious now and talking to me.

"You'll have to do the extra training every day for two hours till the end of this week with Eric. You'll also going to help him if he needs something to be done. That's the part of your punishment too." He said looking at me with a smirk on his face.

An extra training? With Eric? Help him ? Oh, that's just great.

"Tell Four to come here so I can tell him what to do with Wayne's punishment." Max said to Eric getting up with us.

"Okay sir. Anything else?" Eric asked firmly walking through the door with his hand still on my arm.

"Don't go too tough on her. She did what she had to do. Hell, I would've done the same. She's a Dauntless, that's for sure." Max smiled at me and I smiled back. Well this went way better than I expected.

"Oh, o-okay sir. Goodbye." Eric muttered obviously caught off guard and we headed towards the dorms.

Once we were alone I yanked my arm out of Eric's hard grip and smiled at myself.

"Who was Wayne talking about?" Eric's question startled me and I looked at him.

He was already looking at me with that cold stare so I looked away.

"Hm... I don't know." I said shrugging.

"Bullshit. You know." He said spiting and walked past me.

"Oh? So what if I know? I'm not telling you. And I don't know." I spat back at him.

He stopped and turned around so he was facing me.

"You think you're so smart for doing that thing, don't you? You think Max gave you a small punishment? Good luck on that one!" He shouted at me getting closer with every word.

"You wanna know what I think? I think that what Wayne said was true. That's why you reacted that way. So, will you answer his question to me?" He asked gripping my wrist and looking straight into my eyes.

What the fuck is wrong with him?

"You know what? I would tell you to go to hell now, but I don't really wanna see you ever again." I spat back yanking my wrist out of his tight grip and running away from him as he shouted angrily:

"Well too bad! Cause I'm gonna make your life a living hell!"


I'msorryfornotupdatingsolong! Myfinalsarecrushingme, andallIreallydonowisstudyallday. It'ssoexhausting.
Anyway, IhopeI'llbeabletoupdatemoreonceweareonwinterbreak. :DIhaveawholelotofideasforthisstoryandyouwouldn't belive whatisgoingtohappeninfuture :D

Votesandcommentsareappreciated! :D

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