He can change~ Monty&Winston...

By XxUlquihime4LifeXx

11.1K 265 102

originally posted on Quotev- Monty was abused his whole life by his father, and being raised by a drunk homop... More

Chapter 2: Realization
Chapter 3; Judgement Call
Chapter 4: You're starting to realize
Chapter 5; Nothing like stiring the pot
Chapter 6; Unravel the truth
Chapter 7: Warzone Part 1
Chapter 8- Warzone Part 2
Chapter 9- Bring on the justice
Chapter 10: Setting it up
Chapter 11: Despicable

Chapter 1; Revelation

3.3K 53 22
By XxUlquihime4LifeXx

A/N; Hi guys welcome to my first Winston and Monty fanfic! Which I've updated a little since I made this like 9 months ago but Before I start I wanted to clarify; that I don't support what Monty did to Tyler nor does being gay Justify his actions! I just wished Monty met Winston before the sexual assault happened, things would've been way different! But with that being said, let's get on with the story!

Monty's POV: Being fucked up wasn't a choice for me, it was something I adapted since I was born, my life was broken, from the beatings I've received from my piece of shit dad, from my mother ignoring me all my life to being abandoned by the last person I considered like family, like a brother. Just like that he was gone, but perhaps I couldn't blame him, I could only blame myself, blame for what I did to Tyler but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't just come clean, even if I did wanted to, if my father found out what I did.. He would fucking kill me.. That's for damn sure.. If I went to jail.. all I know is, I would either be killed or beaten to shit, and didn't know which is worse..

As the bus drove away leaving me to throw my hand in the air letting the dark surround me, my thoughts were interrupted by clicks from a camera, I turned to see Winston taking pictures from afar, attentively I made my way to him "the fuck are you doing here?" He lifted his head away from his camera setting it down to his side "Yearbook.. I'm in yearbook.. I was just- I'm going.." He said turning away from as he digged in his pocket for his keys to get away from me

Without having to look at him, I knew he was scared that I would hurt him again, I didn't blame him for thinking that, I was an asshole, still am, and there was no changing that but for some fucking reason I found myself reaching for him, for once having the need to talk to someone who was filled with that kindness that I deeply wished I could have,"hey-hey I ain't going to do anything" I said softly letting out that rare sense of vulnerability "I've gotta go" he responded as he barely managed to look at me as he stood close to his  blue Ferrari.

"Listen man" I began as I took a silent breath "I'm sorry about last summer, I was drunk and really fucked up" there it was, the words 'I'm sorry' it even caught me by surprise.. I've never even once used those two words to anyone.. not to Bryce, Not to his fucking dad.. Not to Tyler.. Not to anyone.. I've never felt any concern for what has happened or any empathy to use it.. but this.. it was different.. I don't know why it was but all I knew was I didn't want to lose this feeling even if it suffocates me

Winston finally looked at me with a slight smile "it's fine, I mean it's  whatever" I then walked closer to him returning a smile back "you uh- seem like a good guy" his smile turned into a full a grin "um, would you-? My parents are gone all weekend if you wanna hang out" my eyebrows arched as a small smile appeared on my face "I would like that" Winston nodded "would you like me to drive is over to my place?"

The question caused my body to froze up like a statue, but I didn't let down "Yeah, sure" Winston then pressed a button on his keys to unlock his car. Letting me to sit and buckle up as he did the same, then he shifted the keys in the ignition letting the car run, I then rolled down my window letting the cold breeze hit the slight bruises on my face but I didn't wince out in pain, I just sat there in silence as I heard the radio played some alternative rock, (The Song is called Reptilla by The Strokes)

"Oh is there something else you wanted to listened to?" I shaked my head "no this is fine, It's your car you should listen to whatever you want" he nodded leaving the drive in silence until he asked me "so how've you been since the last time I've seen you" I continued to look out the window "it doesn't matter"

His brown eyes looked at me in concern "why do you say that?" I turned to face him "my life is just crappy truth be told.. I don't think you would understand.." I said silently "why don't you try me? I'm a pretty good listener." Part of me wanted to completely avoid this conversation, I didn't want him to think low of me anymore of how fucked everything in my life was. But then another part of me felt as I needed someone, someone to talk to..

"Where do I start? Well my whole team fucking hates me, my best friend wants nothing to do with me, my parents are the worst of it, my mom can barley look at me most of the time, all she can see is a disappointment and my father is drunk half of the time, and when he becomes pissed for no fucking reason he always ends up beating the shit out of me. Wether if it's a hammer or golf club, he always enjoys this; the abuse, the pain, the humiliation. It's just a sick game to him and I often wonder to myself 'is there a time when enough is enough' but I guess I'll never know because all I am is a useless piece of fucking shit that doesn't deserve anything but misery" my felt my eyes water as I could no longer look at him, all I could see was the pain that would consume me.

"Wow, I'm so sorry that's happened to you, I understand that shit is rough but I can't imagine how hard that is, spend every day fighting it" I looked over him "How can you understand it? How can you understand the agony that I have to deal with" he frowned but still payed attention to the road and myself

"I may not have been abused but I do know what it's like to feel lonely to feel like shit will never be better, to feel like you can't ever be truly happy and I've got to say it fucking hurts, but trust me when I tell you things get better Monty, even if you think you deserve nothing but pain, sometimes you'll end up being wrong, I know it doesn't seem like it now but I will say that you're not alone, and If you need anything at all just know that I'm here," I then felt a lump in my throat that I tried to swallow "thank you Winston, I know that I don't deserve your kindness, especially since I was cruel to you"

"Sometimes people deserve a second chance, so, don't worry about it alright.."my eyes departed from his, as he focused on the road, I truly believed that I didn't deserve that second chance.. even if I wanted to..

Silence filled the car for the next couple minutes until I broke the silence as we passed by his school "I have a question, did you ever hate me for what I did to you?" He shaked his head "no I didn't, I-I mean I was pretty pissed off however I did understand it I guess, It's hard being able to be who you are so I get it." I didn't say anything else until we got to his house.

"Were here." I slightly smiled as we got out of the car and headed into his house "do you want anything, food, or a drink?" Winston asked as he approached the fridge "a drink is fine" I said as I sat on the couch "anything pacific?"

"Beer or Vodka is fine." Winston then grabbed us two cups and poured vodka in them "here you go."
"Thanks" I said taking a sway sip of the drink as he stood in front of me "of course its no big deal" He responded as we both took casual sips of the vodka "did you tell anyone else about what happened?" I said holding the cup steadily in my hands "no I haven't and never intended to." I glanced at him as we set our cups down on the coffee table

"Why didn't you? It would've been a lot simpler for you.." He shaked his head "I couldn't do that to you, It's not in my nature" I sighed looking down "but still I wouldn't have blamed you, I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, I don't know why I'm like this.. Bryce can change but I feel like I can't.. even though you say everybody deserves second chances I don't think I do, I really don't.. so you should've told everybody, should've just forgot about me, I'm bad news"

I said standing up in my desperation "Monty.." my eyes looked at his lips then back to his face "I'm sorry I just-" "you just what?" Gulping I continued to feel his eyes on mine "I'm just a shitty person and I'm sorry for putting my crap on you" Winston "Don't worry about it, I'm here.. always.." He said squeezing my arm gently giving me a small smile, without realizing I kissed him, I then quickly pulled away once I didn't feel him returning the kiss "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that-" Winston shook his head "Don't apologize for that," our eyes locked as his hand still grabbed my shoulder

*Lemon begins here!*
Then I felt myself kiss him once more as he returned the kiss, this one was way different than the kiss at the party it wasn't rough, or full on demand, this was more passionate and gentle, Winston's arms reached to my face then down my back, giving him one more kiss, we went into his bedroom

When he shut the door I gently pushed him up to as I removed his sweater, tossing it aside so I could kiss his neck leaving marks, making him moan that was music to my ears. He then removed my orange flannel and took off my gray shirt along with it

I then grabbed him by the chin and kissed him slightly rough but Winston didn't seem to mind, I then moved us over to the bed, as I began to kiss his stomach and I reached down to his pants which I unbuttoned, unbuckled and removed tossing them to the floor along with his boxers, I've noticed he was already hard which caused me to smirk a little, I then pulled him in my mouth as I sucked and jerk slow to fast in the same motion. Causing Winston to moan as his hand caught my hair and held it there softly "I then removed my mouth and kissed him as he said "your turn" lowering his mouth he gave me the same treatment, grabbing him by the shoulders I kissed him passionately

"I've never done this with a guy before." I admitted, Winston smiled "that's okay, I can help you" I nodded as I kissed him once more as he put himself in position, not knowing what to do I went with my instincts I kissed him on his butt let my finger rub as I could tell he was wet already "now you can enter inside me, but you can go slow if you want" nodding I did as he said and slid in my thing in his hole grunting slowly but eventually faster to both our liking as doing so I grabbed his arm setting my hand on it along with his chest, leaving kisses on his shoulder, as I pounded faster, my hand began to grip the sheets while I thrusted one last time letting the explosion feeling consume us

*End of lemon*

I collapsed right next to him moaning quietly "holy shit!" I whispered as I sat my head against my arm laying next to him, as our heavy breathing was the only sound in the room. As Winston managed to layed on the bed he turned to me "so are you gonna beat the shit out of me now?" Finally catching my breath I turned to look at him "I said I was sorry" Winston couldn't help but crack up a smile "I know, I was just making a joke" I then signed in relief as a slight smile appeared on my face as I stared at the ceiling as Winston I turned over on his left side so he could look at me "I can give you ride somewhere if you don't want an uber" I then looked at him worried "are you trying to kick me out?" He shaked his head with a smile "no I'd just figured you wanted to go" I then watched him looking inside my hazel eyes as I rolled on my side "well maybe, I wanna stay and do that again." Winston couldn't help but express a cheeky grin and a laugh "Yeah? Okay"

My smile then faded away "I'm not fucking gay" I felt my own voice choke on the words "Okay, Cool" he responded as his eyes made contact with mine "you can be whatever you wanna be" I then felt my eyes drift down as I thought about all the shit that I have been through.. my father, my 'friend's,' Tyler, everything.

Nothing would change.. I couldn't be who I was even if I wanted to, I couldn't have a normal dad that didn't abuse the shit out of me, I couldn't have friends like everyone else had, I couldn't take back what I did to Tyler, but most importantly I couldn't have a normal relationship with Winston like I wanted to, it wouldn't ever be that simple, it was just too late for me to have all of that, I knew that "No.. I can't.." I felt my eyes become wet as Winston looked at me with nurture,

That whole weekend he took care of me, held me, let me sleep, made sure I was eating right, made sure I was okay. And for once in my life I actually felt happy for those 2 nights, I was genuinely in bliss until 2 weeks later

I heard cops right outside my house "what the fuck" I mumbled under my breath as I looked outside my window, I then heard footsteps from the front porch and a hard knock, I opened the door "can I help you?" "Yes, are you Montgomery De La Cruz?" They asked, "Yeah what's it to you?" I resorted back "we're gonna need you to come with us" they said as they held my hands behind my back with handcuffs wrapped around my wrists "what the fuck? What's the fucking charge?" I asked struggling against them "sexual assault in the first degree and possibly convicted of murder" my eyes widened as they pushed me into the car.

*Fast forward to two days later where Monty has a visit from his dad*

The officers hurried me over to the table where my dad sat "5 minutes" one of them said as they stood watching ahead "hey dad." I spoke hesitantly "sit" I obeyed him as he sat next to me "your mother hasn't stopped crying since they picked you up.."

"Sorry.." I said looking at the wall trying not to look at him "I bust my ass for this family and this is what you do? Answer me!" I looked at him with that feel of unease "what? What answer do you want?"

Is it true what they're saying?" I returned a quick glance "what are they saying..?"

"You damn well know, they are saying you sexually assaulted a kid, a boy, is that true?" I shook my head "it wasn't sexual assault, I was messing with him" I felt the word choke once more as I finally responded it with meaning without the simple words 'it was hazing' or 'it was a joke' or 'it's happened to tons of guys, get over it' this held meaning to it.

"You were messing with him the way they said? Why would you that shit to a boy? Are you some kind of fagot?" I narrowed my eyes as I looked back at the miserable fuck "what if I was dad? What if I was..?" I felt his glare once more "you're going to prison, you know what they do with guys like you in there?"

"What do they do? Describe it..?" "You're going to get beat to shit, at the minimum, they will beat you down.." "at least none of them will be my dad!" He raised up from his seat as he glanced over me coldy "you a fagot?" I looked right at him "sure" waiting for his response, I expected him to yell at me, hit me or even kill me but instead I got him spitting on my face leaving me alone crying in the darkness.. I couldn't even wipe his spit away.. as they carried me back to my cell all I could think about was the conversation with my dad and Winston..

And from those departed thoughts I just knew it was going to become worse

A/N; Holy crap! That was wild lol I actually didn't expect to change a whole lot, I was only planning on changing some of the dialogue like in the car and at Winston's house but it ended up being like 75% of the chapter which is good for Monty's character compared to what I originally wrote but damn that was a lot to take in, in one chapter, I do plan to write chapter 2 sometime today since it's 4 am going on 5 but I don't know when, but if you liked this, let me know your thoughts!

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