So, I'm Caroline?

By crazyKate92

817K 31.9K 6.7K

I will be the first to say that I'm not sure why I happened to seemingly be reincarnated into one Caroline Fo... More

Chapter 1 - Dying and Ohh Thats Very Pointy!
Chapter 2 - Founder Parties and Mommy-Daughter Talk
Chapter 3 - Movie, The Car what? and Naughty Stefan
Chapter 4 - So, Is Blood Yummy? Do I have to do Halloween?
Chapter 5 - Killing a Nice Vampires Is Naughty and Breaking Down.
Chapter 6 - Damon Comforts, The Teacher and Student Hang Out
Chapter 7 - Career Day Troubles
Chapter 8 - Why Am I Here?
Chapter 9 -50's Dance
Chapter 10 - Grave Robbing Duo and Annoying Old Body Friends
Chapter 11 - Tomb Openings and witchyness
Chapter 12 - The Teacher and The Possessive Friend.
Chapter 13 - Alaric Gets The Truth and Freddies Visit
Chapter 14 - Freddy, Beth and Harper Meet Star Trek 2009.
Chapter 15 - School and Founders Parties.
Chapter 16 - Miss Mystic Falls
Chapter 17 - Isobel
Chapter 18 - Founders Day
Chapter 20 - Going Away and Matty The Vampy Wampy
Chapter 21 - Klaus, meet Caroline and The Search
Chapter 22 - The Event.
Chapter 23 - Chatty Katty
Chapter 24 - Welcome To The Bar.
Chapter 25 - Time
Chapter 26 - Planning Plans
Chapter 27 - The Talk
Chapter 28 - Werewolves and The Hybrid
Chapter 29 - Discussions
Chapter 30 - Father
Chapter 31 - Communication
Chapter 32 - Hospitals and Houses
Chapter 33 - Details
Chapter 34 - Rituals
Chapter 35 - Trust Issues Anonymous
Chapter 36 - Alaric
Chapter 37 - Summer
Chapter 38 - Forks . .Witch Utensil?
Chapter 39 - Death
Chapter 40 - Vampirism
Chapter 41 - The Cullen's
Chapter 42 - Final Year
Chapter 43 - A Non-Plan, With Complications
Chapter 44 - Witches
Chapter 45 - Family

Chapter 19 - Katty and The Wake

19.7K 836 188
By crazyKate92

3rd POV

Elena and Stefan ran John to the hospital after Katherine attacked him. After Elena checked for her brother she found out that he wasn't home yet. That worried her but then she got a call about Matt, her ex that in her heart she still sort of, possibly loves.

Matt was in the hospital because of a car accident with Tyler, who is in the waiting room feeling so guilty. He just hurt one of his friends! He's practically horrified with himself.

Matt was not recovering well either, add in how his relationship with Vicki was, how he kissed Matt's mom (albeit while wasted and not thinking clearly, the woman is as old as his mom, ew) and that just makes the guilt that much worse.

Outside of Matt's room Elena and Stefan are arguing.

"Please Stefan, your blood heals, he's a good guy, please give him some of your blood" Elena pleads with such sadness that he ends up caving.

"It's dangerous Elena, if he dies with my blood in his system he will turn into a vampire. Do you understand that?"

She looks up at him, her eyes steely, she can't lose Matt after all, he basically worships the ground she walks on and he's a nice guy so if things fall through with Stefan she can always go back to Matt.

Elena looks Stefan in the eyes hard "Yes, I understand that" she makes her eyes mist over "but he's such a good guy, you have to turn him, please Stefan?"

Stefan sighs and then nods with a frown. Only for her, he'll do it, they love each other right? "Fine"
Forbes Residence
3rd POV

When Liz arrives home late that night she sees her daughter with a group of people sleeping on the couches. Damon and Alaric among them.

She chuckles and gathers up some blankets, sits it on top of them and then heads up to bed herself.

She was knocked out by someone she should have been able to trust. It's a terrifying thought and add in the disappointment she feels and the sadness among other things, she needs a really long, really good nights sleep.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast this morning. Yummy yummy breakfast. . Hmm. . Bacon?

Pancakes maybe? Yum.

I look around the living room as I sit up slowly, pressure on my stomach, I see Alaric still passed out on me.

Jeremy is snuggled with Anna quite comfortably too.

Is Damon cooking?

Yawning I make my way to the kitchen and yep, Damon is there making breakfast while Mom listens to him talk.

"See, and it's very unlikely that the Mayor was a vampire." My mom says frustrated.

Walking over I sit beside her and put my head on her shoulder "hello Mom"

"Hi honey, I didn't know you were going to have company." She says with a chuckle.

"Neither did I" I say with a small smile.

"They're having a wake for Mayor Lockwood today. Will you be there?" Mom asks me and Damon as the rest of our little group comes tumbling in so to speak.

"I will be"

"I will be as well" Damon and Alaric say.

Jeremy glances at Anna who shrugs "we might go too." He replies easily. Anna lays her head on Jeremy's shoulder just as Damon starts setting the breakfast food down on the table.

After eating mom sighs and looks at her watch "I have to go, thank you for breakfast Damon." She gives me a side hug before she leaves.

After she leaves Damon looks at me and says flatly"Well kitten before we go to this funeral I think I need to know more about Katherine being here and These Originals"

"Well, Katherine has been here since last night, John in probably in the hospital because she would've tried to cut off his fingers. Jeremy didn't try to kill himself this time which is cool" I add as I glance at Jeremy.

"I want to be a vampire so that I can be with Anna." He responds while glancing away from Damon who's looking quite amused, Alaric groans.

"And who are the originals?" Damon asks as Anna beside us grimaces, perhaps she's met some of them?

"The very first vampires of course." I say cheerfully.

"Wait" Alaric interrupts confused  "aren't they a myth?"

"Oh no, they're very real." Anna says quickly "if you can it's best to stay out of their way."

I glance at the clock "We should get ready if we're going to go to the wake."

"Why do they call it a wake though?" Jeremy asks then feeling baffled.

We all shrug. Never even thought about it honestly.

"We're going to have to talk about this Caroline" Damon says sternly as I go towards the bathroom to get ready.
Lockwood Residence

"Kat will probably try to rile you up" I whisper lowly to Damon as we all walk towards.

Tyler greats us, "thanks for coming" He mutters before shaking everyone else's hands.

He turns back to me and then glances at Jeremy "Matt's in the hospital, I got into a car accident. . He was finally doing better when I left though."

"Hopefully he gets better" I tell him as we go to pass inside he grabs my arm.

I pause as he speaks "You know what's going on, everything. I want to know as well." He lets go of me and then turns away, Damon's eyes are narrowed on him.

We make our way inside then, we'll have to add that conversation to our list of ones to have eventually then.

I walk around until I find my mom, I see her by Mrs Lockwood. "Sorry about your loss Mrs Lockwood. Hi mom" I say as I give her a side hug before I start walking around.

That's when I bump into Kat. "Watch where you're going" she snaps.

I right myself and huff "sorry Kat, how was I to know you couldn't walk on a flat surface."

"You bumped into me. And I'm Elena"

"Well, I'm clumsy, what's your excuse. You're not actually, besides your delay was a bit to long. I like you better anyways." I say with a hum as I pat her shoulder and walk past her towards Damon who's watching the exchange with Alaric on the other side of the room.

"Katherine. How fun" Damon mutters as I reach them.

"Yup. I expected a more exciting meeting. I'll admit I was disappointed" I say quietly. "But then her focus is Elena and Stefan." I gesture towards Kat and Stefan in the corner of the room.

"I would prefer that you stay completely out of her firing range kitten."

"Yes, please don't antagonize the 500 year old Vampire" Alaric mutters as he shakes his head.

"Maybe I want to antagonize the 1000 year old vampires instead" I mutter back with a wink at them.

They pinch the bridge of their nose in irritation.
Salvatore Boarding House
3rd POV

Damon walks into the living room and pours himself a drink deep in thought. He starts to walk out to get back to Caroline's but stops when he spots Katherine hiding.

"Very brave of you to come here." He says blandly, turning he sees Katherine sitting on the couch.

Katherine shrugs boredly "I wanted to say goodbye."

Mockingly Damon replies "Leaving so soon?"

"I know where I'm not wanted."

Damon holds in a snort "Don't pout. It's not attractive on a woman your age."

Katherine scoffs "Ouch."

Damon takes a drink and starts to walk out of the room. Katherine vamps in front of him quickly.

"What, no goodbye kiss?" Katherine says with a somewhat mocking tone.

Damon rolls his eyes, she's lucky he doesn't just kill her, she did originally kill Caroline, that's enough of an offense right? " Why don't I kill you instead? What are you doing here?"

"Nostalgia, curiosity, et cetera."

"I'm better at the enigmatic one-liners, Katherine. What are you up to?"

"Trust me Damon, when I'm up to something, you'll know it. Come on. Kiss me. Or kill me. Which will it be, Damon? We both know that you're only capable of one." She leans forward to kiss him when he grabs her shoulders and as says as firmly as a 100 something vampire can

"No, not interested." Before he steps away from her, he isn't. He could. A dark part of him wants to. But then, there's Caroline.

Katherine pouts "because of that Caroline was it?" She asks tauntingly.

Damon snarls and vamps to her, grabs her throat and slams her into the wall quickly "Don't talk about her Katherine, I will kill you."

Katherine uses her vampire speed and slams him into the other wall, quickly getting her hand around his throat baring her fangs for a second before she retracts them "I'm older then you Damon, don't threaten me. She left a message for me, tell her that I got it." And then she's gone.

Damon grinds his teeth angrily. What message did Caroline leave her? When? Why didn't she tell him?

Forbes Residence **
3rd POV

Damon quickly vampire speeds to Caroline's home. Coming through the window he sits on her bed waiting for her to arrive.

When she comes through her door from the bathroom in her pajamas and sees him she jumps.

"Damon" she greats him, oh hmm. This will be interesting.

Damon vampire speeds to her, grabs her by the neck and slams her into the wall harshly causing the breath to be knocked out of her for awhile.

"Are you working for Katherine?" He snarls menencingly into her ear with his hands tightly around her neck.

Caroline's hands reach up and wrap around his wrist to try to remove them, fuck, she can't breathe.

"Was this all part of some sick game Caroline hm? Get me to care for you and then screw me over?" He snarls at her, gasping breathes leave her throat.

Good thing her mom isn't home, that was Caroline's first thought. Fucking hell.

"How long have you known her?" He snaps angrily, he's not even thinking straight. She feels tears threaten to fall from her eyes but she blinks them away.

She needs to get him off of her. She can't fucking breathe. She lets go of his hand he tries to focus, she needs a fucking frying pan, preferably a warm one that's cast iron.

All of a sudden one materializes in her hand and she quickly bats him in the face with it.

He fell down to the floor "fuck" he snaps.

She can't talk right now, her throat is sore as hell, her other hand is on her throat massaging it as he gets back to his feet.

He goes to take a step towards her but she flinches back and moves both hands to the pans handle, raised to hit him if necessary.

Damon's jaw is tight as he looks at her.

She looks pissed and her throat is a deep red, his hand print clearly on her throat.

With the pan still raised above her head she replies quietly, looking him in the eyes, her own looking harshly back "I haven't lied to you."

"You didn't tell me you left a message for Katherine." He snaps harshly, the tone of his voice making her flinch slightly.

The more he watches her reaction to him now the worse he feels, he shouldn't have reacted like that, he just felt so angry and his doubts took hold of him.

"I decided last minute to. Before I got home after Isobel knocked me out." She whispers, her words flat and almost hallow.

She isn't trusting him right now and damn if that doesn't hurt. Of course it's his own fault but . . No, he has no excuse. It is his fault.

"You gave the message to isobel?" He asks with a frown. Caroline nods but doesn't lower the pan, she just stares defiantly at him, she expects him to attack her again.

Damon's pretty sure he's lucky she's even having this conversation with him civily because she looks like she wants to kill him. He's going to have to beg for her attention now he's sure. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 

He places his hands up in surrender, sadly he replies "I'm Sorry."

She gets it. Really, she gets it. But his hands were around her neck so tightly, it reminded her of one do the times that her father had tried to kill her.

"I swear I won't attack you again." Damon says pleadingly when he sees that she doesn't want to lower the Pan.

Damon walks towards her slowly, both hands still raised "I am sorry Caroline. I shouldn't have reacted that way" oh he screwed up so badly.

"I understand."

He nod and goes to take another step closer when she flinches away from him again, he holds back a cringe. Shit, shit, why does he have to react like this?

Damon is pretty sure that he's an idiot.

After he's gone she quickly packs up some things. She needs to get away and think for awhile.
Mystic Falls Hospital
3rd POV

Katherine sneaks into Matt's room, the ex boyfriend apparently.

Well, she was originally planning to turn Caroline but since that won't be happening it seems like Matt is the next best option.

"Elena?" He says tiredly

She smirks at him and grabs a pillow after unhooking the alarms.

The last thing Matt sees is who he thinks is Elena smothering him with a pillow.

** I almost didn't do this scene. But I can definitely see this as his reaction. Damon is very paranoid (not as paranoid as Klaus though) and while he trusts her his ability to trust is very fragile just like hers is.

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