from hate to love

By Aliyah0727

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from hate to love
Chapter 1-First MeetingMost Embarassing
Chapter 2- New year's Eve
Chapter 3- New Start
Chapter4- Worst Classmate ever
Chapter 5- My House Neighbour
Chapter6- Another Day At Uni
Chapter7- Before BBQ Party(At The Shop)
Chaprter8- BBQ Party
Chapter 9- Aisha And Hussain Love Story
Chapter 10-Mission Aisha-Hussain
Chapter 11- Dinner At My Place
Chapter 12- Love Birds In Uni
Chapter 13- Waqas Birthday Preparation
Chapter 14- Valentine's Day
Chapter 15- Zoya's Entry
Chapter 16- Kabab Mein Haddi(Zoya)
Chapter 17-Revenge Time
Chapter 18-Revenge gone wrong+ Cinema
Chapter 19- Uni and Shopping Mall
Chapter 21- Tried But Fail
Chapter 22- Atif Birthday....... Surprise!!
Chapter 23- Treat By Aliyah And Shehry
Chapter 24- Mom Is Here!!!
Chapter 25- uni+ home
Chapter 26- Talking about engagement
Chapter 27- Engagement
Chapter 28- Making Pizza With Shehry And Aliyah
Chapter 29- Uni
Chapter 30- Confusion!
Chapter 31- Aliyah and Shehry's fight+shahana reality
Chapter 32- Shahana came to know
Chapter 33- something is wrong
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Rabia Or Rabia?
Chapter 39- He's Here!!
Chapter 40- Back To Houston
Chapter 41- Dunkin' Donuts
Chapter 42- Hyatt Hotel
chapter 43-Evening At The Girl'sPlace
Chapter 44-
Chapter 45- Welcome Paris
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50(Last Chapter)
Thank you!

Chapter 20- Mrs Whatever

3.7K 217 71
By Aliyah0727

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Aliyah was sitting with aisha,sarah and shahana on a bench

Ok I'll tell her that I love her right now.... I should not be scared!!! I will tell her!!! Yessss! I can do it... I went near her.... I took a deep breath

"Aliyah I have something to tell you!" I told her

She stood up and looked at me.....

I kneeled down on my knee and put my hand forward

"Aliyah,I Love You! I really love you" I said

Finally I told her!!!

"I really love you!!" I said

"I love you!" I said

"Hey,shehry.... U love who?" I can feel somebody shaking me and I can hear Hussain's voice

"I love u" I said

"Shehry!!!!" Hussain said

I opened my eyes. I saw hussain in front of me.. I was in my room, in my bed,in my pyjamas! It was just a dream!!!

"Shehry,what happen?" Hussain said

I sat on my bed... It dawn on me that it was just a dream!!

"U love who?" Hussain asked

"Ahh,. I love u hussain! I love u " I said and hugged him

Thank god I did not say I love u aliyah or else I'll be finish .....

"Ooook," hussain said pronouncing the ok long

"Now get ready! " he said

"To go where?" I asked while yawning

"To catch a flight " he said

"What!?" I asked

"Silly! Obviously to go to uni!" He said

"Ouff,hussain!" I said and punched him on his arm.... He laughed and side hugged me

We got ready and went to the uni..... We reached the uni and we went in class

God! I've to sit next to zoya again.... Because it was only yesterday that I had sit next to aliyah as shayaan was absent but today he's come!

Aliyah entered the class! Drop dead!! She's so beautiful!! I kept my hand on my cheek,my elbow on the table and kept looking at her.... She looked at me and smiled. This smile oufffff!!! Killing me !


As soon as I entered the class,I saw shehry looking at me. He kept looking at me.... My heart started beating fast when he did not remove his eyes from me.... I smiled at him and he smiled back..... Ouffff,that smile..... Someday that smile will definitely kill me!

Zoya entered the class ! Huh! Idiot

I went to sit and removed my copybook. Zoya kept talking with Shehry and shehry talked to him too!! I wonder what r they talking!


I stopped looking at aliyah thinking what will she think if I continue looking at her....

"Hi shehry" zoya said as she sat next to me

I ignored her

"You won't talk to me?" she asked

"What's your problem?? Can't u just stop talking to me !!??" I said angrily

"No I can't" she said

"Y?" I asked

"Because I love you shehry!" She said..... I was shocked when she told me that..... What the.... I love aliyah but she loves me....

"What! But I don't love u " I said

"But y?" She asked.... Seriously she told me that she loves me so easily and I can't tell aliyah that I love her being a boy! Shame on me!!

"Hey wait! How did u tell me that u love me?" I asked

"Huh,with my mouth" she said

"Aghh,stupid I know! But was it that easy to tell me that " I asked

"Am not stupid! Yeah its so easy " she replied

Really! Is it that easy to tell a person that u love her!

Maybe for her it is because she can tell anything to a person without thinking how will the person react....

"Really maybe for u it's that easy but not for everyone !" I told her

"Huh,these who can't say r cowards!" She said

"What do u mean!! We r not cowards! If u really love someone u will hesitate to tell him/her because u don't know how the other person feel for u...... What if by saying it u lost the person forever... He/she doesn't talk to u anymore.... Maybe u didnt even think how I'll react when you'll tell me that u love me because u dont care about others feelings but u care for only yours!!!" I told her

"Whatever!" She said and turned her face.... I so don't wanna sit next to her now knowing that she loves me

It was lunch time.... I went outside... Zoya was coming to sit next to me.... I moved and went to sit next to atif....


We went outside and zoya came! Huh,now she will go and sit next to Shehry.... Noo,but Shehry stood up and went to sit next to atif.... Good for her!!

"Here comes Ms.Whatever!" Waqas said.... I looked at him

"Yes! Every time she just say whatever!! " waqas said saying this whatever in a feminine voice

"Ms whatever" waqas said and I laughed a bit

"Ouffff,atif move a bit, I wanna sit next to shehry" zoya said

Arrgghhh what will happen if she won't sit next to shehry! She's making me angry now!!!! I just hate her

"Am so sorry! But u should go and find another place! Because Shehry and i are discussing something important. And u can see that there's no place here" atif said.... I know atif lied to zoya that they were discussing something very important....

"Whatever!" She said .... I looked at waqas and he looked at me and we bursted out laughing... He was right ! Ms. Whatever!!

Shahana asked y we were laughing so we told them that waqas named her Ms Whatever and they all started laughing

"Good name you've given her waqas!" Shehry said and they high five

He looked at me and I looked back at him with a smile.

We went back to class and shehry sat next to zoya... Now am a bit relaxed... Shehry doesn't like zoya!! Oufff thank god

"Good afternoon!" The teacher said as she entered the class

"Guys! I have to make an announcement.... Actually all of u will have to do a project that also tomorrow u will submit it to me" she said

Tomorrow! How can we submit a project tomorrow

"I know all of u r thinking how u will submit tomorrow,that's y I've decided that u will work in groups of ten! Ten people in a group! U see where u wanna do the work either in your house,in uni anywhere,but remember tomorrow at ten a.m u will submit it" she said

She went away and shayaan and I went near Aisha's and Hussain's table. Waqas,shahana,atif,sarah,shehry and zoya also came there

"Ok,so we r of ten,all of us will do the work together" hussain said

Ten! Means zoya also!!! Oufff

"So,all of u will come at my place to do the work,and I guess that u will have to sleep at my place itself because I don't know what time it will be over,so please do bring your pyjama" waqas said and we all nodded


"Mom! Tonight we will sleep over at waqas place" I said

"Alright. But y?" She asked

"We have to do a project work which we have to submit tomorrow so we don't know what time we will finish, so we will sleep at his place " I said while packing my clothes

"Hmm,toothbrush!" I said to myself and ran to take my toothbrush

"Hussain ready!" I asked

"Yeah! Ready" he shouted from his room

I went downstairs and hussain came

"Ok,bye mom,asalamoualaikoum" I said

"Bye maha take care" I said and kissed her on her cheeks and hussain also kissed her

"Bye," she replied and waved at me

Hussain phoned aisha and told her that we r ready, and we r coming


It was eight in the evening. We took our clothes and were ready to go at waqas place. Aisha got a phone call. It was hussain and he told us that he's coming to pick us up to go.

They were here and we sat in the car and Shehry drove to waqas place

We reached there. Shayaan was already there. We took out the papers,rulers, pencils,erasers and all that we needed.... We started working.

"Ouff,am so tired coming here" zoya said as she opened the door

"Here she comes!" Atif said

"Ms whatever!" I said and we high five and laughed

She wore a tight jean slim which can be torn any moment and a small long sleeves T-shirt... Her waist can be seen.... She wore a really long high heels.There was a mat near waqas door. She walked in... Her heels stuck in the mat and she fell!!! She did not brought her pyjamas with her!! There was no bag with her

"Ahhh!" She shouted

We all bursted out laughing.... She stood up and went towards a chair

"Oufff,I hurt my back" she said while putting her hands on her back

"Ohh no! Ive forgot my clothes at home!I've to sit for a moment " she said and pulled a chair not far from the door.

"Ahh no-" waqas was saying

We looked at zoya and started laughing out loudly especially me!

The chair which she sat broke!

"I was telling u not to sit because its leg is broken but before I could , u sat on it" waqas said while laughing

"Btw,waqas sat on it a moment ago but he did not fall... Means that u r so heavy that the chair broke!" Atif said and we all bursted out laughing

"Whatever!" She said and we started laughing

"Seriously waqas, you've given her a perfect name Ms Whatever! " shahana said while holding his hand

We all started laughing

"Zoya,we have come here to do an assignment not going to a party that u wore such a high heels! That's y u fell" Shehry said and I laughed

She came and sat... She sat next to shayaan... Shehry sat in front of me; next to hussain

We did the work... It was fun doing it together... Everybody was talking ... But shehry did not talk to me at all and I did not talk to him too .

"Pass me the glue someone" Hussain said

The glue was on the table.. I stood up and my hand reached the glue. I placed my hand over the glue and someone's else hand's was over mine... It was shehry! My eyes widen and I looked at him... My heart started beating fast.... He looked at Me and I looked back at him.. Our EYES met.. His dark brown eyes.... Killing look he's got...swear swear swear!!!

His hand touched mine.... I felt another feeling when he touched me.... His touch was really warm....

"Glue!" Hussain said while looking at the papers

I removed my eyes from Shehry and he removed his hand.... I passed the glue to hussain.... He thanked me and I smiled slightly

It has been two hours since we were working....

"Let's take a break!" Atif said and we nodded....

"Zoya... Coffee??" Waqas asked

"Yeah sure!" She replied while resting her head back of her chair.

"So go and make it" waqas replied

I started laughing....

"Go zoya,u said u want some... " atif said

"Whatever " she stood up and was going to the kitchen to make coffee

"Hey,if u r preparing coffee,so prepare for me too.." Atif added

"In fact prepare for all of us!" Atif continued

"What!" She exclaimed

"Y,won't u do it for us " shehry said in a sad voice.... He was just pretending to be sad so that she prepare coffee for everyone

She nodded and went in the kitchen to make coffee.... We all laughed when she went.....


Sarah came to sit near me... I held her hands and she looked at me... Smiling,..

She rested her head on my shoulder.... I dropped a pencil down..

"Sarah,pick it up for me plzzz" I said

She went under the table... She was about to pick it up when I held her hands and brought her closer to me

"Atif,what r u doing" she asked

"What am I doing? Actually, I always do it" I said bringing her more closer to me

"U do what?" She asked confusely

"Loving u" I said bringing her closer to me and she blushed.... I kissed her forehead

"Give me a kiss now" I said forwarding my cheeks to her... She bit her lower lip... She came closer to me and kissed my cheek.... Muaahh

She moved back and looked at me... She lowered her gaze,blushing.... Oufff,she looks so cute when she blush! I kissed her on her cheeks back and put her hair behind her ear

She smiled at me... I picked up the pencil and we sat in our places... Sarah sat next to me.....

"Btw next time, while u r kissing,be a bit more silent so that others won't know" aliyah whispered

I looked at her and closed my eyes for looks five sec and smiled

"Excuse me,I'll just check if my mobile has finish charging " she said and walked away,

"Excuse me,I've to make a call " shehry said

"Hey guys have u noticed,shehry and aliyah don't talk much now!" Shahana said

"Yeah! I've noticed that too! They don't talk like before" waqas added

"Yeah,before they would do lots of fun.... Talk and make fun with each other but now,they barely talk with each other" I said

"Yeah you r right... I don't know,maybe they have had a fight.... But aliyah never mentioned that she had a fight with shehry" sarah said

"Yeah not even with me" aisha said

"Hmmm,shehry also never mentioned about it" hussain added

"Hmm,i don't know but hope they become like before again," I said and they all nodded


I went to see if my mobile was charged... It was only 81%.... I left it there again for it to charged.... I was walking when I heard Shehry talking with someone on the phone....

"Yes,tomorrow you'll see me in front of u.... Hundred percent sure.... I promise ..... Ok tell me what do u want? Ok then deal.... I'll bring it for u.... Yes ok good night.... Take care..... Sweet dreams....." He said and laughed a bit

"What will u dream?(laughs) Ok dream that I am with u..... Ok bye.... I love u..... " he said

When I heard that word I love you my heart was like it was breaking into pieces.....I felt weak on my knees..... He loves someone else!!!!!

"Yeah ok sweetheart, bye sweet dreams! Ok yeah... Bye... I love you too... Ok wait.... Yes no there's nobody here..... Ok.... Muaaahhhhh.... Where's mine? My goodnight kiss?? Ok give me quick!! Aww the kiss was sweet! Tomorrow u give me one.... " he said

My eyes were teary when I heard that he loves someone and he kissed her!!! And that girl kissed him too on the phone!!! I can feel my heart aching.... My skin was cold and my breathing was shallow..... The guy whom I've loved,love someone else!! It hurts when I think like that

"Yeah,sure maha ok bye I love you" he said
Maha! He was talking with maha!!! Ouff,I felt much more easy when I heard maha! I wiped my tears away.... Silly me!! How could I think that shehry would love someone

Oufff, silly me!! I smiled laughed at myself.... Ok I've to go away from here before shehry see me....

I went away and went to wash my face.... After that I went back to where we were doing the project

Zoya came with the coffee..... We all took one

I took a sip.... It was pretty nice

"Hmm,nice" atif said

Atif is praising her!! How come! Strange

"Shayaan helped her in preparing the coffee!" Waqas said

Ohhh, that's y the coffee taste good or else am sure it would have taste bad! We drank the coffee..

"Hey let's do a game! We'll put our foot on the table and touch that stick" atif said

There was a long stick on the table...

"The one whose foot will touch the stick first will be the winner" he added

We all agreed and put our foot on the table...... Seems like hussain will win..... It was fun doing this....

We heard a noise..... We all looked at zoya and gasped.... We all bursted into a fit of laughter.... Her jeans were torn!! We kept laughing.... I could not control my laughter.... She hid the parts of the torn jeans with her hand ..

"Zoya,I've a chuss(Kurta's pants) u can wear .." Waqas said while laughing

"What!! Never!! Am not going to wear it!" She said

"Ok,then go home!" Waqas said while laughing.....

We just couldn't stop laughing.....

"Ok,fine! I'll wear it!" She said

"Told u to wear appropriate clothes like jeans.... Didn't tell u to wear such a tight one which can be torn in a moment..." Atif said and I burst out laughing

"Ahh,hmm.... Its because of your stupid game that my jeans are torn!" She said

"What! Its your fault that u wore such a tight jeans! And u were most welcome not to play the game!!" Atif told her

"Whatever! "She replied

Waqas hand her the chuss.... She wore it and came.... We all started laughing again


"Zoya,..... Actually me and atif have put a condition and its for everyone who stays at our place." Waqas said

Huh,what condition.... Am still wondering what condition have I put with waqas...

"Condition is that if one person cook the other will have to do the dishes.... Example if I cook then atif will do the dishes.... So today, shayaan helped u to make coffee so go and wash the mugs!" Waqas said

Really! We have never put such conditions. He winked at me and I understood everything!

"What! No! I've never done the dishes! So am not going to do it!" She said

"You've to do it!" I exclaimed

"Yes,you'll get practiced then!" Shehry said

"Ok,if u r saying... Then I'll do it" she replied looking at shehry

She went in the kitchen and started doing the dishes....

After some min,we heard a noise... Like something just broke!

We ran to the kitchen.....

"Omg!!! Zoya!!! What did u do!!! R u crazy!!! U broke my most fav mug!!!" I said while holing the pieces of mug

"I did not do it on purpose!" She said

"Instead of saying sorry,u r arguing with him!!" Hussain said

"Whatever!" She said

We all ignored her and went to do work again....

"Don't worry! I'll buy u another one babe" sarah told me and a smile appeared on my face

We started the work. We were working when the glue fell.

"Ohh,no,the glue fell... I dont know where it fell and it was open!" Sarah said

"Doesn't matter honey.... When we'll finish the work I'll pick it up"atif said awww atif is so cute nah.... He loves sarah a lot.... Atif is the best guy for sarah.... Zoya came and sat at her place....

We finished the work nearly at 2.35 a.m

We were exhausted !!

"Let's go to sleep now..." Hussain said while yawning

"Yeah,Am so thakki..." Shehry said in meryem style and we all laughed

"Aren't u bhookki?" Waqas asked

"No," he said and we laughed

We all stood up to go


Everybody stood up to go..I was about to stood up

Why can't I stood up!?? I tried to but I couldn't

I tried again and the chair moved a bit


We heard a noise of a chair .... We turned and look ....

"What happened ? Won't u come? " aisha asked

"I can't stand up!" She replied

"Y?" I asked

She was putting her hands on the chair and was trying to push it

"I don't know!" She replied

Sarah was standing between me and atif

"Guys!! I think the glue which fell when we were working,fell on her chair" sarah said

Atif and I looked at her and she gave us a weird look

"What's that!" She said touching something

"Glue!!" She yelled

Atif and I looked at Sarah.... The three of us bursted out laughing....

Waqas started laughing

"Y r u guys laughing?" He asked

Seriously waqas was laughing but he doesn't know y we were laughing and he was laughing with us... That make me laugh more..... He's so funny

We narrated them about the glue and they started laughing....

"What! Because of u am stuck on this chair Sarah!!!" Zoya shouted

"Shut up!!! Because of u there's glue on my chuss!!" Waqas said

"But,its because of sarah... She put glue on the chair!!!" Zoya replied trying to free herself from the chair

Everybody was quiet

"Ohh,really! Where was your attention when u was sitting! Didn't u see wher u were sitting? What was on the chair!?" Waqas asked

"But ahmmm" she was saying....

"Shut up!! See u don't have nothing to reply! Its your fault don't blame her!" Waqas replied her

"You Haven't even brought your clothes with you!" Waqas added

I could not control my laughter and started laughing... Soon everybody joined me in the laughter.... We all laughed

" stop laughing!!" Zoya said

We all tried to stop but we could not

"Ok ok ok! Stop laughing everyone" Hussain said... He stopped laughing for a sec but bursted into laughter again.... We all laughed

"Ok,seriously let's help her" shahana said while laughing

We went near her.... I controlled my laughter... We helped her to Stand but in vain! We tried a lot but she can't

She tried once but stood up with the chair.... We all laughed at her

"I guess that u will have to remove the pants... " aisha told her

Her eyes widen!

"All the boys shut your eyes!" I said

"No we won't!" Atif said

Finally,The boys put their hands in front of their eyes .....

Shehry removed it a bit

"No shehry u r cheating !!! " i said

"No am not!" He replied

"Cheating! Cheating! Cheating!! " I said while walking to him

"Close your eyes properly!" I said and went near him

I put my hand on his hand which was on his face covering his eyes

The power went off

"Cheati-" I said.... What! Am near him! My hand is on his!!! Omg!! What did I do!!

He moved his hand under his eyes a little so that he can look at me ... My hand still on his...His eyes bore into mine... His glossy eyes! .... He just kept looking at me and I looked at him too.... I was extremely close to him..... My heart beat went fast... There was a table near us.... On the table there was candle and matches.... He did not remove my hand nor his.... His other hand went on the table.... He took the candle and the matches..... I removed my hand and so did he.... We kept standing close to each other.... We were just like two centimeters away from each other... My heart kept beating fast. We just kept looking at each other. He lit the candle... The flame gave us light... The candle was between us.... His brown glossy eyes,his face,his hair ouffff I just couldn't stop looking at him! Allah! Why is he so handsome! Shehry touched my hand. My eyes went wide open..... He put his hand into mine.... I held it tightly because of nervousness...., my heart beat increased.....


She kept looking at me and so did I. The candles between us gave us light... My heart was beating fast... My hand touched hers.... I put my hand into hers.... She tighten it..... I love this!

"Guys, there's a candle with shehry!" Aisha said

"What..? there's a power cut and I did not even know! I kept keeping my hand on my eyes! Oufff " waqas said

My eyes widen! Everybody is here!! I looked at my and aliyah's hand. I moved my hand from her hand .... She removed her hand from my hand... I gulped.... What was I doing!!!???


Waqas said that why is everybody silent? I blinked my eyes.... It hit on me that shehry was holding my hand!! And I was holding his hand!!! I removed my hand from his. He looked at our hand and then looked at me.... Why was shehry holding my hand!! Is he? Is he in love with me!!??

A smile appeared on my face... No maybe am wrong.... He said he won't fall in love with anybody

I moved back and So did he.... He took the candle and went to the others.... That was so awkward!

"Hey let's see what's the problem with the lights!" Hussain said while shehry came near him

I was walking to them.... Did anybody see anything!? What will they think!? I was lost in my thoughts.... I was walking... Shehry and hussain came in front of me.... I moved to give them way but shehry also moved...

Whenever am moving he's moving.. Allah this has to happen now itself!

"Wait! Shehry stop! Let aliyah go and then u move" hussain said and he nodded

He stopped and I moved away

"Oufff what's happening today!" Shehry said and I looked at him

"Huh?" Hussain asked

"Nothing" he replied

I moved away and they went to fix the light.... Soon the light was on.... Nobody is talking about what happened between me and shehry.... Wait they r not talking means they haven't seen anything

"Guys,did u see anything when the lights were off?" I asked nervously

"Huh... No... See what?" They asked and I nodded nothing

Thank god they did not saw anything

"Come and help me guys!!!" Zoya said

Seriously I had forgot that zoya was stuck on the chair....

We all went towards zoya and seriously this time I've told the boys to move in another room....

"Look zoya,this time am giving u my tracksuit.... U better don't make anything fall on it or do whatever ok!" Atif said at zoya and she nodded

They all went and zoya removed the pants....The girls and I laughed a lot.... Then we went in the room where the boys were..... We talked for like 10 min.... I did not look at Shehry even once! After that we went to bed

Next morning we woke up! The girls and I prepared breakfast.... Ms Whatever was still sleeping....

We made breakfast and everybody came to have breakfast....

We were eating when finally zoya came.... After breakfast we all got dressed and we head to the university.

We gave the teacher our project and she thanked us for doing it

After that we all went to our house and went to sleep! I fell asleep thinking how shehry held my hand

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