an O N L I N E thing || Don...

By qmintea

55.6K 2.1K 2.4K

The shit you end up telling strangers online is unbelievable. INCOMING MESSAGE FROM Bootyyyshaker9000... . . ... More

Happy Llama
Sad Llama :(
MeNtAlLy DiStuRbeD Llama
Anxious Booty
Snoopy Booty
Midnight Job Hunting
hey girlie hold still /ref


5.2K 213 96
By qmintea

(in which we all fuck up and freak out :))

  Captain's Log: It's been decades. There is no fresh water or land in sight. There is only the never ending blue of vast ocean. My only surviving comrade and loyal first mate, April O'Neil, has been knocked unconscious by sheer lack of entertainment. This may be my final entry...

  I bonked my head on the wall. "OW!"

  "Sorry!" April winced. "It's hard to wriggle out without swaying."

  "Yeah, no kidding."

  As you can plainly see, we were still stuck in the messy (and not to mention nauseating) tangle of webs, hanging upside down and surrounded by the reeking smell of salami juices. It did not help at all that the place was humid and we were struggling and sweaty. This was simply not my night. Nor April's, for that matter. 0/5 stars; would not recommend buying here.

  April let a sigh of defeat. "They tied us up good."

  "No shit." I spat. "I can feel the rope burns. Is this even rope?"

  "Eugh, I hope so." she shuddered. "Look, I think I know how to get out of here, but promise you won't freak out, 'kay?"

  I looked at her skeptically. "You're not gonna morph into some kind of bloodthirsty werewolf or something, are you?"

  She chuckled solemnly. "Not exactly.. just trust me."

  "'re.. somehow going to call those green.. human..people from before. Are you?" I guessed.

  She pursed his lips. "Mmhm."

  I sighed. "Okay. I'll do my best not to freak."

  "Thank you." she smiled in relief. "Now, see if you can kick my phone out of my pocket."

  It certainly took a while, but I managed to awkwardly bump my leg against her hips enough for her mobile to slip out. Even then I was barely able to catch it as it fell. And after that April had to unlock her phone with her nose, and dial the number in. The conclusion being, it was definitely more exhausting than any PE lesson I've ever had.

  The phone clicked and someone answered.

  "You are conversing with Donatello."

  I froze. That voice, that line... April started rambling of our situation, I paid no attention as my mind wandered elsewhere. It was unmistakable, that was Don, the Don I've been talking to for months now. And he was, in real life, a.. turtle man? But.. no, no no no. It can't be. No. ... But then again, it all made sense now; why he was so against exchanging pictures and video chatting. The curiosity of my views regarding turtle-man urban legends..

  Hoo boy, I'm in deep shit now.

  While I zoned out, I failed to realise my grip on the phone loosening as April talked. Before I could even react, the phone clattered to the floor; thankfully it didn't break. April looked at me in disdain.

  "(Y/N).." she groaned.

  "Gah, sorry!" I squeaked. "Sorry, sorry; it just slipped.."

  "..(y/n)...?" the phone crackled before a faint beep signified that the call had been ended.

  Deep shit indeed. I'm fucked.

  Donatello was fucked. He fucked up real big. This was worse than the time he thought letting Leo pull out his tooth without knowing which tooth was bad was a good idea. Worse than the time he tried harnessing thunder with a coat hanger when he was seven.

  This was a whole other level of fucking up.

  Why he ever considered that getting close to a complete stranger on the internet that wasn't familiar with his.. condition a good idea was beyond himself. He honestly had no idea. He was stumped. But that seemed to happen a lot in her presence; be it virtual or physical.

  God, he'd even been vulnerable towards her. He'd told her of embarrassing things he'd sworn to forget years ago. Of humiliating failures that he'd buried at the back of his mind. And for whatever damned reason, he actually enjoyed it. He liked being able to talk and have someone truly listen to him. He let his guard down and befriended her faster than he did with April. Perhaps it was the sense of anonymity that blinded him further. The internet does that to the mind. He had acted rash; as he always was when emotionally excited.

  And look where that landed him. In shit deeper than the Mariana Trench.

  He should've learned his lesson after that incident when he was eleven; when he actually decided to skype an online friend only to discover that 'kittykat69' was a paedophilic old man who flirted terribly and incessantly using a cheap voice changer. It was worse than Leo. Sure, you can say he had it coming, what with the username, but he was eleven and he was a dumbass and painfully naive. He honestly thought that the username had something to do with chocolate wafer bars and yin/yang symbols.

  But that's besides the point. That was then. Now he was in a tragic dilemma of to do or not to do. To go or not to go.

  He wished with all his heart that he could just pretend the call didn't happen and amble back to the sewers so he could lie down in bed and scream internally for a millennia or two. But there were two reasons in his way; the fact that April was counting on them to free her from the mess they'd made, and the fact that they had talked on loud speaker and his brothers were already set to go.

  It was official. The universe was out for his neck. So much for simply wanting a friend. But it wasn't simple, not for a mutant like him; was it?

  He wanted to lie on the ground and wail out tragic sonnets, but then Raph shouted a "Let's go!", and, well, he had to go. Has his feet always been this heavy?

  He dreaded the inevitable conversation between him and his friend of several months. How were they even supposed to address the elephant in the room? And in front of everyone else? Just kill him now.

  They arrived to soon for Don's liking. The cardboard sign that looked so ridiculous before suddenly seemed ominous. And when they pushed the makeshift door open he shrunk back with baited breath.

  She was on the floor. (Y/N) was slumped on the floor, presumably unconscious. April still hung upside down, and she was yelling worriedly at her friend to wake up, though to no avail.

  "Oh my god, finally!" April exclaimed. "I don't know what happened; after the call she started acting all flustered and worried, then suddenly she just sort of went limp and she slipped out! And she fell on her head.."

  The turtles had never seen their friend act so.. motherly before. In all honesty it was strange to watch. Endearing, but strange nevertheless. Donnie then realised that for whatever reason everyone was staring at him.

  "What." he asked bluntly.

  "What're you waiting for? Check her for injuries or something!! Do your thing!" Leo cried, his katana carefully at work on freeing April. Donnie didn't even notice when his brother had gotten there.

  "Uh, yeah, right." he nodded, although he was positively panicking on the inside. He was almost sure he would faint and end up being unconscious too at this rate.

  He awkwardly turned the girl over, examining her for any sign of serious injuries, and he couldn't help but study her face too. She looked panicked, and her brows were furrowed in stress; the discovery of his identity right after being assaulted by paper thieves clearly did a number on her. He winced slightly, knowing he'd caused her inner turmoil.

  "She's not bleeding, thank goodness.." he muttered out for the rest to hear. "But she's clearly bruised her left temple. Her forearms look sore and red, possibly from rope burn. And this large cut down her bicep is probably from the scuffle with the paper thieves."

  "Oh god." April, who had just been freed, kneeled down beside her friend. "What do we do now? She can't go home like this; her grandpa would freak! She's hurt, and.. oh, this is my fault, I should've fought harder then.."

  "It's not your fault April.." Raph rubbed her back consolingly.

  "Yeah, and it's fine; she's still alive and healthy, isn't she?" Leo nodded. "A few scratches won't bring her down. She's a toughie."

  "How would you know?" April tilted her head curiously.

  Leo stared at April incredulously. "She held off two grown men we had trouble beating for a pretty long while; I'd call that tough."

  Donnie stared at the unconscious girl, a million thoughts racing in his head.


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