š°š”ššš­ ššš«šž š°šž? | šœš”ļæ½...

By soulcrs

39.7K 780 209

"š‘¦š‘œš‘¢ š‘™š‘œš‘£š‘’ š‘’š‘Žš‘ā„Žš‘œš‘”ā„Žš‘’š‘Ÿ, š‘“š‘œš‘™š‘™š‘œš‘¤ š‘¦š‘œš‘¢š‘Ÿ ā„Žš‘’š‘Žš‘Ÿš‘” š‘“š‘œš‘Ÿ š‘œš‘›š‘š‘’" a š—°š—µš—®š—°š—µš—® fanfiction... More

what are we.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8


1.8K 41 11
By soulcrs

amelie's pov.

i wake up the next day to hear footsteps and mumbling. when my eyes open, i see mads and nessa looking over me. what the fuck is happening. my eyebrows furrow and my face fills with confusion as i rub my eyes, expecting them to disapear.

"hey" nessa sighs, pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"hi?" i almost ask, so confused on everything that is currently happening.

"listen, i know who did this to you but i don't think i can tell you and i just really want to tell you how sorry i am" nessa rambles, her words all coming out far too fast.

i let out a small giggle at her for being so nervous, i've never seen her like this.

"we're sorry" mads sighs, looking down.

"for what?" i question, still needing a little clarification.

"for everything" nessa confirms, sending me a hopeful smile which i return.

forgiving them is easy because i understand what made them that way. we've both been cruel to each other and so if she's ready to forgive then so am i.

"i'm sorry for everything too" i reply, taking both of their hands. they both grin at me, clearly happy to have made up.

"what are you going to say to dixie?" i ask after being informed she is also awake.

"a lot" nessa sighs, feeling ashamed about her actions and who she was as a person.

i give them both a hug as we say goodbye and they head to dixie. not long after them though a nurse walks into my room, she has a bright smile on her face, bringing me hope.

"hi" i smile at her.

"hello amelie" she replies, taking our her clip board, standing at the bottom of my bed.

"what's the verdict then" i ask, slightly scared for what she might say.

"both you and dixie are out of here tonight" she beams at me, watching my eyes light up.

i throw my arms up and let out a squeal, happy to get home to my own bed, the nurse hugs me before standing up to go and tell dixie. i hear cheering from the room next door indicating she's just as exciting as i am.

six pm.

i gather all of my items up, ready to leave this hospital. nessa is picking both me and dixie up, this is something i would've never imagined would happen. dixie had to constantly reassure me that we'd be alright, everything seemed genuine so far. when we get inside i give nessa dixie's address first as she lives closest to the hospital, it only being a ten minute drive.

when we arrive i watch dixie's dad run out and embrace her in a hug instantly, we both give them a little wave before heading to my apartment. just as i'm about to get out of the car, i pause to ask nessa a question.

"do you want to come in and watch a movie?" i offer, earning a smile as she nods.

we both watch many different disney movies, mainly sticking to the princesses when around two am we hear a knock on my door. i think nothing of it as i live in a relatively safe neighbourhood, however when i open it i see my mom standing there, a very unpleasant look is spread across her face. 

nessa instantly recognises this and turns the lamp in the corner on, giving us some light. when i look at her she's mouthing 'should i leave', i shake my head no. having her here will hopefully soften the blow. my mom still brushes past me, storming inside.

"i saw the news. i know everything you've been up to" she speaks with a stern voice, her finger pointing directly at me.

"why are you here" i deadpan, still confused as she lives in a completely different state.

"to take you home, california is obviously not good for you" my mom snaps, acting as though this was obvious.

i laugh at her, sarcasm lacing my tone.

"what makes you think it's up to you what i do or where i go. you know that my friends need me just as much as i need them right now and nothing you say could get me to leave" i snap back at her, using a tone me and my mother seem to use often.

"how dare you talk to your mother like that. you're coming home with me and that's the end of it!" she's now shouting at me, her whole body shakes with anger as she looks at me.

"i already told you, I'M NOT FUCKING LEAVING" i yell at her, unable to control my anger anymore, me and my mother constantly clash, she always pretends she knows what's best for me but really she just likes control. 

i see nessa flinch out the corner of my eye and make a mental note to apologise to her later.

"GET OUT" i continue as she stands there, shock written all over her features.

"i thought maybe we could have some bonding time" she puts on a sad face, staring directly into my eyes as she does so.

with anyone else i'd believe they were genuinely upset however, i know my mother inside out, this is just another way she tries to manipulate people. in moments like these i understand why my father left.

"oh my fucking god. no we can't have bonding time because you want to fucking isolate me from everyone who actually cares about me" my tone lowers, i can't believe she's came here and done this.

"i care about you amelie, don't start all this again" she huffs, seeming more annoyed with me by the second.

"NO YOU DONT. my whole life i have been second to your job, all you care about is work. you don't care about me and you never cared about dad" i sob, my words ripping out from the bottom of my throat. nessa rushes over to hold me, keeping me steady.

"don't bring your father into this. him leaving is the reason i have to work so much" she laughs at me, acting as though everything i say is just a joke to her.

"GOING TO NEW YORK AND DRINKING CHAMPAGNE IN THE PLAZA ISN'T A JOB" i shout back at her, just completely fed up.

tears continue to fall down my face as i realise just how much my mother doesn't care. i'm just a trophy to her, something she can show off to all her snobby little friends.

"that's it. get out" nessa stands firm in front of me and points to the door.

my mother huffs, picking up her designer handbag before storming out of the door, slamming it behind her.

i fall to my knees once she leaves, nessa instantly pulls me into her arms, whispering sweet nothings into my ear as she attempts to calm me.

seven am.

i wake up on my couch, i'm unable to recall when i even fell asleep but so thankful that i did. my eyes and cheeks are swelled up and my face is stiff. when i turn to my side i see a yellow sticky note looking back at me. i grab it off my lamp to read.


i went and got your car from avani's, your keys are on the counter. i'm off to go help mads build furniture so i had to leave early. i love you.

from, nessa

i smile to myself after reading it, she really is taking care of me. i get myself up and throw on a grey tracksuit, i then make my way down the the parking garage to go visit avani. once i close the drivers door everything seems to come rushing back to me, it's not long before i'm heavy breathing with tears running down my face as i grip the wheel.

"amelie?" i hear a faint voice, followed by a knock on my window.

i roll it down to see jaden standing at the other side, he looks at me worried, something i've never seen from him before.

"i went through this before, let me drive" he offers.

i accept quickly, needing to go see my best friend. i climb over to the passenger seat and throw him the keys. we sit in comfortable silence for a little while before jaden begins to speak.

"any chance you know where mads is?" he questions, almost seeming nervous to ask me.

i look at him with confusion before questioning him back "don't you two live together?".

"everybody had a big fight so mads and nessa stormed out, she won't answer my messages or calls" he sighs, his face dropping at the absence of his girlfriend.

i sit in thought for a moment before the car stops.

"i'll find out" i reply, offering him comforting smile.

he gives me a node before we both get out the car. we spilt ways, jaden going across the street to a store whilst i make my way through the hospital.

i take a deep breath, hoping for the best as i make my way to avani's room, i stop walking when i hear my name being called. when i turn around our nurse is looking back at me, i send her a soft smile before walking over to her.

"any news?" i ask immediately, my hands fall in my pockets.

"we checked over avani again today and it seems as though she should be awake in the next twenty-four hours" she smiles at me, a grin that instantly reassures me.

i can't help but let out a small squeal, however my excitement is short lived as the nurse, nicole's, face drops.

"what's wrong" i ask her, she lets out a sigh at my question.

"we're not sure when nick will wake up" she looks at me with pity as i let out an 'oh'.

my smile falls off of my face almost instantly and nicole wraps me in a hug, once that tells me he'll be alright in the end. when i pull away i see dixie running towards us, seemingly coming from charli's room.

"she's awake, she's awake, she's awake" dixie repeats, pure happiness and excitement plastered across the girls face. 

we all smile at each other before running to charli's room. i watch her eyes flutter open at the sound of us, she gives me a small wave.

"hi angel" i smile at her, taking a seat in the blue plastic chair beside her bed.

the nurse proceeds to check her over as both dixie and i fill her in on everything that has happened since.

charli's pov.

as i talk to dixie and amelie everything comes rushing back to me, small details of the accident appearing in my mind. chase. fuck where is he. my head shoots around the room, searching for any sight of him only to be met with disappointment.

"is he okay?" i question, their faces falling with recognition.

"he's not awake yet" amelie breaks the news to me, reaching out to give my hand a squeeze once she does.

"the doctors say he seems healthy though" dixie adds on, a soft smile displayed on her face.

relief takes over my body as i let out a sigh, my head falling back to hit the pillow.

"how about i go get us some dunkin" dixie offers.

i smile at her before rapidly nodding. she says her goodbyes and leaves, without having to hear our orders now knowing it all too well. once dixie leaves my attention is turn to amelie, who is continuously tapping her foot, anxiety written all over her face.

"go visit avani and nick" i speak up, knowing exactly what is running through her head.

"thanks char" she replies, placing a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room. leaving me alone with my thoughts.

i attempt to close my eyes, still so tired yet all i am met with are flashbacks, the accident playing back as fight to sleep. eventually i give up instead turning to the small window in my door, watching all the different people scurry around.

my eyes lock on a small brunette girl, she looks to only be around six. she's sitting by herself, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. i watch the nurse speak to her, every action filled with caution.

when the small girl bursts into tears i can't help but feel sorry for her, no one so young should experience something that makes them cry like that, especially alone. i can't hear what they're saying yet i can imagine, no one cry's like that unless someone is dead.

when she see's me looking she excuses herself from the nurse, slowly walking to my door. she knocks and i give her a nod, telling her to come in, i'm happy to have company, even if it is a little girl i have never met.

i give her a soft smile and she slips through a small crack in the door, closing it behind her. her eyes scan over me before she speaks.

"i'm sorry" she smiles.

"what for" i ask, confused at what she could possibly need to apologise for.

"your pain, that looks awfully sore" she replies, signalling to my injuries.

"it's not your fault" i reassure her, the smile not leaving my face.

when she stays silent for awhile i take charge of the conversation, introducing myself.

"i'm charli"

"amber" she sniffles.

"i'm sorry for your loss" i speak, reminding myself of how she cried.

when tears fill her eyes again, i regret speaking of it. it'll still be a fresh wound and i've just opened it back up.

"they were all i had. my only family. now i'm going into foster care" the young girl explains, crying as she mourns what i can only assume to be her parents.

i open my arms and shuffle over slightly, creating room for her on the bed. she cries into my shoulder, i rub her back whilst whispering how things will get better. eventually she settles, falling asleep next to me.

i take a moment to survey her, she lays in a long white dress with her long brown hair in loose curls, she seemed to have been going somewhere fancy. somewhere with her parents i assume.

my eyes get tired, i'm now struggling to stay awake so i let sleep win, relaxing me. my arms stay around amber the whole time.

dixies pov.

when i arrive back to charli's room my head fills with confusion. i see a young brunette girl laying in her arms, i rack my brain but can't seem to come up with anything that would explain who she is.

the nurse appears behind me, she has a smile on her face when she spots the two.

"that's amber" she speaks up after noticing my furrowed eyebrows, still giving me no help on why she would be laying in my sisters hospital bed.

"her parents just passed, she is getting sent to foster care in the next available spot. i wasn't aware they knew each other but they seem to have bonded" she explains further, still watching as amber rolls further into charli's embrace.

i can't help but smile seeing how she has found a safe place in charli. i can't help but see a mixture of charli and chase in her, it sounds bizarre but some of her features mirror their's exactly.

"i'm going to head home and let them sleep, will you give her this when they wake up" i reply to the nurse, handing her over charli's coffee before grabbing my keys and purse.

i receive a nod before i head off to try find amelie. i drop her off at her own house then drive myself home.

i didn't even think about the fact my mom had returned home until i was greeted by her obnoxiously large grin.

"hey mom" i smile back, the nerves evident on my face.

"nice to see you home baby" 

there is something off about her, the way her eyes bore into me as she gives me a malicious smile leaves me feeling uneasy. that is until my eyes flicker down to the blood dripping down from the knife she hides behind her back slightly.

"come on, give me a hug" she ushers me over, one arm open waiting for me.

"i have to change first" i blurt out, making a run for the stairs as i try to seem asthough i didn't notice anything weird.

i enter charli's room, it being the first on the hallway. i immediately go for the bathroom, locking it behind me as i struggle to get my phone out my pocket, my shaking hands making it so much harder. i call the police whilst sliding down the bathroom door. this is all too much.

as soon as i explain the situation the police are coming quickly.

i wait there, attempting to control my breathing as all the possible scenarios cross my mind, yet i thank god that my sister isn't here, she doesn't need to experience this.

i begin to hear footsteps, after many years of hiding from her i can make them out quickly to be my mother. i find myself wishing i had listened when avani attempted to teach me self defence. 

i look around frantically, trying to figure out what my next move will be. 

the window.

it's my only possible escape now. i've trapped myself in a dead end behind a door that my mother is definitely strong enough to break.

when i hear her beginning to bang on the door i jump up, i block our her voice and grab the key hidden under the shower mat.

i fiddle with the window, constantly looking behind me to check she hadn't gotten through yet.

i climb onto the small area of roof underneath the window before reaching over for the tree next to me. my mind travels back to when griffin and chase had me doing this only days prior.

"i can do this" i mumble to myself as i let go entirely of the roof and hang onto this tree, completely relying on it being strong enough to hold my weight.

when i hit the ground my tears start and i collapse, the only thing i can see through my blurred vision is the flashing blur lights of the police arriving.

they go inside to find the most horrifying scene.

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