Heroes Unite

By Rewr1ter

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You may have heard of some superheroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc. However unkno... More

Bios- the heroes
Welcome to Metropolis High
Meet the super teens
Big Bang
Meet Beast and Hazard
Museum Mayhem
Bios-The Villains
Mama's little monsters part 1
Mama's little monsters part 2
What's her name?
Ice Scream
Buzz off!
Beach Blanket Beast
Artful painters
Blue Lantern in Metropolis Part 1
Blue Lantern in Metropolis part 2
Bios-More Villains
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
A Shocking encounter of the strangest kind
Worms of love
Aunts at a picnic
Camp Creepy
Hungry like a wolf part 1
Hungry like a wolf part 2
Superhero Holidays Part 1
Superhero Holidays Part 2
Ace in the hole
Glory Days
Scales of Injustice
Goodnight Diana
Scooby Doo and the Superhero Girls too
The prodigal son returns part 1
The prodigal son returns Part 2
The prodigal son returns Part 3
The prodigal son returns Part 4
Little Doll of Evil
Madame X Files Part 1
Madame X Files Part 2
U.F. Oh No!!!
Gems in the big city
Target Diamonds
Underground Adventure
Scavenger hunting
Demi Diamond Daze
No one like Gwenpool
Madame X Strikes Back
Weekend at Zatara's
Super Mom
If cute could kill
Night Howlers
Brainstorm Front
Date with Danger
Secret Origins of the Teen Team Part 1
Secret Origins of the Teen Team part 2
Bios-Even MORE Villains
Crossover Nexus' epic 4th of July celebration!!! Part 1
Crossover Nexus' epic 4th of July celebration!!! Part 2
Ten out of Ten
Shadow Sister
Going Mental
No Good Deed
Shelly Takes Charge
The night Huggy Wuggy walks
Zara Morbidon
From the Shadows
Beach Breach
Revenge of Zara Morbidon Part 1
Revenge of Zara Morbidon part 2
Take a walk on the dark side
Super Substitute
Chibi Size Me
Condiment Kingdom
Night of the living Gems Part 1
Night of the living Gems Part 2
I want a Black Cat for Christmas
Hectic Holidays
Valentine's Day Smackdown
Mochi Mayhem in Metropolis
The Marsh of Misery
History of the Multiverse
A Note From Your Author
Dawn of Darkness: Meet the Ultra Recon Squad
Dawn of Darkness: The coming of Zaakii
Dawn of Darkness: Reign of Shadows
Dawn of Darkness: The triumph of Enma
Author's Note: The Next Chapter


238 2 1
By Rewr1ter

At a park close to the suburbs part of Metropolis, there was a young boy playing with his remote control car. He drove it out of the park and began running down the sidewalk with it but he wasn't watching where he was going. Eventually, the car hit an old ladder which fell over and knocked into a small equally old looking scaffolding with buckets of paint on it. The two fell over like dominoes onto a shiny new looking sports car, covering it in paint, dents and broken scaffolding parts. A jock dude came out of a store and saw what happened to his car and then sees the boy with the toy car.

Jock: What the heck happened to my car!? *turns to kid* Did you see who did this!?

Little Kid: Uh, actually, it was me, I accidentally knocked some stuff over and well- I'm very sorry!

Jock: Oh, I see, I understand kid.

Little Kid: You do?

Jock: Yeah, of course. But, you know that some payment is required for this much damage kid.

Little Kid: But, I don't have any money.

Jock: *lifts foot over toy car* That's okay, your shrimp of a car will do. A little payment in its own right since my ride is ruined, I'll ruin yours. 

Little Kid: *crying* No don't! Please!

But, before he could crush it, a loud stomping noise filled the air. The jock was about to crush it again but another stomp filled the air, this time, closer. The jock didn't even try to crush the toy this time and just listened to where the sounds came from and there, another stomp came again, even closer then before. Suddenly, the ground shook violently and a humongous form smashed through a nearby building in front of the kid and the jock. the two ran for there lives as the form made its way into the street, right in the path of an armored bank truck. The drivers of the truck braked hard and stopped in front of the giant. The form picked up the heavy metal truck with its bare hands, crushing the front part of it while the drivers bailed out. It then ran off with the truck and all of the money inside it. The little kid that hid during the destruction saw everything and was in awe at what he saw.

Little Kid: Wow! I want that for my next birthday!

The next day, it was a peaceful and quiet day in Metropolis, all was calm, all was safe, no trouble what so ever. Just kidding! It's Metropolis, you didn't think that that would be the case here did you. Well it is the case sometimes, it just doesn't always last for too long. Anyway, it really was quiet until a large crash was heard, it was actually Fast Action currently facing off against Giganta in a supermarket parking lot.

Giganta was throwing cars at Fast Action in an attempt to crush him but using his highly trained reflexes, he was able to avoid them, but barely as they were coming fast.

Fast Action: Leave it to me to take our fight to a parking lot of a supermarket when everyone shows up on big sales day! *talks in earpiece* Gamer, I'm handling thinks well but could use some help! Where are you!? 

Gamer: *talks in earpiece* Inside the Supermarket, fighting Harley Quinn! Apparently, she thought it'd be fun to launch cream pies from the displays around.... and every other food stuff in the store! Somebody could've had a food allergy!

Inside the supermarket, it's what Gamer said he was doing right now, fighting Harley Quinn.

 Harley Quinn: I have a new recipe for ya and it's *pulls out her mallet* a smash!

Gamer dodged the mallet only for it to smash into a watermelon pile, splattering the entire produce aisle in melon juice. Shaking off the melon juice, Harley launched a missile from her mallet at him, blasting Gamer into the dessert stand. He recovered from the blast and then tossed his cyber disks at her, Harley dodged but one of them broke her mallet.

Harley Quinn: Hey! That was my favorite one!

Gamer: *arms 8-bit cannon* Here, have this instead.

Gamer fired his 8-bit cannon and the shots stuck her arms and legs to a nearby shelf.

Gamer: Why don't you stick around, I gotta help my pal! I can't believe I said that.

He ran outside to find that Fast Action fighting Giganta. He did a roundhouse kick only for Giganta to catch his leg and slammed him multiple times into the ground. He then lays on the ground with swirly eyes in a daze.

Gamer: No worries man, I'm here!

Fast Action: *dazed* Good to know.

Gamer tossed his cyber disks at the brute but they just bounced off her skin. Giganta smiled wickedly at the weak attack. He then tried the 8-bit cannon but the shots didn't hurt her either, it barely tickled her. 

Giganta: Is that all you got wimp!

Gamer: *scared* Uh, no I got some more.

Truth is, Gamer's attacks are video game based but the ones he currently has are retro game based and may not be strong enough to subdue her. He does have other powers though. He shot wires from his suit and connected it to a car, once he did, he changed into a sort of vehicle like being of himself. A big wheel Kirby game enemy form.

 Gamer: Let's see if all those muscles will help keep up with this!

He drove around a saw a pile of chains, somehow he grabbed it and drove around Giganta and tied her up. Unfortunately, the chain weren't as strong as he thought as Giganta flexed her muscles and broke out of her binds easily. Gamer then raced toward her and ram into her but Giganta put her fists together and slammed them down hard on the young hero when he got close enough. When the dust settled, Gamer was in his regular form again and was hurt. Giganta cracked her knuckles and was about to really wail on him but Fast Action came in, having recovered and tackled her with super strength. He had her but Giganta began to bear hug him in return and crush the living daylights out of him.

Fast Action: *in pain* Hasn't anyone taught you about personal space!

Giganta: Personally I thought we could use a little bonding!

Gamer woke up just in time to see Fast Action looking like he was gonna pass out any minute from that.....or worse. He obviously can't last much longer in that constricted situation.

Gamer: *gasp* Hang on I got you!

But, when he tried to fire his 8-bit cannon but it was damaged and couldn't fire anything and  the rest of his suit was damaged too.

Gamer: Oh crud!

While Fast Action was being crushed in Giganta's arms, he gathered his remaining strength to use another superpower. He gathered magical energy and used it to make an explosion that threw her into the supermarket.

Gamer: *runs over* Are you okay!?

Fast Action: *tired and in pain* Yeah, just sore. Let's tie them up and take them for the police.

But when they went into the store, Giganta and Harley Quinn were gone.

Gamer: Crud!

Fast Action: At least we saved the store. *groans in pain and collapses*

Gamer: Fast Action!

Fast Action: I think Giganta did worse to me then I thought.

Later, Fast Action was in the medical room at the manor having his wounds treated by Gizmo and Penelope.

Gizmo: No worries Ace, getting some scrapes and bruises every now and then is what basically comes with being a superhero. I could tell you some stories of old penny's scuffles and scars from her battles.

Penelope: Let's not and say you did.

His friends, Gwendolyn, Jason, Axel, Sabrina, and Samson waited for him outside the room, Samson, feeling responsible for his injuries, felt immense guilt over his inability to help him against Giganta. Soon Ace stepped out of the infirmary covered in bandages.

 Everyone: Ace!

Sabrina: Will he be okay!?

Gizmo: He'll be fine, his metahuman genes made him plenty resilient, he should be back on his feet in a few days.

Samson: I'm sorry Ace, this is all my fault!

Ace: Don't blame yourself dude, it was a tough fight.

Samson: Still, I should've been able to take Giganta!

Ace: How!? Giganta once overpowered Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Batgirl the first time!

Penelope: Her size makes her very formidable, anyone would've had a tough time against someone like her.

Samson: Yeah, especially me apparently, because I'm the weak link of this team. I can't handle any supervillain on my own!

Ace: Come on don't say that, you've beaten tough foes on your own before! What about when-

Flashback to when Poison Ivy attacked Metropolis but Gamer was wrapped in her vines and was about to be fed to her killer plants until Supergirl used her laser vision to fry them and saved him.

Ace: Um, no. How about when-

flashback to when Star Sapphire was firing her exploding hearts at Gamer while he's running from her until Spliced wrapped around and stopped her.

Ace: No. Hang on, I can think of something-

Flashback to Catwoman having Gamer wrapped in her whip while stealing jewels, Livewire electrocuting him, Giganta crushing him flat in her hands, and Harley Quinn blowing him up with bombs and knocking him around with her huge mallet.

Samson: See, no wonder you can't remember a time I stopped a bad guy on my own, I haven't because I'm COMICALLY SHRIMPY! *walks off*

Days later, Ace had fully recovered and went to check up on him in his room. He stepped inside and saw him working on his suit.

Ace: Hey Sam, are you alright after yesterday? Because I wanted to tell you that you aren't the weak link, nobody is.

Samson: Yes I am Ace, we saw that yesterday. But I'm gonna change that by upgrading my suit and myself.

Ace: How?

Samson: Well my suit's powers are based on the abilities usually shown in video games but it was the old retro style I've been using and up until now, it's been really helpful to us but after yesterday, that'll have to change now. I can do that by updating the software in my suit and upgrade the suit itself too so it can utilize the new abilities from more current games.

Ace: So in other words?

Samson: I'll get new powers.

Ace: Oh, there you go, problem solved.

Samson: No, problem not solved yet. I'm still the weak link physically Ace and I gotta find a way to beef up a little.

Ace: Well if you wanna beef up, then maybe try a gym like the one I go to.

Samson: Where?

Ace: Buff Gym of course.

Samson: Isn't that the gym Diana goes to?

Ace: *blushing* Maybe. Anyway, let's go, I got us some work out clothes we can use.

Samson: Cool!

Later, they arrived at the gym but the work out clothes were unexpected for Sampson.

A/N: Ace is wearing the Goku clothes and Sampson is wearing the Vegeta clothes 

Samson: Ace, where did you get these workout clothes?

Ace: Online, I thought they looked cool.

Samson: Well at least I'll get stronger. 

Ace: *stretching* Great, so we'll start with some stretches to limber up the body and then-

Samson: *stretching* Is that Diana?

Ace: *blushing* She's here now?

Samson: *stretching* Yeah and she's with Tatsu too.

  Ace: *blushing* Y-yeah she is. She's really is in the zone too.

Samson: Uh, Ace.

Ace: Huh?

Samson: Are we done stretching yet?

Ace: Oh yeah, Let's get started.

Samson: Hey wait a minute, I just realized that we have our own gym in the manor, why are we coming here? Is it because Diana comes here too and you can ogle at her biceps?

Ace: Moving on Samson!

So a workout montage began with Ace lifting 100lb weights in his hands while Samson handled the lighter weights for now. Ace and Samson were at the school track doing some runs, Ace was feeling good, Samson was way behind exhausted and sweaty. They did push ups with Ace doing them quickly the normal way while Samson was on the knees. They did squats next, Ace was doing well but Samson was massaging his sore legs while doing squats, they did sit ups but Samson barely got up the ground. Over time though, Samson got better and better and was some beginning to catch up to him in terms of pace, he even was getting a bit of muscle on him. The montage ended with them sprinting to the top of the library steps and cheering only to be shushed by the librarian. They quietly fist bumped instead.

Samson: So, how am I doing?

Ace: Well your getting a little buff there buddy.

Samson: Only a little buff!? 

Ace: Sorry dude, the body I have took a longer time to get than a whole training montage.

???: Your friend is right but do not get discouraged.

A teen was passing by the library with a duffel bag. He looked like he was training in the woods.

Ace: See even an athletic expert like him thinks so, by the way, who are you?

Hiroshi: My name is Hiroshi Kimoto. Nice to meet you both.

Sampson: No offense but you look like you've done all your personal training in the woods.

Hiroshi: I have and I do, the quiet nature helps me focus. But my training grants me strength and skill where I lack in body mass.

Ace: See, he doesn't need to be huge to be awesome.

Samson: Would be nice if I wasn't shrimpy though.

Ace: How about we go home for now.

When they got home, Samson was still down on himself.

Ace: Wanna take it up again tomorrow?

Samson: I guess so.

Later that night, Sampson was wondering how he would upgrade himself. Then, he had an idea, he went to the elevator to Gizmo's lab and talked to him about his situation.

Gizmo: I don't know Sam, seems like you're off to a great start already.

Samson: Yeah, I know, but I really don't want to be a weak link if something happens and I can't just be patient to change all that, what if somebody worse than Giganta shows up. I just want to be ready to back up my pals in case it happens again you know.

Gizmo: Well I do have a little something.

Gizmo pulls out a syringe with green liquid.

Gizmo: It's just a little all natural formula made up of all the necessary vitamins, the all natural produce of good old fashioned fruits and vegetables, kale, fish oil and pure science. In a way, it's like liquid super spinach.

Samson: And this will make me bigger and stronger?

Gizmo: Yep.

Samson: That sounds great but I'm not a needle guy.

Gizmo: I see, how about I put this in some yogurt then.

Samson: Okay.

Gizmo: Oh, and one more thing, I'm gonna give you a small dose of this. You know, just in case. 

So, Gizmo injected a small dose of his formula in some yogurt and Samson ate the small bowl of the stuff. Although, nothing happened afterwards.

Samson: Uh Gizmo, it's not working.

Gizmo: It'll take a whole night for it to work. In the morning, you'll be a super superteen.

Next morning, Samson was the first to wake up. He went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and saw himself in the mirror and was shocked at the sight of what he's become. Ace was still sleeping when Sampson came in.

Samson: Ace? Ace wake up!

Ace:*wakes up* Huh? Sam? W-what are you- Huh? HOLY COW! 

Sam: Check it out, I'm ripped!

Ace wakes up to find Sampson was definitely huge!

Like, this huge! I'm not kidding!

Ace: Samson!? What in the name of muscles did you do to yourself!?

Samson: Well I kinda went to Gizmo for a solution for my body issue and this is what happened. But, be honest, is it too much because I don't wanna freak anyone one out. 

Later, everyone else in the manor got a look at the new Sampson and gawked at his new body.

Axel: Whoa! So huge!

Jason: So Awesome! 

Gwen: So.....overproportioned.

Penelope: Gizmo, I don't suppose you had anything to do with this do you?

Gizmo: I might've given him an experimental vitamin. Although, it looks like a small dose alone over did things a bit.

Sabrina: A bit!? He's HUGE!!!

Gizmo: Don't worry, I anticipated this and I'm already working on an antidote.

Samson: *flexing* Noway! I'm actually starting to like this. It's starting to grow on me.

Ace: Oh boy, I have a sinking feeling this won't end well.

Meanwhile, downtown, Zee was looking around the shopping district with Jessica, helping her for a new column in the school paper.

Zee: Jessica, what are we doing here again?

Jessica: I'm writing a column on the threat leather has on innocent animals as well as the people and I need all the help I can get. I'm off to a good start but I need more for this.

Zee: Why couldn't you get Kara, she likes leather.

Jessica: She said she was busy, besides, you're able to identify the real from the fake material. 

Zee: That's true, I have a special eye when it comes to fashion, recognizing one material from another and so on.

Suddenly, they heard a loud, booming stomp from somewhere around them.

Jessica: What was that!?

The stomping was getting closer and soon, Zee and Jessica saw a car flying across the street ahead of them and another and another. Soon, something came around the corner, something large.

Jessica: this isn't good!

Back at the manor, Samson was still admiring his new physique when Ace got a call on his phone.

Ace:*answers phone* Hey Zee, what's going on? A huge what!? Okay, we'll be right over. Guys, we got trouble downtown, Green Lantern and Zatanna need us!

Samson: Wait, my suit! It was built to expand to different sizes but not this size. What'll I wear now?

Gizmo: I might have an idea.

Gizmo lent Samson one of his old battlesuits to use to accommodate for his size.

Gamer: Thanks Gizmo.

Gizmo: No problem, you may not be able to use your video game powers through this like your old suit but it'll get the job done.

Fast Action: Okay, you got a new suit, now let's go! They said it was big!

The Teen Team arrived at the scene of trouble to find the shopping district a total mess. Although, Gamer had to follow on foot since he couldn't construct a hoverboard from his suit or anything else in his current state so he'll be late to the scene. 

Night Owl: Whoa! Who or what did this!?

Green Lantern(Jessica): Thank goodness you're here, we could use the extra hand against this thing! 

Zatanna: Nothing we do seem to faze him!

Spliced: What was it anyway? Some kind of monster?

Zatanna: No, it wasn't a monster. At least not the usual kind.

Fast Action: You said it was some kind of a giant robot or something.

Zatanna: Close.

Stomping was heard again heading towards them they look to see a bizarre sight. A being as big, if not bigger than Giganta by maybe two or three (five at the most) heads bigger than her appeared, a giant robot sumo wrestler mech.

Fast Action:*stunned* Okay, this is definitely a new one for this town. 

Yokozuna: I am the supervillain, Yokozuna! Your pitiful attacks are no match for my superior rikishi style!

Yokozuna crouched down and lifted his right leg in the air and stomped it down making everything shake and knocking the heroes off their feet. He lifted his left leg and stomped it down too, making the ground crack into a fissure.

Spliced: Yikes! That guy's a tank!

The ground shakes again as he steps towards them. Green Lantern made a barrier to keep him back but Yokozuna began using powerful palm strikes against it and it began to crack.

Zatanna: Where's Gamer!?

Fast Action: He'll be around shortly. In the meantime, Let's see what we can do about this super sized baddie.

Titan: Alright! *run in*  About time my muscles get a workout!

Fast Action: Titan wait!

But it was too late, As soon as Green Lantern's barrier was destroyed, Titan jumped up and was about to land a punch on him. Although, Yokozuna pulled back his right hand and gave a massive palm strike and sent him crashing into a building.

Fast Action: Titan!

Titan: *dazed* No worries, I'm fine. This guy ain't so tough.

The problem didn't end there though, Yokozuna approached the wall where Titan was stuck in and started doing multiple palm strikes on him, pushing him in deeper until he broke through into a wedding boutique.

Titan: *in pain* Okay, he's tougher than I thought.

The large robot was grabbed by Zatanna by magical binds and was pulled away from her friend but with the sheer force of his body, he broke free and Zatanna was thrown back to the ground. In a daze, she barely saw Yokozuna about to crush her under another sumo stomp until the foot was caught and he was tossed to the ground.

Zatanna: *surprised* Whoa! Who are you!?

Gamer: It's me Zatanna!

Zatanna: Is that you Gamer!?

Gamer: Yep, I got an upgrade!

Zatanna: That's not the only thing!

Spliced: Guys look out!

Yokozuna came at them fast despite his size to crush them with another palm strike but Gamer grabbed his hand. The other hand came at him but he grabbed that too. The two pushed against each other, trying to overwhelm the other in a battle of strength but neither side is budging an inch. Then, something amazing happened, Gamer jumped away and rushed in to grab his torso and began to lift up Yokozuna over his head and then he tossed him far down the street into a nearby semi-truck. The fact that he did it shocked Gamer to his core.

Gamer: Did I just do that!?

Spliced: Whoa! Nice one dude!

Night Owl: I gotta admit, that was impressive!

Titan: *walks over* What did I miss?

Spliced: Only an awesome toss by our man, Gamer!

Titan: Whoa really!? You mean he just-

Spliced: Yep!

Titan: Wow!

Green Lantern(Jessica): Guys, aren't we forgetting something.

Spliced: What?

Green Lantern(Jessica): *points ahead*

Spliced: Whoops!

Yokozuna got away while the gang congratulated Gamer.

Fast Action: Oh crud-monkeys!

Zatanna: At least the people and this part of Metropolis are all in one piece.

Titan: Yeah, thanks to our big guy! Of course, I'm still the big man on the team, but there's room for two, I guess.

Later after the Yokozuna incident and everyone began to unwind, Samson was enjoying his new body but it began to get on people's nerves overtime. Jason wanted him to open a stuck pickle jar but Samson twisted it so hard, he broke the jar and splattered the pickles everywhere and on him. Gwen was working on improving her suit mask by adding some tech for analysis capabilities and asked Samson to help but every tool he passed were bent and crushed in his grip. His new size also made him a bit clumsy so while he was walking by Sabrina who was listening to music on her phone on the couch, he tripped and fell on a table that sent a flower vase full of water on her head, drenching her. Axel was punching his favorite punching bag in the gym and decided to let Samson try, unfortunately, he punched it way too hard and sent it crashing through many walls to Penelope's office who was having coffee and donuts. She wasn't happy afterwards. Later, Ace was walking down the hall but Samson opened a door and slammed it into him hard, Ace was knocked down the hall and laid with a dazed swirly eyes look. Soon, his friends had enough and decided to talk to him, actually it was more they made Ace talk to him because they didn't want to be accidentally bashed by him....again. He found him doing sit ups outside in the front yard of the manor.

Ace: Samson, we need to talk.

Samson: About what?

Ace: About this new everything, your buff body is kinda getting on everybody's nerves and getting in the way, we think you should go back to normal.

Samson: Why would I do that? With these muscles, I can be on the football team, win at basketball, and plus, I bet Doris will back off now.

Ace: Yeah, but what about socializing, who would want to hang out with you when you're knocking people and stuff over, breaking thinks and a little clumsy with your body.

Samson: Look, I'll fix all that, I'll get better at handling things and ease up on the super strength, as long as I'm not the weak one on the team, I'm happy.

Ace: Samson, for the last time,  you were never the weak one on our team! I'm sure plenty of other superheroes have been in your shoes before but they got better naturally with patience and training. I'm sure you'll get better with the new suit alone dude, you said so. Right now, we kinda want the old Samson back.

Samson: Well you can forget that, this Sampson is here to stay and nothing will change my mind! Now if you'll excuse me, *gets up* I feel like going for a walk in town, see ya. But first, I gotta see Sabrina about having my usual clothes magically retailored for my size, I just gotta change out of these bodybuilder clothes.

Later Samson was walking downtown feeling down again, hoping to take his mind off of Ace's words.

Samson: Sheesh! It's not like I'm hurting anyone or imposing my superior strength on people or acting like an arrogant jock so why are they so on me about my buff bod!?

He suddenly bumps into a smaller person and knocks them to the ground on their butt. It was Karen and she looked dazed from the crash.

Samson: *blushing* K-Karen! I'm sorry, are you alright?

Karen: *gets up* Yeah, but Sampson, is that you!?

Samson: Yeah, I bulked up.

Karen: I can see. Why though?

Samson: Well I was kinda tired of being the weak one on the team so I tried working out, but I wasn't making much progress so I asked Gizmo to helped. He gave me a muscle juice and here I am but everyone doesn't think it suits me.

Karen: Well I'll admit, this is an amazing sight.

Samson: You like it?

Karen: Well, sort of but, it's just, it doesn't seem to suit you.

Samson: It doesn't?

Karen: No, besides, the Samson I know wouldn't care about all this. Not this much at least.

Samson: It's just that, ever since that fight with Giganta and Ace getting hurt, I guess I felt it was my fault because I wasn't strong like Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Titan or Fast Action or any of our other friends. All I have are my video games, what good is that against a bad guy these days.

Karen: Actually, it's pretty cool and pretty helpful sometimes.

Samson: That's true.

Karen: And you know, to be honest, I had a similar feeling with my suit. Then I realized it's not about the powers you have, it's how you use them and how you can improve them.

Samson: But without my super strength, how am I suppose to beat Yokozuna next time he shows up?

Karen: Yokozuna?

Samson: Long story.

Karen: Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out anyway, sometimes it takes a bit of brains to beat brawn.

Samson: Yeah, and I think this brain just might have an idea for a new addition to my suit but I might need some help, wanna lend a hand Karen?

Karen: Of course!

They headed back to the manor to work on his suit and for Samson to return to normal. When they got there, they found that their friends aren't home.

Karen: Where is everyone?

Gizmo: *walks up* Everyone left, said they wanted to try and find you.

Samson: Well can you tell them I changed my mind about the muscle thing and decided to go back to the old me.  

Gizmo: Got tired of it I see?

Samson: It was more like a good person helped me realize something important.

Gizmo: That's good because I just finished the antidote. *pulls out antidote* Here you go.

Samson: Thanks Gizmo.

Samson drank the formula which was a red liquid instead of green and within seconds, he shrank back down to his original proportions.

Samson: This worked faster than the other one.

Gizmo: Yeah I fixed that bit.

Samson: Anyway Karen, let's get to work.

The two got to work on his suit and even created a device to help him access greater abilities for himself. Samson programmed the functions into the device while Karen added in the parts necessary and identified what could be changed. The two were just finishing when Samson's phone vibrated.

Samson: *picks up phone* Hello? Ace, I heard you were looking for me and listen, I'm sorry about earlier, I was just feeling- wait, what!? he's back!? Where!? Okay, we'll be there in a minute!

Karen: What's going on?

Samson: Yokozuna, he's back and attacking the Metropolis pier and the others need help! Time to put the new and improved suit to the test.

Meanwhile, Fast action and his team were trying to beat the robotic sumo but no luck, his body was too sturdy and too heavily armored for any real damage. Night Owl was using her retractable bo staff to strike at the body and try and find a weak spot on him, although, Yokozuna grabbed her staff and tossed her over into the toy both. He snapped the staff in half afterwards.

Night Owl: *dazed* At least the plushies broke my fall.

Titan: I'll handle him this time! Hey, robo fatty!

Yokozuna: *Turns around* Huh?

Titan: *cracks knuckles* Ready for round 2?

Titan rammed into him and knocked him down and then began punching the face but his fist was caught and he was picked up and slammed multiple times into the other booths, then spun around until he was thrown far over the city. Spliced turned rubber and stretched around Yokozuna's arms to hold them while Spellcaster created magic chains to restrain his legs as well but it didn't hold him long as he began to break free.

Spellcaster: Fast Action, hurry!

Fast Action ran up and jumped to do a flying kick but Yokozuna already broke free from the two and flung Spliced and Spellcaster into the water and caught Fast Action's leg.

Fast Action: *nervous* Uh, sorry?

He was thrown to the ground with a powerful slam which amazingly didn't destroy the boardwalk. 

Fast Action:*in pain* Okay, that hurt. A lot.

Yokozuna lifted his leg to stomp on him.

Fast Action: This'll hurt more.

Gamer: Hold it Yokozuna!

Gamer and Bumblebee arrived just in time to help the gang. Gamer's suit has a small controller like device embedded in the chest of his suit.

Fast Action: Gamer, you're here! And back to normal too!

Gamer: Yes and I got a new trick too.

He pressed a button on the chest controller and his body began to glow. Gamer's suit changed into a completely different form.

Spliced: Whoa! He looks like something from the Megaman games!

Night Owl: He is I bet!

Gamer: Yep, I got myself a little upgrade and improved on the design. Now I can turn into game characters completely.

Spliced: Couldn't you do that before when you use powers from other tech or games or something?

Gamer: Well, kinda yeah. But it's waaaaaayyyyyyyy more advanced now!

Yokozuna: Your new toys will not be enough to defeat me!

Gamer: *whispers* Psst, Bumblebee, I'll distracting him while you try and find his weak spot. 

Bumblebee: I'm on it!

She shrinks and flies over the area to get a got look at Yokozuna.

Bumblebee: Even a mech this strong should have a weakness.

On his end, Gamer readied his arm cannon for battle. On the opposing end, Yokozuna lifted his right leg and stomped it down, then he lifted the left leg and stomped it down too. Soon, they charged at each other. Yokozuna attacked first with a palm strike but Gamer jumped over him and fired his new improved 8-bit cannon and fired on his back which caused considerable damage, not enough to break the armor but damage non the less. Then Gamer tossed his cyber discs at Yokozuna and they exploded on contact, disorienting him. It seems in this form, Gamer is much fast and agile and Yokozuna is having a difficult time keeping up as he was attacked all over his body by discs and 8-bit shots. While that was going on, Bumblebee managed to find an opening in the robot and made a beeline into it. She found numerous circuits and found an important looking part within the mech.

Bumblebee: These must be the main circuits, keeping this together. Let's see if I can get to work.

Back to the fight, Gamer had recently taken cover around the booths.

Yokozuna: Where did you go! Hiding like a coward? I was expecting more from a challenger.

Gamer climbed up a roller coaster track to get a view of the battlefield. He materialized roller skates on his feet and rolled down the track. He launched himself into the air and fired his cyber plasma shots at the tall posts with wires and lights on them surrounding the villain which caused them to fall over on him, Gamer then tied them around the mech, tangling him in the wires.

Yokozuna: How is this happening!? I am a highly trained warrior of strength and balance. Your fighting has no discipline, no traditional combat skills! I should not be losing this fight! 

Gamer: Maybe it's not a normal fighting style but it works.

Inside, Bumblebee was working on disabling the system and anything else inside the mech.

Bumblebee: A little bit more and-

Suddenly, everything began to malfunction and shut down.

Bumblebee: That should do it!

She flew out just in time before the damage got really bad. Right when Yokozuna tore away the wires and charged towards Gamer to crush him, everything stopped. Yokozuna's body began to short circuit and break apart, soon he wasn't able to keep his balance and fell on his back.

Gamer: Nice one Bumblebee! Whatever you did, it sure was one heck of a knockout!

Bumblebee: You were awesome too Gamer and the upgrades worked perfectly too, they really made all the difference in the situation.

Gamer: *blush* Yeah, I guess they did.

Suddenly, knocking was heard from the fallen sumo robot. A strange teen jumped out in a jumpsuit and mask.

(the Jumpsuit)

(the mask)

At just like that, he abandoned the mech and jumped on top of a stand and disappeared from the scene. Gamer and Bumblebee chased him but he was already gone.

Gamer: Oh man, he got away!

Bumblebee: We'll get him next time, in the meantime, let's check on our friends.

Later, everyone was congratulating Samson for the new suit and his win against a powerful villain.

Ace: Nice one Sam!

Jason: Yeah! You totally rock!

Gwen: I gotta admit, you were amazing in that suit and it performed well.

Sabrina: Not to mention the way you transformed was pretty cool.

Axel: Not bad, I could've taken him if I wasn't stuck in the next town.

Samson: Thanks guys, I learned something from all this too. I may not be as powerful as the rest of you but I can always improve in other ways and that there's more to heroes than just powers and strength.

Gizmo: That is a very good moral to live by, we should always be grateful for the gifts we receive in life.

Jason: By the way, what happened to the pilot of the sumo robot anyway.

Ace: Not sure, but I have a feeling we'll see that thing again someday.

In the forest outside Metropolis, the sound of pounding was heard. The pounding was Hiroshi punching a tree with his fists. He was panting hard and was drenched in sweat, he was taking out some serious aggression in his training. He then came up to the tree, wrapped his arms around it and pushed with all his might until it toppled over completely.

Hiroshi: My robot can be repaired but those heroes dared to injure my pride and defeat me with tactics of little discipline and deceitful, cowardly tactics! I demand vengeance! They will feel the truth wrath of the Yokozuna! 

Well, here's another vengeful supervillain, you'll see him and the other baddies again soon enough folks, as the adventure continues.

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