Burning Justice (Phoenix Wrig...

By Rgarciatiger

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In a city where crime is rising and justice never sleeps two brothers both detectives with amnesia solve case... More

Oc Bio 1 & 2
Case 1: W's First run-in/First Trial
Oc Bio 3, 4, 5, 6
Case 2: W's First run-in/First Trial (Part 2)
Case 3: Illegal M/Sister's justice
Case 4: Illegal M/Sister's justice (Part 2)

Case 5: A samurai on court? (Not Gaim)/W? Or Double?

249 6 5
By Rgarciatiger

Grrah! You have disgraced me for the last time, Steel Samurai! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood!

The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate! Whoooooooaaaaaaa!


The warriors' swords gleam and strike in the moonlight! One has fallen... but who? Only the moon knows! Don't miss next week's exciting episode: "The Dark Messenger Returns!"

October 14, 5:31 PM

Wright & Co. Law Offices

Maya: "That rocked! "See you in Hell, Evil Magistrate!!!" She then started swinging a broom as if it was some sort of weapon

Phoenix: "Whoa! Stop waving that broom around!"

Maya: "Oh, Nick! Sorry about that." Then she threw the broom away near the door that opened up only for Adam to get hit in the face as Ace was behind him

Adam: "HEY WHAT THE HELL?! YOU LITTLE...!!!" Then Ace restrained him from Adam to assault Maya

Ace: "No please don't!" 

Adam: "LET GO I'M GONNA TEACH THIS TWERP A LESSON!!!" Then suddenly Maya was close to landing a punch on Adam until Phoenix stopped her


Phoenix and Ace thought: "Well I feel sorry for him." They meant it to each other because hopefully one day Adam could lay off the coffee and Maya might chill out

Ace: "Well it's a good thing I know how to do this. Rider...chop." He chops Adam in the back of his neck but that does nothing


Ace: "Huh it should've worked and no explosion-" Then he saw a television that was already on and a show was on Ace dropped Adam on the ground as he look at the television "Huh what's that?"

Phoenix: "It's a television... you have never seen one?"

Ace: "No I know what a television is just what's this show? I'm not familiar."

Maya: "EHH?!" He was free from her grip against Phoenix "You never seen the Steel Samurai?!"

Ace: "I'm so confused..."

Maya: "He's only the most popular TV hero for young people!"

Ace and Phoenix: "Like how young?"

Maya: "Ten years old?"

Ace: "I know that you said you're seventeen but dang!" He then went to the Gaia Library to do some research on the Steel Samurai leaving Adam having to take an envelope out of his pocket

Adam: He removes the tape covering his mouth "Oh and Phoenix here." He hand him a check for the payment for his service for his trial "Think of this as my IOU to you sorry about it being a month late due to the amount for the cleaning bill for the agency we had to deal with that first, rent, and then you."

Phoenix: "Yeah I can understand."

Ace: "Yeah well until then I'll you guys later. Now if you need me don't call the cops as I'll be dragging my brother back." He then does exactly what he said and drags Adam to the Black Heart Agency (A/N: "Don't worry Ace ain't gonna get arrested again for dragging his unconscious brother...maybe.")

October 16, 9:30 AM
Black Heart Agency

Adam got off the phone as he went to wake up Ace who was sleeping on a couch with books stacked around him as if it was a fortress (The fortress of knowledge. Better than the fortress of solitude) most of them were magazines on the Steel Samurai and with the remote control as he was watching Steel Samurai about maybe 5 episodes with sugary snacks laying around as well as some water bottle

Adam: "Hey wake up." He shakes him which didn't work because he was in a deep sleep which pissed off Adam because he should be ready for any case, rain or shine, day or night "HEY GET YOUR A** UP WE GOT A CASE FROM THE POLICE!!!"

Ace: He yawns and rubs his eyes "What? So our next case is from the police?"

Adam: "Yes."

Ace: "So not only the police asked our help but what is it they need?"

Adam: "Yep this is stupid. And now they want us to help solve a murder?"

Ace: "Ohh...nuts. Well, where to."

Adam: "It's at the Global Studios."

Ace: "Global Studios? Isn't that where-"

Adam: "Yep an actor died. Dear god it better not be a f**king act or I'm punching someone."

Ace: "Jeez you need to be at an anger management class but I was also saying that's where they produce the Steel Samurai."

Adam: "F**k you and stop watching that show you're not a kid, especially if it's at night."

October 16

Global Studios

Main Gate

Adam and Ace arrived at the Global Studios Main Gate via bike as they had gotten coffee and donuts (A/N: "Cops with coffee and donuts cliche.")

Adam: "Alright let's enter in see what's the problem and then maybe go through the day also I'm gonna give you a blindfold when there's a dead body around."

Ace: "Alright." The two walk toward the gate but were stopped by a security

???: "Hey! You there! You want in, you gotta go through me!"

Adam: "...What the f-" He looked to his side to see security

Adam: "Umm who the f-" Ace takes out a roll of duct tape and covers his mouth "MMMMMMMMMPMHPMHPMHPHMPHMHPMM!!!!"

Ace: "I'm sorry but ma'am who are you-"

Oldbag: "Oh look at that a young man with manners. My name is Oldbag, Wendy Oldbag. NOW LEAVE!!!"

Ace: "Woah! Well umm, you see we were called because of a crime."

Oldbag: "Ha you both?!" Then the two pulled out their badges to which she suddenly acted nice "Oh well why didn't you say that in the first place?"

Ace: "Sorry but you probably wouldn't believe us."

Oldbag: "You both are too young to be working."

Ace: "Private detectives long story short the police called us about a murder."

Oldbag: "Oh well you should get to studio one then you should arrive at the crime scene...but first." She then handed them coffee and donuts "Also why did you put tape on his mouth?"

Ace: "Trust me he's a ticking time bomb he usually stays calm but I don't know." She just nod as she gave directions to studio one which took them a couple of minutes to great there

October 16
Studio One Entrance

As they arrive at the Studio One Entrance they see Phoenix, Maya, and Gumshoe

Ace: "Hello!"

Maya: "Oh he-" She then laugh at Adam "Hey get rid of the tape in your mouth!"

Adam: He removed the tape "YOU WANNA GO?!" Then Ace had to stop him

Ace: "Please no also Maya please don't try to anger him."

Maya: "OH please he's just a reckless buffoon."

Adam: "I WILL-" Then Ace uses the roll of duct tape and wrap it around his hand and on his mouth "MMMMMMMMM!!!!"

Ace: "And now if anyone tries to do anything dumb I have another roll of tape." He sighs "Now so whose the victim and how did the said victim die?" He looked at Gumshoe

Gumshoe: "Well the victim's name is Jack Hammer the man was killed with a samurai spear. Now the suspect that we arrested is a man by the name of Will Power."

Adam's thought: "Stupid name, stupid case, stupid brother, and stupid jack**." All that can be heard from Adam were mumbles which Ace just accepted it

Ace: "Wow that's it? No more info."

Gumshoe: "I would give more but umm I think because of your brother he might blow up."

Ace: "Yeah plus those duct tapes aren't gonna last long." Adam removed the tape from his mouth

Adam: "Yeah I mean-"

Phoenix: "Watch out!"

Ace: "Huh?" Then a weird fang was on the ground as they look above the studio to see a dopant

Adam's thought: "F**k!!!" Ace removed the tape from his hand as they took cover

Ace: "Oh god." Then he signals Phoenix with the cyclone Gaia memory as then understood so Ace ran away with Adam following after as Gumshoe decide to shoot it down with a gun but failed because the bullet did nothing to it


Adam: He takes out the driver and put it on"Well great an enemy sniper just my f-"

Ace: "DODGE!!" He pushes him aside as the dopant shot another fang at them as they take out their Gaia memory



Adama and Ace: "Henshin." They insert their Gaia memories on their respective slot and after Ace put it on the right side and the Gaia memory appears on Adam's driver Ace pass out and after Adam put his on the left slot he separates the driver

Cyclone! Trigger!

Ace: "Cyclone Trigger? This form? Well, it's great for long-range but it's fast, not strong." Then Adam takes out the trigger magnum

Adam: "Time to shoot this mother-" Then without even knowing they were shot from behind from the dopant as it dive into a large body of water behind the studio as it was swimming like a professional swimmer or a sea creature which that became a problem because Adam kept shooting at the water only for it to escape "SON OF A BIIII-"

Ace: He punches Adam "Language." Then the armor disappear and Ace was back in his body "Ugh...man that sucks."

Phoenix: "Are you alright?"

Ace: "Yea-" Then he realized he was sitting straight on a bench

October 18, 10:00 AM

District Court

Courtroom No. 4

Judge: "The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers.

Edgeworth: "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor."

Phoenix: "The defense is ready, Your Honor."

Judge: "Very well. Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement, please."

Edgeworth: "The prosecution will show the court that at 2:30 PM on October 15, the defendant, Mr. Will Powers, killed fellow actor Jack Hammer at Studio One of Global Studios. No one else can have committed this heinous crime. The evidence presented during the trial will all point to this fact."

Judge: "Hmm. I see. Very well, I would like to move on to your testimony. Mr. Edgeworth, the prosecution may call its first witness."

Edgeworth: "First, I would like to call a familiar face, Detective Gumshoe, to the stand." As he said so Gumshoe takes the stand "Detective if you would briefly describe this case to the court?"

Gumshoe: "Yes sir! I'll explain with the guide map here. To understand this case, it's important to grasp the layout of the studios, see? This here is the Employee Area. The actors did a run-through of their action scenes during the morning here. This is the main gate to the studios. The security lady that works at the studios was here at 1:00 PM on that day. Past the security station there is a gate, see? Past that is the studios. And here it is... Studio One. This is the scene of the murder, where the body was found! Now, on the day of the murder, October 15, there were only three people there. The victim, Jack Hammer, the defendant, Will Powers, and a young woman, the production assistant. All the production staff was in the Employee Area until noon. Then after lunch, the victim, Jack Hammer, went to Studio One. Right after that, at 1:00 PM, the security lady got to the guard station. Now, jump ahead to later that day... 5:00 PM. The production staff came to Studio One to perform a rehearsal. Needless to say, the rehearsal was canceled... The time of death was 2:30 PM. The "Samurai Spear" found lodged in the victim's chest was the murder weapon. That's the case, in brief. Does anyone like to hear that again?" (CHECK THIS)

Judge: "So the murder weapon was a "spear"? How... medieval!"

Adam's thought: "Wha..." He looks at the defendant Will Power

Adam's thought: "Nope nothing unusual except for the weird hairstyle."

Edgeworth: "Your Honor. This case is quite simple if you ask one question: And that question is: "What did the security lady at the guard station see?"

Judge: "Understood."

Edgeworth: "Let's call this security officer to the stand! Will the witness declare her name?"

Oldbag: "...Hmm? My, aren't you a handsome fellow! I'm afraid I'm a bit flustered!"

Edgeworth: "Y-your name, please!"

Oldbag: "Oh, dearie! No need for you to be embarrassed! Just call me "grandma."

Adam's thought: He was laughing in his head "HOLLY S**T THIS IS TO F**KING FUNNY!!!"

Edgeworth: "YOUR NAME, PLEASE!"


Ace was looking outside seeing nothing on roofs to see if the dopant would show up which were none as of yet

Ace: "I wonder what made that dopant attack us at the moment. This is stra-" Then he sees a pastry shop "Oh sweet a pastry shop I could go for some sweets." He enters the pastry shop 

Back to the trial, ya'll

Oldbag: "Wendy Oldbag, dearie. So just call me "grandma." It's practically my name! So even when I was young I was an Oldbag, but not that was just my name dearie. Still, how the other children would make fun of me just because of my name can you believe it? But there was this boy, the captain of the chess club in junior high, and when he called me an old bag well I just cried and cried because I had a crush on him you see--"

Adam thought: "Oh god please kill me she won't shut up!"

Edgeworth: "OBJECTION! O-objection! I... object to the witness's talkativeness."

Judge: "Objection sustained! The witness will refrain from rambling on the stand."

Oldbag: "I was just getting to the good part, dearie!"

Adam's thought: "Good job Edgeworth you have done the lord's work."

Edgeworth: "Perhaps we can get to the testimony?"

Judge: "Now, the witness was stationed at the main gate on the day of the murder, correct?"

Oldbag: "Yessey I was."

Judge: "And to get to the scene of the murder, someone would have to pass by you?"

Oldbag: "You know your stuff, dearie!"

Judge: "...You may begin your testimony."

Oldbag: "On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM. Poor old Hammer and the rest had been doing a run-through there since the morning. I, well, I had some errands to run that morning. Anyway, it was 1:00 when I got to the guard station. I was at the main gate from then until 5:00! Now, the murder happened at 2:30 PM, right? Interesting to me, because a certain man walked right by me at 2:00 PM. It was Powers! That man right there, and he was heading toward the studio!"

Judge: "You saw the defendant, then? Hmm... Very well. Let's begin the cross-examination. Mr. Wright?"

Phoenix: "Yes, Your Honor. Now Ms. Oldbag you state that you saw Will Powers? The man in this picture?"

Judge: "J-just a moment, Mr. Wright. Let me see that photo! ... What is this, exactly?"

Phoenix: "None other than the Steel Samurai, defender of Neo Olde Tokyo. Ms. Oldbag! Is this the "Mr. Powers" that you saw!?"

Oldbag: "Of course! Didn't your momma teach you any sense, sonny? Anyone can see that's Powers! Right?"

Edgeworth: "Um, yeah. ... Umm... well. I wonder?"

Phoenix: "True, Mr. Powers does play the role of the Steel Samurai! But that doesn't mean Mr. Powers IS the Steel Samurai!"

Oldbag: "...! I... I know that! I wasn't born yesterday!"

Judge: "No one in this court is accusing you of that, Ms... er, witness."

Phoenix's thought: "He's having trouble calling her "Oldbag"..."

Judge: "However, you do not have proof that the person in this photo is Mr. Will Powers, do you?"

Oldbag: "Humph! Nosy old man! Of course, I have proof!"

Phoenix: "What!?"

Edgeworth: "Huh!?"

Phoenix's thought: "Even Edgeworth is surprised!?"

Edgeworth: "The prosecution would like to ask the old...umm, the witness. Please make known all the information in your possession ahead of time!"

Oldbag: "How was I to know everyone would be so nosy! You should be ashamed, all of you! Anyway, I showed that photo to the young detective. He told me "this isn't any good as evidence, pal." He didn't even give it a second look!"

Edgeworth: "..."

Phoenix's thought: "Wow, old windbag has left even Edgeworth speechless. She's good!"

Judge: "Let's hear about your proof, then."

Adam's thought: "All she has is wrinkles and no truth to her bulls**t!"

Oldbag: "I never say anything I don't mean, mind you! That morning, during the run-through of the action scene... I saw Powers trip and fall! He broke one of the props, it was a big mess. He sprained his ankle pretty bad. Now, look at that picture! You can see he's dragging his leg! See? Clear as day! That's how I knew it was Powers. Happy?"

Judge: "Hmm. So he had sprained his ankle...? Very well. Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness."

Adam's thought: "Wait how come I didn't recall- ohh right that dam dopant though I wonder if Ace is doing his job of scouting it."


Ace was stuffing his face with muffins but while he does so he thinks about his fights

Ace: "Hmm, I wonder what I should look up..." He then thinks as he goes to the Gaia library as he decides to go check on something else

Back to the trial

Phoenix: "Wait you said one of the props broke?"

Oldbag: "Yes the Samurai spear. I happen to have some tape to fix it."

Phoenix: "Well then there's something odd about the photo."

Oldbag: "Oh?"

Phoenix: "This photo was taken by the camera at the gate for the studios so, whenever anyone passes by here, it automatically takes a picture?"

Oldbag: "And here I thought you didn't know your head from a hole in the ground."

Phoenix: "Right... Anyway! It's also true that the computer in the guard station records all security cam data."

Oldbag: "Ooh! You know, if you wanted to work at the studio, we might have an opening."

Phoenix: "That very computer printed out this photo. Note that on the back of the photo are printed the words: Oct 15, 2:00 PM, Photo #2."

Oldbag: "Even I know that means it was taken at 2:00 PM on October the 15th! Sonny!"

Phoenix: "Actually, I knew that too. The issue here is the bit at the end where it says: "Photo #2"..."

Oldbag: "Photo #2"...?"

Phoenix: "The computer only held data for one photo on that day. Don't you think that's odd? Shouldn't this photo be "Photo #1" if it was the ONLY photo!?" Then a powerful wind-blasted Oldbag causing her to fall onto the ground which Adam was holding in his laughter

Judge: "Order! Order! Please tell the court what you mean by this, Mr. Wright!"

Phoenix: "Actually, that's what I want to ask the witness. This evidence shows that not one, but two people went to the studio that day. Yet there is only data for one of the photos! Who could have erased the data for the other photo? Only someone with access... the security lady herself!"

Oldbag: "Eh!? You watch your mouth, whippersnapper! The only person I saw that day was Will Powers!"

Phoenix: "But the camera on the gate fired twice! That means two people went by!"

Oldbag: "Umm... well, yes... that's what it would seem to mean..."

Judge: "Can the witness explain this to the court?"

Oldbag: "Umm... ahem. I-I don't understand these new-fangled computer things... Umm... E-Edgey-boy! Help!"

Adam's thought: "Wow you don't know how to use A GOD DAM F**KING COMPUTER?! EVEN A 8-YEAR-OLD COULD USE IT!!!"

Edgeworth: "Huh!? B-believe me, I want to, but I don't know what this means either."

Oldbag: "Humph! Some help you are! You're a whippersnapper too! ... ... Whippersnapper...?"

Judge: "Something the matter, Ms. Oldbag?"

Oldbag: "Ah! That's right! I... I just remembered something!"

Judge: "Let me guess... Someone else passed by the gate... someone other than the Steel Samurai?"

Oldbag: "Er... well, yes, I suppose you could put it that way."

Judge: He sighs "I see. Your testimony, please."

Oldbag: "Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do. I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them. I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see. Come to think of it, now I remember throwing out one photo that day!"

Edgeworth: "M-Ms. Oldbag! This is the first I've heard of this!"

Oldbag: "Well, of course, sonny! I've only just remembered it."

Judge: "Right... anyway, Mr. Wright, please begin the cross-examination."

Maya: "Well, I'd say this was a turn for the unexpected, but I kind of expected this..."

Phoenix: "Well yeah...hmm...." He started scratching his head as he started to think of any counterargument to the testimony "Wait a minute you said you threw out one photo. What was in the photo?"

Oldbag: "Humph. A fanboy."

Phoenix: "F-fanboy?"

Oldbag: "Steel Samurai fanboys. Real freaks, if you ask me. They get information about the rehearsals from gosh-knows-where. They're always hanging about. One was there that day."

Phoenix: "W-wait a second! Didn't you just say no one else could get in!? "I locked the main gate so no one could get in"... Those were your words!"

Oldbag: "Well! If you must know, there's a drain that goes into the Employee Area. The grate has been loose for a while. It leads outside, and well, that's where they come in."

Phoenix: "They come in through the drain?"

Oldbag: "I told you they were freaks. Oh, and..."

Phoenix: "And...?"

Oldbag: "They're kids. Children. Whippersnappers."

Phoenix: "K-kids!? So, on the photo that you erased...?"

Oldbag: "It was a boy. Probably 2nd or 3rd grade."

Phoenix: "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?"

Judge: "O-order! Order! Let me get this straight. Did you see two people pass by the gate on their way to the studios that day? One was the Steel Samurai, dragging his leg. The other was a boy who looked to be in about 2nd or 3rd grade?"

Oldbag: "Oh yes, well we see his type there every day. Can't stop 'em. Can't catch 'em."

Edgeworth: "A boy in 2nd or 3rd grade? Hmm... I assume it would be hard, if not impossible for a young boy to wield the Samurai Spear?"

Judge: "Impossible, I'd think. It's quite heavy."

Oldbag: "Right! As I said, I didn't pay him much mind. That's why I erased the data."

Maya: "Um, Nick? What's going on? I mean, the boy was there, that makes him a suspect!"

Phoenix: "Yeah, and they're already trying to "un-suspect" him."

Judge: "I'd like to take a five-minute recess. I want the defense and the prosecution to consider this new information... And no forgetting vital information this time!"

October 18, 11:08 AM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 3

Adam: "Well looks like things aren't going well."

Phoenix: "Yep but if Will Power said that he was asleep then how can we get more time?"

Adam: "Maybe have another suspect to get more time?"

Maya: "So basically have someone to blame?"

Phoenix: "I don't think that's what he meant."

Adam: "Eh somewhat just play for more time. We'll start targeting someone else that could conceivably have done this!"

Maya: "Right! And it'll take them so long to shoot us down that we can get another day!"

Phoenix: "Right... but if we pick the wrong person, we might lose on the spot."

Will: "You... don't sound very optimistic."

Phoenix: "I'm not optimistic at all."

Adam: "Welcome to the club." He sighs as he tips his fedora hat to nearly cover his eyes trying to look cool

Maya: "Hey, Nick. It's time."

Phoenix: "Okay. Let's go." He sighs

Five minutes later

Judge: "The court will now reconvene for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Mr. Edgeworth, will you present the prosecution's thoughts on this matter?"

Edgeworth: "The prosecution's thoughts are simple. Nothing has changed. The other person who went to the studios was a boy roughly 10 years of age. The photo we do have may not be hard evidence... But there is still no one else that could have committed this crime! I call for a verdict of "guilty" for the defendant, Mr. Will Powers!"

Judge: "Hmm... Very well. Mr. Wright, your thoughts?"

Phoenix: "The defense disagrees with the prosecution's claim. There IS another person who could have committed this crime!"

Judge: "Order! Interesting... Let us hear who you have in mind! However... Be aware that this court does not look kindly on accusing the innocent. If you accuse someone innocent, you will be penalized. So, who was this person other than Mr. Powers that could have committed murder?"

Phoenix: "It was the security lady! Wendy Oldbag!"

Oldbag: "W-who!?"

Phoenix: "The Steel Samurai is dragging his leg in this picture. That means whoever was in the suit knew about that morning's injury. Maybe because... they had been watching the action scene run-through! There was only one person other than Powers and Hammer who knew about the injury. The security lady, Oldbag!"

Oldbag: "W-what!? Whippersnapper!"

Adam's thought: "Good job Phoenix you're also doing the lord's work." 

Judge: "Order! Order! I-is this true, Oldbag!?"

Oldbag: "Oldbag!? That's Ms. Oldbag to you!"

Phoenix: "Ms. Oldbag was standing guard alone at the main gate. She was by herself... in other words, she has no alibi! She could have briefly left her post to steal the Steel Samurai costume... Then slipped into Studio One, the scene of the murder!"

Judge: "W-why would she go through the trouble of wearing the Steel Samurai costume!?"

Phoenix: "Simple, Your Honor. She knew the camera at the gate would take her picture. If she was in his costume, she could point the finger at Mr. Powers!"

Judge: "I see! Excellent deductive reasoning, Mr. Wright."

Phoenix's thought: "Ohhh yeah, right here! Sherlock Holmes II, baby!" Then he notices that Edgeworth wasn't reacting to his statement  "That's odd. Isn't this the part where Edgeworth pounces...? Doesn't he usually jump up with an objection and some new damning evidence...?"

Judge: "Well, Mr. Edgeworth? Does the prosecution have an opinion on this matter?"

Edgeworth: "...The prosecution has no meaningful objections at this time."

Adam's thought:  "...WHAAAA?!"

Oldbag: "W-w-what!? What's that supposed to mean!? Oh, so you all think I did it? Is that it!? Edgey-boy! Don't just sit there, do something!"

Phoenix: "The very same reasoning that makes Mr. Powers a suspect in this case... can be used to cast doubt on Ms. Oldbag's actions on that day!"

Oldbag: "B-but why would I do something so horrible to poor Hammer!?"

Phoenix: "You forget that Mr. Powers lacks a clear motive, too."

Judge: "Hmm... Indeed."

Phoenix's thought: "That did it. Now windbag is one of the suspects. No hard feelings... I hope."

Oldbag: "Wait just a minute! What about the other person who went to the studio!? The boy! The one whose photo I erased!"

Judge: "He's only a grade-schooler though, as you said. 2nd or 3rd grade, was it?"

Oldbag: "Th-that doesn't matter! When I was that age, I could pin my old man in 10 seconds, tops!"

Adam thought: "When I was 10 I was...umm...s**t."

Judge: "Hmm... Your thoughts, Mr. Wright?"

Phoenix: "That boy is not the killer."

Oldbag: "What!? How can you be so sure! Oh, or is it nice to the kids and mean to your elders' day? Whippersnapper!"

Phoenix: "I have proof."

Oldbag: "P-proof!?"

Judge: "Let's see this proof, Mr. Wright. You have proof that shows the boy could not have committed this murder?"

Phoenix: "TAKE THAT!" Then he shows the samurai spear "Your Honor! The murder weapon was the Samurai Spear. That very spear is shown here in this photo. How could the boy have taken the spear? It's impossible!"

Judge: "I see! Well, would the witness care to comment on this?"

Oldbag: "Mrph."

Phoenix's thought: "The windbag... speechless. This has got to be a first."

Judge: "Very well! This court will suspend proceedings on the current trial for today. Mr. Edgeworth, please find out more about your witness, Ms. Windy... what was her name?"

Edgeworth: "Something "Oldbag," Your Honor."

Adam Thought: "How did he forget the old granny's name?"

Judge: "Then the prosecution will look further into this Oldbag before we continue! That is all. The court is adjourned!"

Adam's thought: "With that, I'm gonna go and get a sandwich."

Oldbag: "W-wait a second! I'm not going to just sit here while you run off barking up the wrong tree... me! I'm talking!" Her voice was loud enough for everyone in the court to cover their ears

Maya: "Oh, great, stop the presses! The windbag wants to talk!"

Adam thought: "Dear god how is she that loud?!"

Judge: "Ms. Oldbag! What is this all about? Have you omitted something from your testimony?"

Oldbag: "Actually, if you must know, there's something I was told not to talk about."

Phoenix: "N-not to talk about?"

Edgeworth: "By whom!?"

Phoenix's thought: "Huh? You mean it wasn't Edgeworth who told her not to talk...?"

Judge: "W-well, testify!"

Oldbag: "Global Studios wanted me to keep quiet about something. There were... some other people at the studios on the day of the murder. They said they had "nothing to do with it," see? So they told me to just pretend they "hadn't been at the studios that day." But if you're going to go accusing me, I'm not letting them get away scot-free!"

Judge: "M-Ms. Oldbag! This is crucial information! Why did you keep this from the court until now!?"

Oldbag: "Ain't you been listening? They told me to shut my trap, and I always do what I'm told."

Judge: "...Mr. Wright... Your cross-examination." Adam's reaction was with a facepalm of what the f**k

Phoenix: "You said there were people at the time of the murder. Who were these people!?"

Oldbag: "Well, the director and the producer, for starters..."

Phoenix: "The... director?"

Edgeworth: "We should have known something was fishy! How could they have done a run-through of their action scene without a director? Of course!"

Oldbag: "Yes, well, I was surprised no one asked about it."

Phoenix: "So, where were these people?"

Oldbag: "The director was in the Employee Area all morning for the run-through. He joined the producer around lunchtime and they had a meeting after that."

Edgeworth: "Where!?"

Oldbag: "Oh, in the Studio Two trailer."

Phoenix: "S-Studio Two...!?"

Oldbag: "Well, if you look at the guide map... Here it is." She then points at the square with 'Studio 2' inside of it

Adam Thought: Hold on, isn't that where a 

Oldbag: "You go through the gate and to the left."

Phoenix's thought: "The path where the monkey's head was fallen over."

Adam thought: "Wait they didn't even see it on the map?!" He facepalms "God f**king dam it Phoenix."

Phoenix: "Your Honor. We have learned there were others at Global Studios on the day in question. The director and the producer and, er, some bigwigs, were all present. Yet, as we stand here, they have not been questioned! I hold that it is impossible to declare a verdict on the defendant, Mr. Powers!"

Judge: "Hmm... The court acknowledges the defense's point. The prosecution will gather more information about the witness, Ms. Oldbag... and more information about these other people we have just been told of!"

Edgeworth: "...I understand, Your Honor."

Judge: "This ends the day's proceedings in the trial of Mr. Will Powers. That is all. The court is adjourned!"

October 18, 1:04 PM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 3

Will: "Th-thank you so much, Mr. Wright. I was right to ask you to defend me."

Maya: "Aww, really, it's nothing." She grins

Phoenix: "We'll be going down to the studios to do some more investigation. We have to find out more about this director and producer. They'll be turning up in the next trial as witnesses for certain. So now's my chance to get material for the cross-examination!"

Maya: "So, Nick... Have we figured out just who it was in that Steel Samurai costume? Could it have been old windbag?"

Phoenix: "What do you think, Mr. Powers?"

Will: "I don't think it was her."

Maya: "Neither do I, Nick."

Phoenix: "Y-yeah, I know! Look, I was just buying time back there. Someone had to be the bad guy for a bit to take the pressure off Mr. Powers."

Maya: "Poor old windbag... I feel kinda sorry for her."

Phoenix: "Well, she wasn't winning any points in there, with or without my accusation. Okay, let's get down to the studios."

Maya: "Right! We'll be back to visit you soon..."

Will: "Th-thanks. Thanks, guys."

Adam: "So with that, he has like about a few days until his verdict if things go well?"

Phoenix: "Yep so how's the dopant case?"

Adam: "Well..." Then Ace shows up

Ace: "Hey guys."

Adam: "So how did it go?"

Ace: "It went I found nobody but I encountered Edgeworth. He was a bit rude like you Adam, I guess even someone like Edgeworth gets salty."

Adam: "SCREW YOU!!!"

Maya: "Ha!"

Adam: "You little piece of...!" Then he chase after Maya but failed because he tripped as he sees a man who was watching them "HOLY-"

Next time on Burning Justice!

Ace: "What ar- rather who are you?"

Rafael: "You are a pest to deal with."

Adam: "Huh what are we though?"

Adam: "Well time to solve the case of the damn murder case and the dopant."

???: "Ha."

Adam: "She's a...odd person."

Phoenix: "This case is done and over with!"

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