An Assassin's Rose: Teen Tita...

By Egyptiandragon

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Because of a little stunt both Ruby and Damian pulled when the Legion of Doom attacked the Justice League, th... More

Chapter 1: Summer Break
Chapter 2: Another Day in Gotham
Chapter 3: Actions have Consequences
Chapter 4: Wayne Gala
Chapter 5: A Women's Wrath
Chapter 6: A Sister's Advice
Chapter 7: The Legion of Doom
Chapter 8: The Teen Titans
Chapter 9: Suspicious Behavior
Chapter 10: Demonic Superman
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Titans Go
Chapter 13: Raven's Story
Chapter 14: Titans vs Justice League
Chapter 15: Hell on Earth
Chapter 17: The Aftermath

Chapter 16: Strength

1.1K 30 3
By Egyptiandragon

Feeling her strength weaken by the second Raven flies up to the platform and the second she was on solid ground she fell to her knees exhausted.

Grabbing onto a jagged rock that was coming from the ground the sorceress uses it to help herself up and then starts to walk towards the crystal.

But unknowing to her there was someone watching her from above.

And as she walked forward a path grew in front of her that connected to the second platform.

But the second that she made it and was about to touch the crystal it was shattered by a flying sword which boomeranged around and was caught by the one responsible for the crystal's destruction.

Looking at the crystal in shock Raven tried to look up at who did that but before she could she was kicked in the face and was sent onto the ground, knocked out cold.

Walking over to her the assailant raises his sword in order to deal the final blow but before he could both Robin and Red land onto the platform in between him and Raven.

And when they looked at him their eyes widen in shock since the person, they are looking at right now is Ra's al Ghul.

But he was different, he looked the same except for the fact that his skin was gray, and he had soulless red eyes.

"Grandfather?" Robin said in shock.

"Damian, my blood. Ruby, my darling granddaughter in law." Said the undead assassin.

The couple narrow their eyes at this man, there is no way this could be Ra's. They know they saw him die.

"It's a trick. We saw you die." Robin said as him and Red point their weapons at him.

"No trick, it's me. I assure you." Ra's said and takes a small step forward. "I exist. Lord Trigon is my sustenance." he added.

"He's a devil." Red stated angrily.

"No. He's a god of necessity. How do you think I attained my power? Where do you think the Lazarus Pits came from? It's all his doing, and he can make things whole again for a price." The undead assassin explained.

"He can give us the world we wanted. You and I. A perfect world." He added.

He then points his blade at Raven who had already regained consciousness "She's the only one who stands in the way. Prove your love, children. Take care of this for me. Before my pact with Trigon expires."

Robin looks at Raven and thinks about what his grandfather wants him to do and realized he could not do something like that. Not only because of his father's training but because of his growing friendship with the sorceress. "I...I would do anything to bring you back. But, Grandfather, I don't..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, Ra's cuts him off and walks closer to him until his son's blade was just a few inches away from his chest. "You hesitate. Why?" he demanded.

"Are you afraid to do the one act that will restore me to life?" he inquired.

"I'm not afraid of anything." Robin proclaimed.

Red scoffs, "You must've hit your head when you died to even think I would kill one of my own friends." She stated.

Ra's glares angrily at them, "You dare disobey me?" he challenged.

"Have you forgotten your heritage? You are al Ghuls!" he exclaimed.

"No, we're Titans." Robin said and lunges forward to fight his grandfather.

But of course, Ra's easily blocked it.

"Take care of Raven!" Robin exclaimed.

Putting Crescent Rose away Red turns around to look at Raven and bends down to her level. "Raven, you ok?" she questioned.

But the sorceress was not paying attention to her as her father telepathically talks to her as he tries to destroy the city and defeat the Justice League at the same time.

"Stupid girl, you think your allies can stop me now that I'm here? The Justice League, defenders of this realm, less than insects to me. I will strip bare the flesh from their bones."

"Raven." Red said as she grabbed her shoulder.

"I'm ok." Raven said as she got up and made her away towards the crystals shattered remains.

"And our pathetic friends, I will make them suffer endlessly, and you will have to watch. Soon, your souls will belong to Trigon, as will your world."

Raven groans as she started to lose strength in her legs but before her knees touched the ground, she is grabbed by her arm by Red.

"Need some help." The Huntress said as she slings the sorceress's arm over her shoulder and helps her walk.

And as they walked Red takes a look at Robin to see how he was doing and to her horror the first thing she sees is Ra's slicing Robin in the stomach, it didn't look deep enough to fatally kill him but it was definitely deep enough to draw blood.

"Damian!" She called out.

"Go, we're just 4 steps away from the crystal. I can walk the rest of the way." Raven stated.

"Are you sure?" Red asked.


"Ok." Red said and lets the sorceress go and speeds over to Robin and then round house kicks Ra's away from the Boy Wonder.

"Ruby, what are you doing?"

"Helping you." Red stated.

The Boy Wonder smiled at her, "Like I need help." He stated as he corrects his stance and raises his sword.

"Yeah, Yeah. Let's just defeat him already." Red stated.

And with that the couple attacked Ra's at once.

And while they fought Ra's, Raven had fell to her knees and picked up a small diamond shape shard from the crystal and was still hearing her father talking to her.

"Give up. You're too weak to stop me, Raven. You always have been. Just like your mother." Trigon said maliciously.

At the very mention of her mother Raven was overtaken with sadness as she thinks about her tragic death that she shared with the people of Azarath.

A tragedy that she caused.

But that sadness then turned into determination as she clenches her hands around the shard., she may have lost her home once, but she refuses to lose it again.

"No, my only weakness was loving you, hoping I'd be loved in returned. But all you were capable of giving is pain, so I ran away and found friends. Friends I would give my life for, friends who give me love and the strength to do this."

Getting back up on her feet Raven looks down at the shard one last time before she closes her hands together and begins to chant a spell.

And as she her feet slightly levitated off the ground and a second later the shard levitated right out of her hand.

And while she was preoccupied with that both Robin and Red were starting to get the upper hand with Ra's.

"Give up children!" Ra's said losing his patience with them.

"No way!" Red exclaimed as she rushes forward.

The undead growls as he raises his sword and brought it down to deal a killing blow but before he could even it her, Red jumps into the air, twists her body until she was upside down and slammed the blunt end of her scythe into his back.

Ra's exclaims in pain at the feeling and staggers forward which gave Robin the opening he needed to strike his grandfather in the face, blinding him in his left eye.

Ra's exclaims in pain as he quickly deflects Robin's blade with his own and holds his bleeding face. "YOU WRETCHED CHILDREN! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" He exclaimed angrily as he looks up at them with his good eye.

"Unlikely." Robin said as him and Red started to fight him tighter again.

But no matter how well they worked together Ra's soon got the upper hand when he deflected Robin's sword and pushed it away to leave him open.

And when he was the assassin kicked his grandson in the face so hard that he was sent flying and landed on the ground dazed.

Jumping into the air Red let's out a fierce battle cry as she brings down her scythe to strike him but before it could even hit him Ra's managed to grab Crescent Rose by its pole and swing it around sending the huntress flying when she lost her grip.

Landing on her feet Red glances behind her and gasped as she jumps out of the way of assassin's incoming blade and turns around to face him.

But when she did Ra's backhanded her in the face with the pommel of his sword which made the huntress stagger and turn her back towards him.  And before she could catch her bearings Ra's took advantage of her distraction and slashed her across the back.

Hearing her screams of agony, Robin snaps put of his daze and looked at his beloved and everything around him seemed to go deathly silently when as he took in the horrifying sight in front of him.

Which was Red on the floor with her bloody back while Ra's is standing an inch away from her with a sword covered in her blood at the tip.

Saying that he was angry was an understatement, no what he was feeling was pure boiling rage that made the boy wonder breathe heavily as he vision turned red with murderous intent.

How dare he! it doesn't matter if they're family or not, he will make Ra's Al Ghul pay for this outrage with his life!

And he does not care about his father's teachings or how disappointed he will be in him, no one, absolutely no one touches his beloved and gets away with it!!

And because of his anger the Boy Wonder did not take notice of the fact that a green glow started enveloping his entire body or the fact that his shadow's shape seemed to become distorted.

"It's a pity. She would've made an excellent Granddaughter." Ra's said as he raises his sword to deal the finishing blow.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Robin exclaimed as he was about to rush forward with surprising speed that he did not think possible for a normal human.

Not to mention his body felt more energized and lighter than air. It was like he was given a boost of power.

Because just as he was about to strike his grandfather down there was a monstrous roar coming from behind him.

Stopping in his tracks both him and Ra's looked to see a shadowy silhouette of some sort of monster coming at them on all fours. And as it got closer Robin realized that this monster's body shape undeniably resembled that of a beowolf.

The only difference that it was a shadow-like version with glowing green eyes.

Robin brings up his sword to defend himself, but the shadow beowolf paid him no mind as it ran past him and went straight for Ra's.

And when it got close enough to the undead assassin, Ra's tried to defend himself but before he could even land a blow the shadow Grimm backhanded him with so much force that he was sent flying into a pillar that had energy stealing demons growing out of it.

And the second that his back touched that pillar even though he was one of them, they started to grab onto him so they could absorb him.

Ra's screams in shock as he tried to break free from their hold but the more, he struggled the more demons that appeared and grabbed onto him. "Damian, save me!" Ra's exclaimed helplessly.

But Robin didn't give him the satisfaction of a glance as he runs over to Red to make sure that she was still breathing and it was only after he was sure that she was ok, that he finally looked at his grandfather with the deadliest bat glare in history.

Getting up, Robin makes his way over to Ra's with his sword raised and once he was close enough, he sliced his head clean off.

Knowing that it's over Robin turns to looked at the shadow grim which was just standing near Red and looking down at her.

A second later the shadow looked at the Boy Wonder calmly before it melted away until it was nothing but a puddle onto the floor and then quickly made it way towards him and went under his feet.

And because of past experience Robin was halfway excepting the damn thing to take control of his body like Trigon's shadow demons but instead the shadow changed itself one more time to become a normal looking shadow; his shadow.

Robin's eyes widen as he moves his arm to see his shadow move and after a few more test, the Boy Wonder realized that shadow grim might have just been his own shadow.

"Damian?" Red groaned as she got up to look at him, but it was kind of hard with her back stinging in pain.

"Ruby!" Robin exclaimed ran over to her and bends down to her level. "Are you ok?" he questioned.

"I'll be fine." The huntress replied.

Sighing in relief, Robin stands up straight and holds out her hand to her. "Good."

Smiling at her boyfriend the huntress takes his hand with was finally able to get up.

And with that the couple walked over to Raven who was almost done with her chant.

"Grant me the strength of mighty Azarath to contain the demon Trigon within this sacred shard, now and forever!" she exclaimed and raises her hands above her head.

And as a result, her magic burst out of the shard went through dimesons to reach her father who was still causing destruction around the city.

And once he defeated the Justice League he walks away from them and continues on his path of destruction, but unfortunately for him as he began to walk a black puddle of magic that was undoubtedly his daughter's started to appear right under his feet and then quickly wrapped itself around his ankles to keep him in place.

Looking down in shock Trigon was about to try and move in attempt to break free but then his daughter's black Raven appeared in front of him and screeched.

Growling in frustration at his daughter's stubbornness Trigon tried to destroy the raven by shooting his laser eyes at it, but the creature dodged it and quickly wraps itself completely around the demonic conquer.

But of course even with himself restrained Trigon was not about lose without a fight and so he struggled as hard as he could and even managed to get his arm free and rip off the magic from his face but it didn't really matter since he was being pulled down into the black abyss.

Nevertheless, that really did not stop him from trying as he continued his vain attempt at freedom. But as he was struggling his superior eyesight caught a figure that was floating high in the sky and out of view from the others.

And this figure was undoubtedly a woman, one who was wearing a completely white outfit with a rainbow effect lining the inside of the cape, with long white hair, white mask with black visor, and pale blue lipstick.

Or to be more specific the person that was staring down at him was Skuld.

The masked woman looks down at Trigon with a smirk before she snaps her fingers opening a portal that she soon went through.

Which was the last thing the demon saw on the surface world as his daughter's magic brought him right back to his hellish realm and into the shard.

And once the ritual was done Raven grabbed the shard and fell to her knees exhausted.

She then opens her hand to look down at her father's eternal prison but before she could think about her victory, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Turning her head, she was met with Robin and Red who were smiling down at her.

"You did great." Red commented.

Raven smiled happily at that, "Thanks."

"Raven!" Starfire said as she and the rest of the Titans finally regrouped with them.

"Is it over?" she questioned.

Raven looks down at the shard and as much as she wanted to say that it was over, she knew that her father would not rest until he was free.

"It'll never be over. Trigon will spend every single minute trying to get out of here, so he needs to be watched every single minute." She explained.

And with that thought the sorceress knew what would have to do, in order to make sure that her father would not escape she would have to stay here and watch him.

"Time to go home." Starfire said with her hand outstretched towards the sorceress to help her up.

Home? That word was bittersweet to her now especially because of the fact that she knows that she will never see it again.

But nonetheless she took the Tamaranian's hand and got up from the floor.

"I'll take you back." She announced and opens a portal.

And with that the Titans started to walk towards it but before anyone could go through, they were stopped in their tracks by Raven saying, "Unfortunately."

The others looked at her in confusion as the sorceress wraps her arms around herself and took a few steps back from them. "This is my home." She declared.

"I have to watch him." She said sadly and turns away from the only family that she has ever known.

"It's not your home." Robin stated and took a few steps forward.

"Home is the place where...when you have to go there, they have to take you in." he proclaimed.

Red raises an amused eyebrow, "Was that Robert Frost?" she questioned.

Starfire smiled brightly and chuckled, "it was. You are full of surprises, Damian."

Robin just smiled and said, "You're coming with us."

Raven looks down at the shard thinking over what she should do but then Red grabs her by shoulders from behind and looks over her shoulder and at the shard.

"You know, I might have an idea on how you can watch him 24/7?" she suggested.

Raven looked at the huntress in confusion, but she then gets her answer when she whispered her idea in the sorceress's ear.

And after hearing it the sorceress could not help but smile.

"That sounds like a great idea." She agreed.

She then looks back at her friends and sighed happily. "So, what are we waiting for, let's go home." She announced.

And with that the Titans now whole were finally leaving this hellish realm but as they were walking towards the portal Robin went over to Red and asked.

"What did you say to her?" he asked.

The Huntress just chuckles, "You'll see." She teased as they got through the portal.

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