The Restored Girl

By rebourntrees

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•BOOK THREE• Third book in the Hooded Girl Trilogy WARNING: Read "The Hooded Girl" & "The Destroyed Girl" bef... More

The Andersons
Chapter 1: WICKED
Chapter 2: The Balcony
Chapter 3: Minho's Situation
Chapter 4: The Conference
Chapter 5: Training
Chapter 6: A Toast
Chapter 7: Planning
Chapter 8: Junior Fight
Chapter 10: Group C and D
Chapter 11: The Scientist
Chapter 12: Ditto, Rhea
Chapter 13: Staff Fight
Chapter 14: At Night
Chapter 15: Boarding the Berg
Chapter 16: Pep-Talks
Chapter 17: Past The Borders
Chapter 18: Disguises
Chapter 19: Into WICKED
Chapter 20: The Bombers
CHAPTER 21: The Evacs
Chapter 22: The Threat
Chapter 23: One Minute Left
Chapter 24: The Island
Chapter 25: New Beginnings
Author's Note

Chapter 9: Surprise Obstacle

2.5K 83 8
By rebourntrees

The twins were a challenge. They were both experts at working with one another, having trained together their whole lives. And they didn't just have knives. They had boomerangs. Which I'm pretty sure they smuggled in.

I finally managed to elbow Trevor in the face, and Dylan seemed to have knocked Curtis unconscious.

I'm pretty sure the only reason that the fight didn't last longer was because the twins were exhausted from having to fight one another.

I don't hesitate to run. I don't want to pick a fight with Dylan. I'm tiring, too. But I know that I'm still faster than him.

Besides, there's still the problem of Amy. There's no way that she's at the exit yet, because Aunt Rebecca would have made an announcement. Then again, one of the other boys could have taken her out, but it's better not to assume.

I can see the exit, and a long stretch to it. I'm close, and I know it. All of a sudden, Amy runs out from another turning into the corridor leading to the exit.

She's in front of me, Dylan behind.

I push myself faster.

That's when Amy lets out a scream. That's not right.

She's frozen, and when I near her, I too, gape at the sight.

A Griever.

My two years of being in the Maze hits me, and I suck in a breath, instinct and fear both kicking in.

One of my most earliest memories-since my old ones were wiped-was when I first ran into the Maze.

I had met a Griever. I was the first one to see one. I remember the profound fear that I had felt, and I remember my first Changing. The first of many more to come.

That fear was the same fear that led me to make sure that no other girl ever had to go through the Changing if I could help it.

That fear also led me to make sure I knew how to beat them. To make sure that the next time I saw them, I wouldn't just be afraid. I'd also be able to do something about it.

Tightening my grip on my knives, I charge forward, as Amy stands paralysed in fear. I hear Dylan yell something, but do not listen to him.

I throw a knife at the large creature, and manage to get it at its side. It lets out a loud screech sound, and a claw comes swinging my way. I quickly jump back, not wanting to get stung.

What were the Seniors thinking?

"Dammit!" Dylan yells.

I toss my other knife, leaving me weaponless as my second knife embeds itself in one of the legs. The Griever slants to one side, and I use that to jump on it, kicking down at it. I land down on its gooey body, cringing a little.

Just the sight of it reminds me of the final battle against all the Grievers. How many of our group had died and sacrificed themselves.

"Dylan!" I yell, wishing that I had a sword or a longer weapon in general.

A knife is thrown at me and I catch it, I bring it down onto the disgusting creature and yank my hand down, letting the knife tear through it.

The Griever falls flat to the ground. I'm shaken, but I also want to win. So I slide off the Griever and run.

I glance behind and see Adam, Amy, Dylan and the twins racing after me.

But I had a head start, and they still needed to crawl over the hulking frame of the Griever.

I exit the maze, feeling the breath leave my lungs before I'm swept up in a hug by Minho, who's cheering loud and lifting me off my feet.

"Rhea Anderson, winner of the Junior Fight!" Uncle Argus exclaims.

Minho grins as I pull away from him. "Being a Runner pays off, doesn't it?"

Quill comes up next, high fiving me. "Nice job, dealing with the Griever."

My cousins exit the maze, first Dylan then Amy, followed by Trevor before Curtis. Adam comes out last, grinning.

Newt comes over to me, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Knew you would win."

I can see the Seniors exchanging money, but I'm more distracted by another thing.

"Was the Griever part of the plan?" I ask them.

Aunt Argus sighs, looking into the maze and at it. "Yes. Good job handling it, Rhea."

Thomas grins at me and gives me a fist bump, while Sonya and Harriet both congratulate me. Aris gives me a quick hug, and Minho almost lifts me onto his shoulders. I manage to stop him, though, threatening to beat him up in front of Amy.

"Go," I hiss at him.

"Go where?" Minho asks, eyes showing his confusion.

I give him a look. "Go congratulate Amy."

Minho's eyes widen. "Listen, Rhea-"

I don't wait for what he has to say. Together, Thomas and I shove Minho in Amy's direction, Newt laughing at him.

Minho seems flustered as Amy turns to him, surprised.

I shake my head, chuckling. I see Harriet and Aris standing beside one another, and Adam is even talking to Sonya, laughing about something as Sonya blushes.

It feels like maybe with some time, things could become normal. Or at least, a shadow of normal. But for now all I can do is hope that our plan works. Hope that WICKED will come crashing down.

All the WICKEDs.

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