Him and I 💖~Misfits fanfic~�...

By wdwedqww

1.3K 74 18

Highest ranks: 2019-2022 #1 #McZuckles #4 Switz #7 Zucktorious Mason is proudly gay, therefore everyone in sc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Epilogue Pt.1
Epilogue Pt.2

Chapter 2

91 5 0
By wdwedqww

Mason's POV

I wake up to a loud shuffle of my window, I lightly rub my eyes and sit up to see who it was. it was MATT! "Matt?" I question I think I'm seeing things he just shushed me and lean down to come back face to face with me, like in spider man except he wasn't upside down and on the side of my bed. He plants a soft kiss on to my cheek and as he got on to of me he trails kisses all over my neck, he grabs my hands and locks them over my head with one hand, I gasped. He grinds on to me as he began to kiss me I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, fuck, it feels like magic how he smoothly slips his tongue into my mouth, and how he grinds in the right spot making me moan his name, I don't ever want this to en-.


I woke up again to a loud noise coming from my Koby's room, but this time I had a little problem under the sheets "wut the fack" I say to myself in a strong Australia accent, why did Koby have to ruin a beautiful dream with whatever the hell he's doing? I got up looking at the tent in my sweatpants, I go to the bathroom before anyone could come into my room and took a cold shower, don't be perverted, nothing happened in there, I got out and got dressed then saw that I had 30 minutes until the bus came so I texted in the group chat we created:

Macy: Good morning cunts

Mom aka Tobi: Look who's talking?

Macy: Meanie T-T

Macy: What are ya doing?

Mom: I'm eating, Eric's probably asleep

Mom: And you usually are too, why are you up so early?

Macy: I was having a really good dream and woke up to my brother making a loud ass noise

Mom: Were you dreaming about your crush? ;)

Mom: I didn't forget. >:)

Macy: No...

Macy: Maybe U-U

Italian man: Please shut upppppp

Macy: No uwu

Italian man: Pretty, please

Mom: Good morning you're not going to back sleep

Italian man: I hate you guys

Mom: You know you love us

Italian man: Nope

Macy: Not even a little

Italian man: Maybe

Mom: Yay!

Macy: OMG I just got an idea

Italian man: what?

Macy: Tobi... my crush is Matt

Mom: O0O

Italian man: I was kind of expecting that

Macy: Shut up let me have my moment

Italian man: Fine, was that your idea tho?

Macy: No, I'm gonna make Matt gay

Mom: I just spit my coffee out

Italian man: You don't drink coffee -w-

Mom: Too bad

Mom: Maso how are you going to do that tho?

Macy: I don't know, yet, but I do know I'm going to force him to be my friend

Macy: And then secretly turn him gay

Italian man: Good luck with that


Italian man: How?

Macy: I need a plan, and you're smart

Italian man: Aw thanks

Macy: So you're going to help?

Italian man: No.


Italian man: Because you can't just force someone to be gay and I don't want to get caught up in the drama that going to happen

Macy: I promise I won't mention your name, not even that someone helped me

Italian man: Pinky promise?

Macy: Pinky promise

Italian man: Ok fine

Macy: Yay :D

Mom: We can meet up after school at my house

Macy: Great I'm gonna go eat now

Macy: See ya

Mom: Bye bye

Italian man: Bye

I shut off my phone and run downstairs in a happy mood "good morning!" I chime to my brother in the kitchen "hi?" He says confused "mom and dad left early for work" mom? I wonder why, I mean dad's never home so I'm not that bothered by it, I guess something came up "what was that noise this morning?" I ask him, he looked a deer cause in headlights "who's Matt?" He raised an eyebrow, shit I must have said his name in my sleep, "I heard nothing if you heard nothing" I say making a deal "deal" he agreed and flopped onto the couch I get myself a bowl of cereal and after eating it we head to the bus stop.

I get to my locker seeing Matt at his, alone, this is the perfect time to start this, there's no one in the halls, no distractions, and no Jay, I take a deep breath and close my locker and walk up to him "Hello!" I say trying to seem confident "oh hi," he says looking at me, god his eyes are so beautiful I could stare into them forever "you and me are friends now" I state with a smile "Woah, I don't even know you" he chuckles with a grin "I'm Mason Bradford, and you're Matt notorious. (I couldn't find his last name TwT)" he smiles, I just want to kiss him right here, and right now "wait, you're that openly gay kid Bordie told me about, well sorry but I'm not interested," he says putting some books in his locker, hearing that made my heart sink but I push it away knowing that he'll change his mind after this "aww that to bad" I pretend to cry "I don't like you, I just want to be friends, and you're gay for thinking I liked you, you're totally not my type" I sass at him crossing my arms around my books, he smiles "that's hard to believe, what is your type then?" "Actual gay guys" I state "fine, we can be friends" he playfully rolls his eyes "great! Give me your number" I pull out my phone nearly dropping one of my journals he puts his number in then hands it back to me "we can hang out this weekend with your friends, at my house," he says closing his locker and walks to his classroom, I blush and smile holding in a girly squeal, I check him out as he walks away aka only looking his ass, I turn around seeing Eric and Tobi stalking me from around the corner with their mouths hung open "I can see ya cunts" they both giggle "I thought I would have to prep you up to talk to him" Tobi says "what's that supposed to mean?" I cross my arms again "oh, nothing" she avoids eye contact, Eric laughs shaking his head "let's just go to class".

Last period finally came to an end, I sigh and waiting for Jay who was standing in front of me to hit me he moves closer causing me to flinch shutting my eyes tightly, "what do you think you're doing?" He asks me I open my eyes "w-what?" I stutter "just because you became friends with Matt doesn't mean we're friends, got it?" He pushes my shoulder lightly, I nod my head looking down at the ground, he was about to walk out the classroom "I know you like him, alright, I see the way you look at him" I look up with a blush, then realize "wait is that what this is about? Do you like him?" I ask he turns around furrowing his eyebrows, it scared me a bit "I'm not a fag like you, I don't want him near you" he states, I smile even though I know what I'm about to do might get killed "well, too bad I'm going to be hanging out with him tomorrow, can't wait to see you there" I winked at him, he hides his faces and walks out I smirk and walk out of the room after him and see Tobi, Eric eyes all widen and Jaren standing with them confused "you're a player" Eric says crossing his arms  "what? ew, I don't like Jay" I say faking gaging "then why did he come out blushing?" Tobi raises an eyebrow Jay blushed?! THE JAY, the one that had been bullying me since I came out blushed! I think I accidentally turned him gay, I guess I'm just that hot, "I don't know, maybe he's gay" I shrug then feel my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull out my phone:

Matt: Hey gay boi

"Oh my god! Matt just texted me" I tell him "what do I say?" I look at Eric "don't ask me" he says I groan.

Mason: Hey straight boi

Matt: You free Saturday?

I look at Eric and Tobi who were hanging onto my shoulders, whilst Jaren was confused "so?" I say waiting for them to answer "wait you want us to go?" Eric says "yes!" Tobi says grabbing my phone "hey!" I say reaching for my phone but she pulls it away before I could grab it "wait, what's happening?" Jaren finally asks "I like Matt, but he's straight and so" I pause and look around making sure no one was around and whisper "so I'm trying to make him gay or at least bi" "how are you going to do that?" he says "Eric probably has a plan" Eric looks at me, still thinking this is a bad idea "perfect!" Tobi slightly yells and hands me my phone I look at what sent it read:

Mason: yep!

Matt: Great, how does 9 sound?

Mason: Perfect, I'll bring some friends along,

Mason: we could have a sleepover if that's ok with you

Matt: sure

Matt: See you then

I smile and nod at Tobi, "oh, Jaren you wanna go?" I ask looking up at him "oh uh, sure" he rubs the back of his neck, "great, I'll meet you guys at my house" she whirls around and walks out the doors "why is she so happy?" Jaren asked raising an eyebrow "Cameron" Eric and I say at the same time. I can't wait until Saturday.


Word count: 1660

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