Falling for you

By WWEFan_2020

22.6K 372 55

Book reached #1 in Liv Morgan on 3-9-22 Part 2 of Fabulous Life More

A new beginning
New place, new friends
The secret is out
Let's start a Riott
Mixed Match Challenge
A date with a goddess
A new addition
Fight with a beast
The Squad always looks out for each other
The calm after the storm
Facing the past
One step closer to revenge
Clash of Champions
Superstar Shake-Up
The final riott
The land of opportunity
The reunion
Make up
The Summer of Love
Is this love?
Trouble in Paradise
The Decision
I'm sorry, I love you
Summer Slam
More Than a Game
In Loving Memory
This One's for You
Life Changes
Mental Breakdown
A Swift Kick in The Ass
The Night That Changed My Life
Change of Heart
Thanksgiving Part 1
Next Chapter
The Week Before Christmas
The Final Raw of The Decade
Good-Bye 2019

Thanksgiving Part 2

340 6 0
By WWEFan_2020

I was woken up by the doorbell and as I get out of bed I give Liv a kiss on the forehead. I opened up to see Brittany, Steven, Ashley, and baby Erica.

Brittany: Sorry, we didn't know you were sleeping in.

Oliver: It's only 8 am y'all are here so early?

Ashley: Uncle Ollie it's 2 pm.

I looked over at the clock and saw that Ashley wasn't lying.

Oliver: Fuck, I can't believe we slept in.

Brittany: Gionna's here?

Oliver:  Yeah, she moved in about a month ago

Ashley: So things are getting serious?

Brittany: Ashley leave your uncle alone.

Liv: What's going on? Oh my god hey guys.

Oliver: So we slept in it's 2 pm.

Liv: Damn, we must have been tired.

Steven: Britt and I will help y'all once we get settled in.

Oliver: You don't need to, just relax.

Liv, Brittany, and Ashley were in the guest room setting up Erica's crib for the weekend.

Liv: So I have something I want to tell you guys.

Brittany: What's up?

Liv: So when we were baby sitting Erica a few weeks ago Oliver told me that he wanted us to have a baby of our own one day.

Ashley: Oh my god that would be amazing.

Brittany: I'm so happy for you guys.

Liv: I am too. I never wanted a kid until Oliver and I started dating. 

Ashley: The two of you are couples goals.

A little bit later on Erica is down for her nap and we're all in the kitchen getting stuff set up when we hear a howl come from the living room.

Brittany: I didn't know you had a dog. I met Piggles earlier but didn't see the dog.

Oliver: We don't have a dog, that was Sarah she lives in the woods I think she may be part wolf but haven't proved that yet so don't quote me on that. Don't mind her though she's something special.

Liv: Sounds like the backup has arrived.

Ruby and Sarah walk into the kitchen and they both are smiling.

Oliver: What the hell are you two smiling about?

Sarah shows me her finger and it has a ring on it.

Liv: Shut up.

Sarah: Ray proposed to me the other day.

Oliver: Why haven't I met him yet

Sarah: I guess our schedules never matched up.

Oliver: I should have told you to bring him with you.

Sarah: He's outside right now getting our stuff. Liv said you wouldn't mind.

Oliver: Well I can't wait to meet the lucky man.

A few moments later Ray walks into the house.

Oliver: This mother fucker.

Ray: Good to see you to buddy.

Ray and I walk up to each other and share a hug.

Oliver: Congrats bro, Sarah is a good girl I'm glad that you're going to marry her.

Sarah: I didn't know that you two knew each other.

Ray: We met in Japan and then worked together in ROH for a little bit.

Oliver: Damn it really has been that long. You coming to WWE anytime soon?

Ray: Hopefully, but we'll see what happens.

Everyone is getting caught up when Zack comes over.

Zack: Broski where you at? I finally got that super rare Warrior figure

Oliver: Guys this is one of my best friends Zack.

Zack: Chelsea is pissed at me so I had to get away before she killed me.

Oliver: Why is she mad at you?

Before Zack could answer I hear Chelsea.

Chelsea: Zack you spent 11 thousand dollars on an action figure.

Oliver: Bro you are a very sick man. You need help.

The doorbell rings and Zack volunteers to get it so he can get away from Chelsea.

Zack: Good news guys Curt and his family are here so the whole gang is here.

Oliver: Not yet, Daria and Arianna aren't here yet.

Curt: Hey guys how's it going.

Jackson: We're fine but Broski is trying to avoid death.

Curt: What did you do now Broski?

Chelsea: He spent 11 thousand dollars on an action figure.

Curt: Bro you really have a problem.

Oliver: Okay so guys you're all with me and girls you're with Liv.

We got the house set up for tomorrow and the food prepped and ready to be cooked. After we got everything cleaned up we all went outside and I started a fire and talked. Liv was playing with Curt's daughter and then Erica started to cry.

Brittany: That girl never wants to sleep, I'll be right back guys.

Oliver: Sit down Britt, I got her.

Brittany: You sure?

Oliver: Yeah, take some time to relax.

I walked inside the house to get Erica to see what's wrong with her. Once I got to the room she stopped crying turned out she just didn't want to be alone anymore. I brought her into the living room where Liv was with Curt's daughter playing with barbies. I sat with them for a little bit and then Liv and I went to put Erica back to in her crib and then we headed back over to where everybody was at. Everyone was getting ready to head out because it was starting to get late and we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

Zack: Alright broski we're about to head home.

Oliver: Alright it was good catching up with everyone.

Once Zack, Chelsea, Curt, and his family left we had to figure out the room situation with everyone else.

Oliver: Alright Brittany and Steven you got the guest room with Erica. Ashley you got the couch, Ruby, Sarah, and Ray you guys can sleep in the wrestling room.

Ruby: Sarah and Ray can have the room, I'll sleep on the other couch.

Oliver: You sure Rue?

Ruby: Yeah, I'll keep Ashley company out here.

Oliver: Alright, goodnight everyone.

The next morning I thought I was the first one up but I saw someone made coffee. I look outside and see Ruby outside and she looks a little upset so I go see what's going on.

Oliver: Rue Rue, what's up?

Ruby: Hey Oliver.

Oliver: What's wrong Ruby?

Ruby: Just feeling a little down.

Oliver: Why? Talk to me what's going on?

Ruby: It's just seeing everyone here with their wife or husband and I'm here all alone it's just making me sad.

Oliver: Ruby don't be. You're not alone you have us.

Ruby: It's not that Oliver. I'm just tired of being single.

Oliver: You haven't met the right person yet. I thought I'd never love again after Leah and then I met Gionna.

Ruby: I'm tired of waiting.

Oliver: Stop looking that's what I did and now I'm as happy as I ever been.

Ruby: I guess you're right. I mean I want to have a kid one day. Ever since me and my ex broke up I just haven't found the right guy.

Oliver: Trust me waiting pays off. Want to help me make breakfast?

Ruby: Sure.

Oliver: Give me a hug asshole.

Ruby: I'm not an asshole you're the asshole.

Ruby and I both start laughing as we hug.

Oliver: Ruby I'm thankful that you, Liv, and Sarah came into my life when y'all did because you guys changed my life.

Ruby: I'm thankful that you came into our life. You really are a sweet heart and you take good care of Gionna.

Oliver: We're a squad Ruby. We have to take care of each other. I do have a weird question for you.

Ruby: Oh lord what is it?

Oliver: I got your new action figure the other night. Can you autograph it for me please?

Ruby: You're such a giant child. I'll sign it for you.

Oliver: Can you make it out to the most awesome guy in the world Oliver.

Ruby: Why are you like this?

When we walk in the kitchen we made a light breakfast for everyone.

*A few hours later*

Everybody is finally at the house. All the girls are in the kitchen cooking while the guys are watching football. We are all getting into the game but Zack is lost because he knows nothing about sports. It's time for dinner and the girls out did themselves. Right before we sit down to eat Sonya and Arianna finally get to the house.

Oliver: Well look who decided to show up after all the work is done. Just like every year.

Sonya: Shut up Oliver, guys this looks great everyone did good.

Oliver: Thanks, good luck cleaning all of this up. New family tradition the last person here has to clean up after dinner.

Sonya: You're kidding right?

Oliver: Nope I'm being serious.

Liv: Yes, he's kidding. Oliver leave your sister alone.

Oliver: Before we eat can I say something?

Ruby: Great here we go again one of Oliver's long speeches. Can you finish before Christmas?

Oliver: Are you done Ruby?

Ruby: I'm done now. Go ahead.

Oliver: Well I want to thank everyone for being here today. This is what the holidays are about spending time with family. I just wanted to let each and every one of you know that I love you and appreciate everything you do. Now let's eat.

Liv: Oliver tell everybody how we got the turkeys.

Oliver: We need to keep that between us.

Brittany: We need to hear this because if I know you like I think I do you had to do something crazy.

Sarah: Yeah tell us.

Liv: This story will have you dying.

I told everyone about the guy from Walmart and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. Everybody was laughing at me and cracking jokes about it.

Oliver: Go ahead and laugh but you guys aren't going to starve now because of me.

After dinner we all chipped in and cleaned up then we watched a movie. Once the movie was over we all went out for Black Friday all the guys went together and the girls went together. We went shopping and got a bunch of stuff when we got done everybody went back home. Liv and I were out back in the yard laying in the hammock talking.

Oliver: Well our first of many Thanksgivings together is in the books.

Liv: I can't wait until we get to spend our first Christmas together.

Oliver: Me either. I have some good news for you.

Liv: What's that?

Oliver: I'm going back to work starting Monday.

Liv: Seriously? You're going back on the road?

Oliver: Not quite. I talked to Triple H about working at the PC and with NXT until I'm ready to go back on the road. So I'll be coaching and learning how to produce. I am actually going to be on the road with you guys in two weeks for Takeover, Survivor Series and Raw.

Liv: Oh my god that's so exciting.

Oliver: I'm really excited I can't wait.

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