The Final Raw of The Decade

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We're in Vegas and tonight is the last Raw of the decade. I'm still working backstage with Triple H, I'm not quite ready for my return yet. Before Raw starts I'm hanging backstage with Liv, Ruby, Sarah, and Daria. Daria is here tonight because her and Mandy are defending the Women's Tag Team Championship against the Iiconics.

Oliver: Do any of you have plans after the show?

Ruby: No why?

Oliver: Well I talked to Triple H and he moved the card around to have Daria and Mandy open the show.

Sonya: Why?

Oliver: Because after your match all of us are leaving the show.

Liv: What are you up to?

Oliver: Remember a while back how I told you I had an offer to do a concert?

Liv: You decided to take it?

Oliver: Yup sure did.

Ruby: What band is it?

Oliver: Give me like 2 minutes.

I made a call on Face Time and as soon as they answered the call I told them not to say a word.

Oliver: Ladies I'd like you to meet the man that I am going to perform alongside of tonight on stage. Fun fact he's the only man to ever beat The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night. I present to you Chris Jericho.

Chris: Hey girls. You ready to rock tonight.

Sarah: You're playing with Fozzy tonight?

Oliver: Yup.

Chris: I have a spot right in the front saved for you ladies. See you at the show.

Raw starts off and Sonya and Mandy made quick work of the Iiconics. After the match The Riott Squad came running down to the ring and attacked Sonya and Mandy. Liv and Sarah took the Tag titles and held them for a moment then threw them at the girls. Once they got ton the back everyone changed and we headed to the venue that the concert was being held at. Right as we got there the 2nd opening band was in the middle of their set. Now it was show time. Fozzy comes out and starts playing Judas the crowd is super into it and it's way different than a wrestling crowd. After they opened with Judas, Chris introduced me to the crowd.

Chris: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage my special guest for tonight, WWE superstar Oliver Pierce.

I walk on the stage and see the girls in the front and Liv is going crazy. I can hear them screaming my name over everything. We start playing Painless and we are killing it. I walk to the end of the stage and start giving the fans high fives. I go to the girls and they are reaching for me like the fans are I just smile then I get down by them and let them sing the song with me. Before I go back to the stage I give Liv a kiss. The whole show was a blast.

Chris: Vegas are we having a fucking great time or what?

The crowd is going wild.

Chris: Oliver I'd like to thank you for coming out tonight and taking time from your busy schedule to come play with us.

Oliver: Vegas make some fucking noise. Chris I'd like to thank you for having me here tonight. Now Chris was nice enough to let me perform one of his songs solo tonight, this is a song that I can relate to a lot and it hit home for me.

I sang Died with you. The next song after that was Burn me Out now I didn't know that at the shows Chris has some fans go on stage during the song. I'm on stage rocking out with the band and all of the sudden some fan jumps on my back and kisses me on the cheek. I start to freak out then I look and it's Liv. The Riott Squad, Sonya and Mandy are rocking on stage with me and Chris Jericho. It's time for Rich Ward to do his guitar solo and everyone leaves. The girls stay on stage with the band and I decided I wanted to go crowd surfing so I jumped into the crowd, it was pretty fun.

Chris: Give it up for Oliver Pierce. We also have the Riott Squad, Mandy Rose, and Sonya Deville in the building give it up for them.

The show ends with Fozzy doing a tribute to AC/DC they end the show with TNT. I got to sing the song with Chris and he even let the girls sing it too. It was one hell of an experience and I'm glad I got to share it with the girls. We have the after party at a club not to far from the venue we had the concert at. It was awesome I got to party with Chris Jericho. At the party Liv decided she was going to put a show on for me. She sat me down in a chair and when Pour some sugar on me came on she started giving me a lap dance to the song. Tonight, was probably one of the most wild nights I've had in a long time. It was a night I will never forget. Once we got to the hotel Liv and I were sitting on the roof talking.

Oliver: This has been a roller coaster of a year for me. As terrible as it's been things can only go up from here.

Liv: I'm proud of you babe, you've changed your life around so much. You're in a way better place than you were a couple of months ago.

Oliver: It's crazy what cutting out alcohol and being in a healthy relationship could do for someone.

Liv: For what it's worth this has been one of the best years of my life, and that's because you came into my life.

Oliver: If it wasn't for you, I might not have made it through all of this. You've been my rock through all of this. I can't tell you enough how much I love you.

Liv and I stayed outside for a while and then we went to bed. 

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