The Decision

537 11 5

3 days later

I've had a lot of time to make my decision and it was the hardest one I've ever had to make in my entire life but at the end of the day it had to be done. I spent the first half of my day trying to hype myself up for this talk I'm about to have. I know at the end of the day someone is going to end up getting hurt and I really don't want to be the bad guy. Around 5 Lexi came over to my house so we could talk.

Oliver: Hey babe.

Alexa: Well you seem to be in a better mood than you were last time I saw you.

Oliver: I'm in a good mood for now. Let's just get this over with.

Alexa: Can I come in or are you going to just make me stand outside.

Oliver: Come on in.

Lexi and I walked into my house and sat down on the couch to talk.

Oliver: I've made my decision.

Alexa: You don't have to Ollie it's okay. I'll just learn to deal with you and Gionna being as close as you are.

Oliver: No Lexi, I need to do this.

Alexa: Seriously Oliver it's fine. I was just really upset. I've thought about it and I'm not being fair to you.

Oliver: Well I've spent the entire day figuring out how I'm going to say this. I'm not going to back down now.

Alexa: What did you decide Oliver?

As I'm about to tell Lexi my decision the doorbell rang.

Oliver: I'll be right back, that might be my new contract. They told me to expect it today.

I walked over to the door and when I opened the door it was Liv. I was in complete shock that she was at my house. I have no idea why she's here right now but her timing couldn't have been any worse.

Oliver: Lexi is here, don't be loud

Liv: Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't know.

Oliver: It's fine, we're kind of in the middle of something right now. What the hell are you doing here anyway?

Liv: I was at Zack's house. Chelsea wanted me to help her with idea for new gear. I guess I'll call you later then.

Oliver: That might be a good idea. I don't think it'll be good if Lexi sees you right now.

As we're talking Lexi comes walking into the hallway.

Alexa: What the hell is she doing here?

Oliver: Babe it's fine calm down.

Alexa: It's not fine Oliver.

Liv: What is your problem with me?

Alexa: My problem is that you're trying to steal Oliver from me. I thought we were friends Gionna. How could you do this to me?

Liv: I'm not trying to steal him from you. We're not doing anything wrong, why won't you believe us?

Alexa: Because it's like the two of you are always sneaking around to see each other.

I couldn't take hearing this anymore, I went into my room and grabbed my bag for the road and I was about to head out the door but the girls are still arguing.

Alexa: You need to back off of Oliver.

Liv: You need to stop acting like this.

Alexa: Well if I didn't have to worry about what was going on between the two of you I wouldn't be acting like this.

Liv: There is nothing going on between us for the hundredth time. We're friends that's it.

I couldn't take it anymore, I threw my bag onto the floor in anger. Then I yelled at the girls.


Both Gionna and Lexi stop talking and look at me wide eyed in shock of what just happened.

Oliver: I'm sick and tired of the two of you fighting over me. It's getting out of control. You two are acting like children.

Liv: I'm sorry Oliver

Alexa: Me too.

Oliver: I can't fucking take this anymore. You guys are driving me insane with all this fighting. It's making my life miserable, so you know what I'm going to settle things once and for all. Lexi you're my girlfriend and you've always been my girlfriend. Gionna, you're my best friend. You've always been there for me and I'll never forget that. This has to end I need some kind of peace in my life and as much as I hate to do this I have to. I'm glad that both of you are here right now, I've made my decision....

Oliver: We can't be friends anymore Gionna, it's just becoming too much for me dealing with this every day. I am so sorry Gionna, I hope you can forgive me.

I picked my bag up off the floor and put it over my shoulder. I looked Alexa right in the eyes

Oliver: Are you happy now? You finally have me all to yourself.

I could tell Liv is about to cry and I know the moment I see her start to cry I'm going to cry too. I walked right past the girls and walked out the door I slammed it so hard that I heard something fall over in my wrestling room. I got into my truck and drove to New Orleans early for Smack down. Once I left the house the girls were still talking.

Alexa: Gionna, I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen.

Liv: I hope you're happy Lexi.

Alexa: I really am sorry Gionna. Please forgive me.

Liv: I just lost my best friend because of you.

Alexa: Let me talk to him once he calms down. I can fix this.

Liv: Do you love him?

Alexa: Excuse me?

Liv: Do you love Oliver? It's a simple yes or no question.

Alexa: Why would you ask me that?

Liv: Because I love him.

**Did Oliver make the right choice? Let me know your thoughts**

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