Toshiro, Byakuya, and Kenpach...

Od AphiosAllehan

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What if the 12 captains of the Gotei 13 are group in to a group of 3. What will happen? Will they get along? Více

The Groups
Arguement and Agreement
Drinking Time
All Of The Groups First Missions
Shunsui, Jushiro and Unohana's First Mission Part 1
Komamura, Soi Fong, And Mayuri's First Mission Part 1
Rojuro, Kensei, And Shinji's First Mission
Byakuya, Toshiro And Kenpachi's First Mission Part 1
Shunsui, Jushiro and Unohana's First Mission Part 2
Komamura, Soi Fong, And Mayuri's First Mission Part 2
Rojuro, Kensei, And Shinji's First Mission Part 2
Byakuya, Toshiro, And Kenpachi's First Mission Part 2
Shunsui, Jushiro, & Unohana's First Mission Part 3
Chap. 14 / Komamura, Soi Fong, and Mayuri's First Mission Part 3
Chapter 15 / Rojuro, Kensei and Shinji's First Mission Part 3
Chapter 16 / Byakuya, Toshiro and Kenpachi's First Mission Part 3
Chapter 17 / SJU Mission Part 4 //// ↓↓↓↓ KSM Mission Part 4
18 RKS First Mission Part 4 /// BTK First Mission Part 4 ↓↓↓↓↓
Chap 19 / SJU First Mission Part 5 /////////// KMS First Mission Part 5 ↓↓↓↓↓↓
Chap 20 / RKS First Mission Part 5 //////// BTK First Mission Part 5 ↓↓↓↓↓
Chap 21 / SJU First Mission Part 6 //////// KMS First Mission Part 6 ↓↓↓↓↓↓
Chap 22 / RKS First Mission Part 6 /////// BTK First Mission Part 6 ↓↓↓↓↓↓
Special Chapter

Chap 23 / The First Mission Part 7

307 13 3
Od AphiosAllehan

I decided that i should not stick with my previous way. I'll try to write all 4 teams here, and beware that it'll switch from time to time. And i'll also try to make it longer. Because when i was writing my other story, "Beerus's Revenge" i usually reach at least 3000 words for one chapter and i ask myself, "Why can't i do this to the other stories also?"

SJU - Shunsui, Jushiro & Unohana

"So? What do you want to show me,.." Footsteps of the King was heard throughout the path he walked together with "Merry?"

The said gunner didn't reply and just continue leading the King to where he's planning to. Truth be told, the King was suspicious without any aides around and here is his strongest General leading him to very well may be his last breath. Not soonly after, the red haired gunner halted by a door and which he opens for the higher ranking person to enter first. "This is where i'll show you." Merry said.

Though having doubts and considering to run, the King entered the room and then followed by Merry who which closed the door after entering. The room is one of the dozens of rooms not being used regularly, but still in very good condition and servants and knights-alike come here pretty often for some time off. It was pretty dark, with only a few candles lit to brighten the room however you could still see a few couches and chairs there.

"I'm not what you think i may be." Merry started and leads the King in one of the couches, offering the seats. "But first, please sit down." The King analyzed the gunner, trying to figure out what he is planning to do. The 8th General, Nicolas Merry is currently the strongest in the King's cards and the King fears that he may well be a part of the rebels and is leading him away from the masses and plotting to murder him. Just what,...Does this man wants to discuss about?

The King then sat down in one of the couches and find it quite comfy, meanwhile Merry sat across a couch that is of the opposite one of the King so that they may face each other while talking. "I'll get straight to the point." Merry announced, and now the King looked straight at the gunner infront of him. "Please tell me the Prophecy"

The King was shocked, why would Merry ask that? Yes it may due to curiosity, however if it is so, then what was the reason Merry dragged the King in a secluded place like this? "Why?" The King only asked that, Merry knows and understand what follow up questions the King would ask and they all start with 'Why?'

"To clear things up, i'm absolutely not an enemy. But, i can't exactly say that i will be able to do my job as your ally." Merry said. "I wish to know what the Death Gods are going to do in this world, even if you don't tell me what that mark is, i only just wish to know what this 'Prophecy' is. So that i'll know i won't hesitate on killing them if needed, Your Majesty. Please understand, I want to change this world. For my comrades and children who died in battle."

At the mention of Merry's children, the King remembered the possible candidates of being promoted into General back then. ETD Mortar who is currently the 5th General, and Arthus Agaris the 4th General are both close friends with Nicolas Merry's son and daughter, Collubus and Lilicaln.
Collubus was the son with a very fierce and brave personality. He will not hesitate to jump in to any fight where justice is needed and many viewed him into something akin to a hero.
Lilicaln, the daughter was a kind and very beautiful maiden, with very lovely abilities, and such her powers can even compete with the others. There was even a rumor that the two tried to court Lilicaln.

The both of them died in battle a week before their official raising to the ranks, it was very unfortunate especially about the matter of the 5th person in their group of friends, Ellias. Ellias is the most silent of the 5 of them, along with his silent personality is a very well matched assassin-like abilities and it was said that he betrayed the Kingdom and killed the entirety of the squadron led by the 3 of them with only him as the sole survivor. However, every wonder in their mind 'Why?', they were about to be Generals and yet why? Was he really the one who killed them? Or is he a victim as well? Nobody knows. And now, Ellias is in the rebel army fighting against them and especially the remainings of his friends. ETD amd Arthus also wondered, if he really was their friend or if he only pretend and seem like he is so.

"This is not to make you pity me, but as the person i swore my loyalty and life to, i must give you all my cause and heart. For if i ever perish in this war, at least somebody knows in their heart and soul why am i doing this." Merry said, which made the King blink. He wouldn't 'pity' his men on things like this, actually he would be willing to share their pain, for he also lost a person who he is trying to protect in the thousands of citizens.

"I do not pity you. A parent losing their child is similar to losing the whole world. To see your child pick up a weapon and fight, really pains my heart. I only hope to see the world in peace where we will be able to live happily without worries. I want to give the people hope. I tried for so many times, as well as the predecessors, and i'm glad that our prayers have finally arrive." The King said in mixed feelings. He doesn't want to see his people, as well of others to be suffering. However, even if one would want so, if others do not wish to, a war is formed between.

"Very well. I shall tell you the tale of this prophecy." The King agreed at last. "In the lands of heat and fire, an immortal creature who seeks death crossed paths with a dying creature who wishes pain to the people. The two fought and having their blood on each other, their abilities mixed.
The immortality of pain and the pained death.
The both of them died with no pain, however because they receive no pain an never ending war filled with pain occurred that will last for hundreds or thousand of years.
Blood shall spill, tears are shed, life will end.
Even though pain and suffering is such an never ending cycle, DEATH will come and stop it all. Three people will come together with the three headed dog, a man of this world will cross path with a woman of another world, a traitor will be revealed but be stopped with friendship, somebody hidden will finally reveal itself, and all of them shall cease this war."

Merry listened carefully and analyzed what was just told to him. To be honest, he has a solid idea of who might those people mentioned are.

"I hope YOU can cease this war together with them, Nicolas Merry." The King said with a smile, Merry who was staring down while thinking looked up to the person he swore loyalty to and understand what he meant. "Yes, Your Majesty." Merry stood up from his seat then kneeled down on one knee with a fist on the ground, his heading lying low.

"Just make sure you won't kill them, alright."

Nicolas Merry looked up to see a closed eyed smile on the King's face, the 8th General has tears on his eyes about to go down. "I'll make sure to keep them all safe."


After the exchange between the King and him, he felt rather easy and relaxed like he was before his children died. His wish to have people he can lean and support on, to stop this war is confirmed. He can release some of his built-up stress, however he should still be cautious, after all everything was in HIS and the others shoulders.

A man of this world will cross path with a woman of another world.
That doesn't imply something like of from a romance novel. What it means is that, a man and a woman with their own goals, with those very goals shall cross towards each other. And that woman is,
Merry opened the door to the room in which he asked for her to wait, and see her sitting down on one of the sofas calmly while drinking something. "Retsu Unohana."

At the call of her name, she looked up from her cup and saw the gunner who eventually,.... shot her earlier. "My, Nicolas Merry-san. How are you? Did your chat with the King go well?" she said calmly, with a tone of familiarity as if they know each other for a very long time

"Enough with the chit chat." Merry said with a serious expression. He waited very long for this chance to come, he must do everything he can and give up everything even his life for the peace in his motherland.
"My, what a straightforward person." Retsu chuckled. "Even if you are so excited that 'The Prophecy' is here, you can't end the war today, nor tomorrow or the next. We must set up tactics and plans for this."

"Even though pain and suffering is such an never ending cycle, DEATH will come and stop it all. Three people will come together with the three headed dog, a man of this world will cross path with a woman of another world, a traitor will be revealed but be stopped with friendship, somebody hidden will finally reveal itself, and all of them shall cease this war." Merry chanted (?) the prophecy. AT which, Unohana listened and analyze it carefully.

Retsu set down the cup she's holding on the table infront of her. "By what was told in the 'Prophecy', it seems that it is not only the both of us and my other two companions. So there is no need to rush things. I know that you want to end this long time war as soon as possible, however if you yourself don't know what to do then you shouldn't be a hero who leads this war to peace."

Merry didn't reply immediately, she was right, this should be won with the unity of everyone. But setting those aside, he has another tiny concern. "I understand that, however setting those aside." He gaze at Retsu who was drinking from the cup again. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh this?" Retsu inquired, and set the cup down to her lap. "I got nothing to do while waiting here earlier, and luckily there was a set prepared at the top of the cabinet and i just made one myself. Doesn't the people here know how to treat their guests?"

"Don't just steal those without permission!" Merry scolded (kinda) Unohana. "And what guests?! Setting aside that you three came out of nowhere, we are always busy with the war especially that I am one of the Generals!"

"That reminds me" Retsu said and gaze from her cup and towards Merry.  "How many Generals there are? And are you sure they are all trustworthy? Anything to note about them? For safety reasons, of course."

Realizing that this discussion won't end any soon, Merry sat down on one of the sofas opposite of Unohana. His legs of the position 4, and rested his elbow on the right knee, while on that very same arm rested his right chin. Him staring at her. "Eight. There are 8 Generals. The higher number you are ranked, the stronger you are, or at least, that is what you've shown."

Unohana noted the last part, so this man really does think that somebody is a traitor or something, huh?
"I am the 8th General, therefore the strongest. However, the rankings are of 8 Generals, there are only currently 5. Those who have the potential all have died in battle or are actually part of the rebels. In the 5 of us, i am the oldest. I am what is left of my batch of Generals, however 4 of them died at their first battle.
With the Generals cut in half after that, The King called for possible replacements and the next batch all died not too long after with 2 of the 4 left of us in our batch. Another batch of replacements were chosen and only Two of them are left, those two are two of the 5 current Generals, and the other person in my batch also died.
The next batch was chosen, and only the 2 of them are alive and are also what the last two current Generals are."

"There are lots of death i see." Is what Retsu commented.

"Yes. With everybody having their hopes on the Generals, targeting them first would be a good course of action in the rebels perspective." Merry replied, a hand on his chin seeming to think of what courses of action the rebels could plan and make.

"Are any of those two pairs close to each other?" Unohana asked

"Why do you ask?" Merry asked. What is the point on asking tha.?.t.... "Ah! A traitor will be revealed but be stopped with friendship."

"Yes, if the Prophecy is in the side of the Kingdom, that traitor must be inside of the forces and probably more, A General." Unohana replied

"Well with your question if any of those two pairs are close, the answer is yes and both of those. The batches of candidates are chosen as a strong group of friends and if they are close and familiar to each other, teamwork would be easy. However of course, from time to time the King would choose someone who isn't among a group of friends as long as they could be worthy of being a General." Merry said. "Though, i can say that their friendship are coming apart, it could be because of less time for them to hang out but they aren't as close as before."

"Fufufu" Retsu chuckled, at which Merry raises an eyebrow.
"What's so funny?"

"It's just strange to talk about two best friends, when the other two that i came here with are also best friends." Retsu replied with a smile (not the scary one)

"Hmm" Merry hummed. "I think i've said enough, how about you talk about your side?"

"Well of course."


"Yare yare, so you are still a child, huh?" Jushiro said with closed eyes.
(A/N Wjibati isn't a child like Toshiro is, Jushiro means here is right down below ↓)

"Who are you calling a child?!" Wjibati roared at the white haired man. Then pointed a finger at him. "Just because you pity me, you can't call me a child! Explain why am i a child then!"

"Woah! That's a first." Jushiro said in shocked to his self, he hasn't heard somebody say that last part to him when he 'insulted' them. He then calmly smiled at turned to the dark skinned man, setting aside that the shinigami is almost 1000 years old (A/N i don't remember his age or even if it's mentioned) appearance-wise, the dark skinned man still look younger.
"You never had a proper childhood  and is forced to mature quickly so that you can also fight, all because of this war. That alone, makes you a child, no, there is a child inside of you that wants to come out and play happily however, because of the eternal conflict you can't do that even if you wanted to. Believe me or not, i know somebody who is like that too, he's still a child and yet, he is acting like an adult even more so than us adults."

Wjibati didn't answer, he doesn't know if what this white haired man's words are lies or not. He may be a mind manipulator or whatever it is called, trying to control his mind and .... and.... you know!

Meanwhile at the back, back with the thousands of soldiers and elders. "We can't wait for Wjibati to settle this, heck, we can't even tell if he can even do it." Bison, the leader of this attack force said. He then turned to a band of elders and it's obvious what he wants to say/ask. "Elder"
One of the elders nodded. "Yes. We agree. Have Wjibati be a distraction, after all there is only one enemy and we can ditch him here if he will turn sides with us."
Bison nodded, and turned up ahead. "Let's go!" He then put force in his hands towards the reins of the horse and the horse he rode on started to march forward followed by the thousand others.

With the many number of movement and sound, Jushiro and Wjibati noticed it immediately. Actually, it is the best course of action at times like this. Wjibati realizes immediately what the leader and the elders would want him to do at a time like this, he'll be a distraction. The dark skinned man gaze back at his opponent and see him looking at the side, seeing this as an opening he lunges forward an attack ready in hand and he was about to release it to the man however....

"At least a thousand, huh?" The white haired man muttered, still off to look at the side. "Not that i'm underestimating them nor i'm boasting about my self but,..." His brown eyes turned serious somehow, at which WJibati was shocked. This man can look serious. And he wants to punch his self by thinking that this man is cool. "They're too weak."
A wall of water then rose up from the ground behind Jushiro, making everybody stop in their tracks before they hit the wall. The said wall stretches far wide that no matter how far they looked the wall of water could still be seen.
Then a sound was heard from the sky with a flash of light, everybody looked up and saw the dark sky with lightning and thunder.
Everybody was shocked with wide eyes and mouth agape.
(A/N I really don't know what Jushiro's power except for the absorb and return thing. But if we look at the release chant and actually fanart, water and lightning are his power. Well, that is my guess.)

Jushiro took a step forward both swords ready to attack anytime necessary. "I'm sorry. However, before you agree on trying to solve this war with words, i can't let you pass. But still, i won't kill you. So please tell me your-----" the white haired shinigami was cut off when everybody went down from their horses and bowed down their heads on the ground.

"Oh strong one! One from that of the Prophecy! We surrender!" One of the elders said still bowing down on the ground.

"Huh?" Jushiro was shocked dumbfounded.


"So,.." Shunsui began, the opponent he defeated in a flash was still on the ground, the shinigami then turned around to face the other thousand. "Who's next?"

Some of them got irritated and gritted their teeth, muttering the name of the one defeated. Without any orders from their leader some are about to charge in however their leader climb down from his horse and slowly walked down towards the brown haired man.

"Seamus-dono!" One of the elders called out. However the man named Seamus paid no mind and continue walking down towards the man, his eyes could not be seen because of the coolness (badassery). Then in a certain distance, he halted in his tracks.

The man didn't say anything, Shunsui wonders what he will do but then Seamus raised the left part of his long coat and there Shunsui was shocked as he saw a sheathe and a katana. Still having the left part of his long coat raised, the man slowly drawed his sword. When it is completely out of its sheathe, he let go of his grip on the long coat and stared at Shunsui which made the shinigami felt that as if the man's gaze is staring right inside of his soul though the shinigami wasn't fazed by it. The two stare at each other while  their respective weapons in their hand, ready to strike anytime.

The spectators were tense with the atmosphere the two are causing. Heart beats quickened, sweat came down from their forehead, gulping for air...

Shunsui saw Seamus's foot moved, and he saw that as the signal of their fight to begin and he flashstepped towards his opponent and Seamus run towards the shinigami. In a second Shunsui was face to face to his opponent and they clashed swords, Seamus was shocked at his opponent's speed at first but decided that he should focus on the fight. The two exchange blows and dodges, Shunsui was quite impressed at his opponent his skill in sword fight however of course, he isn't one of the strongest shinigami in Soul Society for nothing.

The two clashed one more time and afterwards jumped back a few meters and paused for a few seconds. Shunsui landed on two feet and when he stopped backing necause of the force he raised his gaze towards Seamus (in a very cool way).
Seamus turned around a few times and landed on the ground, the right hand on the front and the left foot a feet away. His body (around the chest part) is not in Shunsui's view, and his right hand raised and pointed towards Shunsui along with his sword. The two state at each other in a very badass and cool way.

"May i ask your name?" Shunsui asked to kinda lower the tension.
His opponent really did not care for what reasons did he ask him his name. "Seamus."
"Seamus? Just Seamus?" Shunsui asked
"I do not tell my last name to those unworthy of hearing it." Seamus replied
"I see. Well Seamus, my name is Shunsui Kyoraku. It's nice to meet you." Then he lunge towards Seamus
"Likewise" And he did the same

KMS - Komamura, Mayuri & Soi Fon

Pan, Komamura and Mayuri all walked down in a road,, Pan and Mayuri walked next to each other while Komamura walked behind the two. The road they're using is according to Pan is not used often due to some 'curse' surrounding it and so, they could freely use the road and no one could see them and whatever.

"Hmm... Good thing we used that portal, yes?" Komamura said, in which his two companions turned their attention to him (not necessarily looking at him). "I mean we could see the octagon even if we're far away and yet we couldn't reach it yet even after walking for a few hours." The two kind of sweatdropp about that, in truth, their legs kinda hurt now but because of their pride and their standing in society (former standing in Pan's case) they couldn't say it out loud.

"Can't you use it again though? It'll make things easier for us. I know we shouldn't rush but if all we did is this then i think we should do something, don't you agree Kurotsuchi?" Komamura said and turned to his fellow captain.
"You don't have any idea on how much i agree with you on that." Was Mayuri's reply with his eyes closed.

Pan was about to say something however he stopped in his tracks making Kurotsuchi and Komamura (A/N Is his last name Komamura? Or Sajin? I'm confused) stop also. "What's wrong?" The wolf man asked. Pan didn't answer much to the two's confusion. From Mayuri's position he could see that Pan is drawing something from his clothes, and as he stare heavily at it, the scientist confirmed a blade. The brown haired man didn't move, still the blue haired scientist know that Pan will make a move to attack.
From behind, Komamura could not clearly see what is happening infront (even with his height), however the wolf man could sense some serious aura (yes aura, not reiatsu) coming from the scientist, as said scientist watches the brown haired man from his position.

Then, in a fast second, Pan completely draw out the blade and turn around facing the tall shinigami captain's direction. Of course the two captains were on high alert and are ready to draw their swords however....

A clash of metal with a sound 'clang!' was heard. "Illiad" Pan said as he is face to face with a man who is around 18-30 years old (A/N in our world) with both black hair and eyes. AT his right side, there is a small mirror hanging from his belt. AT the sight of the belt, the two shinigami then realized that this person is one of the remaining Generals.

The 7th captain quickly drawed his sword to assist Pan in battle but suddenly from out of thin air, a wave of water wash them away from where Pan and Illiad are.
The brown haired man moved his eye to watch the two, seeing this Illiad jumped back and grabbed the mirror at his side raising it at Pan's direction then the mirror grew in size  and the mirror glowed and it turns out that Illiad make dragons made of different elements that went towards the enemy.
Pan raised his arm and all the greeneries around him moved. Vines rose from the ground and boxed the both of them inside. Pan Lancelot's power is to control the nature, and as such one of a rank of a General, he knows a minimum of 30 ways of using it in and out of battle.

"Hiding from the outside, huh?" Illiad said glaring at his brown haired opponent

"Kind of. But it is also to keep you away from Tallulah. Just playing safe." Pan said

Illiad's  mirror that he was holding glowed  and a spear came out of it, the young General placed his mirror aside and grip his weapon tightly.
Pan narrowed his eyes at his opponent's weapon, back then Illiad's opponents would first aim to steal the mirror from his hands but he has intense focus and a huge number of abilities and tactics that nobody was able to steal it from him except for people like Haribon or Ancestra of course. However, even if his opponents would be successful to steal the mirror from its owners hands, Illiad could use/wield/manipulate anything that would come out of his mirror with a great mastery.

"Shall we go?" Pan asked
"Anytime" was Illiad's reply

The two just stood still staring at each other, reading their next movements,, Pan then felt a presence behind him and smacked something that is behind him. But to his surprise, there isn't anything there. Taking chance of the ex-General's surprised state, Illiad placed a blade on his opponent's throat.
But before Illiad could get close to Pan's throat that it will bleed, the ex-General caught the black haired man's (Illiad) hand and throwed him over his shoulder. The young General tumbled in the air, but landed on both feet his back facing the ex-General.

"Can i ask you something?" Illiad asked, still his back facing Pan.
"What is it?"
"Say, why did you----"

AT where Mayuri & Komamura are
(A/N The last line above didn't get cut off, it is left as cliffhanger and the two converse whatever it is)

"Damn it!" Komamura cursed, the two shinigami were washed away pretty far  from the Pan vs Illiad battle . " That was a chance to witness what the  Generals can do and yet...." trying not to clench his fist in frustration
(A/N the water didn't wet them, so they're dry)

"There's no helping it." Kurotsuchi said, crossing his arms. "The enemy doesn't want us to see their fighting styles, also, Pan Lancelot is a former General. I don't have a single idea on which one is stronger, but if our guess is correct, that young man there is also a General. A General and a General fighting each other, well one of them is a former General, will be difficult fight. Having the both of us fighting with Lancelot would prove difficult to fight with especially that he is alone."

"HE's not alone." A voice said from their right and saw a purple haired man walking towards them, he looks around the same age as Illiad. "Oh. I apologize if i'm interrupting your talk."

The two immediately realize that despite his young appearance he is one of the Generals. And If the two remember correctly, there is a pair of 'best friends' among the five Generals. However, they don't really remember which one and what power.  "You are one of the generals, i pressume?" Kurotsuchi stated more than asked.

"Correct. My name is Tallulah. And you are Pan's companions, am i wrong?" 

"Well you're both right and wrong." Kurotsuchi answered, which made the purple haired General confused. "Though, we don't have any intentions on telling you why."

"Fair enough." A grin was plastered on his face. A wave of water suddenly surround the three of them, caging them in. "So he was the one responsible for earlier." The two thought as they dodge the pillars of water coming towards them. But when they jumped back or wherever another pillar comes to block their path and they just continue to dodge.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Tallulah laughed. "Is that all you can do? Ha! Well, we're Generals after all! OF course someone of your level can't even see the speed of these waters and guess what, this is me not even trying! God, this is as easy as breathing!" he kinda whined at the end.

The two got a bit irritated as they narrow their eyes to the purple haired General, well Pan Lancelot did tell them that two of the 5 Generals are cocky while the remaining 3 are calm ones. 

"Kurotsuchi" Komamura called. "I'm letting loose. Better stay away a bit." the scientist nodded, since he actually isn't the head-on fighter, when he fights he only uses his drugs with the assistance of his daughter but because she isn't here the blue haired scientist is... quite.. troubled? Anyways, he jumped away from the soon battlefield but still dodging the pillars of water, but then he got an idea!

"Bankai! Kokujo Tengen Myo-o!" Komamura yelled releasing his bankai, his reiatsu very strong affecting the wind pressure of the area even making the purple haired General shield his face with an arm. When the said General removed the arm covering his face, his eyes widened seeing a gigantic samurai looking thing.

(A/N this part here starting below got deleted to a certain part, i'll just write where. And i'm very emotional now that i have to rewrite this, and i don't remember what is exactly written but i'll try)
"W..what ?...." Tallulah has his eyes in shock at the sight of the humongous creature. "What the hell is that?..." With the shocked state of his opponent, The shinigami began to make his move but the next happenings caught him off guard.
"Woah!" Tallulah exclaimed with starry eyes. "That's cool! Awesome!" Komamura has never experienced something like this before, well he did but it is only when showing his bankai to his subordinates to inspire them to strive harder to achieve bankai.

The black haired General walked up to the wolf shinigami and grab his hands. "Mister, this thing is so cool! I've never seen anything like it! Please tell me about it." Komamura was shocked at this reaction, him blinking many times. Is this bankai look really cool?
However, deep inside Tallulah he isn't amazed by this creature that was summoned, sure he was shocked at first but he doesn't find it cool. He has taste for goodness sake! Anyways, with this point blank range he can attack him with---- Gah! What's that?! Something small but painful hurts on his nape, the black haired General turned his head to see a syring on his neck ,and another thing he saw next was and terrified by it : the mad scientists with a definitely terrifying wide grin just inches with his face. Tallulah couldn't move from his spot, shaking he has never seen such a terrifying face in his life. But still, he was able to jump back away from the two shinigami, with one hand he grabbed the spot where the syringe was planted moments ago.

"You can control the water can't you? Won't you try to remove the poison inside,? That is if, you can." Kurotsuchi just kept up his creepy grin, much to the black haired General's terrification

The two shinigami watched what Tallulah would do, the black haired General raised an arm indicating he would make a move, guessing that it may be an attack to distract them while Tallulah heal his self Komamura ready his self to attack. Tallulah moved his hand for the water to attack the two However to their surprise the taller shinigamis zanpakutou suddenly flew out of his hands and the black haired General infront of them got chopped on the neck and has his eyes wide and is about to fall to the ground but was caught by somebody's arm and was on this person's shoulder, all in a second, if the two weren't captain-class they wouldn't be able to see the events that occurred just now but because they are they saw how frightening fast this person is. Of course the two was shocked at this man's speed with the question HOW on their minds. Once the person paused a bit Kurotsuchi spoke.

"Who are you?" As if not noticing them until the mad scientist spoke, the man turned to face the two but still with a calm expression. He is an old man which surprised the two, an old man just did that swiftly and clean all in a second, they really shouldn't underestimate old people.

"I'm just here to pick up these youngsters, nothing more nothing less. Well then, if you have no further concerns." As fast as he appeared was also how fast he disappeared, leaving the two with so many questions.

"Tch. That old man may be our biggest trouble." Kurotsuchi said, with Komamura agreeing with a nod.

Back to Pan vs. Illiad
(A/N The deleted part is a little bit close from here, but i won't put it there because i don't want to break the tension)

Illiad jumped back and raised his mirror infront of him towards Pan's direction but Pan's attack was faster and it hit the mirror and Illiad's hand making him let go of it and drop to the ground. Illiad was supposed to raise his hand for something to appear and follow the direction on where it is pointed at, but plants coming from different angles rose from the ground around the young General that went towards his neck raising him from the ground choking him in the process. As the young General struggle to pry off the vines around his neck, he could not help but think that this may be his final moments. "This can't be!" he thought "I can't be defeated like this! I must win and take down this person, so that i would be of use to Lord Haribon and Lord Ancestra! I can't be this weak!"

Pan walked towards the mirror on the ground and pick it up, he stared at the mirror in his hands for a few moments then he gritted his teeth irritated on what he see and gripped the mirror hard that it cracked a bit. This mirror is created using the scale of a very powerful dragon, in which this race of dragons despite low in number, lived long because of their strength and adding the durability of their scales added more number in their years of life. Pan watched as Illiad struggle with the vines that is so tight that it is blocking his airways but then Pan felt a presence behind him and a blade coming his way, he turned around to block the weapon but to his surprise there wasn't anything there. But more surprise to his surprise, a blade cut him at his right side and blood is coming out of the wound.
The brown haired man grab hold of the wound and turned around to face his new opponent, he was expecting him to be Tallulah or perhaps one of the two shinigamis but to his surprise it was an old man having his back towards him. "Agaris" Pan said the name of his newly arrived opponent and that very person turned around confirming that it was really Agaris, especially with the scar on his face. Pan really couldn't forget that scar, from the time he escaped.
(A/N Agaris's appearance is like Mundok from Akatsuki no Yona. Sorry, that is just what i imagined 😅)

"Release Illiad this instant." They analyzed each other, and Pan was shocked that Agaris has Illiad's mirror in his arm he was sure he has it in his hands just moments ago.
"This is Illiad's. You don't have any right to touch it." Pan looked up and saw that the plant helding Illiad has started to wilt and the young General was lying on the ground just beside Agaris taking deep breathes to regain oxygen for his lungs.

"Your power...." Pan trailed off. "is still a mystery." Pan has a serious tone on his voice glaring at the old man infront of him.

"And i'm not obligated to explain." Agaris then kneeled down and touched Illiad's back with one hand. "Well then." And the two disappeared in a flash. Pan suspected that they become invisible at first, and or there are reinforcements who came, but nothing happened.

Haribon & Ancestra

"Old man Agaris arrived perfectly in time. Both Tallulah and Illiad are safe." Ancestra said looking at the magic monitor-ish (what is it called?) using his power of time.

Haribon sighed the tension he built up out, he was really worried about the young General. Even not said in words nor obvious in his actions, he really cares and cherishes the other Generals and in his heart they are his only family. "That's good." was what he only said, even his voice is void of emotion his heart felt more.

"What shall we do about Pan Lancelot and Lady Alkelia? Any ideas?" Ancestra asked, not turning off his powers to properly talk to Haribon

The leader of the Generals entertwined his fingers, his mind deep in thought. "I have a few ideas in mind. What about your side?"

"I as well" Was Ancestra's reply

Not too long after, the two heard rushing footsteps outside the room they are currently in and the door burst open revealing a man in all black clothes, it was Ado, the shadow user. However instead of speaking up, he suddenly went to his knees and after lie down on the ground panting for air. The two Generals was shocked, what the hell happened? The two thought and they went to the man's side and saw that he is all covered in sweat, his eyes seemed like he saw a ghost or something.

While the man clad in black continue to pant for air the two Generals noticed that he is trying to say something. "" His voice is low and could barely be heard what he is saying but they tried to listen.  "..i..son..."
Haribon searched for any possible wound but there is nothing. Just what happened to Ado? He's a shadow, so that means that whoever did this must have light abilities or something akin. Could it probably be the mysterious woman with Queen Alkelia? No, it MUST be her.

"Poison" The taller one of the two (Haribon) heard the other mutter, and saw that the time user grab a pocketwatch from inside of his clothes and placed it on Ado's chest while still holding it. That is when Haribon noticed some kind of Butterfly-like mark on that part of Ado's chest, what is it? Ado never had that mark on him before. Ancestra's pocket watch was then surrounded by a magic clock, though it turned backwards meaning the time rewinded for Ado. After a few seconds, Ancestra raised the pocketwatch from Ado's chest and Haribon noticed that the shadow user's breathing returned to normal. The time user returned the tool inside of his clothes where it wouldn't be stolen and it's existence would be hidden to the world.

Meanwhile at where Soi Fon is

The female shinigami captain leans on the wall with her eyes closed, her shikai released, her left hand holds the gold-colored shikai. The other females watched her wondering what is she doing and what for?
Soi Fon's eyes opened but it's expression is that of surprise, the others were worried what does that mean? they thought

"Is something wrong?" Alkelia asked in worry.
Soi Fon glanced at her, "The poison vanished."

"Vanished?" "What?" "What happens if so?" were questions all over the room. But Sucione was the one who properly asked
"What does that mean?" She asked

"My poison won't disappear unless i will it to. However, the poison i gave to that shadowy ninja just disappeared. This has never happened before." Soi Fon said

"Ado must have went to Lord Ancestra." One of the females said

"Ado? Ancestra?" Soi Fon asked

"Ado is one of the most trusted by the Generals ,also his powers is useful to them. He is that shadowy ninja you just said." Alkelia began and she explained the other generals especially their powers

"Time?!" Soi Fon asked in shock. "I see. That will  be a challenge in the future."

Meanwhile back at Haribon and  Ancestra

The time user then stood up and faced his back to the bird transformer (?). "It must be that woman." He began. "AT first i thought she might have light abilities like Veil. However not."

(A/N Imagine that the screen showed that one side shows Ancestra's face and the other side Soi Fon's)
"I must take down that person."


RKS - Rojuro, Kensei & Shinji

Both parties turned their back to each other leaving one person on the Vizard side irritated. "JUST WHO THE HELL WAS HE, HUUUHHHH?!!!" Kensei shouted in irritation about the blue haired glasses-wearing man.

"Hey, we don't know a thing about them. So they must have a reason or something, ya know?" Rose said

"Have reason or not, i'm irritated of him!" Kensei complained. "More importantly" Then he turned towards the 'leader' of the Vizards. "WHY THE HELL IS A T-REX FOLLOWING YOU AROUND, SHINJI?!"

Shinji had an annoyed expression ever since the silver haired man started ranting. "SHUT IT!" He shouted. "You're so noisy! You might as well be infected by Hiyori!"
Meanwhile wherever the said Vizard is, she sneezed and immediately suspected that it must be that damn Shinji saying something insulting about her.

"Shut it you! Why the hell does that old man send us to these stupid things?"
"Don't dodge my statement!"
"What was there to doge about, huh?!"
"I also want to call that old ass stupid but i just keep my mouth shut, why can't you do it, huuh? Can't you do something so simple?"
"What did you say---" Kensei was about to hit Shinji but both was silenced by their longed hair companion.

"Who are you?!" Rose said loudly to the person hiding behind the trees, the other two Vizards just gaze at where their long haired friend was gazing at. And the longer they looked, they could see a silhouette.

Whoever that person is, walked out of the shadows and when the light shoned on him, his appearance was revealed. He was a man with blonde hair wearing a white tuxedo and violet sunglasses. "Eleven." He then removed his sunglasses revealing blue eyes. "November 11" (A/N If you want to know his appearance just search "Darker Than Black November 11" if something shows in the results that says "Jack Simon", it's okay, it's still him)

The three Vizards blinked at him many times. "Come again?" Rose asked

"Eleven" he repeated "November 11"

They were silent and just stare at the blonde man. There is only one question in their mind: WHO IS THIS MAN?

"There, i said my name. Can you say yours?" The man named November 11 said calmly. Just who is this man?

"Why are you wearing a tuxedo in the times of the dinosaur?" Shinji asked trying to loosen the confidence and calmness of this newly arrived man.
"Why are evolved animals wearing clothes at this time and age?" The blonde shot back, now they don't know what to do.

"Rojuro Otoribashi" Rose began, which the other two Vizard just glare at him. Why did he do that? "The other blonde here is Shinji Hirako and the silver haired one is Kensei Muguruma"

The tuxedo wearing man didn't reply immediately and the three waited. Could this be the man that will disturb the timeline that the two Ice users are talking about?
"Hmm.. A whip user, an illusionist and wind." This shocked the three, just how did this man know?

"Kensei, hm? Remember me?" The tuxedo wearing man turned his attention to the silver haired vizard. The three really do not understand what is happening and how does this man know about their abilities?

"Know you? No. But how do you know me?" Kensei asked trying to juice information from the mysterious man even if he is a mysterious one.
"Number 6 out of 25 and  10th of the 55. The Third Ice King of the I.C.E. . I am Jack Simon alias November 11." The atmosphere become cool (not the cool cold, the cool awesome, well for us) at November's proper introduction. Hm, wait as second.

"Wait a second! Did you just said 'ICE' just now?" Shinji asked, just what connection does this man have to the other two ice users?
"Yes. Any concerns about it?" November asked calmly.

"Then who are you to Invel Yura and Silver Fullbuster?" Kensei asked

"Oh? So this is the one that the two of them went? Lucky. I don't have to guess where they are now." November said with a carefree tone. Pumping his fist with energy of 'yes!'

"Hey! Answer the question!"

November turned to the three vizards with a very serious expression. "So what is it to you?" The three then felt a change in the atmosphere, it became colder and it seemed like some kind of killing intent mixed in.

"November!" All of them turned to the direction of the voice and saw the two Ice Users coming towards them with the mode of surfing on ice. A few meters away from them, the two jumped down from the Ice landing safely on the ground and those very same ice disappeared in the air.

The Ice people didn't say a word, but then the blonde one tuxedo wearing bowed down. "Invel. It's bad."
The two Ice users narrowed their eyes, but it is obvious in their eyes that they are worried which also worried the Vizards. "So it came to that, huh?" was the eyeglasses wearing one's respone

RKS - Rojuro, Kensei & Shinji

Both parties turned their back to each other leaving one person on the Vizard side irritated. "JUST WHO THE HELL WAS HE, HUUUHHHH?!!!" Kensei shouted in irritation about the blue haired glasses-wearing man.

"Hey, we don't know a thing about them. So they must have a reason or something, ya know?" Rose said

"Have reason or not, i'm irritated of him!" Kensei complained. "More importantly" Then he turned towards the 'leader' of the Vizards. "WHY THE HELL IS A T-REX FOLLOWING YOU AROUND, SHINJI?!"

Shinji had an annoyed expression ever since the silver haired man started ranting. "SHUT IT!" He shouted. "You're so noisy! You might as well be infected by Hiyori!"
Meanwhile wherever the said Vizard is, she sneezed and immediately suspected that it must be that damn Shinji saying something insulting about her.

"Shut it you! Why the hell does that old man send us to these stupid things?"
"Don't dodge my statement!"
"What was there to dodge about, huh?!"
"I also want to call that old ass stupid but i just keep my mouth shut, why can't you do it, huuh? Can't you do something so simple?"
"What did you say---" Kensei was about to hit Shinji but both was silenced by their longed hair companion.

"Who are you?!" Rose said loudly to the person hiding behind the trees, the other two Vizards just gaze at where their long haired friend was gazing at. And the longer they looked, they could see a silhouette.

Whoever that person is, walked out of the shadows and when the light shoned on him, his appearance was revealed. He was a man with blonde hair wearing a white tuxedo and violet sunglasses. "Eleven." He then removed his sunglasses revealing light blue eyes. "November 11" (A/N If you want to know his appearance just search "Darker Than Black November 11" if something shows in the results that says "Jack Simon", it's okay, it's still him)

The three Vizards blinked at him many times. "Come again?" Rose asked

"Eleven" he repeated "November 11"

They were silent and just stare at the blonde man. There is only one question in their mind: WHO IS THIS MAN?

"There, i said my name. Can you say yours?" The man named November 11 said calmly. Just who is this man?

"Why are you wearing a tuxedo in the times of the dinosaur?" Shinji asked trying to loosen the confidence and calmness of this newly arrived man.
"Why are evolved animals wearing clothes at this time and age?" The blonde shot back, Shinji "tched" but now they don't know what to do.

"Rojuro Otoribashi" Rose began, which the other two Vizard just glare at him with the clear message on their expression : Why the hell did you do that? "The other blonde here is Shinji Hirako and the silver haired one is Kensei Muguruma"

The tuxedo wearing man didn't reply immediately and the three waited. Could this be the man that will disturb the timeline that the two Ice users are talking about?
"Hmm.. A whip user, an illusionist and wind." This shocked the three, just how did this man know their abilities?

The tuxedo wearing man turned his attention to the silver haired vizard. "Kensei, hm? Remember me?" The said Vizard has his eyes wide in shock. The three really do not understand what is happening and how does this man know about the silver haired vizard?

"Know you? No. But how do you know me?" Kensei asked trying to juice information from the mysterious man even if he is a mysterious one.
"Number 6 out of 25 and  10th of the 55. The Third Ice King of the I.C.E. . I am Jack Simon alias November 11." The atmosphere become cool (not the cool cold, the cool awesome, well for us) at November's proper introduction. Hm, ..... what? wait a second. what did he just said?

"Wait a second! Did you just said 'ICE' just now?" Shinji asked, just what connection does this man have to the other two ice users?
"Yes. Any concerns about it?" November asked calmly.

"Then who are you to Invel Yura and Silver Fullbuster?" Kensei asked

"Oh? So this is the one that the two of them went? Lucky. I don't have to guess where they are now." November said with a carefree tone. Pumping his fist with energy of 'yes!'

"Hey! Answer the question!"

November turned to the three vizards with a very serious expression. "So what is it to you?" The three then felt a change in the atmosphere, it became colder and it seemed like some kind of killing intent mixed in.

"November!" The serious atmosphere disappeared,  All of them turned to the direction of the voice and saw the two Ice Users from earlier coming towards them with the mode of surfing on ice. A few meters away from them, the two jumped down from the Ice landing safely on the ground and those very same ice disappeared in the air.

The Ice people didn't say a word, but then the blonde one tuxedo wearing bowed down. "Invel-sama. It's bad."
The two Ice users narrowed their eyes, but it is obvious in their eyes that they are worried which also worried the Vizards. "So it came to that, huh?" was the eyeglasses wearing one's response

The three Vizards watch the Three Ice Users in confusion, just what are they talking about? Could it be the same reason that they were sent here in the first place?

"Just a moment" Kensei interrupted the silence of the Ice wielders. "Can you tell us what the hell are you talking about? I don't mind if you don't tell me why you know me." The silver haired Vizard gaze particularly at the tuxedo wearing Ice. But back to the business now. "And we don't mind if you don't tell us what is your problem with our Head Captain, however if you let that reason refrain you from us helping----"

"JUST A MOMENT THERE." Invel glared darkly at the silver haired Vizard. "If you want an answer to that, then we will give you the answer your searching for."

The Vizards were silenced, finally the truth will be revealed. However, the other two Ice users disagrees with their superior.

"You can't." Silver debated with a very angry and disagreeing look.
"I agree" November agrees

"Shut it" The blue haired eyeglasses wearing ice user glared at the other two. "They may as well know it." The two were silenced though there clearly is a disagreeing look. "Wind" Invel called the attention of the wind user.

"My name is not 'Wind' dumbass." Kensei retorted, but Invel just ignored him.

"The only reason i'm telling you people this, is only because of my respect for the Wind Goddess and nothing else." Invel made himself clear.
"Goddess? Female god?" The Vizards thought

"Their are 8 Elements: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Ice, Plant and Yin Yang." Invel started

"Yin Yang?" The Vizards asked

"Light and Darkness" Invel replied
(A/N There is a reason on why this element is called Yin Yang and not separate Light and Darkness, and no this is not because of something Chinese)

"Anyways," Invel cleared his throat before continuing "In every group of people or other races alike, there is surely A Leader and the leader of each elements gains the title of "God", and if you think that it is just a simple admiration or exaggerating, i tell you it is not. Those leaders undergo a certain ceremony or something, conducted by the God of Everything itself."

The Vizards, mostly by Shinji and Kensei has a expression that they don't believe what the man in eyeglasses is saying. With all the Gods and stuff, and the three Ice wielders surely are irritated by this fact.

"Your Captain Commander, who goes by the name Genryuusai Shigikuni Yamamoto IS THE FIRE GOD."

"Fire God?!" They asked in shock. Yes that old man is strong as hell (sorry for the pun) but a God? W... WHattttttt?

"Oh, forget to tell you. But being the 'leader' means not only, one is capable of leading  their whole respective element and majority of the people respects you,, it also requires for that one to be the strongest." Silver informed them

"But back to the topic,, We can't forgive what the Fire God did to the 8 Elements." This made the Vizards curious, what did the Head Captain did for these people to not be able to forgive him?

"What did he do?" They voice out their question

The eyeglasses wearing ice user was silent and analyze the Vizard first, if this topic really should be told to them. Then he sighed and looked at the three Vizards fully determined. "The Elements has a treaty to not be violent with each other, any fight except for training, is forbidden especially if it is with another element. Anybody who violates that gets the order of execution immediately." Invel closed his eyes, as recalling what the events since THAT DAY. "HE ordered his people to attack and kill ALL the other Elements, obviously, that betrays our laws."

"From thousands of citizens, reduced to less than fifty." November said, and the Vizards could not not notice the somewhat pained expression of the ice wielders. Two of them clenching their hand to a fist.

They were silent. None said a word. The Ice Users reminisce the tragic past trying not to be obvious that they were pained but even though they tried, a tiny bit could still be seen.
Meanwhile the Vizards just thought and analyzed what the blue haired ice wizard just said.

"I see. I get it now." Kensei voiced out, everybody turning their attention to him with confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Rose asked

"We. We, the Vizards somehow got betrayed too by the Head Captain." Kensei said. "I don't know if you know about our world, but still i'm going to tell you. In our world there are monsters called Hollows, and the ones who kill them are us shinigami. However, if the killer is also like the creature they kill is somewhat... weird don't you think? We the Vizards, are part Shinigami and part Hollow, and because of that we were ordered to be executed but because of a certain man we survived. And while in hiding, we vowed we would get revenge *shrugs* or somewhat akin maybe?
And because you got betrayed by that old fart before, maybe,... he---"

"AH! So the enemy of your enemy, is your friend, right?" November 11 hit his fist on his palm which gained sweatdropps from the others.

"Uhh.. no... not really. you see--"

"Don't worry." November went towards Kensei and grab hold of the Vizard's hands. "Words are not needed. We understand what you feel."

"No. We're in good terms with the old man right now." Shinji intervened

"OH." November quickly let go of the silver haired Vizard's hand and in moments, he is meters away from him. "I was wrong then."

"There is no need to get THAT far!" Rose commented on how quickly and far the tuxedo wearing ice user was from them.

"It doesn't matter if you are good terms with him or not." Silver said. "HE is not our enemy right now."

"Oh, i forgot about purpose here from the beginning. Thanks for reminding." Rose said, and actually the others also feel the same but is embarrassed to say so, kinda.

"So? Have you figured out who it is, November? The Time User, that is." Invel turned to the tuxedo wearing man. The Vizards were surprised, so their enemy right now is a time user? How cool is that---i-i mean, how dangerous is that?

"Yes." November said, and his eyes turned dark. "From the 27th Universe: Jojo Bizarre's Adventures, Dio Brando."

The two Ice Users were silent, then they have a dark look in their eyes. "I see" they said. Meanwhile, the Vizards doesn't have any idea who that is.

"Uh..Uhmmm" Shinji said, and the Ice Users turned to them.
"What is it?"
"Who is this Dio Brando person?" Shinji asked

Silver turned to  Invel and the blue haired ice wizard nodded , then back to the Vizards. "Might as well." Silver said. "Dio Brando as we have said is a time user, he came from the Jojo Universe who which hosts lots of strong and masculine characters and we must warn you, that the people of that Universe has a tendency to pose at times."
"Like this." November said and made a Jojo pose.
(A/N I haven't really watched Jojo, but i have seen a few clips and Opening and Ending Themes but i'm interested on watching it, though the internet and device storage is a problem.)

The Vizards sweatdrop at this. Invel then fake cough to gather their attention. "Also i warn you that some signs may appear around that person when doing something certain."
"But last and not the least." Silver said
"Dio Brando is an Ice User." Invel finalized. AT the reveal, the Vizards were shocked.


"Dio is a Ice wielder, in fact he's one rank higher than me, and that means he's stronger and better and oh, he is the strongest of the Jojo Universe." November said
(A/N I don't particularly remember if he is the strongest, but i read somewhere that he is like the strongest Stand User or something? If you know, just please comment.)

"Wait what?" Kensei asked
"Isn't that against your laws though? Fighting each other and possibly killing each other, i mean." Rojuro said

"Well, it can't be helped." Invel said, adjusting his eyeglasses. "There will certainly be hard headed people wherever you go."

"Yeah, and because he's in Team B with Judar who's always the hard headed one. I wonder who influenced who." Silver joked

The Vizards sweatdropped at this, they don't understand what they are talking about. And especially their wording of hard headed. So, is this person just plain hard headed and not some evil person? They're confused.

"Ice Wielders can freeze time and besides the Ice God, Dio is the most efficient in CONTROLLING TIME. Most of us can ONLY Freeze Time, some even just for a few moments. I warn you, he is dangerous. Not boasting but, the I.C.E are the top of the 8 Elements and because he is one rank higher from November who is the 3rd Ice King, which makes him the 2nd Ice King and 9th of the 55, DIO IS STRONG." Silver said. "But me and Invel are stronger because i'm the 7th and Invel here is the 2nd." he smiled widely very proud of what he just said

The Vizards were shocked. Okay, they may have theorize from earlier that perhaps this two were stronger than this Dio person but they sure are surprised that Invel Yura is the 2nd. Which means, he is the strongest next to the Ice God.
"Oh, sorry for talking back to you." The blonde Vizards bowed down their heads and with one hand each they put on Kensei's head to make him bow down too. But the silver haired Vizard didn't like it.

"Now now, calm down everybody." SIlver tried to calm everybody (read: only Kensei)

"Well, it is inevitable. For somebody in the elements who is outside the I.C.E who certainly are not Emperor rank surely would respect their veeerryyy far superiors." Invel said with a calm face, irritating Kensei.


"Now now, calm down both of you." Now with Rose's help, the two tried to calm down their friend.

"No! Let me fight him! An Element against an element in your language!" Kensei challenged, being held back by both the blonde Vizards. Shinji commenting on how it is like Zaraki's behavior, especially the 'Let me fight him!' part.

"Oh really? Bring it on!" Invel took the challenge but with a very calm demeanor, the two Ice Users shouting at the side 'Invel no!' "If this fight the only way to make you shut up, i'll gladly so."

"Ohhh??" Kensei said/asked irritated his eyebrow twitching

"Yes, and you would---" Invel was cut off when something vibrated from inside his pocket. Everybody was silent and stopped moving waiting for an update on what interrupted them. Invel picked up some kind of phone but is very futuristic that it seems like its a hologram or something that seemed like a gadget made by Iron Man or something. (A/N Oh My God, i don't know how to explain this.) The screen floating infront of the blue haired man's face.

The Vizards reaction to the phone thing if it's a phone was : 'Wow futuristic.' 'It's like from a Sci-Fi Movie' and 'What the hell is that?'

Invel swiped his finger on it, and it moved to some kind of folder/app whatever and there is a notification on it. The blue haired ice wizard tapped it, and a message in a language not understood by the Vizards are shown. The eyeglasses wearing man closed his eyes sighing and turned to the other two Ice Users, surprised that the the both of them were beside him also reading the message.

"A message from the Ice God-sama." November said

The Vizards were surprised, a message from heaven? OR wherever a God lives..

"This is the Ice Language, made only for discussion between Ice people." Invel informed them and turned off the hologram like screen.

(A/N Guys, i'm really sorry my writing is ugly. I really don't know what it is called and how to describe it. 😭😭)

"So? What did God from heaven said?" Kensei asked

"Heaven?" The three Ice Users asked shocked with raised eyebrow, with a 'wtf did you just say about our god' disgusted look.

"What?" The three Vizards asked, confused why did the Ice user act that way? Just what did they say?

"Ice God-sama doesn't stay in heaven." Invel glared at the Vizards

"Hey, that was just a joke! Don't get serious over it." Kensei said

"Don't you dare treat Ice God-sama like a joke." Invel continues to glare

"Anyways" Silver walked in the middle of them before any could divert the topic even further. "What was said in the message, is an urgent order to stop Dio. Very urgent. Then we will handle what to do with him afterwards following the instructions from the Ice God."

"And before any of you say a thing against this," Shinji crossed his arms. "we will join you in this thing. The Head Captain must've send us here for a good reason."

"Whatever" Invel shrugged.


"Those clothes...." A person not seen because of the shadow so that we will ask 'who is that?' to the screen was shown. The mysterious person sitting down on a chair with a 'I am King' pose with a glass of wine in one hand. "4th Universe... Gotei 13.." he mumbled and a hologram like screen appeared infront of his face and a hologram like keyboard also appeared, the mysterious person typing something and in seconds time a list of people with their names and faces appeared.

"Hmmm.." He put a hand on his chin, while analyzing the list of results. He remembers that a certain somebody told him that if a Gotei 13 member wears a white cloak then it is a captain, and he only looked through the captains list.
Byakuya Kuchiki
Genryusai Shigikuni Yamamoto
Gin Ichimaru
Jushiro Ukitake
Kaname Tosen
Kensei Muguruma
Kenpachi Zaraki
Kisuke Urahara
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Retsu Unohana
Rojuro Otoribashi
Sajin Komamura
Shinji Hirako
Shunsui Kyoraku
Soi Fon
Sosuke Aizen
Toshiro Hitsugaya
Yoruichi Shihoin

The mysterious person narrowed his eyes on three specific people, and tapped their info and memorize them.

After he memorize it, he smirked, his right elbow on the arm rest, the hand of the same arm on that person's cheek and still in the person's left hand is a wine glass that he inched closer to his face for badassery purposes. "Invel-sama, i know you are the most fearsome next to the Ice God but i'll show you... i will win and the Ice God-sama will recognize my power."


"So everybody that died are here?" Zaraki questions Kaname, they are currently in the Arrancars + Gin, Kaname and Aizen's hideout.

"Yes" Was simply the blind man's reply

Since the barbaric shinigami captain arrived with Kaname and Nnoitra, most but not everybody gave Zaraki a glare or a disapproving look. Meanwhile those who did not treat him that way, just choose to ignore the shinigami because of their own various reasons.

"How though?" Zaraki asked

"I'm afraid that even I the great scientist of the group, doesn't even have any explanation to that." Szayzel whose job is to figure out the answers to these kind of question, answered. And he is annoyed by the thought that he doesn't have an explanation and idea on things.

"Could this be the purgatory place or whatever it is?" Zaraki said

"Purgatory?" Yammy asked, not knowing what that is
"You mean, the place where souls of people who dies gets a 'second chance' to be cleansed and be good before going to 'heaven'?" Gin guessed

"I guess?" Zaraki guess. Actually, the Purgatory word just came out of his mouth, and he doesn't know what exactly is a Purgatory but he's heard or maybe read of it.

"Well, some of those we have met here got some kind of vibe that tells that they are 'evil for a reason' or something like that." Starrk said lazily in the back, leaning his back to the wall trying to doze off.

"So....." Zaraki trailed off. WIth the Arrancars asked 'what?' but with an annoyed expression and tone, the shinigami asks so many questions that they don't even know the answers to. "So that means those who aren't here that are Arrancars aren't dead? Wow... THIS many died.. Last i've heard there are only few high-class Arrancars in Hueco Mundo, there are others too but they're not that competent."

"Yes" Tesla answered from behind Nnoitra. He couldn't help but feel 'scared' or something close to that because this man infront of him is the one who killed him in a flash.

"Oh, except Zommari. He's still out there." Gin added
"Oh, Ichimaru." Luppi called for the closed eyed man "Grimmjow with two of his fraccions and Ulquiorra went out too. They said it's unfair to only have Nnoitra and Zommari out, well, that was what Grimmjow said. I don't remember what emo's reason though."

"What?" Kaname asked angry. He knows that these Arrancars don't follow orders at times or maybe all the time, but he is still angry that Grimmjow didn't listen! Ulquiorra may have a reason to disobey though.

"Anyways" Baraggan stood up from his seat made of bones. "I felt something spreading over the place outside, what is it?"

This then reminded the three who just came back (well, Zaraki didn't 'came back' but i trust that you guys know what i mean) on what was happening outside.

"Yeah, there was a huge explosion too right?" Di Roy turned to his fellow fraccions.
"We could feel the Earth moving." Avirama said
"We actually considered evacuating." Ylffordt said, which the others nodded

"Well, we don't know any specific details but there's Ice that covered the land and when we were using Sonido to get back here there was a sudden veerrry loud! explosion we almost flew." Nnoitra reported

"Ice?" Gin asked. He has some ideas on who might it be.

"Yeah,, Kuchiki, me and the kid are here. So it must be him, but i don't know why." Zaraki said

At the mention of the Ice, some has their expression darkened or serious. Just what is this reaction to Ice? Are Arrancars cold blooded and they must hibernate or something?

"Hey, i don't get why you react that way about Ice? Just what is it?" Zaraki asked, he wants to know why this people act like this. It's getting on his nerves!

Everybody was silent, either that they looked to each other to determine whether or not they should tell the barbaric shinigami or they wait for the explanation because they also don't know or do not completely understand.

"Chuulhorne" Baraggan said, and the said Arrancar said 'Yes sir!' to him. That Arrancar who is the fraccion of the Segunda Espada stood up from kneeling down behind the Espada with his fellow fraccions, and Zaraki analyzed him. Quite tall, long purple hair kind of curly at some points and last but not the least, for some reason, he reminded him of Yumichika. "Chuulhorne here sometimes spends his free time with 'beautiful people'-- as what he said, and what he will tell you will pique your interest. Chuulhorne!" Baraggan told the others before the fraccion start, and the purple haired fraccion answered 'Yes sir!' immediately

"Tier Hallibel-sama, the Tres Espada, is an Water Elemental. She said that the Elements know each other, and that they know who to avoid knowing who are stronger than them.
She also mentioned that in every element there is one among the elementals that is a 'God' and that he or she is the strongest among them. Of course, a God of an element could fight toe to tie with another in terms of power.
However, in those Elemental Gods there are two who stood above them all : The Fire God and the Ice God. The Fire God is the leader of all the Elements but he is not the strongest, it is the Ice God-- or at least that is what is said. They said that the Ice God is the God of Everything but just keep his title as Ice God to not cause a commotion to the masses.
The Ice God-- according to Hallibel-sama is a very fearsome individual, if he wishes to pulverize worlds he could easily do so.
But according to legends, the Ice God was last seen awake 10,000 years ago and he will awakens when the 10,000th year of his slumber comes to end."

Everybody was silent, taking in and analyzing what was said. Some believed it, some does not, some do not know which to side with. But they all share a common interest :The last line.

"But that was just a legend." Charlotte added. "But Hallibel-sama belived it nonetheless."

"So you're saying, that ice prodigy is the Ice GOD? OR maybe at least even just the reincarnation?" Zaraki asked, with the way they react and to what he just heard it's just impossible to not think of that possibility. And it's kinda amazing that the 10,000th year of this Ice God's slumber is now. Like, wow. A majestic powerhouse will appear,... or awaken?

"Perhaps" Was what Baraggan said. "I am a Time User, and i've heard of this tale a long time ago and i am surprised that i've heard it again that i almost forgot about it. Well, Hallibel's an Elemental so it can't be helped."

"Okay,... So we assume that whoever that ice prodigy is, is the Ice God... but.." Nnoitra trailed off. Is this topic even true or is it just a legend? But setting that aside, they have other problems. "So, this Ice God person,.. is he good or bad? Is he the cause of the explosion and the spreading of the ice outside? IF so, what is the reason and how do we stop him ? What should we do? Can we do something?"

They were silent. True, they haven't thought about that and they obviously don't have the answer as well. Now, they also ask their selves the questions the fifth Espada just stated, and they thought of possible answers and theories to it/those, and much to their dismay instead of having possible answers, they thought of even further questions.

"Baraggan-san, no offense if some parts of what i will say will offend you but," Starrk started safe so he will not be scolded (kinda) afterwards. "You are the oldest and seem to know most- if not, the only one who knows of this matter. Can you tell us what the characteristic of this 'God' is, even if they are only rumors and tales?"

Everybody waited for the old Espada's response, will he agree or not? But most of their expressions and or auras tell that the arrancars + 3 shinigamis want to know. "This is Ice God entity was said that he is a very kind deity and he deeply cares about the people, however if you do something against his will --not his OWN will for his self, but will for the people -- you will suffer as a punishment.
But unfortunately, even his people doesn't follow those wills and became ruthless to each other and so, he made the world ruthless that everybody will suffer. And because of those hardships he believed that from deep inside of the people's ruthless behaviors lies heart, kindness and happiness that will show and they wish seek to have those feelings to last as long as they live.
Being born in a ruthless world, people as they are would wish to have those positive feelings and they will fight for it.
If people always have kindness, a  hidden evil self inside of them will suddenly come out and turn everything peaceful into devastation. However if the everything is bad, people will seek the good. -- is what the Ice God believes." And yet, Baraggan told a tale instead of explaining much to most's boredom.

"But that long explanation doesn't have a definitive answer if the Ice God is good or bad." Nnoitra commented that he didn't understand and that is not what the answer he is asking for.

"If the opponent is a God, the person it should be up against should also be a God." Baraggan stated, at least 'answering' one of their questions. "Or at least what the people claim as a 'God'."

"So you would be his opponent, Baraggan?" Gin asked. Baraggan was the King of Hueco Mundo and always claim his self as God, so does he think of fighting against the so called 'Ice God'?

At what Gin said, the Segunda's fraccions has their eyes amazed. Saying : "As expected of Baraggan-sama! The Greatest of all!"
"Baraggan-sama would take down that fraud God and everybody will see that he is the the TRUE God!"
"Wooh! Baraggan-sama!"

However, unlike the old man espada's usual expression, he has a dark expression on his face. "I can't." at this, his fraccion was silenced staring at their lord. Actually, everybody was surprised that the old espada didn't dare to do anything or even say anything against this 'Ice God' person. Baraggan usually boasts that he is the TRUE God of Hueco Mundo and things regarding to the Hollow's home.

"Baraggan-sama why?!" The Segunda's fraccions asked. What happened to their lord that he acted this way? The fraccions then realized they just talked back to the Segunda Espada and quickly covered their mouths, but there is not a single line of scolding.

"HE is..." Baraggan trailed off. Then he sighed. "I was there 10,000 years ago. I can do anything whatever that i please, anything except to anger HIM."

The Arracars were silent, some of them staring at the Segunda like he is crazy, while some finally got that this Ice God is really a terrifying creature for the high and mighty Baraggan Luisenbarn to be careful not to anger HIM.

(its "you are" but Gin says 'ya' most of the time)
"AH, so ya're that old---" Gin commenced however got completely outshoned by

"HA! As if!" Szayzel erased the weird atmosphere. Also, he doesn't believe beings like a God. "A God? Are you kidding me? Moreover a kid? HA! You must be joking! YOU Barragan, is one thing, being the King of Hueco Mundo for a very long time that you assumed the title as God. But this nonsense? Are you all retarded?!" The pink haired scientist laughed at this God stuff that they are somehow talking about.

"Actually i'm kinda with pinkie here." Zaraki said, which gained a 'who are you calling pinkie?' from Szayzel. Which he answered 'i don't know your name' and was responded by 'oh'. "Are you all sure you aren't influenced by that Aizen bastard about all his aims to be a God?"

"Say what you will." Baraggan said. "As long as you not anger him."

"Anger him, my ass!" Yammy shouted. "What will he be angry about, huh? Let's try if he does exist and come punishing me the second i do what he not want me to do."

There was a staring contest between the Segunda and Diez, but then Ichimaru said something. "Speaking of Aizen-sama and him wanting to be a God, could he be the REAL reason of the explosion or something? I don't really believe this God things and the 10,000 years ago flashback, but if we assume that it is, then the Ice God within Lil' Gaya must have awakened right? So he and Aizen must have fought and because they are 'God' levels, they must be responsible for the huge explosion." Gin theorized, gaining nods with a 'yeah that must be it' and 'that might be possible' comments. "OR...." he trailed off. "If the Ice God is really the God of Everything, then Aizen must be defeated already."

Everybody was silent with shocked expressions. Could Aizen really be defeated? Not that they care about him, but their leader who is the strongest got defeated, then them who are less strong than aizen must be not enough to fight this person if ever they'd be defeated in seconds.

"If he awakened back in the Winter War, i wonder how could it have gone." Nirgge said, thinking back the war between the Shinigamis and Arrancars
"Are you seriously asking that? OF course he would defeat us in a single swoop." Poww said, thinking of how dangerous and scary it could have been if it did happen
"No, actually, he must have annihilated us even before the War if he awakened it." Nakeem said. Being one of the first Arrancars to have been killed, he thought that his fate must be the same or something close if ever the 'awakening' happened sooner.

"I would debate about that though, i want a good fight." Zaraki said with his arms crossed, with a chibified cartoonized face. (Do you understand what that means?) He wants a good fight, and the only place and events he could get that would be in wars. So, he will surely debate to have at least one or maybe two fights, specifically : fun fights.

"Agree!" Almost everybody shouted
"You're just saying that because you don't want to die a meaningless and pathetic death without even a single fight." Lilynette commented

"Anyways" Szayzel gathered everybody's attention towards him. "To confirm it, i will go outside." the pink haired scientist started to walk towards the door. "Well, it's not like i could tell if it's a God at one glance or watching it for some time but whether or not he is a 'God' he may be an interesting specimen---"
Before the Arrancar could end the sentence, Zaraki grabbed the scientist's shoulder by instinct and glared at him. For some reason, the glare may be on par with Kurotsuchi but of another version in terms of scariness. "Don't you try."

But Szayzel was unfazed by this threat. Scientists, errr Mad Scientist usually make this 'scary' faces most of the time after all. "Well, if you want to make sure i don't touch him or get the right person, you might as well join me." he gave a sadistic smirk to the Barbarian which very much reminded Zarakai of a certain blue haired scientist.

"Fine, i'm no pussy anyway." Zaraki answered right away with not a bit of hesitation or fear. Hah! Fear? Only the weak has that.

"Wait, what about the Ice outside?" Lilynette asked

"What's this, an apocalypse movie? That we die if we even take a single step outside. What are you even afraid of?" Szayzel said matter of factly, which gained sweatdrops from the other Arrancars. But hey, it might be something like a apocalypse movie, you don't know.

"Oh it's fine, Szayzel. Just go." Unexpectedly, this came from Starrk who's waving up and down at the scientist. The arrancar who just can't doze off and is wide awake much to the brown haired man's annoyance.

"H-huh? Really?" The scientist asked, quite shaken ,nobody ever told a single word to him whenever he goes out but now.... . Even though the brown haired arrancar is lazy and always sleeping, he is still the Primera Espada that means he is a higher ranking one and those lower than him should follow his orders. Kinda.

"Yeah it's fine." The Primera said, covering his eyes trying to massage his self to sleep. "It's fine because no one would care if you come back or not." He said straight to the point, and with very exact understandable words. The others who are guilty just look around acting as if they are minding their won business and some even whistle, while those who aren't guilty just sweatdrop about it

"Fine" Szayzel said and turned heels.
Kenpachi made a move to follow but suddenly Nnoitra went up to his ear and whispered something. The shinigami turned to the fifth Espada and said something back but as low as a whisper, the two nodded and the shinigami followed the mad scientist, after the two went out the door, Gin went to Nnoitra, and whispered something to him the Quinto Espada then disappeared.


I don't like this style of writing guys, i'm going back to my old style in the next chapter. I was really feeling the 'nice writing' vibe in the SJU and kind of in RKS. I really don't have an idea what to write in some of these parts, sorry.
My phone kept hanging with THIS much words, i can't write freely.

And as i've said up there in KSM, some parts of those got deleted for some reason, i could've updated this earlier if it wasn't for that, and also i'm kind of lazy to be honest. And i've got remember what was written there, i almost forgot some parts there.

Also, i'm kinda thinking of starting to Vlog, yes, the "V" blog and i'm kinda practicing to video myself because i'm not good at looking at the camera. If you look back in my after chapter author's note in Chap 21, i cosplayed and the picture there -- Oh My God i'k embarrassed-- that i don't look good in the camera especially that it seem that i wasn't looking straight at the camera. I need cosplay friends in the PH please 😭😭, i'm too ugly! i don't know how to look at the camera!

Anyways, i'm a student and our classes will start somewhere in August -- online class or modular-- so, i will be kind of busy then. But i'll try, especially that we will have internet in our home now, yay! Unli internet!

Also, i'm kind of cosplaying in the house, a cheap type of course 😝. I'm planning on cosplaying Kyoka Jiro from BNHA in her hero costume, i'm making her little accessories as of now. Plus, i'm practicing how to make-up myself so i kinda busy myself now.

Guys i don't have an idea what to write so .... you know...

Words : 14,642 😱😱

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