No (Genichiro Ashina X OC)

By Lady-Ashina-Astraea

225 4 1

Victim of an unannounced war, she was ripped like a branch from a tree, taken away from her racines, fallen i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


95 1 0
By Lady-Ashina-Astraea

The caucasian woman was in a hurry to collect the harvest in the darkroot forest as soon as possible before the arrival of the barbarian hunters... They said that lichen tufts were able to cure sickness and relieve pain due to any kind of injury or poisoning, so here she was rushing as fast as she could before the darkness of the sunset consumes everything in her path.

Right after crossing the river, she was finally in the darkroot bassin... She was tired, she had a hard, full and constructive day and now she was in a run during more than 45 minutes straight and so, she couldn't help but feel the need to stop for a little bit in order for her to regularise her respiration, take in a few deep breaths, wipe the sweat from her forehead, lay her back on the tree behind her in exauhstion and press her hand a little bit on her hurting side to decrease the pain.

As she started noticing the ravens taking the place of the playful whistling birds, owls singing in their own way, animals running back to their shelter and shadows growing bigger, she realised that it was best for her to ignore her tiredness and keep going as long as the leaving sun was still shining her way...

It wasn't actually her fault if she found herself alone and still outside in such an isolated area in a late hour since it was winter and so the days were short.

"Just a little more to go and I'll finally have the rest I deserve... It's not the right time to complain at all..." She encouraged and instructed herself energetically after glancing up at the forest that appeared to be just a few kilometres away from her, after all, it was in her vision field so it can't be that far even though it seemed blurry.

Right when she slightly proppeled herself from the trunk and started walking up the slope hardly since she has difficulty in keeping her balance on the slippery mud, in the North East, she was able to see a convoy of of at least 15 people, they were all males, most of them were wearing traditional and usual comfy and large clothes, a few were escorting donkeys and merchandise, others were riding their horses and wearing metallic armors.

"Are they the so called hunters? I've never seen them before though but it's a bit too early for their apparition..." She murmured silently to herself after finding a hiding spot behind a big rock, rushing towards it and keeping a good attentive eye on the convoy that seemed to be heading to the opposite direction by stealing a few glances from her place.

'Is it too risky for me to reach the forest? I mean, I can't just let go of it in the last minute and make all the way back home with empty hands right after arriving at such a close post... Tss... Maybe if I counter them from behind the Eastern mountain, they won't spot me here and won't have the time to meet me up there... All I have to do is to be quick, effective and careful, no clumsy movements are required!' She reflected defiantly then made her decision assertively, determined to finish her work properly. She won't just allow it and accept the fact that there are some beings getting in her way... If she knew it from the beginning, the fact that the hunters have changed their schedule, she wouldn't have bothered herself to make it all the way here.

And so, the young lady's eyes burned with flames of strength and determination, making her as soon as head silently and secretively to the nearest eastern mountain in a squatting position in an attempt to slide down from their vision and go unnoticed.

Once there, she preferred ascending the right side of the mountain that wasn't that high so that she'll keep herself hidden while being able to have glances at the aimed area and not losing her directions.

After that, she started checking out the forest and the whole area clearly from her high position, she first made sure that there was no more potential presence of danger, that the convey was nowhere to be seen before judging that she was safe, meaning that she can get in action and finish with her task to finally throw herself on her bed without having dinner even though she was starving right now.

'The forest can be safely accessible now... All I have to do is get in there rapidly and quickly finish whatever I have to do before they come back if they ever decided to or else, things will get ugly...' She thought while being careful to not let any spot unseen and unexplored by her eyes before standing up, ready to climb down the mountain.

'Come on, don't worry, nothing bad will happen, you can do it!' She reassured herself right when feeling her heart nervously squeeze from angst while it started pumping more torrents of blood due to her worries and fear.

When she shaken her head abruptly, forced her eyes open and slightly slapped her cheeks to just do it already, she reluctantly and stressfully made her way down to the dark woods then soon enough hurried on gathering the herbs, not being conscious at all that she even added rotten ones and gravels inside her homemade reed basket since she contemplated herself by just throwing in the full branches while she was under tension and surrounded by a tight and menacing atmosphere.

"Jitto tatte!" 15 minutes later she heard a close masculin sharp and loud voice shout out at her making her as soon as freeze on her spot, shivers running down her spine, body trembling, breaths unsteady and shaking, eyes wide in fear, teeth bitting her lower lip anxiously to the point she started bleeding a little, but she was too focused on the potential danger behind her that she didn't pay attention to anything else, all she could do was forcing her saliva down hardly as she was left speechless.

"W-What?" She mumbled beneath her tongue weakly and lowly for not understanding what the guy behind her was saying but mostly due to the fact that she had no idea how she didn't hear their approaching footsteps and didn't notice their presence.

The only thing she was able to comprehend was only from the tone and the voice used to spell out those words, she only understood that it was meant to be harmful and not friendly at all, she was in danger and not under protection unfortunately.

"Kanojo wa eigo shika hanasemasen..." Came another voice, it was rather calm and empathic this time but it didn't mean anything either.

"Stop right there woman!" Spoke the first man once more hostilely, tone being solemn and gloomy.

"I swear to god, I haven't done anything! I came in peace! Please believe me! Just let me go, I won't tell anyone you have my parole!" The fair young woman pleaded hopelessly and miserably as a single hot and salty tear prepared itself to slide down her natural red cheeks.

After all, she usually holds her tears, not wanting to sound pathetic and weak mostly in public, she didn't want having people pitying her for nothing. but now it was something else, another story to be exact... She didn't know what might be the following issues, if they are going to kill her, eat her, rape her or sold her... She just didn't want to end up like this... That was way too horrible and cruel.

"Young woman you're under arrest!" The man suddenly informed in an acerbic and lawful manner making her as soon as gulp in shock and attempt to turn her head to face whoever was behind her to defend herself.

"What?! N-No way! I h-...!" She started defensively and emotionally but in mid sentence and mid way, she didn't have the chance to finish her sentence neither to take a complete look behind her that suddenly and without any previous warning, something hard hit her on the back of her head causing her vision to become blurry, ears disabled, tongue voiceless, now feeling dizzy...

That's when darkness started consuming her being like ravaging flames eating her body hungrily not caring about what will be left from it at all. Little bj little, it let her numb and unconscious body collapse like an old lifeless useless building and hit the floor.

The only thing she was able to feel due to the insupportable pain was that someone out of them was dragging her on the ground by her hair towards an unknown destination...


The story is being continued and updated only on quotev since I suck at using Wattpad :')
Here's the link if u're interested:

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