Falling for you

By WWEFan_2020

22.7K 372 55

Book reached #1 in Liv Morgan on 3-9-22 Part 2 of Fabulous Life More

A new beginning
New place, new friends
The secret is out
Let's start a Riott
Mixed Match Challenge
A date with a goddess
A new addition
Fight with a beast
The Squad always looks out for each other
The calm after the storm
Facing the past
One step closer to revenge
Clash of Champions
Superstar Shake-Up
The final riott
The land of opportunity
The reunion
Make up
The Summer of Love
Is this love?
Trouble in Paradise
The Decision
Summer Slam
More Than a Game
In Loving Memory
This One's for You
Life Changes
Mental Breakdown
A Swift Kick in The Ass
The Night That Changed My Life
Change of Heart
Thanksgiving Part 1
Thanksgiving Part 2
Next Chapter
The Week Before Christmas
The Final Raw of The Decade
Good-Bye 2019

I'm sorry, I love you

791 11 8
By WWEFan_2020

I haven't spoken to Lexi or Liv since that day I flipped out on them. I'm at the arena for Smack down tonight and it's the go home show before Summer Slam. I'm walking around backstage and I ran into Daria.

Sonya: You doing okay bro? I heard about what happened the other day.

Oliver: I honestly don't know how I feel right now.

Sonya: Is that why you're walking around looking like a lost puppy?

Oliver: I'm not in the mood for jokes right now.

Sonya: Sorry I'll stop. Do you think you made the wrong choice?

Oliver: Do you want my honest answer?

Sonya: Yes Oliver, I'm your sister. You know you can tell me anything.

Oliver: I know I made the wrong choice. I was angry and wasn't thinking straight. That night when I got to my hotel I went to take a shower and I saw the necklace Gionna got me in the mirror and I felt like shit. I was looking at pictures of us and I broke down. I'm in love with her and I just threw it all away. I'm a fucking idiot. I've tried calling her but she won't answer, she won't even reply to my texts. 

Sonya: Damn, I'm so sorry bro. You need to stop making impulse decisions. Listen the best advice I could give you is to give her some space. If it's meant to be it'll happen.

Oliver: The timing for everything couldn't have been worse. I'm about to go into one of the biggest matches of my career and I'm not even focused on it. I can't get the fact that I broke Gionna's heart out of my head.

Sonya: You're in a tough spot right now bro. You'll bounce back though.

Oliver: Thanks, I'm going to get ready for the show I'll see you later.

I went into the locker room to change out of my travel clothes and into my clothes for my promo. While I'm in the locker room getting changed there is a knock at the door, I opened the door and on the other side it was Lexi.

Alexa: Can I come in?

Oliver: Sure.

Alexa: Can we talk Oliver?

Oliver: Isn't that what we're doing right now?

Alexa: That's not what I meant. Listen I'm sorry for everything that happened the other day.

Oliver: Babe I really don't want to start with that again please. I just want to let it go and move on from that.

Lexi pulls up a chair and sits across from me and she grabs my hand

Alexa: Ollie please hear me out. I was wrong for making you choose between us and I've realized that. When you left your house the other day. Gionna asked me if I loved you, I couldn't give her an answer.

Oliver: Okay? So what we're not ready to say I love you yet. What's the big deal?

Alexa: The big deal is I was so worried about her taking you away from me and hurting me. When it turns out that I was the one that was hurting her the whole time.

Oliver: How were you hurting her?

Alexa: After she asked me if I loved you, I asked her why she wanted to know. Her response to me was "Because I love him". Oliver I'm not the girl you should be with Gionna is. She's always been the girl you should have been with. I was being selfish by trying to keep her from you, she is in love with you. This is hard for me to say but I think we should break up. You need to talk to Gionna and make things right with her. I must admit the two of you are so damn cute together, it's like you were meant to be together.

Oliver: I'm so sorry Lexi.

Alexa: Don't be, I had a great time with you and we're not ending on bad terms. I just want you to be happy. You're a good man Oliver, don't you ever forget that.

I stood up and Lexi and I hugged and she kissed my cheek. Before she left the room she stopped and turned to me.

Alexa: Hey Ollie, promise me one thing.

Oliver: What's that?

Alexa: When you make things right with Gionna, never let her go and love her until the end.

Oliver: That's a promise I know I can keep.

Alexa: I know you won't let me down. Now go get your girl.

In the middle of Smack down, Shane comes down to the ring.

Shane: What's up New Orleans? I'm out here to make the Intercontinental Championship match between Oliver Pierce and Jackson Slater official. Gentlemen if you'd join me out here I'd appreciate it. Jackson comes out first and he brought Sami Zayn, Shinskue Nakamaura, Cesaro, and Leah with him. I made my way down to the ring but stopped half way down the ramp, I pulled a mic from my pocket.

Oliver: I see where this is going. I've seen enough of these contract signings in my life. Let me guess, I'm going to get in that ring and as soon as I sign that contract the 4 of you are going to beat me down. Hell you'll probably put me through that table and then Carmella will kick me in the stomach and then you'll stand over me kissing while you're holding my Intercontinental Championship in the air. While those three idiots stand in the back laughing. Sami is probably going to watch everyone do all the work then act like he did so much once the beat down is over. So, in order to prevent that from happening I decided to bring out some back up.

Big E: Awwww New Orleans. Don't you dare be sour, clap for your world famous 8 time champs and feel the power.

The new day made their way down and once they're standing by my side, we all bump fists and start walking towards the ring.

Oliver: Wait just one second guys. Carmella don't think I forgot about you. I have someone very special to keep an eye on you. Matter of fact this person is actually hoping you try something so she can beat your ass all over New Orleans.

New Day: (Owl) Who? Who? Who? Who?

Out comes Sonya once she meets up with us we hugged and then we all got into the ring.

Jackson: You think you're really smart don't you Ollie?

Oliver: Either I'm really smart or you're just a dumbass. It could go either way.

Jackson: You have what I want and I'm going to take it from you.

Oliver: I've heard that one before, but go ahead and continue I'm listening.

Jackson: The list of men that have had that is impressive, I want to add my name to that list. Come Summer Slam my name will be part of history.

Oliver: Jackson let me stop you really quick. I'm confused, are we talking about the list of men that held the Intercontinental Championship or the list of men that have slept with Carmella?

When I said that the crowd and the New Day popped huge for it. Big E is on the ground laughing his ass off.

Oliver: I mean both lists are very impressive. I'm surprised you haven't added your name to the list already. My name was added after the 2nd date.

Jackson: Enough you son of a bitch. I'm going to put you through hell again at Summer Slam and if you thought what I did to you at Takeover was bad wait until Sunday.

Jackson signed the contract and then I signed it.

Oliver: One last thing Jackson. I'm still one step ahead of you, you see I already knew that you'd bring these guys with you to Summer Slam so I talked with Shane and added a stipulation that will make this fair. Now this Sunday both of us will be going through hell when we go one on one inside Hell in a Cell. You may want to try and add your name to Carmella's list before Sunday.

After I said that Leah slapped me in the face and then Daria took her down and started beating the crap out of her. Jackson and his boys all left the ring and we had to pull Daria off of Leah.

Once we got backstage, I hugged Daria.

Oliver: We finally got to work together.

Sonya: Hopefully we can work together more often, that was a lot of fun.

Oliver: Thanks again for the backup guys.

Kofi: No problem big dawg anytime.

Woods: I'm not going to lie I almost pissed myself laughing when you said that about Leah.

Big E: That was cold blooded man but I loved it. I see you over there Daria out there beating her into next year.

Sonya: I've been wanting to do that for the longest time.

Oliver: I'm about to go get something to eat I'll catch up with you guys later.

I went to catering and I grabbed something to eat and then I went to sit by myself on an equipment box like I always do I put my headphones in and my hood up. I got a few texts about the segment so I was responding to them.

Emma: You and Aunt Daria killed it. I can't wait to watch your match at Summer Slam.

Oliver: Well get your bags packed because you're flying to LA for the show.

Emma: In the words of Stone Cold "Oh hell yeah"

Oliver: That's my girl.

I had some messages in my group chat with Zack and Curt.

Zack: Bro that was fucking great. I spit my beer out when you said that about Leah.

Curt: That was some funny shit man. Can't wait to see that match though it's going to be great.

Oliver: Damn right, maybe when we get to LA we can meet up and do something.

Zack: Sounds good bro.

I had one more message and it was from Ruby and Sarah.

Ruby: That was funny Ollie.

Sarah: I got a kick out of it. Glad Daria finally got her hands on Leah.

Oliver: Thanks guys, what's with the new group chat? Liv isn't in it.

Ruby: She's still very upset about the other day. She wants nothing to do with you right now.

Oliver: Is she really doing that bad?

Sarah: I've lost count of how many times she cried since then. She's like a lost puppy it's really sad.

Ruby: You really fucked up Oliver. I don't know how you're going to fix this but you need to think of something.

Oliver: I have an idea but I need your help.

Ruby: I'm down just let me know what you need.

Sarah: Hopefully this idea works because that girl is a mess.

After the show I went back to the hotel to change and then I headed over to the hotel where the Raw Superstars were. Once I got over there I headed over to Ruby's room.

Oliver: Thank you Rue, I appreciate you doing this for me.

Ruby: Don't thank me just yet it hasn't worked.

Sarah: You got one shot Ollie don't fuck up.

Oliver: Thanks for the added pressure Sarah. You have such a way with words.

Sarah: I got that from you. Seriously though good luck, I'm tired of her keeping me up at night crying. I need some sleep.

Sarah left the room and I waited in the bathroom for my cue. A few minutes later I heard Liv come into the room. I felt my heart drop to my stomach because I was so nervous.

Liv: Hey Rue, where's Sarah?

Ruby: She's on her way over in a minute she was just going to take a shower first.

Liv: Gotcha, so what do you guys want to do?

Ruby: We can watch a movie or something.

Liv: Sounds good.

I called Ruby's phone like we planned.

Ruby: I'll be right back. It's my brother he's been having issues with his girlfriend and he wanted to talk.

Liv: I'll be right here when you get back.

Once Ruby left the room, I got a text from her.

Ruby: Good luck bro.

Oliver: Here goes nothing

I opened the bathroom door and walked out. As soon as Liv heard the door open she turned around a little frightened.

Liv: What are you doing here?

Oliver: Trying to make things right with my best friend. Can we talk?

Liv: No Oliver leave me alone.

Oliver: I just want to talk to you Gionna that's all.

Liv: Why so your girlfriend could hurt me again?

Oliver: Please Gionna hear me out.

Liv: I don't want to talk to you Oliver. I thought you were different. I thought you'd never hurt me. Turns out I was wrong you're just like everyone else. I'm just going to go back to my room now. Thanks for making my night even worse than it already was.

She put her hand on the door handle and went to open it.

Oliver: If you walk out that door then you lose me forever. I don't know if that's something I can deal with. Losing you hurt more than anything I've ever been through in my life. The choice is yours Gionna.

Liv: I'm sorry Oliver. I really am, please forgive me.

Liv took a deep breath and opened the door; at that very moment I felt a few tears roll down my face. I was watching the love of my life walk out of the door and if I didn't say something, I was going to lose her forever.

Oliver: I love you Gionna Jene Daddio. You are the first and last thing on my mind each and every single day. If I were to lose you, I don't know what I'd do with my life because you are my life.

She shuts the door and turns around and I can see the tears forming in her eyes.

Liv: Do you really mean that?

Oliver: Every single word. I've been miserable ever since we got split up and I've missed you like crazy. You are the love of my life and I'm sorry that it took so long for me to realize it. That night at my house hurt me so much, I felt like the worst person in the world because I know I broke your heart. 

Liv: I love you Oliver.

Oliver: Listen I'm so sorry for the other night.

Liv: Oliver do me one favor.

Oliver: What's that?

Liv: Shut up and kiss me.

Liv and I shared a long passionate kiss and when we broke it, we just stared into each other's eyes.

Oliver: That was the best kiss I ever had.

Liv starts giggling and then we kissed a few more times and then we just stood there while I held her in my arms.

Oliver: I have a question that I've been wanting to ask you.

Liv: Oh yeah? What is it?

Oliver: So how about we change our title from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend?

Liv: I like the way that sounds.

Oliver: You know, I'm glad we didn't kiss that night when we were drunk.

Liv: Me too, it wouldn't have been as special.

Oliver: We probably wouldn't have remembered it either as drunk as we were.

Liv: Let's go tell Rue Rue and Sarah the good news.

Outside of the hotel Ruby and Sarah are sitting in front of the fountain waiting to hear from me.

Sarah: They've been in there for a long time.

Ruby: I hope things are going well.

Sarah: It could have gone one of two ways. Either they made up or she killed him. Did you take all of the sharp objects out of your room?

Ruby: Let's hope she didn't kill him. And why must everything with you be so violent?

Sarah: I have a sick sense of humor. C'mon 20 bucks says she at least cut him.

Ruby: Fine, I'll take you up on that offer. It's an easy 20 bucks for me.

Liv: Attention Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan. I have an announcement to make.

Ruby and Sarah turn around to see Liv and I standing next to each other. She then jumps on my back.

Liv: We're back.

Ruby: Thank god.

Sarah: The best friends are back together.

Oliver: And we came up with a name for our tag team.

Sarah: Is that what took you guys so long? Man, I thought you killed him.

Sarah goes into her pocket and hands Ruby $20

Ruby: Easiest $20 I've ever made.

Liv: Did you bet on us not making up?

Ruby: No, Sarah bet me $20 that you either killed him or cut him. I had all the faith in the world about you two making up.

Sarah: So what's the tag team name?

Liv jumps off my back and I put my arm around her.

Oliver: Making their way to the ring, the team of Liv Morgan and Oliver Pierce

Liv: The worlds cutest couple.

We kissed, Ruby and Sarah were so happy.

Ruby: Well this came out of nowhere.

Oliver: I'm where I should have been a long time ago.

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