She-ra and the princess of po...

By Flutterknight

327 0 0

Follow Skyla and Alison through She-ra and the princess of power! More

The sword part one
The sword part 2
The Sea Gate
In the Shadows of Mystacor

Flowers for She-ra

40 0 0
By Flutterknight

Skyla POV
"This is awesome! I can't believe Mom agreed to let you stay in Bright Moon!"Glimmer said.

We walk past the guards who are whispering to each other. "Yeah, awesome," I said. I look at a guard and stick my tongue at them. "Okay. You've seen the dining room, throne room, and portrait hall. So, the last stop on our grand tour is..." she said and open a room.

"Your new room! Ta-da!"She said and we gasp. "It's pretty standard. You've got your vanity, the bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, bed, desk, and of course, the waterfall"Glimmer said. "Is the waterfall for showering?"I said.

"Ha! Good one, Skyla. 'Waterfall for showering'."She said and laugh. I look at Adora and she shrugs. "I'm right down the hall if you need anything. Night" She said as she walk off. "Wait-" Adora said but she close the door behind her.

"Okay. This is different than the Fright Zone, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this in no time" she said then she sink into her new bed. "Help" She whispered which made me giggle. I try to pull her out but then we got stuck. I huff as she struggles to get out.

*Theme song plays*

"Come on, get flattered!" she said, punching the bed then feather came out.

"No! Go back in! Go back in!" she said as she try to shove it back in. I groan. "Hey, Adora...maybe you should talk a walk..."I said. "Good idea. Maybe Glimmer can help"She said. I heard the door shut then I close my eyes.
I woke up in a garden

Where am I? I stood up and saw a girl, maybe around 5 years old, looking at someone. "Brother!"She yells. There a young boy, maybe around 10, was looking at the orange crystal flower. "I never thought I will see them bloom," He said.

"What will bloom?"She said. "These rare fire flowers. Us Fumestar can make these grow" He said. I gasp and then touch them. "Only when we reach our true self. I don't know what that means but I am sure I will reach it!"He said. "Me too!" she said.

She looks at me. Can she see me? "Here," She said as she hold the fire flower. "What?"I said. "You need it, I need it, we need to unlock our power," She said. "What are you talking about? I can't have power!"I said. "WaKe Up!"She yells.
I gasp as I woke up.

What was that about? I got up. "Skyla?"Said a voice. Glimmer opens the door. "Hi...How are you?"I said then her eyes sparkled. "Aw, you sound so cute when you are tried!"She said. She went toward me and held my arm. "Come on. We are going to have a meeting" she said.

"Alright...can I...take the blanket with me?"I said. "Sure," She said. I grab the blanket and place it around me. I yawn as they took me to a room. "Wow. Heh"Adora said. "Come on. Meeting's about to start"Glimmer said. "Uh, the chairs are still empty," Adora said.

"Those are for the other Etherian Princesses, but... none of them have been active members since I was a kid. The Rebellion had a big defeat years ago, and most of the old Princesses gave up. Now all the kingdoms keep to themselves, and the new Princesses do the same"Glimmer said.

"Other than Spinnerella and Netossa" Bow said then look at the two girls. "Hey, guys!"He said then he look at us. "We're not really sure what they do" He whispered. "Ah," Adora said. She went to pick a chair and everyone gasp. "What? What? I don't understand" She said.

"Me either, "I said as I sit next to Bow. "This is not your chair," said a firm voice. I yelp and hide under my blanket. "Hey, Skyla. It is okay"Bow said. "It is fine...why are you speaking to me like that?"I said then he look away.

"Sorry! First day. Won't happen again!"Glimmer said as she pull Adora out of the chair. "What did I do?"Adora whisper. "You sat in my dad's chair"Glimmer whispered. "Oh... Oh. I'm sorry"Adora whispered. I pull the cover down.

"I've asked you here because I've received a distress call from Princess Perfuma. The Horde is laying siege to her kingdom. She's asking Bright Moon for assistance. General?"The queen said. A guard came up and the table glow up.

"Perfuma's kingdom, Plumeria, is located near the front lines. The Horde has set up camp in their territory, cutting off their main supply route"The General said. "Bright Moon will provide food and humanitarian aid, "Glimmer's mother said

"I have a better idea. We can--"Glimmer said but "Fight the Horde? Glimmer, you propose this idea every meeting" Her mother said. "No! I was going to say, let's use aggressive fist-to-face sparkles" She said. "I said, no, Glimmer. Now sit down!"Her mother said.

Glimmer huffs as she sat down. "You should send me. Skyla, Glimmer, and Bow to lead the relief mission. You can send me as She-Ra. I'll make sure everyone gets there safely and protect Bow and Glimmer if the Horde attacks. I promise I won't disappoint you" Adora said as she sat up.

"And I can help!"I said as I sat up, still holding the blanket close to me. Angella sigh. "Very well. You will deliver food and supplies to Plumeria, and under no circumstances will you engage the Horde. You leave at dawn" She said.
Alison POV
I smile as I walk with Catra.

"How does it feel?"I said. "It feels...great," She said. "I give up! I give up!"I heard Kyle yell. I sighed as I shook my head, smiling softly. Catra groans as I giggle. "Quit playing around, Kyle! Where's Catra? She's supposed to be here" I heard Lonnie say. "Not anymore, cadet Lonnie," I said.

She looks at us. She rolls her eyes and then looks at Catra. How dare she ignore me?! "Why aren't you dressed?"She said. "Oh, Lonnie, Lonnie... sweet, dumb, Lonnie"Catra said then taps on her badge. "They made you Force Captain?"Lonnie said.

"Congrats, Catra!"Kyle said then I brought out my whip. She wrapped it around the robot and then crush it, making it drop Kyle. "Thanks," he said, weakly as Catra smiled. "Your welcome, "I said, putting my whip away. I help him up.

"Hordak knows a good thing when he sees it. Now that I'm in charge, Shadow Weaver won't be the only one...Uh..."Catra said. "Hello Shadow Weaver, "I said as I grin. She rolls her eyes and then points to the locker room. We follow her.

"What do you need, Shadow Weaver? Ooh, are you giving us our first mission?"Catra said. "You will explain how you two lost Force Captain Adora, "Shadow Weaver said. Is she going on with this? When is she going to give it up?

"Ugh, We've told you everything we know about Adora!"Catra said and slams her fist on the locker. "I know you're lying. You have to be lying. What happened to Adora? What did you do?"Shadow Weaver said.

"What did we do? She left us! She left me! You ever think Adora's not as loyal as you thought?"Catra said. I noticed some black mist behind her. "I will learn the truth, Catra, even if I have to drag it from your--"She said then I glare at her.

"You will not hurt her when I am here, "I said. I felt some dark energy around me and she went to her knee. "Out of my way!"She yell as she ran off. "Are you alright, dear?"I said as I look at her. "Thank you, Alison. I can always trust you to be my side" She said as she smile softly.
Skyla POV
I look at the plants.

"Wow. Mom didn't say anything about all the plants dying"Glimmer said. "I don't think she knows, "Bow said. "Wait, where's Adora?"I said. We heard a grunt and we look back. It was Adora but as She-ra carrying a wagon.

"Are you gonna be She-Ra the entire time we're here?"I said, placing my hand on my waist. "I told Queen Angella I would. Besides, people like me better as She-Ra" Adora said and chuckled. "Could Adora do this?"She said as she use the wagon as a weight.

"Hmm. Yep. Very useful to our mission" Glimmer said as I chuckle. "Hey, guys. What is that?"Bow said. We turn around and saw smoke. "Must be coming from the Horde camp" I said. "You're here!"A girl with long blond hair said.

She really is tall. "Princess Perfuma. I'm Commander Glimmer of--"Glimmer said but she got a bouquet. "Ooh, I get a hat"Bow said as a flower crown appear on his head. I felt something on my hair and I touch it.

I took it off and saw it was a flower crown. Not really my style but I like it. I place it back and smile. Princess Perfuma gasps. I wonder what surprise her? "Oh, my. Everyone, come quick! It's, Oh, it's... It's..."She said as everyone went pass as us. Oh right.

"Look! The universe has heard our pleas and sent the legendary She-Ra to help us save our home" She yelled. She-Ra sets down the cart and clears her throat. "We heard about the blockade and we've come to help. We brought food and supplies for you" She said.

Perfuma whimpers. "Welcome to Plumeria, She-Ra," She said. "Um, Glimmer, what's happening?"She-Ra said as a baby hold her arm. "Come with me, I'll show you around. You're gonna love it"Perfuma said. I grab the baby and gave it back. I pet her and then ran to follow them.

"Our people have lived here for thousands of years. We're known for our beautiful flowers and our majestic trees. And this is the Heart-Blossom, the center of our kingdom, and the source of all my magical powers" Perfuma said.

"At least this tree is fine. What happened to everything else?"Bow said. "We're going through a little rough patch, but I'm sure the universe will right itself soon," She said. "Everything is dead or dying, "I said.

"Look, the blight hit right after the Horde arrived. We don't know why, and nothing I do stops it. But we don't dwell on the negative. Look at the positive. The Heart-Blossom is still healthy, the She-Ra is here, and the celebration's about to begin"She said. "Celebration?"I said.
They place She-Ra, sitting in front of a big tree.

"No, no, no, it's okay. You need this food more than we do" She said. "Nonsense. It is our honor to serve the She-Ra"The old lady said. I went to grab one but the lady smack my hand. I yelp as She-Ra chuckles. She grab one and took a bite. "We are so honored to have you," Perfuma said. 

"Whoa. That's She-Ra"A citizen said. "Yes, I know. The She-Ra, right? I'm so happy that after all these centuries of being gone, you've finally returned"Perfuma said as she got up and whisper to a person. "And at our hour of greatest need, just like in the stories," She said.

She-ra grab me an apple and I took it. "What stories?"I said before taking a bite. "The stories we've been telling for thousands of years," Perfuma said then some leaves revealed some craving. Those are some pretty cool drawings.

"She-Ra, the warrior who tamed the beasts of Beast Island with a single word, "Perfuma said and I glup. "That's nothing. What about the time She-Ra defeated a squad of Horde soldiers on a flying horse? Or the time she saved Thaymor from a legion of Horde soldiers? 

Or the time she borrowed my toothbrush and used it to defeat an army of Horde soldiers"Bow said to a group of kids. I got up and grab his arm. "Uh, Bow, that's not true," I said in a low voice. "You're right...It was two armies!"Bow said and everyone cheered.

They gave more things to She-Ra and another mother gave their baby to her. "Uh..."She said as the baby coos. "Hey, calm down!"Glimmer said. I grab the baby and hand it back to their mother. "Give her some space. One at a time. You first"Glimmer said.

A kid came and gave her...a pot? "Oh! Thank you for the..."She-Ra said and Glimmer lean in. "Windchime" She whispered. That...a wind chime? "Wind-chime" She-Ra said then we heard an explosion nearby. What that? I thought as I got up.

"We're so excited for you to heal our land and bring all the plants back to life. Will you be doing it before the drum circle or after?"Perfuma said. "You want her to--You want her to heal your land?"I said, pointing at She-Ra.

"Yes! Like in the ancient story, 'She-Ra Heals the Forest And Brings The Trees Back To Life' "Perfuma said. What kind of stories are those? "I've seen her do way weirder stuff. This'll be a snap"Glimmer said to a group close by. 

"Wait, it's not that simple. Plus, I don't like the look of that smoke. The Horde's up to something big. Maybe we should investigate"I said. "We?"Perfuma said then look at her people. She sigh and made a flower appear. 

"This is my power," she said as she hand it to me. "I grow plants," She said and the flower was welted. "We're not strong enough to go up against the Horde. All we want is to live peacefully in our ancestral home" she said. I look at Bow. 

"And then She-Ra saved the day once again!"Bow said and the child laughs. "We need you, She-Ra, "Perfuma said then the crowd begin to chant She-ra's name. Oh, shoot. "Yes, healing. That is a thing I know how to do"She-Ra said as she grab us. 

"I just need to take Bow, Skyla, and Glimmer over to those trees for a moment, "She-ra said then look at a kid. I grab him and put him down, petting his head. "I know what I'm doing!"She said as I push her away. "We will be back!"I said
"I don't know what I'm doing! I can't heal anything!"She-Ra whisper.

"But, the stories say you have healing powers, "Bow said. "They also say I fought the Mantisaur. I don't even know what that is!"She-Ra said. "Why don't you just concentrate hard? That seems to work whenever you need to transform"I said and she took a deep breath.

"Okay," She said. She put had hand up with her eyes close. She made a hole in a tree. "Did I do it?"She said. "No, you...punched a tree. That's kinda the opposite of healing" Bow said. "Let me try again," She said and chuckled. She closes her eyes.

She put her sword up and then send a blast of light. We quickly move out of the way. "Magic blast. Also not healing" I said. "I'll get it this time," She said and look at her sword. She close her and gave an iguana a horn and wing. It screeches and flew off.

"Magical...transformation?"Glimmer said. "Wait, is that what happened to our horse?"Bow said. She-Ra grunts and kick a tree down. "It's okay. You'll get it soon" Bow said as he place a hand on her shoulder. 

"Soon isn't good enough! These people expect me to save their land. I thought I was better as She-Ra, but I'm useless no matter what form I take"She-ra said then she gasp. "What about you, Skyla?"She said. "Me?"I said. 

"Yes. You have been close to Alison. Maybe she taught you some spells" She-Ra said. "I did see her do a few spells...She did show me how it was done...but I don't know if I can actually do it" I said. I sigh then drew a circle on a tree. A bright red light appears.

Huh...When Alison did this, her magic glow was light blue. I wonder why is red. "Augmentum!"I said then the tree grow. I yelp as I let it go, making it stop. "Um, that a growth spell, "Bow said, pointing at the tree. Did...did I actually do that?

"You did magic?!"She-Ra said as I look at my hand. "I did magic!"I yell then we heard another explosion nearby. "My hat!"Bow said as his flower crown fell. "She-Ra! Come quickly! Something absolutely terrible has happened!"Perfuma said.
She took us to the big tree. 

"The Heart-Blossom is dying. Please, She-Ra, heal our land"Perfuma said. She-Ra looks at us. Bow gave her a thumb up. She places her hand and closes her eyes. "Oh, come on, do something," She-ra said. Nothing happens. The weird vine thingy grew. 

"No," She-Ra said and sighed. She turns back into Adora. Everyone gasp. "Sorry. I don't know how to heal"She said. "Who are you? And where's She-Ra?"A random citizen said. "My name is Adora. I was chosen to carry the sword of She-Ra, but... I haven't been doing this for very long, and I don't know exactly how it works yet" Adora said. 

I place my hand on her shoulder. "She's just a girl!"An elder said. "I never meant to deceive you. I am She-Ra, I'm just not the same She-Ra" Adora said, looking down. "Then you can't save us?"Perfuma said. Another explosion was heard.

Everyone looks shocked. "Wait! There might be another way. Skyla and I know the Horde. We think they're using one of their machines to poison your land. If we wanna save your home, we have to stop them!"Adora said. 

"You're not She-Ra from the stories. You were supposed to save us"A citizen said. "It will be all right, I promise. We will rebuild. We have to believe that the universe will repay the Horde for their evil deeds eventually"Perfuma said. What?! She is not giving Adora a chance.

"The universe won't protect you! You want She-Ra to fix everything, but won't even try to save yourselves? At least Adora's trying"Glimmer then I ran toward Perfuma. She gasps then fell. "Yeah! So stop being a bratty princess and go and help your people!"I said.

"If She-Ra can't save us, no one can. Right now, we just need to make sure our people are safe. We leave today" Perfuma said. They all left. Ugh, I don't understand people. I growl then stick my tongue at them. "Are you okay?"Glimmer said. 

I noticed Adora on her knee. Oh no. "I just wanted to help. But all I've done is disappoint an entire kingdom. I'm sorry I let you guys down after you talked me up" Adora said as we all sat beside her. She looks at me and I let her hug me. 

"We just wanted everyone to see what an awesome person you are. I thought I was being supportive, but I was being terrible!"Bow said. I pat his back. "Adora, She-Ra's not the reason we like you. We like you because you're our friend"Glimmer said.

We heard another explosion and we stood up. What the heck is going on over there? "You have a plan, don't you?"Glimmer said as we look at Adora. "Yeah. I think I do" She said with a smile. Aw yeah! Time to fight!
Adora looks around.

"All clear, "She said. We ran and went into hiding. "Okay, we need to find the machine. Every Horde camp is laid out the same. Guard duty's in half-hour shifts, so we walk in when the shift changes in three, two, one"She said then we walk up to them with our helmets on.

"Shift change!"I said with a different voice. "Finally! Boring shifts go by slower"The soldier said then left. Yes! We are in! We look around and then went inside. We gasp. "You were right. The Horde is poisoning the land"Glimmer said. 

"Hey! What are you doing here?"A soldier said, aiming her gun at us. Adora scoffs at her. "What are you doing here? We have security clearance, password 5-echo-niner. On your way" I said, putting my hand on my waist. 

"We haven't used that password in months. Hands up!" the soldier said. Ah, shoot. I should have known that Alison change the password as soon as we left! The alarm wailing. "Adora? Skyla? What do we do?"Bow said. "Run!"She said.
We ran from the guard.

We hide behind some barrel. I grab a stone and threw it at them. "Go!"I yell then touch the ground "Augmentum!"I yell. Rocks randomly grew, throwing some guard off. Huh...who knew this spell would be helpful. I ran to find them.

"How many soldiers can you take?"Adora said. "Between one and zero, "Bow said and pant. "Whoo," He said. "I'll take them all... if you give me a minute, "Glimmer said then panted. They surround us. "Call Alison"I heard a soldier whisper. 

If she comes here, we all will be doomed! We heard a horn wailing and saw a Perfuma on moving veins. "I've always said the universe will repay the Horde one day. Well, I guess that day is today!"Perfuma said. Am I...seeing things? Is she...fighting? 

All right! "For the She-Ra!"A child yelled. I tap a guard's shoulder and grab his gun. I fire at them. "I always want to use this," I said. More guards came in my direction. I drop the gun and brought out my whip. They yell as they try to get hit. I wrap the end of my whip around a guard's leg. 

I pull it and she drags a few of her soldiers down. I look and saw Adora running off. I yelp as someone push me down. "Wrong move!"I yell. I punch them. I felt a chill behind my back. I turn around and I saw an image of Alison...well I think it is. 

She looks like Alison with wolf ears and a wolf tail. She was staring at me. A guard held me down on the ground. I struggle then the woman was in front of us. Her lips move but no sound came out. I push the guard off me. Flowers and veins grew around me. 

I look back and it was Perfuma doing. Does that mean we did it? I look and saw the woman again. She is smiling at me but disappears. Why does she feel...familiar? "Retreat! Retreat!"I heard the Horde soldier yell as they ran off. Wimp.

"Thank you so much! You inspired us to save ourselves. How can we ever repay you?"Perfuma said as I got back to the group. "Join the Rebellion, and help me reform the Princess Alliance" Glimmer said. "Um, are you sure? Didn't that go horribly the first time?"Perfuma said.

Glimmer: It went horribly for our parents. But we have a chance to do it right. We're clearly stronger together. Think what all the Princesses united could do"Glimmer said. Perfuma thought to herself. "Would I get to hit more people with flowers?"She said. 

"Absolutely, "I said, folding my arm. "You have a deal," She said, clapping her head. She turns to her people. "Hey, everyone! Look at us. We're mighty rebels now" She said and everyone cheered
Alison POV
I sigh as I walk through the hall.

All these reports...I can't believe Skyla and Adora did this! I aim at the wall, leaving a burn mark. I will blame it on one of the guards. I stop when I saw a strange woman. "Hey, who are you?! You are not allowed to be here!"I yell. The lady turns around and I gasp.

Why... why does she look like me? She picks up her skirt and walks toward me. I aim my sword at her. She stops. "Answer me!"I yell. She looks sad. "Look, I will let you go if you tell me your fact, I will take you back to your family without Hordak knowing, "I said.

She look scared when I saw Hordak's name. "Are you okay?"I said then it look she was screaming but no noise came out. She slowly fade away. Okay...I think I am seeing thing. "Alison!"I heard someone said. "Carta? What are you doing here?"I said. 

She stood straight. "Madam. I am here to see Shadow Weaver and give her my report"She said and I smile softly. "Catra...I told you not to call me that. Just call me Alison"I said as I touch her cheek. She chuckle as I pet her. "I will join you...I don't trust Shadow Weaver"I said.

She smile and we went to Shadow Weaver's room. "Force Captain Catra reporting for--"Catra said but Shadow Weaver glare at us. "This was brought to me by retreating soldiers, retreating because their camp was attacked by Adora...and She-Ra"She said, showing us video of the fight.

Does she know about Skyla? "Pathetic, you're still trying to protect her. Did you think you could keep the truth from me?"Shadow Weaver said. "It''s just a phase, she's confused. I'll bring her back in, I swear"Catra said then I place a hand on her shoulder. 

"We'll bring her back, "I said. I am not letting Catra doing this alone. "Oh, yes, you will. Because until I tell you otherwise, that is your mission. And to ensure success, no matter where Adora goes, no matter how long it takes, my shadow spies will find her"Shadow Weaver said. 

A bunch of shadow came out from her cauldon. Catra gasps and I held her close to me. A shadow went toward me but I tap it and it turn into a form of a fox but made out of light. It chrip then went into shellnecklace. A gift Hordak gave me when I become his assistant.

"Find her and bring her home"Shadow Weaver said as they flew off. "Are we done here?"I said. She glare at me. "You are not going to protect her forever"She said. "Try me. I do anything for the girl I watch over"I said then we left.
Skyla POV
"So this woman...are you sure she was there?"Adora said.

"I am sure. She was watching me and she felt...familiar. I don't know how but...I think she know me"I said and open the door. "What is this?"Adora said. It seem they fix her bed. "Since you've never slept in a room by yourself before, Bow and I thought we'd throw you a sleepover, then you won't feel so alone"Glimmer said.

"We even got you a new bed"Bow said. We gasp. She walk toward her new bed and sat on it. "It's wonderful"Adora whisper. She lay on it. "We can do this tomorrow too since Glimmer's grounded for ignoring orders"Bow said.

"For one week. That's three weeks less than normal. And Mom said she'd consider my plan to recruit new Princesses into the rebellion!"Glimmer said. "Whoa that is great new!"I said as I sat next to Adora. 

"Thanks, guys. I might not ever be the perfect hero everybody wants me to be, but that's okay"Adora said. Glimmer hit her with a pillow. "Of course it's okay. Do you have any idea how annoying you'd be if you were perfect?"Glimmer said then we started to have a pillow fight? 

Glimmer and Adora laugh during our small pillow fight. "Aw! Best Friend Squad is having a pillow fight!"Bow said then we stop. "Yeah, we're not calling ourselves that, "I said. "I prefer "The Glimmer Group." "Glimmer said. "Nah. We're the Best Friend Squad" Bow said.

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