Burning Brightly (a grishaver...


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Set around the beginning of the Shadow and Bone trilogy. Valerya,a powerful Inferni, is training in the Littl... Mere

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

1.7K 45 20

"I assumed this would be more exciting," I mumbled as I glanced out the window of my carriage. 

We had set off towards the Shadow Fold yesterday and I had been stuck in a carriage with all the other Inferni. It wouldn't have been so bad if Valerya was there, but she was with the squallers in a different carriage and I wouldn't see her until later. 

The Shadow Fold was miles and miles away from Os Alta and we had been traveling day and night. We were expected to reach it in a day or so. 

I had spent the entire ride stressing out. There had been countless rumours of the monsters in the Shadow Fold and how people had disappeared completely. 

Calm down I told myself. Stop being selfish and thinking about yourself. Your job is to protect the soldiers. They don't have powers, but you do.

I took a deep breath and shifted in my seat.


A girl a couple years older than me was sitting across from me and playing with a small ball of fire. She tilted her head and looked at me. "This is my first time to." She threw the little ball of fire at me and I caught it and threw it back.

"My boyfriend went in there a  few months ago, but he never came out. I met him around four years ago, but he joined the army and I never really saw him that much. We kept in touch through letters and we promised each other we would meet again soon. His regiment was sent to cross the Shadow Fold. They sent me a letter telling me that only a few people made it out alive and that Viktor hadn't survived."

I shot up from my seat. "Viktor!"

"Yeah, that was his name," the girl said slowly. "Why does it matter?"

"He was my brother."

The girl gasped and almost singed her hair with the fire ball. "Really?"

I nodded empathetically and the girl smiled. "I'm glad I finally got to meet you. He was always writing about his little sister in his letters."

She rummaged around in a bag near her feet and pulled out a huge stack of letters bound together with a string. 

"I think he would have wanted you to read these"

Slowly I untied the string and pulled out the first letter. 

Dear Ava,

How are you? Before you ask me the same question I'll tell you. I'm feeling kind of down right and not exactly sure why. I think I'm homesick. I know I know, a 25 year old man shouldn't be homesick, but I think no matter your age, you'll always miss home. That's a fact. Wow, I sound like such a philosopher. Viktor the Philosopher has a nice ring to it. Maybe I should desert the army and offer life advice to people. Don't worry, I'm just kidding. Or am I?

Anyway, joking aside I really do miss my family. Wait, scratch that I miss my sister. Her name is Valerya and she's an Inferni like you. They took her away when she was seven. I write letters to her all the time, but it isn't the same. We used to have so much fun together. You would have liked her. She's a whole lot like you. I hope you guys get to meet one day.

The person I miss the most though is you. Can you believe that we met four years ago at that restaurant in Ketterdam? I was scared to talk to you at first, because you were with all the other Grisha and I found you kind of intimidating, but after we began talking I realized what a funny and sweet person you were. I honestly think it was love at first sight. At least for me it was. We only spent a few weeks together before I had to leave with my regiment, but I haven't forgotten you. Thanks for the letters. They really do make my day.

I was in a town that I can't remember the name of a few weeks ago, and we passed a store selling these beautiful necklaces. I couldn't help but buy one for you. It has an A on it and it's gorgeous if I do say so myself. I sent it to you. You probably should have gotten it by now.

I should probably go to bed now because a bunch of guys are getting mad at me for having a light on and we have a very long day ahead of us, but before I finish this letter I have to ask you a very important favor.

I got Valerya a necklace similar to yours. It has a V on it, but otherwise it looks exactly the same as the one I got you. Can you find a way to give it to her? I know you guys are years apart and you have no idea what she looks like, but maybe you could give it to someone who knows her. Just try and find a way to give it to her please. I want her to know that I haven't forgotten her and she'll always be my little sister.

Thanks in advance. I love you Aves and I hope we can see each other soon.



I set the letter down and blinked back a few tears. 

"Viktor really loved you Valerya," Ava said softly. "I always kept the necklace in my pocket in case I met you." She pulled out the necklace and pressed it in my  palm. "I'm glad we met. Viktor would have been so happy."

I smiled. "Yeah, he would have." 

The necklace sparkled in my hand and I unclasped it and set it around my neck. Slowly I pulled out my own stack of letters. "These are the letters Viktor sent me," I told Ava as I handed the letters over to her. "You can read them if you want to. I'm pretty sure he mentions you in a couple of them."

Ava grinned and flipped through the letters. "You know, whenever I read his letters I miss less. It's like he's right there talking to me. Never mind I sound crazy."

"No," I shook my head and leaned back against the window. "I totally get what you mean."

Ava's grin widened. "It's nice to be able to talk to someone who's going through the same thing that I'm going through. 

"I know right. It almost feels like having an older sister."

Ava stood up from her seat and walked over to where I was sitting. "I've always wanted a younger sister. Now turn around I'm  bored and I want to braid your hair."


With Ava's fingers swiftly pulling my hair into an intricate braid, I felt more relaxed than I had in weeks. I reached for another letter and Ava whacked my hand. 

"Nope, you are not reading that one."

"Why not," I smirked. 

"Because I told you not to."

I groaned and lunged for the letter in her hand, but Ava danced away before I could grab it. The carriage lurched and we both stopped. 

Ava glanced out the window. "I think we've arrived."

A/N  I am so so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. Thank you so much if you're still here. I've had writers block and I literally just forced my self to sit down and write a chapter.  I've been really busy with the end of school and I also had to give my IPad back to the school and now I have to use my family computer. 

I started an original story called A Golden Rose that I would love for you guys to check out . I've worked really hard on it and I think it shows my writing ability a lot better than this story that I though up in two seconds. 

Anyway, thank you again for sticking with this story even though I haven't updated in a month. You guys are amazing and I love you so much


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