An Assassin's Rose: Teen Tita...

By Egyptiandragon

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Because of a little stunt both Ruby and Damian pulled when the Legion of Doom attacked the Justice League, th... More

Chapter 1: Summer Break
Chapter 2: Another Day in Gotham
Chapter 3: Actions have Consequences
Chapter 4: Wayne Gala
Chapter 5: A Women's Wrath
Chapter 6: A Sister's Advice
Chapter 7: The Legion of Doom
Chapter 8: The Teen Titans
Chapter 9: Suspicious Behavior
Chapter 10: Demonic Superman
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Titans Go
Chapter 13: Raven's Story
Chapter 14: Titans vs Justice League
Chapter 16: Strength
Chapter 17: The Aftermath

Chapter 15: Hell on Earth

1.1K 28 1
By Egyptiandragon

At the Shrine, the possessed Justice League watched as Raven's powers continue to power the portal when a loud sound catches Superman's attention.

He turns around and watches as a portal opens to Starfire, Red, Goldie, Blue Beetle, and Cyborg.

The demonic superhero narrows his eyes and flies towards them.

"You heard the plan. Titans go!" Starfire exclaimed.

With that all five of them shot at the Man of Steel.

As expected, he dodges all of their attacks but once he was close enough, they moved out of the way to reveal Beast Boy carrying Robin.

Before he could react, Beat Boy let go of Robin and the boy wonder takes out a large piece of Kryptonite from one of his pouches and slams it into the Superhero's side and held on tight as they plummeted down.

Superman groans in pain as the demon is dispelled from his body.

Once they touched the ground the force of it made a giant crater.

"Damian." Red said and used her speed to slow herself down to make her landing next to him a little softer.

"Damian are you ok?" she asked.

"I'm fine, I had the boy scout to break my fall." Robin replied.

Red snorts amused.

She then looks at said Boy scout. "At least he's back to normal." She stated.

Superman groans as he opens his eyes "You mind removing that?" he asked tiredly.

Grabbing the Kryptonite Robin takes it out and puts it back into his pouch. Red lightly punches his arm. "Nicely done." She praised.

Robin smiles back, "Thank you Zahra."

Superman looks at Robin and could not help but see Batman in the new Boy Wonder.

And of course said Boy Wonder soon noticed the Man of Steel's stare and looked at him in confusion, "What?"

He smiles in amusement as he gets up.

"Damian!" Starfire said flying over to him and touched his shoulder to see if he is alright.

But the Boy wonder snatched away from her.

Red elbows him in the arm, "Be nice."

"I am being nice." Robin replied.

"Starfire. You okayed this?" Superman inquired.

"Yes." Starfire answered truthfully.

"Good call." The Boy Scout praised.

The Tamaranian smiles happy to know that he wasn't mad but her eyes then looked down at his wound. "It's okay. It's healing." the Man of Steel assured.

But the sound of Raven's screaming got their attention.

Getting out of the crater they watched as the stone portal started to glow brighter.

Superman narrows his eyes at this but then he saw Flash running towards them.

"I've got Flash, the rest of you get Raven off that thing." He instructed and flies away.

Nodding their heads everyone flies towards the shrine.

Except for Beast boy who turned into a horse and ran towards the shrine with Red and Robin on his back.

And Starfire had grabbed Goldie by her hand and was now flying with her.

Taking a deep breath Superman then exhales which literally blows Flash away and flies towards him with his fist raised.

But the Speedster managed to get out of the way before the Kryptonian could hit him.

And then used his speed to get a few lucky punches in, but Superman grabs his arm and twists it to hold him still long enough so he could find a way to get that demonic creature out of him but Flash phases out of his hold and ran around him to confuse the Man of Steel.

Which really didn't work since Superman was easily keeping track of him and after a minute he finally got an idea on how to free his friend from Trigon's influence, but he knows that the speedster is probably not going to like it. 

"Barry, if you can hear me in there, sorry." He said and jumps into the air and as Flash was running around landed right onto the speedsters leg completely crushing the bone and leaving it at an awkward angle.

Pure agony didn't even begin to describe how the speedster felt as he falls to the ground yelling in pain but thankfully it was not all in vain as the demon fianlly leaves his body.

The Speedster groans and rolls over and looks up at the Man of Steel.

"How long will it take you to heal?" he asked.

Sitting up the superhero looks at his bent leg and had to control himself from cursing at the Kryptonian for destroying his leg. "Ah, oh, my god, an hour?" he replied.

"Also, seriously!?" he exclaimed peeved.

"You've got 10 minutes." The man of steel stated and turns his attention to Wonder Woman.

Flash looks down at his messed-up leg in disbelief. 10 minutes?! he wants him to heel this fucked up thing in 10 minutes?! it looks like it got caught in a grinder for pete sakes!

The Speedster sighs in annoyance but complies with the Man of Steel and starts getting to work with regenerating his leg.

Meanwhile back to Superman and Wonder Woman, The Amazonian raises her fist and tries to punch him, but Superman blocks it, retracting her arm she lands on the ground and kicks him.

The Man of Steel skid to a stop and he tried to block as many of her punches, but she got a few lucky ones in.

Grabbing her fist, she tried to punch him with her free one, but he grabbed that as well.

She plants her feet on his chest and kicks off from him.

She kicks a destroyed pillar from its base and picks it up.

Raising it over her head she threw it at the Man of Steel, but he easily destroyed it.

He flies towards her and tried to tackle her, but Wonder grabbed him and flung him away from her.

"Your power is no match for that of Trigon, Kryptonian." She said smirking.

"She doesn't belong to you, devil." The Man of Steel proclaimed.

Wonder Woman narrows her eyes and advances towards him, suddenly Superman brings out the Lasso of truth which he managed to steal from the Amazonian when they were fighting.

He wraps it around her and pulls on it.

The Amazonian growls as she tries to fly away but the Lasso was too strong, and she fell to the ground.

"Let me go, you alien filth." Wonder Woman demanded as the Man of Steel reels her in.

"You sicken me. I never cared. I never loved you." She exclaimed.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

"I am corruption incarnate, you piece of—" she groans in pain at the lasso's magic.

"The lasso commands you answer." Superman demanded.

Wonder Woman groaned as she tried to fight it, but she could not "I...I...I am Diana of Themyscria." She announced.

She exclaims in pain as the demon exist her body and disappeared.

The Amazonian groans as she falls to the ground, but Superman catches her.

"It's okay. I've got you now." He said and touches her cheek.

Wonder Woman smiles and touches his hand lovingly. "Just like in the movies." She said fondly.

Superman smiled but then he looks at the shrine and they both watched as a giant purple bubble that was coursing with Raven's magic surrounded the both her and the gate.

Suddenly the bubble started to get smaller until it was around Raven's size and went straight to the ground making a very deep hole.

Raven groaned exhausted and starts to fall but Starfire throws Goldie at her, and the blonde managed to grab her and land on the ground on her feet.

Beast Boy neighs as he finally stops, "You can get off my back now, boy bony ass." He proclaimed.

Red rolled her eyes as she and Robin got off and walked over to the others.

Raven groans as she manages to stand up, but her knees buckled so Robin helped her stay her on her feet.

"You alright?" Cyborg asked.

Suddenly the ground started to shake "Nothing is right." Raven replied as the hole that she made with her magic gradually started to get bigger.

Starfire quickly picks up Raven and said, "Run! Everyone, run!"

Thankfully, they managed to get away, but it got more worse as Trigon slowly rose from the floor in all his fiery hair glory.

Once they were a few feet away from the shrine they all looked at Trigon in shock as the red flames disappeared and his silver hair blew in the wind.

"Well, this sucks." Blue Beetle proclaimed.

Trigon smirked down at his daughter and her spiteful friends as his horns grew bigger.

And with that he levitated out of the hole and onto solid ground and when he did the sheer force of it made the ground tremble.

Paying the heroes no mind Trigon begins to walk away to bring destruction to this planet.

"He'll bring hell on earth." Raven stated.

"How do we stop him?" Cyborg asked.

"There's only one way." Raven stated.

"You're going to put him back in the crystal." Robin assumed.

Raven spares him a glance before looking down at the ground. "In the unlikely event that I can make it there."

Meanwhile the Justice league were getting their bearings when Superman realized that the demon was heading for a city and with his sheer size would make it in 6 minutes.

"He's heading towards the city." The man of steel proclaimed.

"Superman." Cyborg said over an intercom. "Raven has a plan." He stated as the young witch creates a portal to her father's dark realm. "The Titans need my help. I'm going to hell." He stated as him and the Titans go through the portal.

But as they went through Beast Boy started to groan, "I don't feel so good." He muttered.

"The Crystal can only be touched by me. Hey may have escaped it, but he can't destroy it." Raven explained.

"Let's hope he left a trail of breadcrumbs." Blue Beetle proclaimed.

And with that Raven led everyone to where the crystal is. "Home, Sweet home." She muttered when they came across a giant fiery chasm and a long silver rectangular floating object.

"Can't you just transport us inside?" Robin inquired.

"No, it's shielded." Raven answered and starts to walk again with the others.

"Wow, this place is "lit,"." Goldie said trying to lighten up the mood with her bad puns.

Which of course did the opposite, and everyone groaned and cringed at how awful that pun was.

Well except for Beast Boy, he was the only one that found her pun funny.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you sometimes." Red groaned.

Not even phased by that comment the blonde just smirks mischievously and said, "Oh come on Ruby, you gotta admit that pun was pretty "hot" Eh?"

Sighing in annoyance, the huntress mutters something in her native tongue for a moment before she finally composed herself and said, "Yang, I will shave off all your hair to make you look like Lex Luther if you say another awful fire pun."

Goldie pouts at that but knew that the red hooded girl was serious. "Geez, lighten up sis. I was only having a little fun." She stated.

Her eyes then widen when she realized that she accidentally said another fire pun.

And against her better judgment she chose to look at Red which turned out to be a very bad choice to make since the red hooded huntress was now giving her the ultimate death glare.

The blonde nervously smiles at her sister as she walked a little slower so she could have Beast Boy and Blue Beetle in front of her.

After that there was nothing but complete silence between the Titans as they neared a large staircase.

But before they could go up them Raven stops and groans as she felt something wrong and looked up to see hundreds of her father's demonic creatures roar and fly over to them.

Seeing them too the titans got ready for battle except for Beast Boy who was experiencing indescribable pain and felt like he was going to throw up.

Falling to the floor the green skinned hero groaned as he held his stomach.

"Garfield!" Starfire exclaimed and ran over to him to see what was wrong.

"What's that on his back?" Goldie questioned when she noticed that something seemed to be moving and poking out it.

And they got their answer when a pair of green wings came out and scared Blue Beetle and Goldie to the point that they fell backwards on to the floor.

"Dude, what the hell?!" Blue said freaked out.

Goldie on the other hand could only look at the animal-based hero in awe. "So cool." She muttered.

"We've got company." Red stated as she shoots at one of the creatures in the forehead killing it.

And while everyone else was fighting the creatures both Goldie and Blue beetle were watching as Beast Boy's form started to morph into something, but they soon joined the fight when some of the demons almost clamp their jaws on them.

"Hands off!" Goldie exclaimed as she upchucks a demon so hard that the blast from her weapon obliterated its head.

The blonde then dives and rolls out of the way of another demon and while it was flying pass her she grabbed it by its tail and used her strength to swing it into its brethren and then letting go which made the monster fall into the fiery pits below.

Smirking at how easy fighting these things are Goldie was about to deal with another demon that was coming right for her but she was so distracted that she didn't notice another demon come from behind her as it wrapped its body around her.

Goldie exclaims in shock and tried to break free but the more she struggled the tighter the demons hold got on her.

Growling in anger the blonde's hair started to glow and a second later she let out all of the energy she had stored up into a concentrated blast which destroyed most of the demon's body to pieces.

But her escaped appeared to be short lived since as she was getting her bearings a demon roared at her as it made its way towards her and almost managed to catch her in its jaws but at the last second something grabbed it a tore it apart.

And that something was a muscular green monster.

Goldie looks at the monster in shock for a moment before she realized what color it was. "Beast Boy is that you?" she questioned.

Beast Boy chuckles and does a rock on hand gesture.

The blonde then whistles impressed and looks down at the beast. "Nice." Was the only thing she said as her and the beast went to deal with more of these things.

And while they were doing that both Robin and Red were protecting Raven.

"Move!" Red exclaimed as she pushes Raven out of the way and sliced off a demon's head.

She then glances at Raven to see If she was ok, but her attention was soon adverted when Robin got snatched up by a demon, "Damian!" Red exclaimed.

Thankfully Raven with what magic she could still spare used it kill the demon, saving Robin.

Taking out his grappling hook the boy wonder shoots it at the bottom of the platform and swings across the fiery pit so he could get back on the platform and when he did, he twist his body horizontally and takes out another demon.

Landing on the ground Robin quickly made his way back to the others. "That seems like the rest of them, come on." Red said and helps Raven move forward and up the stairs.

And once the made tit to the top they were met with three demons from the carnival, who were now sitting on stone pillars.

"Welcome home, sister." One of them said as they jumped down and landed in front of the heroes.

"Oh great it's the Freak Show again!" Goldie exclaimed in annoyance as her and her fellow Titans got ready for another fight.

But to their surprise the demons just stood there as the demon in the middle let's out a low his as its body started to slowly transform like Beast Boy and the two other demons followed his lead.

But unlike the animal-based hero, the demon's forms started to merge into one and to the Titans horror they watched as the demons transformed into some freaky three headed hydra demon.

The demon roared at the heroes as the heads started to breath fire at them.

And while 5 out of 8 titans kept the monster distracted it Red and Robin ushered Raven forward until they were close enough to the hill.

"Get inside!" Robin proclaimed as him and Red stayed behind to help the others.

Not needing to be told twice Raven flies up to the platform and when she was high enough she extends her hands towards it and used her magic to destroy it which revealed a floating platform which strangely enough resembled a monster's mouth and at the center was smaller  floating platform with the crystal.

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