She-ra and the princess of po...

Galing kay Flutterknight

313 0 0

Follow Skyla and Alison through She-ra and the princess of power! Higit pa

The sword part one
The sword part 2
Flowers for She-ra
The Sea Gate
In the Shadows of Mystacor


33 0 0
Galing kay Flutterknight

Skyla POV
"Hey, we made it, "Glimmer said.

She was riding on the horse as we walk to their home. "Whoa," We said. "Welcome to Bright Moon," he said. It look so beautiful...nothing like what they showed us in the Fright Zone. "It's so beautiful," Adora said. "And we going to stay there?"I whisper.

"Okay, I just need to go in there, recharge, and deal with my mom"Glimmer sigh then rode forward. "This'll be fun"Glimmer then stop to look at Bow. "Uh, Bow? Maybe we should take Adora and Skyla in the 'back way' ?"Glimmer said. "Oh, yeah. Good call" he said. "What's the back way?"I said.

"Why did I ask?!"I yell.

We were climbing the wall. "This is the back way?"Adora said. "It might seem weird, but we totally come in this way all the time, "Bow said as we look around. It look "Oh! Hey, here. Why don't you put this robe on? No reason"Bow said, throwing something at us.

We quickly took it away. "You're trying to hide us," I said as I look at the fabric. No way I am wearing pink. "What? No!"He said as his voice crack a little. He look away then I sigh. He is lying to us, isn't he?

*Theme song*
We watch as Bow look outside...and open the door a lot.

"Okay, I get it. I'm guessing the people of Bright Moon are gonna be a little less welcoming of a Horde soldier than you led me to believe"I said. "Maybe a little"Bow said. "How little?"I said. "Think pitchforks and torches, "Bow said and we groan. 

"It's just..."Bow said as he closes the door. "That the people of Bright Moon have been really hurt by the Horde. Everyone here has lost someone in the war. You can't blame them for being a little suspicious" he said as he walks toward us. "Sorry," We said

"Hey, it's not your fault. Once they get to know you, the people of Bright Moon are going to trust you just like Glimmer and I already—"Bow said but then shrieks when a bright pink light appear. "I'm here! Okay, my mom's on her way, but no one panic" Glimmer said.

"What?"We said as we stood up. "I said no one panic!"She yells. "Don't worry, she'll love you. All you have to do is use the sword to transform into She-Ra before she gets here" She said. "Wait, we're jumping straight to She-Ra with your mom?"Bow said.

"Are you sure?"I said. "Yeah, I don't think my mom is going to buy, "Hey mom, we found a Horde soldier. Can we keep her?" My mom is gonna love She-Ra. We can ease her into the Horde stuff later," she said then Adora stood up.

"Uh, Glimmer, look. I don't know if I can just 'turn on' She-Ra. I've only done it when someone was in danger before, and it felt a little out-of-control last time. I'm still figuring out how all of this stuff works"Adora said, holding her sword.

"How hard can it be? Sword, magic words, poof! She-Ra!"Glimmer said. I look at Adora who bit her lips. She look at her sword. "Hey. You're gonna do great, okay? Bow and I will go buy you some time. Just hang out here with the sword and think She-Ra thoughts. I believe in you!" she said.

Bow grunts as Glimmer grab him and teleport away. Adora sigh and put her sword up. "Right. Okay, sword, it's just you and me now. So, uh...let's do this" she said and chuckled. "For the honor of Gray—" she said then her sword got caught with some fabric. 

I yelp as I move out of the way as she fumbles with the sword. Something fell and we quickly grab them. She groans then look outside. She gasps then grabs my arm. She shook me and point to the horse. "Let go see him!"She said. "Alright, alright, "I said as we ran.


"Horsey!"Adora said as she hug the horse.

"You love this horse," I said. "Oh! This is much better. There's actually room to move around here" Adora said as she walk back. I sat next to the horse. "Ready to see something cool?" she said then took a deep breath. 

"For the honor of Grayskull!"She said. The sword light flashes, but nothing happens. "Okay, let's try that again. For the honor of Grayskull!"Adora said but still, nothing happen. The horse whinnies and turns away to eat grass, uninterested. Adora sighs.

After a few 'For the honor of Grayskull', she lay on her back in defeat. "Honor of Grayskull, blah blah blah," she said. I sigh as I pet Horsey. "Oh, come on! Glimmer's counting on me. Don't leave me hanging here" She whisper. "Do you think she might get it?"I whisper. 

"For the honor of Grayskull!"Adora yell then the sword begins firing at random and hits Horsey. "Horsey, no!"Adora yells as I gasp. It slowly gave Horsey rainbow wings and a horn! "Okay..."I said. It opens its eyes then look at itself. It panicked! 

"Horsey, it's okay!"I said but it ran off. Oh no! We follow him to a nearby village. People scream as it trashed around. "No! No, wait! Horsey!"Adora said as it stab a basket. "Stop!" she said as it started to fly. "Horsey!"We yell then follow it.

Horsey creates a gust with his wings that blows Adora's robe off of her shoulders and then flies away in panic. "Come back!"Adora yell then we heard whispers. I grip on Adora's arm. Man, I wish Alison was with us...she always has a plan. "Horde Soldier!"A guard yell. 

"Wait, you don't understand. Stop! I'm not with the Horde. Just listen to me!"Adora yell then the guard raises her sword and attacks Adora. Someone charge her but she doge it. She grabs my hand and made an exit.

People yell at us as we ran to the forest. We fell from a ledge and into a small rover. We took some breathers. Volleys of arrows are shot at us. It misses us as we keep on running. Why did the Horde create so much hate?!
"I'm telling you. This new princess is no joke. She wiped the floor with our whole recon squad. Twelve feet tall at least! Took out every one of our machines with nothing but a sword"Lonnie said.

I was doing my work until I heard them chatting about it. I grip on my tablet. "Did you actually see her?"A woman said. "No. And it's a good thing, too. We were lucky to get out of there alive" Lonnie said then whisper something under her breath.

"Oh, please. She's like every other princess: all sparkle, no substance. She caught us off-guard. That is all"Catra said. "Sure. You were the only one who saw her up close, and you didn't even land a hit on her. She took Skyla !"Lonnie said. If only she knows the truth.

"What? Did you freeze up?"Lonnie said then Catra growl. "You think I'm scared of some princess? I could take her out whenever I want. I know her secret" She said and Lonnie scoff. "Oh yeah?" she said. Catra grunts as Lonnie push her away.

"And what's that?"Lonnie said. I need to help her. "Hmm. Like I'd tell you" Catra said as I enter. The other noticed and I place a finger on my lip, telling them to be quiet. "Easy, Catra. Adora's not here to protect you anymore" Lonnie said then I stood behind her, glaring at her. 

"But I am, "I said and they gasp. "Alison," Lonnie said as she glare back. "I hope there is no problem between you too. Is there, Lonnie?"I said as she bow. "No...No, ma'am," She said. "Good, "I said as I stood beside Catra.
Skyla POV
We stop and found out we don't even know where we are.

"Stupid. You just had to go out there, even after Bow warned you about the pitchforks and torches" Adora said as she sat down then I look at her. "Hey, it is okay," I said and she smile softly. The stone on Adora's sword begins to glow. I scoff. 

"What do you want from her now?"I said as I glare at it. "Haven't I done enough for you?"She said then stood up. "For the honor of Grayskull?"She said, annoyed, and raise her sword. Nothing happens. "What's wrong with you?"Adora sigh. We heard a noise. 

I held Adora's arm as she look around. We walk off. "Horsey? Is that you?"I said. We came across...a hut? An old lady came out from her hunt. "Hm? Did you hear something? Yes, I did, too. Who's there?!"She yells. We look at each other then got out of the bushes. 

"I, uh, didn't mean to intrude. Um, but have you seen a flying horse around here?"She said as I nod. The old lady squits her eyes then gasp. "Oh, Mara, Merda, dearie! Is that you? About time you got here. Come on now, there's no time to waste. Let's get going" She said, entering her home.

I shrug and follow her. "Uh, you were waiting for her?"I said. The old lady laugh. "We made plans to go berry-picking today," She said. "Look, I'm sorry, but I think you've mistaken me for someone else. I don't know who you are"Adora said. 

"No, you don't know Madame Razz, do you?"She said as she put things in her basket. "You're not quite the same. This is the wrong time for my Mara and my Merda, isn't it? Now you've got the sword, instead"She said. "Wait, what?"Adora said. 

"And you with your ankle bracelet...which I see you don't have it," she said. Wait...what? "Ah! Well, never mind. You're here now, and there are still berries to be picked"Razz said as she hand out a basket. She walks out of her hut. We look at each other and follow her.

"Hey, uh, you've said something about the sword. Have you seen it before?"Adora said as we catch up. Razz chuckle. "Don't ask such silly questions, Mara. You know you bring that sword and your friends around here all the time" She said.

"We are Not—Okay. How long have you been living out here in the woods alone?"I said. "Alone? Me? Oh, no! I'm not alone. I've got Broom here, and my friend Loo-Kee, too!"She said the lean in. "But he's always hiding" she whisper then chuckle.

We let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh, good, she's got, imaginary friends, "Adora said. I gasp when I saw a weird-looking building. "Whoa," We said. "Ah! Here we are" She said then place her broom down. "I think I've seen a place like this before," Adora said. 

I close my eyes then saw me...I raise my hand up and red flowers grew. "This is a First One ruin, isn't it?"I said. "And the best place to pick fresh berries!"Razz said and I noticed she was climbing the building?! "Hey, be careful up there! That thing's not safe" Adora said.

As Razz climbing, something glowing. She reaches to the top but a light blasts her, causing her to fall. Adora catches her as the ruins are bathed in an odd green light. "Oh, dearie me! That was quite a tumble, eh?"She said and chuckle.

A light flashes from the top of the ruin, and stars appear in the sky. "Stars?"I said as I point up. They look up. "Oh, we used to come here to look at the stars. Do you remember, Mara? Merda?They're all gone now. What happened to the stars?"Razz said.

"I've seen them before. I know all of this somehow"Adroa said then I close my eyes. I saw this purple lady, Glimmer's home...a woman holding the hands with another woman and then the stars. I blink then look at Razz who was eating a berry.

"What is this? What's happening to me?"Adora said but Razz stood silent. "Look, I know you brought me here for a reason. If you know something about the sword, about me, you need to tell me!"Adora said.

"I brought you here to pick berries, and your basket's still empty," Razz said as she pick up her basket and broom. "So, come on, silly," she said. "Whoa!"Adora said as Razz drag her by the arm. I chuckle as I follow them.
Alison POV
I sigh as I watch Catra destroy Adora's pillow.

"Catra?"I said and she gasp. "Is it okay if I sit here?"I said. "Whatever," she said and I sat down. I pat my lap and she lay her head on it. "It is okay. I know how you feel"I said and she sniff. "You do?"She said. "Yeah. I miss Skyla and it hurt that she left us" I said as I pet her hair. 

She quickly sat up. "Thank you...for what you said back there," She said as I smile gently. "Your welcome, "I said then pull in a hug. I feel bad that she has to go through all this pain. I promise to protect them and I will. "Catra!"Someone yell. We quickly scramble out of bed. 

"What do you want?"Catra said as we stood up straight. "Impertinent as always, I see. With such a grand failure under your belt, it would benefit you to show more respect, cadet"Shadow Weaver said as she glare at me. I roll my eyes. 

"I did exactly what you told us to do, "Catra said. "You are the one who didn't warn us there would be princesses there, "I said then she lean toward me. "I have you a simple task: bring back Adora and Skyla. Instead, your squadron is ravaged, your war machines destroyed, and they are still missing" she said.

I noticed her shadow whisp. "News flash, old lady, if they wanted to come home, they'd be here right now. Adora and Skyla's gone. They are defective. And I'm starting to think they had the right idea. So maybe it's you who should be showing a little more respect to us"Catra said.

"Lies!"Shadow Weaver yell and the lights shatter. I quickly protect Catra and me from the falling shards. "I am out of patience to address your incompetence and your insubordination, cadet. You will answer to a higher power, Lord Hordak himself"Shadow Weaver said.

She look at me. "Make sure you tell Hordak about this," she said then I chuckle. "Me? Why little old me? Why should I tell him when it is a 'you' problem? Besides I got better things to do. I see you later, Catra"I said. I hug Catra then walk off. 
Skyla POV
We walk through the Whispering Wood.

"Wait! Will you slow down?"Adora grumble. "Eh? What's that, dearie? I don't have my glasses; you'll have to speak up" Razz said. "Oh, I know you can hear me. I just—I need you to tell me what to do!"Adora said which cause Razz to laugh. 

"How would Madame Razz know what you should do?" she said. "Look, I left my whole life behind, looking for answers about where I came from and who I'm supposed to be. The Rebellion hates me, and I can't go back to the Horde. And I wanna do the right thing, but I don't know what that is"Adora said.

We stop in front of a field full of abandoned Horde war machines. "Whoa," I said as I walk toward one. "Ah, it's the same old story, dearie. Wicked people destroy what they cannot control" Razz said. "They can't just do this!"Adora said. 

"Why didn't Alison told us this?"I whisper. "Once, the princesses would have protected us. But these days, they—they stay in their castles, protecting only their own lands. Meanwhile, the Horde creeps ever closer"Razz said.

She look at us. "You're very like my Mara and my Medra, you know? Brave, loyal, but afraid" She said. "We are not afraid," I said. "Dearie..." she said and chuckled. "You ran into the woods and asked the first old lady you could find what you should do!" she said.

She is so right. "No one is going to make this easy for you, dearie. Stop waiting for someone to tell you what the right thing to do is. You're a smart girl. What do you think?"She said. I look at my necklace then look at Adora. We both nod. 

"We think...this is wrong," I said. We heard some noise. "Horsey, "We said then ran. We found some horde solider trying to tie Horsey down. "For the honor of Grayskull, "She whisper then transform into She-Ra. "Keep those lines taut," A soldier said. 

She-ra jump down and tears open the net restraining Horsey. It neight then left. "Turn off your machines and leave this place now!"She said. "It's the princess. Get her!"The Horde Solider said. They ran toward her. I found a helmet laying around and I put it on. 

I went toward the tanks and destroy them. I cheer then someone pulls me back." How dare you betray us," someone said. "How dare you hurt the lands!"I yell then flip them over. "She-ra!"I yell. I grab the sword then threw it to her. Some soldier came toward me. 

I grab one of their guns and begin to shoot. I bump into a soldier. "Take that, you great lump! Razzle Dazzle!"Razz said as she hit a soldier with her broom. "Razz, no! You can't be here!"She-Ra said. Horsey came and attack it before flying away. "Woo-hoo!"Razz said. 

I sigh then someone knocks it out off of my hand. I growl then took out my ribbon. I twirl as I made the soldiers trip. I heard something got hit and I look back. Oh no! Adora! She collapses suddenly. "Mara, dear!"Razz said. I ran toward them.

The soldiers begin to surround us. "Razzle Dazzle!"Razz said as she threw down her berries and creates a smokescreen. I saw them calling Alison and I gasp. No...She look and had this frown. No...I quickly fainted.


I groan as someone woke me.

"Adora/'I said as I saw things clearly. "Yeah...are you okay?"She said. "I think so, "I said. "Swift Wind and I have been talking while you were asleep. He thanks you for coming to his rescue"Razz said. "Swift Wind?"I said and I look at the horse.

I pet him. "That's what he prefers to be called. Also, he wanted me to make sure that you know that "Horsey" was a stupid name"She said. I glare at him and he look away. "How do you feel?"Razz said. "I'm...I'm okay. I think I know what I need to do"Adora said.

"Same here, "I said. "If the princesses won't defend Etheria, then I will...We need to get back to Bright Moon" Adora said. "Ah, that's the spirit, dearie!"She said. "Will I see you again?"Adora said. She held our hands. 

"If you need me, you will always know where to find me," Razz said then she went inside. We look at Swift Wind. "Um...any chance we can get a ride back to Bright Moon, Swift Wind? Please?"I said and he nod.


We arrive back at the castle. 

I look at She-ra and she nods. I kick the door open and she enters the room, making everyone gasp. "It can't be, "The queen said. "I was trying to tell you. Mom, meet—"Glimmer said but the queen went forward. "She-Ra," She said. 

"Your Majesty, I've come to pledge myself to the Rebellion. But first, there's something you should know"She said then transform back to herself. Everyone gasp. "Mom, this is Adora"Glimmer said. Bow put a hand on my shoulder.

"And this is Skyla. She betrays the horde" he said as I nod. We both knee and she offer the queen her sword. "I know you have no reason to trust me, Your Majesty. But I've seen for myself the atrocities the Horde has committed against the people of Etheria, and I'm ready to fight to stop them. If you give me the chance, I know I can help the Rebellion turn the tide of the war" she said.

"For me, The truth has revealed to me about the lies of the Horde and the one I look up the most. Ever since I have been here, I have seen the truth and I wish more to be part of this. I promise that I will do my best to do to help win this war" I said. 

The queen took the sword. "I know the legend of the warrior the First Ones called She-Ra. They said she would return to us in the hour of our greatest need to bring balance to Etheria. I never thought she was anything more than a myth" She said then look at us.

"And yet you're here now. And in the uniform of a Horde soldier, no less. With a friend. You would pledge to stand with us against those you once served?"She said then Adora sigh. "Yes," She said. "Glimmer, you would vouch for her and take responsibility for her?"The queen said.

"Yes," Glimmer said. "Then rise. The Rebellion accepts your allegiance, She-Ra, Princess of Power" She said. She gave the sword back to Adora. "She-Ra! She-Ra! She-Ra!"The crowd chanted. Glimmer cheer and hug us. "Welcome to Bright Moon!"She said then Bow join. "But for real this time,  "He said.
Alison POV
I arrive at Lord Hordak's lair.

Someone ran toward me and I laugh. "Imp! I miss you, baby" I said as I hug him. He smiles as he nuzzles me. Someone did a fake cough and he ran off. I smile then I sat on Hordak's throne. Shadow Weaver appears and she look confused.

"Speak"I said. "Lord Hordak. Lady Alison"Shadow Weaver said as she throws Catra onto the ground. "Kneel!"She yelled then I gasp. I went toward her then I help her up. "Thanks," She said as I smile. Hordak glare at me. I clear my throat then walk toward him. 

"I gave her charge of a simple mission. To return Force Captain Adora and Skyla to the Fright Zone. Instead, our forces suffered a humiliating defeat" She said then I bit my lip. "Then you mean to tell me that you're still down a Force Captain and a soilder?"Hordak said. 

"Yes, my lord. But rest assured, nothing will stop us from finding Adora and Skyla and bringing them back" Shadow Weaver said. I need to play her game or else. "No. You will elect another Force Captain and resume normal operations" he said as I stood up.

"But, my lord, my lady, Adora is the only viable candidate," Shadow Weaver said. "You have Catra. Was she not your ward, as well?"I said and Shadow Weaver glare at me. "Catra has been nothing but a disappointment to me," She said. 

"If you have failed to condition her properly, you have no one but yourself to blame, "I said. Hordak smile as Catra chuckle. "But, my lady—"She said. "Enough. I have made my decision. Rise, Force Captain Catra" Hordak said. He agrees with me...for the first time? 

I smile at him, blushing as Imp came back into my arm. I smile softly as I stare at them. He pitches my arm, and I yelp. "Bad Imp, "I said as he did a small quiet laugh. Hordak gives Catra a Force Captain badge. Catra takes the badge skeptically.

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