What do you desire?

By reesarcastic

10.1K 361 75

What if another irregular climbed the Tower with Bam? Who might she be? [SLOW UPDATES] #1 under arie (08/05... More

Chapter 1 - Headon's floor
Chapter 2 - Evankhell's hell
Chapter 3 - Lero Ro's Test
Chapter 4 - Hansung Yu's Examination
Chapter 5 - The Crown Game
Chapter 7 - Position Test
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

736 32 13
By reesarcastic

A/N: I'm legit obsessed with Top by Stray Kids. It's also the opening to the Tower of God anime. It's soooo good!!!❤️

And thank you so much for over 500 reads!!

Caleena's POV

"The participants have been selected. The third round will now begin." Lero Ro's voice interrupts. The other teams walk out.

"Let's go, guys." I smirk. My red eyes begin to glow silver, which happens to me sometimes when I use shinsu, as I lift slightly above the ground, and the shinsu concentrates in my hand. "We've got a game to win."


There are four teams in this round, us included. They are all equally peculiar.

"Now that the lizard's give they're all coming out." Khun's says while taking our a knife.

Note that no ones one the throne, whoever gets to the throne and wears the crown first will win this round. It's all just a game of speed. And so, three people from the opponent teams lunge for the throne standing just metres away from them. There is one lady with a wand, a black rubber, and a chipmunk. Do any of them succeed? Hell no. They are stopped by two strong gushes of shinsu. That was Khun and I who raced to the throne before anyone could say Jahad. Khun now stood in front of the throne holding the crown, and I sat on top behind him, my eyes still glowing, as the others gaped at us. I could tell that everyone, participating or watching the game were also surprised at what is now in my hand; a sword, my sword, made out of shinsu. It too glowed white, and was the size of a normal sword, and looked simple, yet it radiates power.

I probably looked badass. Black, white and red attire, black and white French braid in my hair, glowing eyes, and a white sword. Scratch that. I AM badass.

"Ok, game over..." Khun goes to put the crown on his head but stops right before it touched it. "But that wouldn't be interesting." Instead, he puts the crown in his bag. The opponents gasp once again in shock.

"What is that dumb turtle talking about?" Rak asked Bam from where they still stood.

"Wh-who knows?"

"What are you playing at, Khun?" I ask with a slight glare.

He smirks. "You'll see." He turns back to the others. "Come on. If you beat me, I'll give you the crown."

"Jerk!" "Kill him!!" "I'll beat you into shape!" Voices from the other teams came. The rubber dude stretches towards Khun but he easily blocked with his bag. He even absorbed a shinsu attack from that fairy lady with it. While he jumps away from the chipmunk everyone else is advancing. I sigh as I stand up still at the very top of the throne. With a single weak slash of my sword, they are all pushed back many metres. Wonder what would happen if I put in all my power. But that would be boring. I yawn as I sit back down.

"This is to easy. Is there no one here that can give at least a decent fight?" I say in a bored tone, ticking off some of the regulars.

"This is to much work. Here!" He pulls the crown out of his bag and throws it towards the other regulars. It lands with a clang and everyone goes silent. My jaw drops. "You guys fight."

"The hell?!" What is he trying to do?

"What?! What are you doing?!" One of the regulars yells.

"Why? I gave you the crown. Fight amongst yourselves. When you're done fighting, the winner may come up and fight me."

Even though the regulars were irked by Khun's cockiness, they begin to fight. But shortly after Bam and Rak make it to our side, Khun pulls out another crown of his bag. He also makes Bam sit down on the throne. I too had moved and was now sitting on the arm rest of the throne. So that's what he was hiding. A duplicating bag.

"You still haven't noticed?" Khun says with a smirk. Cue my eye roll.

"Tw-two crowns?" The chipmunk asks in shock, voicing out the other regulars confusion.

"Blue turtle, you're having all the fun! I'm bored!" Rak whines.

"Me too!" I pout. What. I can be childish if I want to.

"Sorry, sorry," Khun waves off playfully.

The fake crown disappears. "What's happening? What's going on?"

Suddenly, Khun tosses the crown to Bam who clumsily catches it. He then flips open his bag, and crowns begin to fall out of it non stop. The regulars seemed to not be able to process what was happening. He finally stops and looks at the regulars with a childish grin. The crowns then disappeared into thin air, or should I say shinsu. I take the opportunity to let my sword disappear too as the others are to shocked for words.

"You can't be serious!" A regular exclaims in fury.

"You're mocking us!" Another guy says.

"Unforgivable! You guys know what to do! We'll start by killing that blue-haired kid together." They all run for it. But Rak intercepts them all and pushes them away.

"Don't touch my prey!!" They try again but this time, Rak throws his spear with such force that it creates a wave knocking them all to the ground, unable to get back up. But before he did that the gunman had shot in our direction but before I can stop the bullet, someone else does.

"Was that you Cay?" Khun asks.

"No." I look at Bam. "I didn't know you were a shinsu user, Bam."

"Me neither..." the innocent boy responds still stunned by what just happened.

I grab the crown out of his hands and gently place it on his head. He looks at me.

"Looking like a true king there, your Majesty!" I say with a playful laugh. His innocent face breaks into a cute smile. Khun can't help but smile too.

"You know you're a real brat, blue turtle," Rak says. "You really wanted to show off that bag, didn't you?"

"No, idiot," Khun replies. "I just wanted to tell that lizard not to underestimate us."

And he's right. She shouldn't.


The fourth round had just begun. Bam was still nervously sitting on the throne. Khun stood right next to the throne leaning against my dangling legs. Not that I mind. He had taken off the cloth that was hanging in his hair and used it to tie his shoulder length light blue hair back. Gotta say, he looks quite handsome.

"Three teams joined this round. All the turtles got scared and hid in their shells. Great!! I'll hunt you all!" Rak yells.

"You don't have to. Don't push too hard this round. There will be stronger teams next round." Khun responds as cocky as usual while shifting his position, to sit on the throne now leaning against a startled Bam. What a cute bromance. I giggle at the sight.

"Do you do anything except be a mysterious pain in the butt?" I ask. "What do you mean? You gonna stop us from having fun again?" I raise my eyebrow. He looks at me then looks back at the regulars. Rak is still gaping at Khun confused and surprised.

"You'll see." I roll my eyes. Of course he doesn't give a clear answer.

I too look at the regulars with red eyed glare, no longer glowing. Hmm. That's strange. I don't recognize one of the teams. Are they the ones from the other testing area. They have a short black haired girl, a green bug like creature, and some person with a gold arm piece. Oh well.

A regular with red hair is first to speak. "I have a suggestion."

"A suggestion?" Another asks.

"Why don't we forge a temporary alliance to bring them down?"

"Do you hear what they're saying?" Bam asks us.

"'You'll see,'" I say back imitating Khun's voice. He shifts once again now resting his head on Bam's lap and placing his legs on mine. I glare at his resting form. I almost push him off but his cute resting face stops me. I sigh and relax as I watch the other teams.

"Okay..." Bam says still nervous about the round.

"We'll fight fair and square after we've taken the crown. What do you think" the regulars from earlier finished proposing.

"Good idea. I wouldn't want to—" the green globe if a regular is cut off as the  guy with the metal arm punched him. Him and his team began beating everyone up. I have to admit they are doing well. The bug like regular in the team has these cords coming out of his mouth that it used very well to knock out Red hair, as one of her teammates had called her. That very teammate got spelled to sleep by the girl on our 'ally' team. One whole team had gotten wiped out in seconds.

Bam was watching the scene unfold in surprise as Khun's sleeping figure spoke. "See? I told you there was no need to fight."

Khun's POV

"Did you know this would happen?" Bam asked.

"Of course. They're on our side." The third team we know fighting our now confirmed allies. "You remember the first test? When we napped down 400 regulars to 200. I thought that rule could go shit. So I gathered allies inside this bag." I sat up with a hup, removing my legs and head from their laps. "Meeting you guys in that fields and the team building test that came afterward were unexpected, though. The three guys inside my bag were enough for a team, too. And the test administrator noticed."

You seem to be carrying quite the heavy bag.

"I let them out during the break after the third test and explained the situation to them. Me tying my hair up with this bandana was the signal for then to help me.

"I hadn't noticed you'd done all that" Bam says.

"Of course you didn't. If anyone notices the act up your sleeve, it's over."

"That was quite smart of you, Khun. You had me fooled." I hear Caleena say genuinely. "I look forward to climbing the tower with such a clever teammate." I smiled lightly. What's wrong with me?! I don't think I've ever met anyone who could make me smile as much as Cay and Bam do. I want to trust them and I want us to get close... but I don't know if I should. Caleena is a mysterious person, but only time will tell if she trustworthy.

I am distracted from my thought by the grumpy gator. "Clever turtle. You ruined my hunting time."

"Gator, you can go wild later." I toss over more chocolates to the larger sitting figure. I watch as my allies have nearly taken down everyone. "Truth is, I didn't want to use them yet. But..."

"We have to win this game." Caleena finishes. I look over to see her slightly glaring in the direction of that lizard's room.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Bam apologizes.

"I told you, it's not that. I want to win. I want to win and climb the tower with you guys." And it's true. I do.

"And I'll hunt you once your stronger, black turtle."

"What? You're still planning on doing that?!" Bam asks.

"Way to ruin a mood," Caleena mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

"Since the teams are unable to fight any more... the winner of the fourth round is Bam, Khun, Caleena, and Rak!


Caleena's POV

"Now we only have one round left. The countdown will start now, so any joining teams please press the buzzer!"


The teams had walked out even before the count down had completed.

"Wow, it's crowded." Khun comments. The total number of teams had reached the max of five, and that included us. The team from the other testing area had finally stepped out, and they were all wearing cloaks.

As soon as the round began, a person in a black leotard with a gold staff started attacking all the other regulars with pretty decent skill. First she knocked out a dark red haired guy out with one hit to the face. She then hit the creature from the Da-an tribe in the head, and I could have sworn I heard something break. The third member of the team tried running but he too met the same fate. I watched from the very top of the throne where I stood as the fight continued to unfold.

"You're on their side too?!" A wolf like regular says. Him and his team got wrecked while the mysterious team watched from the side lines. The leotard guy has to be stopped.


"I know! I WILL TEAR YOU INTO PIECES!!" He responds. Rak and leotard met in the middle and he tried to block the numerous hits. The leotard was moving around quite quickly. "Quit scurrying around!" Rak tried to attack again but the guy blocks and flies up hitting him in the head and flipping over the crocodile.

"Bam!" Khun yells only to be stopped by a sword using, long black haired guy on leotard's team. Rak was also busy with the tots teammate. Leotard is flying right at Bam and just as I'm about to intercept, someone else beats me to it. Someone throws two orange and black discs that grows and blocks the leotard's attack.

"Isn't that suit embarrassing?" The short brown haired female says, no longer cloaked. They begin to fight, and the girl was doing well.

"What's going on here?!" Rak asks, just as confused as I am.

A shorter cloaked female figure stood in front of the throne as if she was trying to protect it.

"Don't worry. I won't take the crown." The girl said softly.

"Rachel...?" Bam asks. He gets no response. He tries to call again and get up but she ignores him and a giant figure, the third teammate blocks his view.

Great friend you got there Bam.

"Bam. You can't get up. We'll lose this round and you'll lose the Black March if you do." I warn, but he seems to be stuck in his own thoughts. I then jump off the throne and walk down closer to Khun and Rak.

"Hey blue turtle! Did you bribe those guys with capes, too?" Rak asks.

"No! They came from a different test area! It's my first time seeing them."

"Then..." Rak finally knocks out the regular he was fighting. "Why are they helping us?"

"I don't know. But one thing's for sure. They're not interested in the crown."

Khun finally defeats his opponent as well. No fun for me this round too I guess. It might be for the best. I won't risk revealing my identity if I keep low.

"Took you two long enough. They weren't even that strong." I say. Khun rolls his eyes.

"You didn't even do anything." Not to far away, I notice leotard break the girls heel causing her to stumble and fall, giving the person an opening. Leotard runs in our direction towards the crown.

"Maybe I will." I say. I move towards the advancing regulars who swings the staff at me. I duck and dodge all the attacks that come at me. I hold her off for almost a minute, without a weapon. Finally when I push her back she lunges at me about to hit me when he instead, did flips over my head, and hit the girl who was standing near Bam. Her hood falls off, revealing an average looking blonde with freckles.

Bam looks shocked when he sees the face

"RACHEL!!" The leotard is about to strike the fallen girl again when Bam leaps off the throne.

"No, Bam!"

"Bam! Don't!"


"NOO!!" Bam takes the hit for Rachel and he collapsed on top of her.

"Damnit!" I yell. Khun, Rak and I try to go save Bam for the other hit the guy is about swing, when a sudden surge of shinsu knocks away the leotard, breaking his, no, her mask, and leaving everyone shocked. What the hell?! Bam?! How did he do that? The redhead cried out in pain as her mask broke and she got injured due to the shinsu. Khun and I ran past her to where Bam lay as Rachel tried to wake him. We tried too. But, he was too injured and exhausted. At least he's not dead. I hope he'll be alright, I worry about the innocent boy I had grown to like.

3rd person POV

Somewhere else in the tower, a certain black haired, red eyed princess was thinking about the irregulars she encountered and was travelling with some associates to retrieve the Black March from the floor of tests.

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter! If so, please vote, comment, and follow! Also it would be great if you could answer the following question:

Would you rather this become a Bam x OC or a Khun x OC?
(I was originally going to make it a Bam x OC but now, I can't decide. Help😐.)

Bye my lovely readers!! ❤️❤️

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