Apocalyptic feeling (walking...

By stormyskyestories

562 13 5

For the longest time I've been alone and now I've found a home , a home with people I love . I cant believe I... More

A new home
Oh my darling clementine
A hug
One shot your out
The vote
Pink pixie cut
No time for crushes
Please read
Dealing with trauma
Time for cellebrating
Read this

Lights! bombs! action!

18 1 0
By stormyskyestories

This is my second upload today so please gote if your reading it because I spend a lot of time here because I have no life. So like it up😂

I woke up the next day in fear, I lied still for a few moments considering everything that could go wrong , it could hurt everyone. This was the safest option though I guess , no one could know I was doubting myself if they did I'd never forgive myself. Teamwork makes the dream work and even though Mitch and I aren't a good team clem and I are. She won't let anything happen to me , neither will louis he likes me like a lot. He's so dreamy and his hair is-snap out of it jesus christ I gotta get up. I pulled myself up my shoulder was starting to hurt a bit less so that's a plus. I looked and saw ten and Louis were still asleep.
"Wake up!" I yelled
"Hu wha zombie" Louis grumbled waking up .
I heard a giggle from ten and him and Louis got up.
"You guys ready?" I asked
"I'm gonna miss you chas" ten smiled
"Hey I'm leaving once but I'll return always" I smiled
"I hope so" Louis said hugging me. We heard a giggle from ten. I opened one of my arms and ten immidiately got in on the group hug.
"Aw we are such goals" I smiled
"Yeah you are" I heard clem giggle .
I turned to see clem and Aj standing there.
"You ready?" She asked me
"Yup" I smiled
"I'm gonna take you now say your goodbyes and uh make em count" she smiled weakly .
"Goodbye ten gonna miss u" I smiled
"I'm gonna miss u to" ten smiled
"Louis I don't know if I can say goodbye to you" I started
"Then don't" he said pulling me into a hug.
"You aren't going forever remember" he reminded me
"Yeah I know" I smiled into him.
After a few touching words with everybody at the camp it was time for me and Mitch to go , clem was taking us but she wasn't staying for long. We started walking , killing the occasional walker and then we arrived just a few meters from the boat.
"Hey chas" clem said
"Yeah?" I asked
She looked down and took a deep breath.
"I've never had a true friend before and I need one so please stay safe" she smiled
"See you on the other side" I said pulling her into a hug. She hugged me to and I could have sworn she let a tear slip.
"Are u crying?" I asked
"No I have dust in my eye yeah that's it" she said
"Okay whatever u say" I laughed
She hit me in the shoulder.
"They're coming over here!" Mitch said
"Bye clem!" I said
Clem nodded and ran off.
"We have to look like we are here alone just passing through pick up some wood or something" I said .
This was it , it's happening I'm gonna get taken and it's up to my best friends to save me god I hope this works out.
"Well well" I heard a voice
I turned around to see the women clem called lilly.
"If it isn't little miss troubled model and her fatty friend" she said pushing Mitch over.
Mitch clenched his fists.
"You shouldn't of come here you know" she smiled evily .
"Just passing through we don't want trouble" I said convincingly .
"Oh sweetie no trouble here I have a proposition" she said
"What?" I asked
"Marlin used to give me kids to train so if u give up ur location like a good girl I'll let you go and ur friend over there" she said
"Over my dead body!" I said .
"Fine by me" she said .
I was grabbed surprisingly by two people I didn't know were even there and saw Mitch being grabbed to. I looked over to the bushes and saw Clementine running back she gave me the thumbs up and ran again. It was working now all we need is them to do as I planned. I was dragged onto the boat and told to walk , I put up a convincing fight until they bought there guns out I was forced to walk straight into a cell that was guarded by two girls . I recognised one it was minnie but the other I didn't recognise.
I was thrown in a cell and so was mitch.
I let out a grunt as I hit the floor.

"Minerva keep an eye on these to and you come with me!" Lilly instructed , the other gaurd walked away with Lilly.
"What the hell I told u to go?!" Minnie said
"I know I'm sorry" I said
"It's to late now" she sighed
"Make it convincing" Mitch mouthed to me.
Time to pull out my dramatic skills.
"You have to let me go!" I yelled
"Shut up dude!" Mitch yelled
"Both of u shut the fuck up now!" Minnie yelled
"No I wanna go home , I wanna see Louis and ten!" I yelled
"Ten? My brother!" She asked.
It was working.
"Yeah he louis and I are so close he even refers to me as a sister" I said .
Mitches eyes widened.
"Shut the fuck up! Your nothing!" She yelled
"Lou doesn't think so or ten" I yelled
"Louis please he's a joker you won't get anywhere with him he's all for a laugh not for love" she scoffed.
That one kinda hurt maybe she was right , she couldn't be the way he looks at me I mean it's definitely real.
"Oh that's precious you actually thought he cared for u" she laughed .
At first I was acting but now anger was Pershing through my blood .
"You little bitch!" I yelled
"Show some respect!" I heard lilly say stepping in.
"She won't shut the hell up mam" Minnie said .
"You know what to do" Lilly told her.
Minnie looked down.
"Don't crack Minerva your family are gone remember we are your family now" Lilly said.
"No your not , your kidnappers!" I yelled .
Lilly looked up anger flooded her eyes, she opened the cell door and came in.
"I'm gonna tell u a story" she started
"Like hell" I yelled
Lilly cocked her gun and pointed it at me.
"There was once some sisters I knew , they were young no chance of survival and then we found them we taught them survival we fed them one of them adapted quicker than the other and the weaker sister convinced the stronger to escape on a boat" she started .
"Get to the fucking point" Mitch yelled from his cell.
"Minnie why don't u Finnish our little story since your the main star" Lilly said .
"The stronger sister I mean I - I shot sophie" Minerva said looking down.
"Minerva you little son of a bitch how could u ?!" Mitch yelled. He started to much the cell door.
"Show him some respect!" Lilly yelled to Minerva .
I watched as Minnie entered the cell and knocked Mitch clean out, as he layed on the floor she taped his mouth.
"No!" I yelled
"You sure you don't wanna help?" Lilly said looking over to mitch.
"NEVER!" I screeched .
Lilly walked over to me and chucked me to the floor. I let out a scream and it seemed to fuel her , she punched me round the face once then again and again until my nose was pissing with blood.
"Anything else to say?" Lilly said
I couldn't speak but there was one thing I could do, I spat the blood onto Lilly's face.
"You little whore!" She said wiping her eyes.
I took the opportunity to push her , I pushed her over and she smacked her head.
"That's it!" She yelled
I got to my feet but it didn't matter.
"Minnie show her the door" Lilly demanded .
Minerva came into the cell and grabbed me.
"Minnie please you don't have to do this!" I begged
"Yes I do this is my home now!" She said angrily forcing me against the gate. She took my hand and placed it in the gate, I braved myself for what was coming next. The gate slammed against my hand and I felt one of my fingers break . I screamed and cried , it really hurt .
"Leave them here, maybe they'll come to there senses" Lilly said
"Yes mam" Minerva said emotionless.
She threw me back into the cell and walked away , Mitch was still out cold,my fingers were completely numb, but the gate the gate wasn't locked! I can't tell them obviously , I just have to wait until we have a clear escape route.
"Mitch!" I yelled
There was no answer , I stood up to see blood pooling from mitches head, oh god no! He was dead! Mitch was dead!
"No...please" I cried .
I sunk back down and then I heard it,
"Lilly mam they're requesting everyone downstairs there's a huge walker situation" I heard a voice
"Fuck shit ok" she said .
I heard them both leave and then I heard footsteps, it was clem.
"Chas -omg Mitch" she exclaimed
"He's dead! It's my fault" I sobbed
"We haven't got time we have to go!" She yelled.
I didn't reply I just cried it was like my body was unresponsive.
"Ah fuck ok Louis get your ass over here!" She whisper yelled.
"Omg chas- no Mitch!" He exclaimed
I cried and cried it kept getting worse, hearing his name and knowing he's dead because of me, it was to much.
"She isn't responding Louis she's in shock you have to carry her" clem said .
Louis was pacing running his hands through his hair cursing under his breath.
"Pull it together let's move!" Clem demanded .
Louis stopped and came over I felt his mmm pick me up and start running. I didn't know where we were going but it didn't matter! Mitch was dead and it's my fault!
"M-Mitch" I cried
"I know I know it's gonna be ok just hold on ok" Louis said
I rapped my arm around him and whinged at the pain in my finger .
"What did they do to u?" He asked still running, I didn't answer I was there a few hours but it felt like forever I just cried in response to everything.
"It's ok I got u" he said
After a while we stopped running , I saw the gates at the school we walked through and I saw huge bags on the tables , then I heard a loud bang.

"Alright there's the bombs!" Aj said
"Where's Mitch?" Willie asked
"He didn't make it" Louis sighed
Everyone looked down .
"Is she ok?" Ruby asked referring to me
"She's in shock, she saw it happen they had them in cells." Clem started
"My-my" I stuttered
"Your what?" Louis asked bringing me up abit so he could hear clearer.
"My finger" I said showing him.
"Ah shit we got a broken finger!" Louis called out
"And an extremely bloody nose" clem added
"Yeah and she's in shock we can't touch her it might cause a violent outbreak" Ruby said
"Louis has to do it" willie said
"What?! I can't I don't know how?" Louis said
"She trusts you Louis it has to be you I'll talk you through it" ruby said to him
"Please Louis" clem pleaded
"You can do it!" Aj encouraged him.
"Ok ok" he grunted.
He placed me on the floor and I curled into a ball , shaking for everyone to see.
"Mitch is dead" I repeated
"Can I see your hand?" Louis asked
"It is my fault" I said
"No it's not but I need to see that finger" Louis said breathing heavily.
"It should have been me!" I cried out .
I started kicking and crying and rolling about on the floor .
"We gotta restrain her before she hurts herself!" Clem said .
Louis came up behind me and held me in place , I was stuck in between his legs and his arms were restraining me.
"Ruby now!" He yelled.
Ruby came towards me with a bandage and I tried everything to get away but I couldn't . She managed to get the bandage on.

"Mitch is dead it's all my fault" I sobbed into louises sleeve.
"No it isn't" he said
"I've never seen her like this" aasim looked to me
"She has been through a lot" Louis said
"I have an idea" Aj said
"Rosie come here girl" he called out .
Seeing Rosie made me happy , I love dogs.
"Animal therapy nice one Aj" Omar smiled to him patting his head.
Rosie came running over to me and licked my face making me giggle. I rubbed her head.
"Whose a good girl?" I said scratching her belly
"You are oh yes it's you" I smiled
"Is it working?" Aj asked
"Yeah" clem said
After a few minuites I stood up.
"I'm so sorry" I said
"It's ok" willie said
"I shouldn't have made Lilly mad" I said looking down .
Everyone came towards me and we had a massive group hug.
"We all need some sleep it's been a rough day" aasim said .
"I agree" Louis smiled
"Let's go" ten said .
We all walked back to our dorm.
"Louis?" I asked
"Yeah?" He replied
"Thanks for tonight" i smiled
"That's what friends are for" he smiled
"Friends?" I questioned
"Unless u wanna be more?" He stepped closer
"I'd like to see where that goes" I smiled
"Then there's something I've been wanting to do for weeks now" he said smiling.

Louis leaned in and kissed me, his lips were comforting , I felt safe and happy even though Mitch was dead. Louis pulled away
"So erm that just happened" he said rubbing his neck
"Your such a dummie" I giggled
"There's that sound I love so much the famous chasiddy laugh" Louis joked
"Go to bed you melon" I laughed
"Melon? That's a new one" he laughed
"Goodnight Louis" I smiled
"Nigh" he said







📚see you in the next chapter📚

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