
Da strawberrykiller37

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The year is unknown. Time has long since stop counting as soon as humans began to delve into ETC- Electronic... Altro

Prologue: The Results
Chapter 1: The Perfect World
Chapter 2: Disobey
Chapter 3: The Altered Person
Chapter 4: The Kiss
Chapter 6: Insanity

Chapter 4 (Part 1): The Escape

141 6 5
Da strawberrykiller37

There was silence on the other line for a few seconds before he started to chuckle.

"I thought you might say that."

~ ~ ~

"Mother. Father," I peered around the doorframe into their room. My father took off the glasses balanced on his nose as he looked up from his paperwork, my mother entered the room from the bathroom connecting it.

"What is it, Aris?"

"I'm going to go out for a few minutes, just to catch some fresh air." I laughed airily to soften the tense atmosphere.

"Sure, sure," my father waved his hands noncommittally, before returning to his paperwork and scrawling his name upon the dotted line, "Just be sure to be back by curfew."

I nodded before withdrawing my head. As I turned to head back to my bedroom to grab my bag, my mother called me back. She caressed my face with her hands before making me stare directly into her face.

My heart started to pound, did she know?

"Aris. I'm so proud of you."


"I mean," she continued, "I know it's hard. Believe me, having to marry your father… It was… It was a hard decision to accept. But look!" She spread her arms, "it get's better. It really does. Trey looks like a wonderful young man. You might even learn to love him, one day. You never know."

"I—Thank you." I muttered, at a loss.

"Aris. Keep strong. It'll get better." And with one last look, she went back to the bedroom.

It'll get better.

Her voice rang in my head.

Will it? What if I cancel on Trey? Will I live my life out with him? Or his replacement?

Will I regret not leaving? 


I wiped the tears I hadn't noticed being collected with the back of my hand.

I'm sorry, Mother.


~ ~ ~

I climbed out of my Lite and stood on the doorstep of the Entron household. Clapping my hands together, I pulled my coat closer around my body as a fierce wind swirled around me. A few seconds later, Trey stepped out of the doorway, a bag slung around his shoulders. He glanced quickly in my direction and a beaming smile flooded his handsome face.

"Aris! What a surprise!"

He pulled me into a tight embrace with I spluttered in anger, "What do you think you're--!"

"Play along," he muttered in an undertone, before the smile came back again.

"I suppose you want to see you're future house!" he exclaimed to no one in particular, taking me by the hand and taking all the necessary precautions.

He took me around the back of the house, talking avidly all the way. Leading me to what looked like a greenhouse, he babbled, "It's a secure greenhouse. We grow all our own food here, g.m.o's of course. We even have a security code to keep people from getting in," he winked, taking me to a number pad near the wall.

"How exciting!" I agreed in a falsetto.

"There are four tomatoes, eight lettuces, five carrots, nine pea plants, and three bean plants. Marvelous, isn't it? And of course, we're working on altering them from diseases and such." He seemed to stumble on the floor, but as I bent down to help him up, he shot back up quickly, giving me a shifty grin.

"Why don't be look at the flower beds?" He led me to the complete opposite side of the greenhouse, and a feeling of excitement began to rise.

"Smoke began to collect on the floor where Trey had "fallen" and seconds later a bang resounded in the room. The room went dark, and immediately, I knew what had happened. The cameras and all tapping devices were blown.

"Quick!" he called and I raced over to the number pad and punched in, "48593" as quick as I could. The green house floor seemed to invert upon itself. Seconds later, where there was a transparent plant nursery, was a gleaming new Aero. A plane. The fastest plane in Obsidian. It was sleek and pitch black with no neon ribbons encasing it. Where there would've been, were implants of translucent clear metal. It was eingines on either side, but seemed to be melded into the plane formation. The tip was finely pointed, and each wing light and lithe. It was aerodynamic and stealthy in everyway.

Trey grabbed my hands and hauled me into the Aero. He threw our bags in the chairs behind the cockpit and slammed through the cabin. He swung the chair around and put the headset on his head, strapping the belt in, and revving the engine. I was frozen in fear.

"Aris, come on!" He called impatiently, motioning at the co-pilot chair.

"I-I can't fly," I muttered lamely.

"Time is of the essence, get in the chair and strap in, we have to go now. The government is probably on to us by now."

Don't want to be Refreshed, do ya Aris? A snide voice broke into my thoughts. My body threw itself into gear, as if I was born knowing how to fly. My hands skimmed across the dashboard, flipping switches and pushing buttons. The plane began to levitate.

We began to fly.

The engines burst into life, shattering the greenhouse instantly. Within seconds the Entron house was nothing more than a speck.

This is freedom, Aris.

We were suddenly a very long way from home and the adrenaline had worn off. The cabin was silent between us, and now that the city was gone, the Terrain was black and grim. But it wasn't an Obsidian black, it was an abyss black. The unknown that swallows up hope and spawns fear.

I shivered in my seat and Trey looked at me silently, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you change your mind?"

I looked through the open window that displayed nothing, "I found out… something that jarred me from the lies I had been living." I left it at that.

"What do you mean?" Trey pushed.

"It's nothing, Entron. Mind your own business."

"It is my business, Aris. We're in this together, as cliché as it sounds. I want to know. Your reason might be to sell me out, could it not?" he said jokingly.

I stared at him, "Even if it was. I wouldn't tell you, huh?"

"How about I start off first then?" He asked, "You want to know why I proposed the plan in the first place, right?"

That was true. I pretended not to care, "I guess."

He smiled. "Do you know who Rey Entron is?" He asked quietly.

"No…" The name brought nothing to me. I had never heard of that person in my life. Maybe it was an ancestor, I thought to myself, thinking of Tetra.

"Of course not. No one does. He was my older brother."

"Impossible. You're the eldest of the Entron family."

"No. Rey was. But he died before I was born. He was perfect, they tell me. Strong, Intelligent, Fair, Handsome… everything."

I listened quietly.

"My parents gave up everything—so much money into his… "creation". They were crushed when he died. Where would their legacy go? Another child would be a gamble and another 'Rey' would be too expensive."

"They didn't…" I breathed.

"That's right," he laughed harshly. "You've never heard of Rey. Because I am Rey. I am nothing but a clone.

I put my hand over my mouth, "You're a… a clone…"

"Yes, but this was back before they perfected clones, and I was merely a prototype. I am 100% the same except for one little thing." He tapped his brain, "My personality is a bit different. I'm not as obedient… So my brothers… followed soon after."

He was quiet. "I was a failure. Why stick around if no one needs me?"

"That's not true!" I stood up suddenly, "You're needed! I-I needed you!" He looked up at me, astounded before he burst into laughter, tears collecting as he slapped his knees. Embarrassed, I slunk back down, "Sorry."

He smiled genuinely, "No, no. Thank you, Aris."

"Well, I'm almost the same as you. I was created to carry on the dying Exto legacy. My genes are the same as Tetra… a… mecha… ancestor."

Trey seemed speechless, "That's… incredible!" He looked at me as if he expected me to burst into a mecha-plated uniform.

"Don't be stupid." I glared.

"Well, aren't we a special pair."

I couldn't help but agree.

"How do you know where we're going, by the way?" I questioned.

Trey tapped a little hard drive sticking out from a jack on the dashboard.

"It has a map implanted into it, it'll take us to the meet up place."

Suddenly a huge realization hit me, "Where…exactly… are we going?"

"To the Revolution, obviously. It's the only place that will take escapees like us."


"The Rebel-Evolution. The alliance of those who don't want to be subjected to the Government."

I opened my mouth to argue, or at least scream something unintelligible for being so stupid. How could I just run away and not know where I'm going?

"Sounds good." I found myself agreeing.

Where else to go if you want to fight back?

"We should almost be there--!" Trey said before we were interrupted.


Bang! Our aero toppled sideways as a laser smashed into the side. Screaming, I grabbed the controls and pulled the plane upright before it smashed into the ground. A grid map appeared before me as the aero read the heat of my palms on its controls. Three tiny moving dots were hurtling towards a miniature version of our plane.

"Dodge them!" Trey yelled as I spun the plane to the left, narrowly avoiding the laser. I rolled the plane over to the right to avoid another, and fell into a steep nosedive as a third attached itself to my trail. Huge plumes of debris floating behind us as it made contact to the Terrain.

Were the rebels trying to kill us?

"Stop, Rebels! Resist capture and we will shoot to kill!" A mechanical voice blared out at us from a police cruiser aero behind us.

Trey swore and took the controls from us, "Shoot!" he shot at me.


My chair began to spin around until I was in the back of the plane. The controls in my hand swiveled as I latched onto the squadron of police planes behind us. The triggers in my hand, I began to scan the skies until a plane fell into my sight. Keeping one finger tracing the bullets path on a holographic scale, the other hand kept a rapid fire of lasers going until they were all shot out of the sky.

"Got them!" I yelled to Trey who cheered back.

BAM! The aero exploded before the shock could register on my face. Thankfully, Trey seemed to have seen it coming and forced us into my quarters that also seemed to double as an escape pod. We bobbed along the rough Terrain until the capsule opened. As I stepped out, I gripped my bag and found myself slamming into something solid.

"Trey, why did you—" His hands came down on my face and pushed the pilot's goggles down over my eyes. A mecha-weapon that seemed to resemble a gun was pushed up against his throat.

"Resist, and you die."

~ ~ ~

I didn't want to rush this part, sorry Krato, Neo, Viral!

But I have the next part half-way written, so expect to be uploaded tomorrow!


I hope you enjoy it ! This partial-chapter was long stuff xD !!

Also. I need to read other people's works. Leave the word "apple" someplace in your comment - BECAUSE YOU WILL COMMENT- and i'll get to it SOON!! :D (:

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