Levi x Reader [AU]

yuukihikari8299 tarafından

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 : Levi's POV
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 : Levi's POV
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 *F I N A L*
Please read!

Chapter 12

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yuukihikari8299 tarafından

A/N : we're going straight into the forest! And.... A teacher will be following them.. Guess who? ;)


They looked happy. By 'they' I mean Sam, Zach and Hanji. The others not so much. Levi, as usual he was quiet, still emitting that unapproachable aura. Petra has to take care of grumpy Auruo while Mike.. I don't even know what he was doing. Since we've been here, he kept sniffing the air. He was one weird guy.

"Who was that dude with a little boy again?" Connie asked.

"He's (y/n)'s friend. The little boy is her brother." Armin replied.

Connie looked at me suggestively. "Are you sure he was not your husband with your child together?"

I shot Connie a look. "Are you accusing me of getting pregnant at the age of eleven?"

"Oh! That's low man!" Eren said. Connie adverted his eyes shyly.

"Now, now. We both know he was joking around." I ruffled Eren's hair playfully. For Connie, I can not ruffled his hair as he doesn't have them, so I punched his shoulder teasingly.

Yup! I've decided to have more friends. Having those seniors around in my house kind of makes me realise how lonely my life was before they entered. My life has always been in the same circle. So why not widen them up a little bit?

"Hey, (y/n)! Do we have to put the salt before or after we cook?" Jean hollered.

"Before!" I hollered back. I was also in charge of the cooking but the boys thought that they make greater chefs than girls as famous chefs were guys so they forced us to make the camp as they cook. I personally thought they just want to get away from all the hard work. But look, not long after, they keep asking me for instructions. Greater chefs my ass.

The girls have finished building the tents as we waited for the boys to finish their cooking. They took too long so we make a pact to look around the forest.

There was nothing here, beside the beautiful lake in front of us. The trees were, well, as Levi said and I quote 'big ass trees'. Too tall for heaven sake!

I sneak a glanced towards Sam and Zach. Sam was talking with our teacher, Mr. Erwin Smith. Apparently, when the student council went upstairs to talk about the bet yesterday, they called Mr. Smith for his advice whether he agreed to it or not as this involved two extra people on the road. Mr. Smith who found this incident interesting, he agreed to it. And that was how Sam and Zach ended up coming with us.

I saw Zach struggled from Sam's gripped and when Sam puts him down, Zach skipped to me and my friends.


I smiled at the sight of Zach skipping while waving at me.

"Why didn't you stayed with Sam? I thought you liked being with him?" I asked as I carry Zach in my arms.

Zach pouted. "I don't understand what Zach and Mr. Caterpillar were talking about."

I raised my brow. "Mr. Caterpillar? Who?"

"That person." Zach pointed at Mr. Smith.

Mikasa, Sasha, Ymir and Krista chuckled at Zach's statement.

I managed to hold my laugh but I can't stop my smile from cracking.

"Why did you call him Mr Caterpillar?" Sasha asked with interest.

"Because he have two big caterpillars on his face! Above his eyes!" Zach said confidently.

This time, the girls didn't just chuckles, they burst out laughing. Zach's confused face just make it worst.

"He's a keeper! Can I have him?" Sasha asked.

"No! I want to stay with my sister!" Zach said as he hugs me tighter. Not letting me go.

"OK, I can't breathe now. Come on, Zach. Let me go." I patted Zach's back when his grips becoming unbearable.

Slowly, Zach let go of his death grip on me.

"He's cute." Krista said.

"Yeah, can be a handful sometimes."

"Kids. What do you expect them to do?" Ymir scoffed.

"Well, I'd like to be a kid back!" Sasha waved her arms excitedly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because people will always feed the kids!" We chuckled at Sasha's answer. Of course she'd said that. After I became her friend, I was shocked to know about her obsession with food. Her food obsession level was at Levi's level of cleaning obsession, I must say. Why did I have to compare her with Levi? I don't even know why I think about him. I'm pissed with him. I shook my trying to erased his very existence in my head.

"Are you alright, (y/n)?" Krista asked. She looked concerned for me. Aww, she's the sweetest person!

I gave her a smile. "I'm fine."

"Hey, guys. When the seniors and the teacher were sleeping, let's sneak out to the lake!" Sasha said.


"Let's swim together!"

"In the middle of the night?"

"In the middle of the night." Sasha confirmed.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Krista said warily.

"Oh, come on Krista! Its going to be fun!"

"I don't kno-"

"Ymir! I know you want to see Krista in her bikini, right?" Sasha elbowed Ymir's side. Everyone know about Ymir's crush on Krista and they took advantage of it sometimes. Like what Sasha was doing right now.

Ymir's face was hinted with pink. "Well, just one night won't hurt, Krista." Ymir said.

I rolled my eyes. I don't think she'll be able to see Krista's bikini. I mean, its night! You can basically see nothing.

"If you say so." Krista finally agrees.

"How about you, Mikasa and (y/n)?"

Mikasa shrugged while I nodded my head. Sometimes break the rule a little won't hurt, right? Like Jean said and I quote, 'rules are meant to be broken'.

"Its time to eat!" Jean called us. Sasha literally ran after she heard that.

*time skip*

"Was that even food?" Ymir asked us. Currently, we were in our tent waiting for the others to fell asleep. I share the tent with Mikasa, Ymir and Krista. Sasha was in another tent beside ours. Sam and Zach shared a tent with Mr Smith. I hope those guys are fine.

"I guess so? Sasha ate them." I said.

"That girl will eat anything in her sight."


Jean and the boys managed to cook the food on time even with constant bickering with Eren. But I guess some time between the bickering, the food got worst and the colour turns deadly black. It just screamed danger to us. The taste was there (if you concentrate hard enough), but let's just say a certain shorty didn't like the food and forced me to cook for tomorrow. The boys were punished for not keeping an eye at the progress and they were running 50 laps around the camp site. They should be finished by now, though.

"Hey!" Sasha opened the zip for our tent 'door'.

"Its time! I heard the snores coming from the student council tents. Let's go!" Sasha grabbed me who in turn grabbed Mikasa's hand out of reflex.

No, we didn't wear bikinis, if you were wondering. Who in their right mind would wear a bikini in the middle of the night to swim in a probably cold lake? No! This, of course only upsets Ymir. We were all fine with it. All of us wore a t-shirt and a track bottom.

As we were all happily swimming, I felt too cold so I decided to watch them from the land. When I reached the land, I saw a shadow coming toward me. From a far, the shadow looked taller and scarier but as it approached me, the shadow gradually looked shorter and less scarier.

"What are you doing here, in the middle of the night?" The shadow asked.

The voice sounded familiar though.

"Swimming?" I offered.

Even in the dark, I could tell this shadow owner was starting to get irritated with my short answer.

"With who?"


"Can you stop doing that?"

"Doing what?"



"Answering my questions with questions?"

"Oh.. Why?"

The shadow owner groaned frustratedly while I smirked knowing I had won over.

"You.. Follow me." The shadow owner ordered.

"Why would I follow you? I don't know you. Maybe you were trying to get me as far away as possible from my friends so that you could rape me?"

I could feel this person was looking at me up and down.

"Don't worry, no one would rape you."

Was that an insult?

"Come on, (y/n). I need to show you something."

I was hesitated. But something in this person's voice intrigued me to follow them.

So I followed them.

"Guys! Its getting colder, I'm heading to the tent!" I yelled at my friends. I heard they yelled 'OK' so I left them to follow the person.


"Well, at least they know I left." I shrugged.

I didn't lie when I said it was getting colder though. My teeth were clashing, I was shivering and keep sneezing non-stop. Tired of my teeth clashing, shivering and sneezing, the person gave their jacket to me.

"Thanks.." I mumbled.

We keep walking until the person suddenly stops. I bumped into them, as the person was walking in front of me.

"Hey, at least warned me!"

"Shush. They're out."

"They?" I looked past the person's shoulder and I was at awed when I saw them. Lots and lots of fireflies! The fireflies flew around us and the trees. They looked like thousands of little light in the middle of the forest. I looked at the shadow owner and was not shocked when I saw Levi's face. I kind of figure it out along the way. His voice, his short statue, everything, just led to him.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked. Breaking the silence between us.

He shrugged. "Just thought you'd like it here."

"No, I didn't like it." I looked at him seriously.

He looked shocked but he covered it up so fast I was certain I didn't saw it.

"I love it." I said with a grin.

Levi looked relief this time. But Levi being Levi, he covered it up again with his cold demeanour.

"How did you know about this place?" I asked.

"When I was a boy, my family and I had a vacation here. Mikasa and I were playing, and somehow we both got lost. We ended up here and rested. When the night comes, these fireflies lights up and my parents saw us from afar. That's how I found this place." He told me the history of the place while leaning against a tree nearby. He looked so cool! What? No! I mean the fireflies looked cool! Yeah, the fireflies.

I imagined little Levi and little Mikasa cuddled up when they both got lost. With Levi saying 'its OK, big bro is here' to Mikasa. I shuddered at the image. Nah, that's just impossible. It was a mystery how they both even played with each other.

"Talking about Mikasa." I started.

Levi nodded.

"Why is she taller than you?" I clamped my mouth with my hand as soon as the word left my lips.

Levi glared at me. Ah, if only looks could kill! I put both of my hands up, surrendering myself.

"You don't have to answer them, Levi."

"I don't plan to." He huffed.

There it was. The awkward silence again.

"I'm sorry." Levi said.


"I'm sorry." He repeated.

Oh.. So he showed this place of his because he was sorry for the cheater accident? I guess.. I could.. I mean, this place does hold memory for him right? It must have been special to him. And he showed it to me. This was quite sweet of him.

I smiled. "Its fine."

"I knew you'd say that." He smirked.

I scoffed. "Shut up, shorty."

"Let's go, its getting late."

"It is? Can't we stay a little longer?"

"Just admit that you want to be with me a little longer."

Since when did this guy get so cocky?

"Cocky shorty. Hey, it rhymes!"

Levi rolled his eyes.

"Come on." Surprisingly, he offered his hand at me as I sat on the forest floor.

I hesitated a bit before I took his hand. But he didn't let go of my hand. He kept holding it until we reached the camp site. No, I didn't mind at all. I quite like it, actually. My hand missed Levi's warmth as he let go of my hand. His tent was at the other side so we were separated.

When I reached my tent, I was attacked by Ymir and Sasha.


"Where were you? When we arrived, you weren't here like you said. Whose jacket is this?" Sasha asked.

"I.. Um.." I was looking for answer. Should I tell them the truth?

"This is Levi's jacket." Mikasa pointed.

Oh, crap!

"Levi? As in Levi Ackerman?" Ymir exclaimed.

"Do we know any other Levi?" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Spill!" Ymir and Sasha said simultaneously. Since they knew about this jacket, might tell them the whole story.

After I told them the story, Sasha, Ymir, Krista and Hanji—she somehow forced herself in our tent when she saw Levi was out late— squealed loudly.

"That was so sweet of him!"

"I never knew he was a romantic!"

"Shorty's got moves."

"For a short guy he does know what he's doing."

I rolled my eyes at their comments.

"Aren't you saying anything, Mikasa?" Krista asked.

Now all eyes were focused on Mikasa.

"Well, that place was the place where we were both was found after we got lost. And, no (y/n), we didn't cuddle up with him saying 'its OK' to me. We just sat there without talking to each other." Mikasa said.

I told her about my imagination of her and Levi. Hanji laughed after I told her this.

"That sounds more like you guys." Hanji said, chuckling.

"OK, Hanji. I think you should go back to your tent. Same goes for you, Sasha." I pushed them outside.

"Hey!" They said.

"OK, bye!" I said after I zipped the tent door.

I heard their chuckling before it faded away.

"You know, (y/n)?" Mikasa said.


"That place symbolises hope to us. We hoped for our parents to find us and they did."

I looked at her questioningly. Why was she telling me this?


"Maybe he hoped something with you?"

I scoffed. "Yeah, he hoped for me to forgive him."

Mikasa shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

She chuckled when she saw my confused face.

"You'll get it one day."

"I hope that one day is soon."

Mikasa chuckled again.

"Good night, (y/n), Ymir, Krista."

"Good night."


"Good night, Mikasa."

With that, we fell asleep.


A/N : what do you think of little Levi and little Mikasa cuddling up?? ;) who guessed Erwin as the teacher? And yes, I know there's no lake in the forest but hey, its my story! I'll do whatever I want! ;D

P.S : I've got more friends!!! Xxx

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