Chapter 13

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A/N : I'm working on another Levi X Reader story but I'm having trouble with the description.. Its a werewolf Levi~! I realised there are numbers of vampire Levi so I just thought that maybe this time I'll make something different... What do you think? ;)


3 weeks later...

"Heading to the library again, (y/n)?" Eren asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, you know Levi, he won't like it if I was late. I'll see you when the bell rang." It was no secret that I was meeting up with Levi to study with him at the library. In fact, the whole school knows! But, hey we were just mentor and protégé. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, he sometimes— its daily, actually— visits the cafe to drink his tea. Literally, he didn't order anything other than tea. His relationship with Zach has somehow improved (Zach still didn't trust him, he said something like 'keep you friends close but your enemies closer'. I didn't even know where he learns that! *cough* Sam *cough*). Levi has become good friends with Charlie and Martha. Apparently they liked him after I told them about the nearly burned house incident. He even walked me to my house (of course Sam and Zach were there, they didn't want me to be alone with Levi) after my work was done. So, yeah. We're just mentor and protégé. Nothing more.

"You're late." Levi greeted me when I arrived.

"Oh, hi there Levi. Nice to see you too. I'm fine, thank you. What about you?" I asked him with a sarcastic smile.

Levi clicked his tongue. "Show me your homework."

I sat at down in front of him before I showed him the homework. He still gave me homework but he lessen them down. Enough for me to have good night sleep.

"You've improve, we just need to fix your careless mistake. It was like question number eleven, the answer was correct, but you forgot to put the decimal point. You have to check your answer after you finished it."

I nodded. Careless mistake. Got it!

"Oh, shorty~"

Levi groaned.

I know that voice anywhere. Who else (other than me, sometimes) would call Levi, shorty?

"What do you want, shitty glasses?"

"We have to go back to the student council room! We have some examination paper to work on! Oh hi, (y/n)!" Hanji said after she heloed herself at the chair right next to mine.

"Hey ther- wait, examination paper? I thought seniors examination will be like next month?"

"That's true, but we're working on YOUR examination paper. You do realise that you have to take your exams every month right? The time has come." Hanji replied.

"I know that, but I thought the teachers were the one who make the papers? Not the seniors."

"No, you got it wrong (y/n). The seniors didn't make the papers.."

"But you said-"

"We make your examination papers. By we, I mean the student council. Not the whole senior!"

"You can do that?!" I said with awe. That's cool!

"The student council have always been trusted to. We were chosen to be in the council after all. We can not give you the questions and the answers, (y/n). They were safe in my drawer." Hanji winked.

I chuckled. "Nah, I don't want you to give me the answer. I mean, if you do, all of this tutoring with Mr Grumpy Shorty over there would be wasted." I pointed at Levi who was ignoring us at the moment.

Levi x Reader [AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora