Vo Gali Thi Ishq Ki (TELEPHON...

By thecluelessnibbi

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Previously known as ๐‘ธ๐’–๐’“๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’• - ๐‘ช ๐‘ณ ๐‘ถ ๐‘บ ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ต ๐‘ฌ ๐‘บ ๐‘บ๐Ÿ’“ ๐ท๐‘’๐‘’๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘–๐‘› ๐‘ง๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ-๐‘ง๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘– ๏ฟฝ... More

Qurbat Epilogue
1.F I T O O R
Readers Choice
Last Chapter


7.3K 627 93
By thecluelessnibbi

It was meant to be short story but its getting longer than expected. I really don't want to ruin anything but I am troubled about this getting long. Hopefully, I will try to wrap up soon. And by the way story is coming to its end.


Ice are melting away leisurely from the mountains dissolving in to the river flowing down to the valley. The ice tops of the highest mountains are the only give away of the last winter and snowfall. The trees and meadows of Dehradun blooming new leaves and flower buds; the arrival of spring.

Its the first week of the march. Students are at peace finally getting freedom from the exam stress and results that was conducted right after their winter breaks. And now its the time when students will be receiving their certificates and celebrate their graduation. Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony of St. Jacobs University. Students are looking excited, emotional and freaking out about tomorrow. Although, Abeer isn't a final year student but she is already feeling sad because she has found a really good friend in Rayan, Kartik and Danish after Zara and Maya. Especially Rayan, because they share a special bond. A bond of same pain, same suffering, guilt and the event of that night. And of course Rayan's family secret.

''Guys do you think Omer will show up for graduation tomorrow?'' Abeer and Rayan stiffen when Danish mentioned his name. They all were sitting together in canteen at their usual spot.

They are now a close group of friends, always hanging out together, sitting together in canteen. Kartik and Danish are dating Maya and Zara now. So, many things have changed in their life after that night. Abeer never dreamed a day where she will be hanging out with Omer's close friends. Omer best friend will be her best friend and Rayan becoming the captain of football team. It is still feel like a dream. Perhaps, Kiara is right, she took everything from Omer. After Omer's departure students his so called fans were depressed. No one found out why he left, only the fact that he is now in London living with his maternal grandfather. But soon they all started blaming Abeer because she now hangs out with his friend. There were many ugly rumors but thank God , the gem of friends she found in Omer's friend always stood up for her like a shield.

''I don't think so, he didn't show up for exams then what's the guarantee, college will invite him and honor him?'' Kartik answered practically. And the feeling of guilt started twisting my gut again. He was good in academics, never irresponsible towards his study and goal.

''Its al..all my fault! I deprived him of everything in his life.'' She chocked looking down in shame. Tears of guilt are brimming in her eyes.

''Come on Abeer! Fucking stop blaming yourself for everything!'' They all five snapped at her already irritated by her usual rant of shame. It's a ritual now. Whenever anyone mentions Omer Abeer starts feeling guilt and remorse.


''No ifs and buts!'' Zara interrupted. ''It was his decision to not listen to you, to not give you both time to explain himself. So please stop blaming yourself Abeer!''

''I know!'' Abeer retorted squeezing her eyes in frustration. '' I know he didn't give me or Rayan a chance to explain but I still can't bring myself to blame him.''She sobbed hiding her face in her hands and they all stared at her with sympathy. She has been like this since Omer left; fragile and stressed. ''I can't expect him to trust me when I never gave him any assurance in the past. Hell! I wasn't even aware of my own feelings until he left.I understood he didn't trust me but why not Rayan and then I discovered the prank Rayan played on him that morning...'' Rayan flinched looking away. ''was the most creepiest coincidence ever. Moreover, Ahmar call and him finding Rayan at my place was the last nail. A perfect recipe of messing anyone's brain.'' Abeer exasperated throwing her hands in the air. This discussion have been going ever since but there's no conclusion to that.

''Okay fin..but..''

''Lets not talk about this anymore, okay?'' Danish intervened, interrupting his girlfriend Zara in attempt to switch the topic after witnessing enough Doon flood from Abeer's eyes.

''Well, I have something to tell you....'' Finally the topic was changed and Rayan started grinning ecstatically receiving weird look from his friend staring at him curiously. ''I got acceptance letter from the National Football Academy of Korea!''

''What!'' All his friends jumped on their feet in excitement, smiling ecstatically. One by one they all hugged Rayan congratulating him.

''Finally!'' Kartik sighed gratefully. ''Its the only great news we heard in a while!'' They all agreed without wasting another breath.


''Where the hell were you Abeer?''

''The ceremony has already started!''

Zara and Maya whispered angrily, when Abeer came rushing ignoring all the hateful and pissed look from the students for appearing in the middle and took her seat in between them.

''I was stuck in traffic.'' She lamely excused before focusing her eyes on the dean who is lecturing on all about university, its history. Blah! Blah! and Blah! Already feeling sleepy. That's the reason she was intentionally late just to avoid all the crap and lectures no one is interested to hear. Unfortunately , she failed. When fate ever sides her? She complained glaring at the ceiling of the auditorium.

She look around in attempt to spot her other friends and finally caught them sitting across from their rows , in first third line of their own. They cleaned up themselves well today covered in red robes and the cap in their hands. She smiled waving the three of them when their eyes locked with hers before turning around focusing on that boring Dean again who thankfully started calling name of the students after a decade long speech to offer their certificates eventually.

After one by one every students name was clapped. Students clapped and hooted loudly. Danish and Kartik received their certificates too and true to Kartik words Omer name wasn't called and Abeer heart fell in the deep pit of guilt. Until it was finally the time to honour the best students of St Jacobs university.

''And now lets move to the students who ranked and scored the top positions. The pride of St Jacobs University....'' Dean smiled at the student when entire hall fell silent. His friends passed a reassuring- confident smile to a nervous looking Rayan.

''Jahanvi Singhal...Third highest. Scored 494 out of 500.'' The audi echoed with the loud claps. She went their and stood on the side with a smile after receiving the certificate.

''Rayan Achakzai...the second highest, Scored 496 out of 500 hundred.'' We all exchanged amused look before clapping for our friend loudest who was looking so happy right. He received his certificate and stood beside Jahanvi. However everyone was curious, now who is really left? And the one who could top because all the options are standing already there proudly.

''This one is going to be a surprise for you my dear students but swear on Jesus this is all true..'' Dean joked smiling to himself and students narrowed their eyes in curiosity.

''Omer Ibrahim...scored highest, 496.5 out of 500!''

Loud gasp of surprise echoed in the hall. Everyone started looking for Omer around frantically with their eyes still wide. Students in the hall blinked twice not believing their eyes. The boyish looking Omer was gone and now a pure raw looking male walked inside proudly. The broad frame transformed into bulkier muscles, his short trimmed hair are longer in length tied in a neat tiny bun and his clean jaw now covered with 5 O' clock shadow. He was approaching the stage with confident step clad in combat boots. Landon sun has tanned his fair skin like colden corn. The girls in the auditorium started fanning themselves due to the sudden dropped temperature , staring at him with hungry eyes. Meanwhile Abeer, she forgot to breath, her heart flipped and the nerves started pumping blood in her system even faster. She gulped audibly closing her fallen jaw.

He is here!


''Is he really Omer?''

''Please somebody tell me its all my imagination because one can't look this hotter!''

''Seriously! If the Omer one year ago was a death valley then this one really is an erupting volcano!''

Seriously? Don't they have any better references to make? Abeer scowled in disgust while hearing the girls behind her throwing comments at him as if he is a fresh meat in the market. Abeer didn't like each and every girl attention on him one bit. She admits now, she is jealous! Although she always was when she used to suppress by calling them shameless because she never realized until now.

She was grumbling and cursing all the girls while staring at him like a love stuck who was receiving the gold medal along with the two. He was looking really calm and casual around Rayan while Rayan was looking stiff. Soon, even without bothering anyone to everyone's surprise he left from where he came.

Abeer immediately stood up feeling uneasy and panic started rising. She was shaking now and her eyes are watering. She attempted to run behind him before he leaves her again. The fear and insecurities clutching her heart. So, rebelliously, she pushed Zara and Maya before running behind him.




"Omer please stop!'' She was running and her tears blurring her vision of Omer who was walking away impossibly far without turning around and disappeared. Students passed her a weird look that she ignored until she was pulled back by a force into a hard chest.

''Abeer!'' Abeer looked up to see Rayan staring at her with concern.

''Om...Omer!'' She broken into sobs and he held her close to his chest in a hug feeling bad for her.

''Shhhh! Abeer everything will be fine.'' He tried to calm her, caressing her hairs while she sobbed mumbling Omer's name.

''Welll.....'' An angry growl broke them apart instantly. Abeer looked in the direction and her eyes grew big finding Omer staring at them with clenched jaw and hand bald in fist. She instantly pushed Rayan a little away from him already fearing another possibility of misunderstanding.

''Om..Omer!'' Abeer tried to take a step in his direction who was staring at her with empty eyes. The eyes that has nothing in them but anger, the spark was gone that used to flash in his eyes whenever Abeer was around while Rayan stood there uninterested already tired from entertaining his misunderstanding.

''Abeer lets leave!'' Rayan ordered monotonously, gripping Abeer's slim wrist in her hand in attempt to take her away.

''Rayan?'' Abeer gasped in disbelief pulling her wrist from his grip. Her beautiful hazel eyes flashed heartbreak.

''Abeer ? Are you serious? '' Rayan shook his head in disbelief and took her hand in his again.

''But you promised...''Abeer whimpered.

''Abeer for God sake stand your ground! I understand that I promised but just look at him. Do you think who will believe anything over what he prefers to believe?'' Rayan snapped angrily staring Omer with disgust who was staring their hands with clenched jaw and not speaking a word as if he isn't present there.

''Please...''Abeer pleaded mumbling glancing between Omer and Rayan helplessly but Rayan didn't listen and started to drag her with him.

''Leave her hand!'' Abeer wrist was pulled away roughly from Rayan's grip and now stay clutched in his. Rayan was taken off guard.

"Abeer leave!" Rayan ordered glaring right back into Omer's empty eyes which was locked with his.

"Rayan..." Abeer tried to protest but Rayan interrupted her.

"Abeer if you trust me enough then please leave." Rayan ordered but it also has a hint of pleading. Abeer was stuck, she glanced between the too men in front of her. The one she loves and waited for this moment and the other who was there for her like a shield.

Rayan don't want to do this to Abeer atleast not when he knows about her feelings for Omer. However he never planned to come in between them but Rayan wants to make sure whats his intention for visiting after eight months before he can hurt Abeer again.

Abeer nodded helplessly before leaving. The look of longing and desperation to talk to him once. Her eyes pleading not to go to him before she finally turn around with heavy footsteps and left.

"You both have grown quite closer!" Omer remarked looking amused while his empty eyes still stuck on Abeer's figure blurring slowly in distance.

"Of course!" Rayan scoffed. "After all we are getting married." He raised his brows looking smug, taunting him.

Omer empty eyes narrowed at him. His dark brown eyes pooling with distaste while glaring at him and then it soften suddenly into the warm pool of brown.

"I know you aren't." Omer looked away mumbling audible enough for Rayan. Guilt and embarrassment underlying in his deep voice.

"What?" Rayan was completely flabbergasted and before he knew he was engulfed in a big bear warm cage of familiar but now bigger arms.

"I..I am sorry!" Rayan eyes moistened with unfallen tears and he squeezed it shut in attempt to not let it flow down.

"I am so sorry. Please mujhe maaf kr de!" Omer mumbled like a broken child squeezing Rayan tightly when he didn't feel his arms wrapped around himself.

(please forgive me.)

Rayan controlled himself from reciprocating the hug, his hand clenched on his sides. Rayan was barely controlling himself from giving in but this time he won't give in so easily. Omer can't use the same trick of melting him everytime after hurting him. This matter is serious now. They are not kids anymore where they used to hug eachother to melt the anger away because the one was angry.

Both have tears in their eyes. One has tears of pain, sorrow and suffering while other has pain of guilt, remorse and shame. These past eight month were like a cyclone have hit them hard leaving with immense damage. Their days were gloomy, nights were starless, clouds with no silver lining.

"Tu har dafa yahi karta hai!" Rayan chocked with emotions, pushing him away roughly before turning his back on him.

(You do this everytime!)

Perhaps, he wasn't Abeer's criminal but Omer knew he is definitely Rayan's criminal. He has taken their friendship granted more than enough times. Today, when he caught Rayan and Abeer hugging he wasn't angry at them. He was just jealous.

"Kya karta main? Just think from my position Rayan. You knew my insecurities about Abeer. " Omer tried to explain himself. He sounds desperate.

(What should have I done?)

"Really? So you never trusted me enough. Alright!" Rayan mocked chuckling darkly.

"No Rayan of course not, I do!" He protested stubbornly. "Everything was just meßsed up that day. Abeer's sudden cold behaviour that morning, your prank, Ahmer's call, heck! I caught you two laughing and discussing Abeer's mother liking towards you. It all just messed my head."

"So, what's changed now?" Rayan asked calmly, crossing his hands over his chest. "Did you find the truth?" He mocked.

"Yes I did. I..I mean I figured it out." He fumbled looking away in embarrassment while Rayan stared at him looking amused.

"Are you kidding me?"He laughed mockingly. "Well enlighten me Mr Omer Ibrahim, when did you find out? And if you knew why the fuck did you leave from the hospital that night on your own leaving us worried?" Rayan is getting furious and his voice getting louder by seconds, its getting hard for him to control his anger and hurt he have been bottling enough for eight months.

"Ca..Can we go and talk somewhere private first?" Omer sighed rubbing his head feeling exhausted already. He doesn't want to explain himself when so many people are staring at them waiting for drama and gossip.

Rayan looked around understanding his reasons before nodding stiffly in approval.


"I'm home!"

He yelled after reaching home and threw himself on plush creme couch, sounding happy and content for the first time in these eight months. The smile isn't ready to leave his face.

High glass walls with the beautiful view of Doon hills doesn't feel as high as the feeling of euphoria he is going through. The expensive blinding light and the crystal glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling isn't as radiating as the glow on his face.

The blooming flowers, their fragrance, the chirping bird in the sky. Huge trees with budding fresh leaves. The thick cloud hiding bright sun. Dehradun spring feels similar to the feeling he is going through right now. Everything is just looking beautiful around him. The world looks beautiful.

He never thought coming back to India will bring him such immense joy. His plan was simple to come back on graduation day, collect his certificate and leave.

But things have changed now he knows everything. His heart blooming again with the emotions he had burried inside when he left, heartbeat playing the perfect rhythm. He is just ecstatic!
Everything is clear, all the misunderstanding disappearedd like fog by the end of winters.

Thank God! He decided to give online examination and accepted the graduation invitation.

"Mera beta bohot khush lag raha h barey time baad?" Mrs Ibrahim; his mom commented grinning at his son giddiness. She is really confused by the sudden change in mood.

(Isn't my son looking too happy today?)

"You are right Mom!" He just couldn't control his smile. "By the way listen, I really need to talk something important tonight. So please ask everyone to be at dinner table." Asking his mom this, he stood up leaving to his room making Mrs Ibrahim even more confused.


Omer still can't forget the night that changed everything. The night when he saw Abeer and Rayan talking together and laughing about something he considered a living nightmare. He acted impulsive, he was going crazy, the burning pain in his heart wasn't thinking rational.

And then the most dreaded thing happened. That accident! That accident was a huge turn of event. He didn't realize where he was going what he was doing until he saw Rayan's car crossing him; to save him. Rayan risked his life that night for someone who accused him of betrayal, theft, stabber and almost spilling his family secret just to hurt him. The last thing Omer remember, he was guilty and darkness engulfing him.

But when he opened his eyes in hospital he remembered nothing from accident. His mind was clogging with the continuous flashes of the scene he witnessed in Abeer's garden, Rayan's prank. And Abeer visit made it even more impossible.

That night he wasn't feeling anything, he was numb. Every flashback that used to infuriate him wasn't effecting him or even evoked any feeling inside him anymore. His body was void of any feel and emotions. He was as numb as dead.

And by the dawn he woke up with a jolt with the last memory from the accident. He didn't remember Abeer or anything. He just knew he wanted to see Rayan, the man who risked his life for him. The fear of loosing Rayan was driving him crazy, his heart was clenched in fear and anxiety. He started hyperventilating.

He was all alone breathing heavily, struggling to get up fighting with himself wanted to see Rayan when a nurse came inside and told him about Rayan to calm him down. And without any delay pushing nurse aside he went to search for Rayan. He was ready to sacrifice even Abeer just to have his friend back. He will give up everything for their friendship because he just wanted only his friend. Why bother to choose someone who don't reciprocate your feelings over someone who was always there in your thick and thins.

Unfortunately, It wasn't as easy as Omer thought to sacrifice his love for his best friend happiness when he saw Abeer in Rayan's room from the peep glass. He witnessed them smiling beautifully with eachother, laughing about something , their hands held together. That scene snatched his soul right from his body, in that moment he hoped to not survive that accident. Abeer never was this easy around him, never smiled at him like this. That thought felt like someone squeezing his heart in fist.

After all, he is the one coming between them. He wanted to stay and fight for Abeer but unfortunately it was his best friend against him. And he won't fight him. So, its decided. He would leave them in peace.

After recovering he left to London.




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